TOPIC 1 Describing My Hobbies
    Activity 2.1.1

    Look at the pictures and read the sentences given along with them.

    Activity 2.1.2

    What do you like doing?

    Activity 2.1.3
    Play a game about your hobbies
    One student will go in front of the class and demonstrate his/her hobby to the
    rest of the class. The others will try to guess what it is by a show of hands. The
    one who gets it right, gets the chance to demonstrate his/her hobby. Let the
    other students demonstrate in the same way.

    • Now write down at least three hobbies that you have.

    Activity 2.1.4 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    Choose four friends from your class and write sentences about their hobbies.
    TOPIC 2 Recounting Past Activities
    Activity 2.2.1

    Look at the pictures.

    Activity 2.2.2
    For each of the activities, write down a sentence to answer the question.
    • What did (name) do yesterday?

    Make sure you have used the simple past tense.
    For example: • What did Patricia do yesterday?

    Patricia went to school yesterday.

    Activity 2.2.3 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    In groups of three, talk about what you did over the weekend. Remember to
    use the simple past tense. Then write sentences expressing what your friends

    Activity 2.2.4 (WRITING)
    In your notebooks, change this passage into the simple past tense. Do it
    in pairs.
    Moses wakes up at six o’clock in the morning. He takes a bath. After the bath,
    he eats his breakfast. He puts on his uniform and walks to school. When he
    reaches school, he greets his teachers and his friends. He then enters his class
    and studies different subjects. Moses does all his work neatly and this pleases

    his teachers and parents.

    Activity 2.2.5 (WRITING)
    Write down a paragraph about your activities of the past week. Remember to

    use the simple past tense.

    TOPIC 3 Describing Reading Preferences
    Activity 2.3.1 (LISTENING)

    Listen to the teacher read aloud about Samantha Ineza’s reading habits.
    Now answer the following questions in your exercise book.
    1. What is Samantha’s hobby?
    2. When did the hobby start?
    3. Which books did Samantha first read when she learnt to read?
    4. What kind of books does Samantha read now?
    5. What four things has reading helped Samantha learn?
    (i) …………………………….
    (ii) ………………………………
    (iii) ……………………………..
    (iv) …………………………….
    6. What do you read?

    7. Why do people read?

    Activity 2.3.2 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    In pairs, ask each other about the reading preferences.
    For example: • What do you read?
    • I like reading storybooks.
    Activity 2.3.3 (WRITING)
    Now write down five sentences about your friends’ reading preferences.
    TOPIC 4 Telling Stories
    Activity 2.4.1 (READING)
    Read about Fatima
    My name is Fatima. I am going to tell you a story about my experience in the market.

    One Saturday, I went with my mother

    to the market. I wanted a new school
    dress and a new pair of shoes. When we
    reached the market, I saw the exact dress
    that I wanted.
    ‘Mom, look. That is the dress I want.’
    I pointed at the dress. ‘Let’s ask the
    shopkeeper how much the dress costs’
    ‘The dress costs 20,000 Frw,’ the
    shopkeeper confirmed.
    My mom had very little money. We
    couldn’t afford the dress. My mom asked
    the shopkeeper to reduce the amount of
    the dress. She explained that she also
    needed shoes for me. The shopkeeper
    asked mom how much she could pay for the dress. Mom said, ‘I can pay 10,000
    Frw for it.’ The shopkeeper agreed and sold the dress at 10,000 Frw. I was very
    We moved ahead and I also found the pair of black shoes that I needed. The
    shoes were not expensive, so my mom bought them.

    I left the market feeling very happy and thanked mom for the dress and the shoes.

    Activity 2.4.2
    Answer the following questions.
    1. Who did Fatima go with to the shop?
    2. What did Fatima want to buy?
    3. How much did each item cost?
    4. Was Fatima happy about going to the market?
    5. What lesson do you learn from this story?
    6. Think of a different ending to the story. If Fatima had not got what she

    wanted from the market, how would she have felt? Write down her feelings.

    Activity 2.4.3 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    Now that you have read Fatima’s story, can you tell us your story?

    Get into groups and narrate your favourite experience to the class.

