• General

    • Unit 1:Greetings, introductions and talking about school

       1.1 Greetings and introductions
      See how Flora greets and introduces herself.
      Learning box
      Greetings and farewells

      Listen to and say the following:



      Exercise 1: Introduce yourself
      1. Greet the learners in your group.
      2. Introduce yourself to the other members of the group.
      Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school
      1.2 Read about introductions
      Read how Michael and Mary introduce themselves.
      Micheal: Hello. Myname is
      Micheal. What
      is your name?
      Mary: Hi, Micheal.
      My name is
      Mary. I am in
      Primary 2.
      Micheal: I am also in
      Primary 2. I am seven years old.
      Mary: I am also seven years old.
      Where do you live?
      Micheal: I live in Kigali. Do you live near the school?
      Mary: Yes, I live just over there. I must
      go now. Goodbye, Micheal.
      Micheal: Goodbye, Mary.

      Exercise 2: Talk about yourself

      Greet your friends. 
      Tell them how old you are and where you live.
      2 Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school
      1.3 Sing a song together
      Let’s sing the alphabet song together.
      Exercise 3: Write about yourself
      1. Which letter does your name start with?
      My name starts with letter ____.
      a. Write the names of four other
      learners in your class.
      b. Which letters do their names start
      Exercise 4: Complete sentences about yourself
      Copy and complete the sentences.
      1. I am ____ years old. I go to ____
      school. I live in ____.
      2. Listen as your teacher reads some of your
      sentences. Guess who she is talking about.
      Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school 3
      1.4 Talking about school

      Look at the picture. What can you see?


      Exercise 5: Talk about school
      1. What is the name of your English
      2. How many learners are there in your class?
      4 Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school
      Listen to Micheal and Mary.
      Talk about subjects
      Micheal: Social Studies is my favourite
      subject. Which subjects do you like?
      Mary: Hello, Micheal. I like
      Maths and Art best.
      Micheal:We have Maths at nine
      goodo’clock. What time is Art?
      Mary: Art is at 11:45.

      Exercise 6: Talk about your favourite subjects
      1. Make a list of your school subjects.
      2. Raise your hand when your teacher
      calls out your favourite subject.
      3. Teacher counts the hands. She/he
      makes ticks on the board to show how
      many learners like each subject.
      4. What is the most liked subject?
      5. What is the least liked subject?
      6. Turn to a friend. Talk about your
      favourite subject. Say, “My favourite
      subject is ___ and I like it because ___.”
      Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school 5
      Exercise 7: Play a game using a table
      Draw a table with a space for each
      subject that you learn. Count the ticks
      your teacher made on the board and fill in
      your table. Now you can play a guessing
      game with your teacher.
      1.5 Telling time
      When we read the time, we use the big
      hand to tell us minutes and the small hand
      to tell us hours.
      Exercise 8: Read the time
      Read the time on the clocks below.
      6 Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school
      1.6 Using timetables
      Here is the timetable for Monday mornings
      for Michael and Mary’s class.
      Exercise 9: Talk about the timetable
      1. The first English lesson begins at ______
      and ends at ______.
      2. They have ______ Maths lessons on
      Monday morning.
      3. The school day begins at ______.
      4. Their lunch break is from ______ until
      5. When do they have an Art lesson?
      Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school 7

      6. Look again at the timetable for Monday on page 7. Read the time on each clock to complete the sentences.
      a. The Kinyarwanda lesson ends at
      b. The English lesson starts at ______.
      Exercise 10: Draw a timetable and write about it
      1. Draw a timetable like the one for
      Michael and Mary on page 7.
      2. Fill in the times and lessons for your
      class on Tuesday.
      3. Write sentences about the timetable.
      Example English begins at 10:30 and ends at 11:10.
      8 Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school
      1.7 Giving and following instructions

      Read the instructions that the teacher is giving.


      Exercise 11: Do a role-play

      Take turns to pretend to be the teacher.
      Give each other instructions. You can use
      the words in the speech bubbles above to help you.
      Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school 9
      1.8 Read about asking permission
      Michael: Good morning,
      Teacher. May I
      please come in?
      Teacher: Yes, you may.
      Please sit down,
      Mary: Teacher, please
      may I leave the room?
      goodTeacher: Where are you going?
      Mary: I want to fetch my bag. I left it
      Teacher: You may go. When you get back
      we must start our English lesson.
      Mary: Thank you.
      Michael: What subject do we have next?
                                                                      Teacher: We have Math at 10 o’clock.
      Exercise 12: Practice asking permission
      Take turns to ask permission to do these things and to answer.

      1. Leave the classroom.

      2. Sit down.          4. Go outside.
      3. Eat lunch.         5. Sing a song.
      10 Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school
      1.9 Review
      1. Complete the sentences.
      a. My name is ______. I am ______ years old.
      b. My favorite subject is ______.
      2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
      Please   Hello   Good   morning    How
      a. ______ ______, Teacher.
      b. ______ are you?
      c. ______ come in.
      d. ______, my name is Jean-Paul.
      3. What time do you get up in the morning?


      4. What time does school start?

      5. Complete the words:

      a. W______ is your name?
      b. W______ do you live?
      6. How would you ask permission to:
      a. Write on the blackboard.

      b. Read a story.

      Unit 1 Greetings, introductions and talking about school 11

      UNIT 2: SPORTS