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    • Opened: Monday, 15 May 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 12:00 AM
  • Unit 5: Morals and relationship with others

    5.1. Loving God and loving your neighbor as you love yourself


    We should avoid worshipping other things but only pray to God. 


    5.1.1. The actions that show that we love Allah (S.W)
    a) Praying
    b) Fasting
    c) Giving Zakat
    d) Helping the poor
    e) Praying for the orphans
    f) Reading the Qur’an

    g) Spending enough time in the mosque


    5.1.2. Different ways of showing love to your neighbors/friends
    a) Not quarrelling with them
    b) Doing for them good things
    c) Spending time with them

    Like children, we should love our friends and our neighbors. Have you 
    ever given a gift to your friends?
    Mention some of those gifts that you have ever given your friends lately. How did they feel? 
    Activity 5.1
    Come up with actions of love that you did for your friends and also Allah.

    5.2. The Behavior in the different situations

    5.2.1. The ways of eating

    Activity 5.1

    Draw your family relationship tree and hang it on the wall of your classroom.
    Who can show us how they take tea and bread? We should behave well before eating, when eating and after eating. 

    The ways of eating in a good manner includes:

    a) Say Bismillahi before starting to eat 
    b) Just eat the food that is before you
    c) It is not good to speak with food in the mouth
    d) It is not good to eat while standing 
    e) It is not good to fill the plate with food
    f) Say Alhamdulillahi after eating
    g) Use the right hand to eat

    h) It is not good to eat with both hands



    5.2.2. The ways of drinking 
    Put little water in the glass or in the cup. Drink it the way you always 
    drink. Muslims have the way they drink water. When we are drinking, 
    this is the way we are supposed to do it.

    a) When we are drinking, a Muslim rests three times.

    b) We are supposed to say the name of Allah (S.W) before we 
    start to drink and also praise His name when we finish.
    c) It is allowed to drink while standing but it is better if we drank 

    while seated


    5.2.3. The ways of sleeping
    Who loves sleeping? How do you sleep?
    Check the way Muslims are supposed to behave when they are sleeping:
    a) Say dua before sleeping
    b) You sleep on your right side immediately you get to bed.
    c) A Muslim is supposed to do Udhu before going to sleep.
    d) Using Sunnat, the messenger of God was putting his hand on 
    cheek and said: “O God in your name I can die and I can live.”


    5.2.4. The way of waking up
    When we wake up, we are supposed to say dua: “Ash-hadu an-laa ilaha 
    ila llahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadi Rasulullah.”
     We are supposed to say these expressions that: There is no other God 
    that deserves the praises apart from Allah. (S.W) and Muhammad is 
    the true messenger of God.

    This dua: “Al hamudulilah ladhi ahayana baadama wa ilayihi nushuru.”


    5.2.5. The way of going to the toilet
    Do you remember the way of easing yourself that we learnt? Now tell 
    me one of ways you remember. Every time we go to ease ourselves, 
    we are supposed to behave in the following ways::
    a) Say dua when you enter the toilet
    b) Don’t ease yourself while standing 
    c) Enter the toilet with the left foot first
    d) Wash your hands after using the toilet with water and soap
    e) Go out of the toilet with the right foot first 
    f) Don’t speak while in the toilet 
    g) Don’t go with any writing about the Qur’an while entering the toilet
    h) Don’t touch your private parts with the right hand
    i) Don’t urinate on yourself or even urinate on dirt.

    j) Don’t look at Qiblah when easing yourself



    5.2.6. The way of wearing clothes
    Do you know clothes? 
    What is the purpose of clothes?
    Moslems are supposed to follow the ways below when we are going to 
    put on clothes:
    a) Men are not supposed to wear clothes that are below their 
    ankles / the clothes that go up to down.
    b) Men are not supposed to wear clothes that are made out of fur or out of gold

    c) A Muslim is supposed to say dua when he is putting on clothes.