    Activity 2.4.4 (WRITING)
    Write your narrations in your notebook.
    TOPIC 5 Describing Future Plans — ‘Going to’
    Activity 2.5.1 (READING)
    Read aloud.

    Tomorrow is Saturday. It means that we are not going to school. What are the
    children going to do?
    1. Anna is going to play tennis.
    2. Blair is going to visit his uncle.
    3. Jerry and Christine are going to help their mother with washing clothes.
    4. The teacher is going to the market to buy some fruits.

    5. Shekinah and Abu are going to the cinema to watch a movie.

    Activity 2.5.2 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    Ask and answer. Pair up and talk about what you are going to do.
    Partner A: What are you going to do this afternoon?
    Partner B: I am going to visit my cousin with my brother.
    What are you going to do tomorrow?
    Partner A: I am going to visit the zoo with my family.
    When are you going to visit the zoo?
    Partner B: ………………………………………………………………………
    What are you going to do this weekend?
    Partner A: …………………………………………………………………………

    Continue with the discussion.

    Activity 2.5.3
    Play a game.

    Take turns in doing an action. One person from the class should try to guess

    what the other one is doing. Sentences should be constructed using ‘Going to’.

    Activity 2.5.4 (WRITING)
    Write at least 10 sentences mentioned during the game.

    TOPIC 6 Describing Friends’ Physical Appearance

    Activity 2.6.1
    Look at the pictures and read aloud.

    1. What does she look like?

    She’s tall. Isn’t she?
    Yes, she is.
    She’s beautiful. Isn’t she?
    Yes, she is.
    She is overweight. Isn’t she?
    No, she isn’t. She’s slim.
    She has black hair. Hasn’t she?

    Yes, she has.

    2. What does he look like?

    He is short. Isn’t he?

    Yes, he is.
    He is handsome. Isn’t he?
    Yes, he is.
    He is slim. Isn’t he?
    No he isn’t. He’s overweight.
    He has brown eyes. Hasn’t he?

    Yes, he has.

    Activity 2.6.2 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    Form groups and talk about your group mates. Everyone should take turns
    talking about another group member. The rest of the group members would
    answer whether it is true or not.
    For example: This is Samantha. She has long hair. Hasn’t she?

    The rest will answer. Yes she has. or No, she hasn’t.

    Activity 2.6.3 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    Model a figure

    (i) On a piece of paper, make a model drawing of a head with eyes, nose, ears,
    mouth, teeth and hair. Make sure you use colours for the eyes and hair.
    (ii) Fold the paper so that only the neck shows (so the head is folded behind).
    Then pass your paper to a different student.
    (iii) Now draw your body starting from the neck and going down to the ankles.
    Make it either a really short or long body and make it as funny as you can.
    (iv) Finally, draw funny feet on your picture. Then fold up your papers and
    return each piece to the person who drew the head.
    (v) Unfold the paper and have a good laugh at the pictures. Now present
    your person in the drawing to the rest of the class and talk about him/her.

    For example: This is Tom. He is short. He has pink hair.

    Activity 2.6.4
    Copy the survey chart in your book. Go around the class and make a survey

    describing six of your friends in class. Then present it to the class.

    Activity 2.6.5
    Answer this question as you present your work.
    Tell me about your friend. What does he/she look like?
    Activity 2.6.6
    Find the words for colours from the table and write them in your exercise book.
    Big, small, white, tight, green, black, new, red, brown,
    bread, blue, build, yellow, grey, book, maroon
    Activity 2.6.7

    Find the words for size from the table below and write them in your exercise book.

    TOPIC 7 Describing Friends’ Personalities

    Some adjectives are opinion words. Opinion adjectives are used to tell us what

    one feels and believes about someone.

    Activity 2.7.1
    Form groups of three and rearrange the letters in the brackets to form
    correct words.

    For example: • I am an obedient girl. (dientobe)
    • I am a confident boy. (fniocendt)
    1. Michael is a ……………………. person. (firndley)
    2. I don’t like being very ……………………. (frefula)
    3. She is an …………………………….actor. (inelteglnit)
    4. Djessa is a very …………………….. boy. (oeegusrn)
    5. My father is an………………………. man. (ohenst)
    6. My mother is a ………………………. woman. (hlmube)

    7. My friend is ………………………. (nunfy)

    Answer the Riddle

    If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it?

