• UNIT 10: Animal management

    Rabbits are small mammals. They are used for meat, fur and as pets. Rabbits can be found in woods, forests and grasslands. They live in the underground burrows. Pet rabbits live in the hutches.

    1. Visit a local rabbit farm.

     2. Observe different conditions of a good rabbit hutch.

     3. Ask the farm owner different questions regarding a rabbit hutch. 

     4. Make a report and discuss it in your class.

     A good rabbit hutch should provide enough exercise space for the rabbit.

     It should protect the rabbit from the predators. 

    The following points should be considered while making the hutches. 

     1. Hutches should be airy. 

     2. Rabbits should have enough material to play with. For example, small toys,

    pipes and ramps. 

     3. Hutches should be dry

    4. Hutches should be clean.

    5. Litter areas should be lined with hay.

     6. The space required for an adult rabbit is about 0.18 sq.m.

    1. Take paper cartons, sticks, and dry grass to build a model rabbit hutch. 

     2. Place things that you think will be good for the rabbits.

    The following are some sanitary measures to be taken:

     1. Clean the hutches or cages once in a week.

     2. Clean the feeding and watering troughs daily to avoid contamination. 

     3. Feed the rabbits at least twice a day in proper time. 

     4. Give them scope for enough physical exercise and mental stimulation by providing toys to play. 

     5. Isolate sick rabbits for treatment.

     6. De-worm the rabbits at regular intervals. 

     7. Keep the surroundings of the rabbit cage weed-free.

    ‹ The optimum temperature of rabbit hutch should be between fifteen degrees celsius and twenty degrees celsius. 

    ‹ The size of a female rabbit is comparatively large than a male rabbit of same age and same breed.

     ‹ A female rabbit is known as Doe. 

    ‹ A male rabbit is known as Buck. 

    ‹ According to the breed of rabbits, they are divided into three categories, YL]., commercial, fancy and woolly. 

    ‹ Rabbits feed on green leaves ,vegetables, carrots, beetroots, turnips

    and pellets. Pellets are manufactured animal feed.

    Do these review exercises in your exercise book.

    1. A good rabbit hutch should be ………………….. . 

     (a) stuffy                                   (b) airy

     (c) oppressive                         (d) none of these 

     2. The space required for an adult rabbit is …………………… . 

     (a) 1.18 sq.m                          (b) 0.18 sq.m

     (c) 0.17 sq.m                         (d) all of these

     3. A female rabbit is …………………………. than a male rabbit of the same breed. 

     (a) smaller                     (b) larger 

     (c) lighter                      (d) none of these

    1. Pet rabbits live in burrows. 

     2. A male rabbit is smaller than a female rabbit of the same breed. 

     3. Rabbits should not have a supply of water at all times. 

     4. To avoid ear scabies among the rabbits, hutches should be kept very clean. 

     5. Sneezing is not a symptom of pneumonia of the rabbits.

    1. List two conditions of a good rabbit hutch.

     2. Distinguish a male rabbit from a female rabbit. 

     3. List two criteria for choosing a rabbit to rear.

     4. What does a rabbit feed on? 

     5. List two points to keep a rabbit healthy. 

     6. List four common diseases of a rabbit. 

     7. Write two symptoms and prevention of the disease ‘ear scabies’.

     8. List any two importances of rabbit farming. 

     9. How can we use the skin of a rabbit?


    3. The male of the rabbit. 

     4. Originating in or characteristics of a distant foreign country.


    1. It is the house of a pet rabbit.

    UNIT 9: AnimalsUNIT 11: Plants