• General

    • Unit 7 :Weather

      Unit 7 Weather


      Exercise 1: Talk about the weather
      Look out of the window and describe the

      weather. Is it hot or cold today?

      Unit 7 Weather


      Exercise 3: Match the sentences and the

      Say which picture matches each sentence.


      7.2 Read about the weather in

      Rwanda is not very hot. Nor is it very cold.
      It is cooler in the mountains. It is warmer in
      the lowlands. In August it is hot. In April it is
      cold. In May it is cool. It is about 20 °C.

      In April it rains a lot. In July it rains a little.

      Exercise 4: What is the weather like today?
      Use the words in the boxes and
      complete the sentences.

      m1. Today it is ____ windy.
      2. Today it is raining ____.
      3. Today it is ____ cloudy.


      7.3 Describing temperature
      A thermometer measures temperature.
      It is marked in degrees Celsius. When degrees

      are high, the temperature is hot or warm.


      Exercise 5: Is it hot or cold?
      1. Look at picture A. Is it hot or cold?

      2. Look at picture B. Is it hot or cold?

      Learning box
      Using graphs
      We can use lines to show different
      numbers. We call this a line graph.
      The graph below shows the temperature
      for each month in Kigali.


      Exercise 6: Read a temperature graph

      Look at the graph above.

      1. Which month was the hottest?

      2. Which month was the coldest?

      3. What was the temperature in March?

      Exercise 7: Use the bar graph to answer


      Look at the bar graph above. Say whether

      the sentences are true or false.

      1. It rained a lot in February.

      2. There was only a little rain in July.

      3. April had more rain than any other


      Exercise 8: Talk about the weather in


      Talk about the weather in Rwanda. Ask

      and answer questions.


      Question: Is it very rainy in Rwanda in

      June and July?

      Answer: No it is not. It is very dry in

      June and July.


      Exercise 9: Draw a temperature graph

      Draw a line graph of the temperature in

      the area where you live. Your teacher will

      give you the monthly temperature figures

      for your area.

      7.5 Review
      1. Draw a picture showing the weather
      today. Under the picture, write a
      sentence that describes the weather.
      Example: It is cold today.
      2. Rearrange the letters below. Write the
      correct words.
      a. anri b. ylcoud
      c. yunns  d. nwiyd
      3. Complete the paragraph below about
      the weather in Rwanda. Use the words in



      Rwanda is not too ___ or too ___. It ___
      a lot in April. It is much ___ in the
      mountains than in ___.
      good4. Draw a bar graph to show the following
      temperatures for five days:
      Monday: 20 °C
      Tuesday: 22 °C
      Wednesday: 25 °C
      Thursday: 28 °C
      Friday: 24 °C

      UNIT 6: Family members and 6 household activitiesUnit8: Animals, birds and insects