    Activity 2.7.2
    Sing Along
    Tell me about your best friend!
    What does he look like?
    What does he look like?
    Tell me all about him.
    Verse 1
    He’s tall
    He’s got short hair
    He’s got big ears

    But most of all, he is confident and kind!


    Tell me about your best friend!
    What does she look like?
    What does she look like?
    Tell me all about her.
    Verse 2
    She’s got short hair
    She’s got big eyes
    She’s got black hair

    But most of all, she is generous and great.

    Activity 2.7.3
    Your turn.

    Add four verses to the song about your friend.
    TOPIC 8 Talking about Friends
    Activity 2.8.1 (WORKING TOGETHER
    Act this out with your friend.
    Stephan: Hello. My name is Stephan. What is your name?
    Gloria: My name is Gloria. We belong to the same school.

    : Do you have any friends at school?
    Gloria: Yes I do. My best friend
    is Flourine. She is the
    first person who helped
    me when I had just joined
    the school. She is a very
    friendly person. She is
    very good at Mathematics.
    She always helps me with
    my homework.
    Stephan: That is good to hear. My
    friend is called Kabera.
    Gloria: Where does he live?
    Stephan: He lives in Gisenyi.
    Gloria: What does he like?
    Stephan: Kabera likes sports. Whenever it’s time for P.E. he gets very
    excited. He has taught me a lot of moves in football. I am now

    better than most boys in my class.

    Activity 2.8.2

    Answer the following questions.

    1. Who are talking in the conversation?
    2. Who is Stephan’s friend?
    3. What does Stephan’s friend like?
    4. Where does Stephan’s friend live?
    5. How has he/she helped Stephan?
    6. Who is Gloria’s friend?
    7. What does Gloria’s friend like?

    8. Which adjectives are used to describe Gloria’s friend?

    Activity 2.8.3 (WRITING)
    Write a paragraph describing your friend’s personality traits.
    Activity 2.8.4 (READING)
    Read the passage silently.
    Kaberuka and the Lovely Puppy
    Once upon a time, there lived a fat man with his slim wife, Gwiza. Gwiza was
    very beautiful and kind to animals. She loved cats and dogs. So, Kaberuka
    decided to buy a puppy for her. She loved the puppy very much because it was
    cute. It had brown spots and soft fur. On top of that, it would catch many rats in
    the house. It also guarded the household against thieves.
    The puppy enjoyed going out for a walk. One day, it went out alone. A cruel
    man was walking beside the road and noticed the puppy looking at him. He
    got hold of it, hid it in the nearest dark place, twisted its neck and killed it. He

    dropped the dead body in the nearest big rubbish can.

    That evening, Gwiza tried to call the

    puppy to go and eat something but she
    did not get to see the puppy. She tried
    asking the people around whether they
    had seen her lovely puppy but everyone
    told her they had not seen it. She then
    decided to check in every small and big
    hiding place. She discovered that the
    puppy had been killed and thrown in the

    big rubbish can.

    The cruel man was found by the police in charge of animal protection and was
    asked to pay a lot of money as punishment.
    Everyone felt so depressed about the loss of their lovely puppy. But Kaberuka
    promised Gwiza that he would buy her another puppy. She was very happy to

    be promised that.

    Activity 2.8.5
    Answer the following questions.

    1. What is the title of the story?
    2. What is the name of Kaberuka’s wife?
    3. What did Kaberuka buy for his wife?
    4. What did the puppy love doing?
    5. Where did the cruel man meet the puppy?
    6. What did he do to the puppy?
    7. Why was Kaberuka’s wife happy at last?

    8. Fill in the table with the appropriate adjectives as used in the story.


    9. Discuss with your friends what you liked the most in this story.
    10. In groups, think of a different ending to the story narrating if Gwiza had
    found her puppy alive.
    11. Discuss the effects of doing wrong in a society.

    12. Summarise the story in about 10 sentences.

    TOPIC 9 Comparing People
    Activity 2.9.1

    Look at the pictures and read the sentences below:


    They are Christiano and Jane. Christiano is fatter than Jane. Jane is thinner than

    Christiano. They are both attractive. Jane is more confident than Christiano.

