TOPIC 1 Our Rights and Responsibilities
Activity 7.1.1 (READING)
Read about your rights and responsibilities.
The following is a list of Rights and Responsibilities discovered by a group ofPrimary Four learners who study in a school in Kayonza.
Activity 7.1.2 (WORKING TOGETHER)
Act it out in pairs. One of you should talk about the rights and the other about
responsibilities. Act as though you were teaching each other about the ‘Rightsand Responsibilities’.
Activity 7.1.3
Match the picture shown on the previous with the sentences below. Fill the gap
with the appropriate number of the picture.
1. It’s our responsibility to respect other people _____________.
2. We have a right to education _____________.
3. It’s our responsibility to help in doing work in our community ____________.
4. We have a right to safe playing _____________.
5. It is our responsibility to help the old and poor _____________.
TOPIC 2 Talking about Our Rights
Activity 7.2.1 (WORKING TOGETHER)
Talk in groups.
1. What are our rights? We have a right to education.
2. What are our rights? We have a right to good health.
3. What are our rights? We have a right to fair treatment.Continue with the practice.
Activity 7.2.2 (WORKING TOGETHER)
Discuss in groups what each right means.
For example: The right to education means that we must receive good education
from a good school.
Continue with the discussion.
Activity 7.2.3In pairs, act out your rights.
TOPIC 3 Talking about Our Responsibilities
Activity 7.3.1
Role play.
In groups of four, act out the following play.
Immy : Good morning, Rhona! I hope you are okay this morning.
Rhona : Yes, Immy; I am very fine.
Brandon : Hello sisters, mom has gone to the market. She told me to tell you
that we have some duties to do this morning.
Immy : What are those, Brandon?
Rhona : I am not going to do anything. It is my right to be looked after, not todo house work.
Brandon : I’ll tell you any way. Rhona, mom asked you to do the dishes and
sweep the compound. Immy, mom asked you to take care of us
since we are younger. She said you should boil some tea for us and
clean the house. I was told to complete my homework, help when I
can. When we all finish, we can go and play with our neighbours.
Immy : Thank you for telling us what mom asked us to do. If we have rights,
we also have responsibilities. Mom tells us our responsibilities and
it is our responsibility to obey. Let us all do what we were told to do.
Rhona : I agree with you Immy. We must show responsibility by beingrespectful. I’ll do what mom asked me to do. So let us go and begin.
Activity 7.3.2 (READING)
Answer the following questions.
1. How many people are there in the conversation?
2. Who gave the responsiblilties?
3. Who reported the responsibilities?
4. What was Immy’s responsibility?
5. What was Rhona’s responsibility?
6. What was Brandon’s responsibility?
7. Did the children agree to their responsibilities?
8. What are your responsibilities as a child?
(a) I must respect other people’s opinions.
(b) I must _____________________
(c) I must _____________________
(d) I must _____________________(e) I must do my best at school.
Activity 7.3.3 (WORKING TOGETHER)
Now form groups and talk about your rights, together with your responsibilities.
TOPIC 4 Talking about RulesActivity 7.4.1 (READING)
Read the text.
School Rules
Uwizera was in P.4. His teacher always talked about the school rules to follow
while at school. Uwizera liked following the rules. The rules were as follows:
when you want to speak, you must put your hand up. Do not shout while others
are talking. You must take turns talking. You must wait for your teacher to talk.Do not talk back when the teacher is talking to you. You must respect everyone.
Do not use insulting words and actions towards other people. You must respect
all school property. Do not climb on furniture or break school property. Work
and play safely. Do not hurt others.
Because Uwizera was an obedient boy, he always gave his friends good advice
concerning rules. He told them that rules are everywhere. We have rules at
school, at home, in worship places…….. we need to follow rules because they
keep us safe. Without rules, children could run around. That would not be safe.
Someone could get hurt. Rules keep things fair. Without rules, a friend might
not get a turn in a game. That would not be fair. Without rules, the world would
not be a safe and fair place to stay in.At the end of every day, Uwizera’s teacher said, ‘You did a good job, Uwizera.’
Activity 7.4.2
Choose the best alternative to indicate your answer.
1. What did Uwizera want to do?
(a) to follow school rules.
(b) to run around.
2. What must Uwizera do if he wants to speak?
(a) He must shout out. (b) He must put his hand up.
3. What school rule should you follow when working with others?
(a) You should take turns speaking.
(b) You should hit and push others.
4. Where do we find rules?
(a) Only at school. (b) Everywhere.
5. Why are rules important?
(a) Rules are fun to follow. (b) Rules keep us safe.
6. What happens when Uwizera follows rules?(a) His teacher is happy. (b) Uwizera has no friends.
Activity 7.4.3
Answer the following questions.
1. What lessons did you learn from the story?
2. What would happen if Uwizera did not follow the rules?3. Why is it important for all of us to follow rules?
Activity 7.4.4 (WORKING TOGETHER)
In groups, write the rules that Uwizera’s teacher talked about.
Separate them in two groups; one group; with what you are supposed to do
(do’s) and another one with those you are not supposed to do, (don’ts) by fillingthe following table.
School Rules
Activity 7.4.5 (WORKING TOGETHER)
Now, think of the school rules you must follow in school. Prepare a list of all the
rules you think should be good school rules.
Activity 7.4.6 (WRITING)
Write them down on a chart. Make it as beautiful and attractive as possible. Put
it up on the display board.
Activity 7.4.7Present your group chart to the class. Have an exhibition of these chart in class.
TOPIC 5 Talking about Consequences
Activity 7.5.1 (READING)
Read the following sentences.
1. If we play well, we will get more play time.
2. If we show respect to others, we will get extra points.
3. If we participate well in the class, we receive a gift from the treasure box.
Activity 7.5.2Construct as many sentences as you can from the box below.
Activity 7.5.3
In your groups, talk and write about the possible behaviour consequences in
your class and school.
Answer the RiddlePoor people have it, rich people need it. If you eat it, you die. What is it?
TOPIC 6 Talking about Our Basic Needs
Activity 7.6.1 (READING)
Read the poem aloud.
Our Needs
We all need food
And a great deal of water
For if we drink and feed,
Our lives will be better.
Every human needs shelter
And good clothing
So that we can live together
And the society keeps growing.
We need proper health care
So we can better prepare
With a good education
And efficient sanitationWe can have a better nation.
Activity 7.6.2
Answer the following questions.
1. What is the title of the poem?
2. How many stanzas are in the poem?
3. Which needs are talked about in the first stanza?
4. Why do we need the things talked about in the first stanza?
5. Which needs have been talked about in the second stanza?
6. Why are the needs talked about in the second stanza important?
7. Which needs are talked about in the third stanza?
8. Why are the needs talked about in the third stanza important?
9. What is the poem talking about in the summary?10. Discuss whether one can live without the mentioned needs.
Answer the Riddle
What is as light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest person
cannot hold it for more than one minute?
Common Word Endings and Word Families.
Activity 7.6.3
Go back to the poem and find words in stanza three that end in the same way.
Write them down.
Activity 7.6.4
Look for the above said words in the dictionary and see what they mean.What do they have in common?