UNIT 4: Air and wind
Doing well activities in this unit will help you discover the presence of air, characteristics of air, identify importance of air, explain the relationship between air and wind, differentiate types of wind and prevent/reduce negative effects of wind. The essential questions to be answered after this unit are:
• What are the characteristics of air? What is the importance of air?
• What is the relationship between air and wind?
• What are the types of wind, its effects and ways of preventing them?
Activity 1
1. Look at the pictures below a, b, c, d and e
2. Take a sealed bottle without water. Do you think there isn’t any water in the bottle or it is empty? If it is not empty, what is the color of the substance in the bottle?
3. Using bicycle pressure pump, tap your finger on its hole closing it, pump while your finger is still holding firmly at the hole of the pump. How do you feel the air inside the pump?
4. Breathe in the smell of air in a bottle of water that was previously full of water. What is the smell of the air?
5. Blow hard air in a balloon and then let the air out of the balloon. Can you explain/tell the color of air from the balloon?
What have you discovered from the pictures?
I have discovered that
• Air exists and it is different from emptiness/nothing;
• Air has the following properties:
- Air occupies space
- Air is shapeless; it takes the shape of the container e.g. polythene paper, bottle etc.,
- It has no color
- It has no smell.
- It has weight.
Activity 2
1. Look at the pictures a, b, c, and d
2. Are the children in the pictures in a place with air? If yes, how is that air like? Explain.
3. Using a bicycle pressure pump, blow air in a football and a bicycle tyre. How does a football or a tyre get filled with air? 4. Light two candles, cover one with a perforated (holed) glass at the bottom and cover the second one with a normal glass as shown in the picture d; What have you seen?
5. Blow air into a burning charcoal stove. Why is charcoal burning turning more red?
What have you discovered from the pictures?
I have discovered that
• Living things (a person, animals, and plants) breathe good air;
• Air is pumped into tyres of non-engine machines, like bicycle and Engine machines like motorcycle, car, and also pumped in balls and balloons.
• Air helps fire to burn.
Activity 3
1. Look at the pictures a and b;
2. Why does the fire flame and smoke of candle b change the direction ?
3. What is the different between air and win ?
What have you discovered from the pictures?
I have discovered that
Wind is moving air with more speed as compared to air.
Activity 4
1. Look at the pictures a, b, c and d.
2. Explain what is in pictures a, b, c and d.
3. In the pictures below, show where there is: (1) Light wind,
(2) Speedy wind (3) Strong wind (4) Moderate wind
What have you discovered from the pictures?
I have discovered that
There are four (4) types of wind: Light (slow) wind, moderate (breeze) wind, speedy (cyclone) wind and Strong wind (storm).
1. Light wind (slow) is a type of wind that blows very slowly.
It is also calm and helps fire to burn.
2. Moderate (breeze) wind is a type of wind that blows and felt on the face.
It also shakes trees and other surroundings.
3. Strong wind is a type of wind that blows at a high speed
and destroys buildings, plants and causes soil erosion.
4. Speedy wind is a type of wind that blows at a very high speed
in a circular form but it takes a short time. It raises dust.
Activity 5
1. Look at the pictures a, b, c and d below.
2. In the pictures below, show where there are good and bad
effects of wind. Explain.
What have you discovered from the pictures?
I have discovered that
• The good effects of wind are drying clothes and giving a cool fresh environment.
• Bad effects of wind are destroying buildings, plants and causing soil erosion
Activity 6
1. Look at the pictures a, b, c and d.
2. What is the importance of the trees around the house ?
3. Explain how can we prevent negative effects of wind ?
What have you discovered from the pictures?
I have discovered that
Ways of preventing negative effects of wind are:
• Planting trees on hills, around houses and in plantations;
• Building hedges using specific tress (live fences using relatively tall trees)
End of Unit Assessment 4
1. Give five properties of air.
2. Mention types of wind you know and explain effects of each type.
3. In this picture below, what is missing so that wind does not destroy the houses and the planted crops in the gardens?
4. Looking at the pictures below, say the good effects of wind and air.