• General

    • Unit8: Animals, birds and insects

      Unit8  Animals, birds and insects


      Exercise 1: Name these animals, birds and
      Look at the pictures above. Point to each
      animal, bird or insect and say its name.

      Start like this: This is a….

      Unit 8 Animals, birds and insects


      Exercise 2: Say yes or no
      Look at the pictures above. Answer the
      question below each picture.

      Say: Yes, it is. or No, it isn’t. It is a ___.

      8.2 Saying what animals can do

      Exercise 3: How do these animals move?
      Answer the questions.
      1. Can snakes fly?
      2. Can snakes run?
      3. Can eagles fly?

      Exercise 4: What sounds do these animals
      1. Sing the Old MacDonald song.
      Old MacDonald had a farm
      And on that farm he had some
      With a cluck-cluck here, and a
      cluck-cluck there,
      Here a cluck, there a cluck,
      everywhere a cluck-cluck!
      Old MacDonald had a farm
      2. Now make up more verses about other
      animals and their sounds. The picture

      will help you

      Exercise 5: Fill in a tick chart
      good1. Talk about
      what animals
      can and
      cannot do.
      2. Fill in the
      3. Talk and write
      about the


      Exercise 6: Play a guessing game
      Guess the name of the animal and point at
      the picture.
      good1. This animal has a
      long tail and can
      climb trees.
      2. This animal has a
      long neck.
      3. This animal has tusks
      and a long trunk.
      4. This animal has spots
      and can run very fast.


      8.3 What do animals eat?
      Learning box
      What do these animals eat?

      goodSome animals eat
      grass and leaves.
      Examples are buck,
      rabbits, cows and
      Some animals eat
      other animals.
      Examples are lions,
      leopards, snakes,
      hyenas and

      Exercise 7: Group animals
      1. Draw two circles in your exercise book.
      goodWrite the word meat
      in one circle and
      grass in the other.
      2. Write in each circle the names of

      animals that eat that type of food.

      8.4 Where do animals live?
      Some animals live only in certain parts of
      the world. Some elephants live in Africa.

      Some seals live in Antarctica.


      Exercise 8: Use the map above
      The teacher gives learners a copy of a
      world map. On the map,the learners write
      the name of the place where these
      animals live.
      1. polar bears  2. gorillas
      3. kangaroos  4. llamas
      5. elephants  6. tigers

      7. pandas        8. lions

      8.5 Animal colours
      The special colours of animals help to protect

      them in their natural homes.


      Exercise 10: Write riddles
      Write riddles about animals. Mention their
      colour, food, what they can do and where
      they live. Let your classmates guess what
      the animal is.
      What has black spots, eats meat and

      runs very fast? Answer: a cheetah

      8.6 Describing pictures of animals
      Look at what the animals in the pictures are doing.

      Learning box
      Describe what is happening right now

      We use the word is or are and add -ing to
      the doing word.
      Examples: The dog is barking.
      The monkeys are not eating.
      Exercise 11: Describe what the animals are
      Describe what the animal
      in each of the pictures above is doing.

      Use words that end in -ing.

      8.7 Types of animals

      We can divide animals into groups.


      Exercise 12: Fill out a chart
      Copy the chart below into your exercise
      book. The teacher reads a story about
      animals. Listen to the story and fill in
      the chart.

      8.8 Review
      1. Name the animal.
      a. It has black and white stripes and
      eats grass.
      b. It has a long neck and a skin which
      has dark brown patches with light
      brown patches.
      c. It has a very long trunk and tusks.
      2. Rearrange the letters to write the names
      of animals.
      a. keymon  b. llgoria
      c. rohse        d. nsaek

      3. Look at the pictures. Fill in the chart


      Unit 7 :WeatherUnit :9 Mathematics