    Activity 2.9.2 (READING)
    Read the following sentences with your friend.
    Marion is fatter than Claudine.
    Claudine is older than Marion.
    Marion is more confident than Claudine.
    Claudine is stronger than Marion.
    Claudine is always busier than Marion.

    Marion is smarter than Claudine.

    Activity 2.9.3

    Turn to your partner and make sentences about each other.


    Activity 2.9.4 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    Make sentences.

    Form groups and see how many sentences you can make comparing the
    following people in the table. Make a conclusion about the people in terms of


    For example: Esperance lives in Kibuye. She is younger than Kagabo.

    Answer the Riddle
    What word becomes shorter when you add two letters?
    Sounds and Spellings:
    Think of more adjectives that end with ‘er’. Then write them down.

    For example: prettier, harder.

    Activity 2.9.5 (READING)
    Read the passage silently.

    The Dog and the Wolf
    Once there lived a beautiful dog and a big wolf who were best friends. Every
    day they met under an old mango tree at the end of the forest. They would
    spend hours talking about the latest news about where they lived. The dog
    would tell the wolf what was happening on his master’s farm and the wolf told
    the dog all the news of the forest.
    One day the wolf said to the dog, ‘Listen, my friend, I hear that your master’s

    cat has given birth to little kittens.’

    ‘That’s true. Just think!
    Six little kittens in the house.
    And all of them are so fat and pretty!’
    ‘You are making me hungry by just talking about it,’ said the wolf. The wolf
    wanted to eat the kittens. ‘I must go and see them tonight.’
    ‘No, my friend, don’t do that,’ said the dog. ‘We agreed that we would meet
    here, and that I would tell you all the news, but you will never come to my
    master’s farm. If you break your promise, we cannot be friends any longer.’
    ‘Why should we fight over such a small thing?
    Six little kittens! If I ran off with one, no one would ever come to know the
    ‘Please, my friend.Don’t come to my master’s house.
    I am afraid you will make trouble.’
    ‘What kind of trouble?’ asked the wolf. ‘Don’t worry. I will go into the house
    quietly and no one will hear or see me.’
    ‘But I will hear you.’
    ‘You? But you are my friend. You will be loyal to me.’
    ‘That’s easy enough for you to say. But don’t forget that my master is also my
    friend. He looks after me and gives me food. How can I be disloyal to him?
    What will he think of me?’
    ‘That’s your problem,’ said the wolf.
    ‘I must have the kittens for my supper tonight, so take my advice and be quiet
    about it.’
    Night came and the wolf kept his word. He went slowly up to the house. He
    found a space large enough to fit and entered. The cat and kittens were resting
    under the table. The dog saw him and he thought to himself, ‘What am I to do?

    I’ll wait a while.

    If the wolf does it 
    quietly, I shall be quiet also. But if he makes the slightest
    noise, I shall let my master know about it.’ As soon as the wolf was next to the
    kittens, mother cat started growling and the kittens started crying, ‘meow,
    meow, meow…..’Mother cat knew she couldn’t defend her little ones.
    She was too small compared to the wolf.
    The dog too added a howl to the chorus which awakened his master. The
    farmer ran into the room where the kittens were and gave the wolf a serious

    beating. The wolf could hardly move.

    The next morning, the dog went back to the place where they used to meet.
    He found the wolf trying to nurse his wounds. The dog apologised to the wolf
    and the wolf too apologised to the dog. They promised to respect each other’s
    suggestion in case something like this ever happened again. They once again

    became good friends.

    Activity 2.9.6
    Together with a partner answer the following questions.

    1. Who are the two friends?
    2. What did the wolf want to have for supper?
    3. What did the dog tell him to do?
    4. Why did the wolf insist on going to the farm?
    5. What did the dog do when it saw the wolf?
    6. Who saved the kittens?
    7. What happened to the wolf when it went to the farm?
    8. Why was the wolf very angry at the dog?
    9. What lesson do you learn from this story?
    10. In a paragraph, write the continuation of this story with another ending.

    11. Act out the story.