    5.2.7. The ways of travelling/ moving 
    The messenger of God chose to travel/move on Thursday. He could move early in the morning.
    It was better to move in the night than during day. In the night the journey could seem shorter.
    5.2.8. Respecting elders
    Who is an elderly? Tell me the names of the elders you stay with.
    We are supposed to respect them enough in the following ways:
    a) We are supposed to listen to the advice they give us 
    b) We are supposed to follow their good examples and also 
    become like them.

    5.2.9. To have compassion on children 

    Umuto ni nde ? Ni uwo uruta wese.
    a) We are supposed to help them and lead them
    b) We are to train them good morals

    5.2.10. The way of greeting each other

    How do you greet others? Do you greet everyone without discriminating?
    The Muslim is supposed to greet in the following ways:
    a) The muslim is supposed to greet one by one saying that 
    :”Asalaam aleykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu”
    b) The person standing is the one supposed to greet the person seated. 
    c) The person is moving up is supposed to be greeted by the one moving down.
    d) The person moving fast is the one supposed to greet the person moving slow
    e) The person that enters the house is one supposed to greet 
    first all the people that he finds in the house.
    f) The men are not supposed to touch in the hands of women apart from their wives only.
    g) The group of few people is the one supposed to greet the group of many people.

    Activity 5.2
    1. Discuss/show the good ways of greeting each other.
    2. Pin on the wall a paper written on the moral values of Islam and after read them.
    3. Discuss about the good morals of drinking, eating, greeting 
    each other, traveling/moving, and dressing and the benefits of respecting them
    4. Greet each other in Islamic in the different ways.

    5.2.11. Respecting God through His creation by protecting it, taking care of it and promoting
    them in their existence

    a) Taking care of what was created by Allah (S.W)

    Some of the animals give us skin that we use to make shoes. Others give us milk.
    Animals are important in our lives. We are supposed to 
    handle them well.

    The importance of animals

    i) Animals give us milk.


    iii) Animals help us to do work.



    The ways of protecting / taking care of the animals:
    i) We are supposed to feed them and also give them water.
    ii) We are supposed to take care of them whenever they are sick 
    iii) We are not supposed to beat them anyhow. 
    iv) We are supposed to build for it a good resting place.
    v) We are supposed to slaughter them in a good way that is 
    worthy for creatures.
    b) Taking care of of the environment
    The environment is all things that that surround us. This includes: 
    animals, trees, rivers, valleys, mountains and many other things? 
    Rwanda has many mountains, that is why it is called the land of a thousand hills.
    How to take care of the environment: 


    We are supposed to remove stagnant water that is near our homes

    That stagnant water breeds mosquitoes near our homes.


    We are supposed to sweep at home .Sweeping makes the place look good.


    Activities that destroy the environment

    We are supposed to avoid doing activities that destroy the environment. 
    These are the following activities:

    a) Cutting trees anyhow. 


    b) Urinating/washing clothes, or throwing rubbish in the rivers.


    c) Throwing left overs of rubbish anywhere.


    We are supposed to do good activities for our environment. These 
    show that we respect God. Show some of the activities at home or at school
    that pollute the air /atmosphere.

    Activity 5.3

    1. Discuss about the different ways of taking care of the environment.
    2. Watch a film about taking care of the environment.

    End Unit Assessment

    Fill the following sentences with appropriate word
    1. We are supposed to love others as we……………….ourselves.
    2. We are supposed to do good activities so that 
    ……………………… Allah(S.W)
    3. After eating a Muslim is supposed to say…………..
    4. How many times is a Muslim supposed to rest when he is drinking water 
    5. It is not good to ……………… when in the toilet.

    Revision Questions
    1. Muslims believe in only …………..God
    2. Who created the earth and everything in it?
    3. Mention the names of 5 messengers of God
    4. Show three things that characterize the messenger of God(S.W)
    5. Which language is the Holy Qur’an written in? 

    6. Mention these letters:


    7. Write these words in the Kinyarwanda letters.


    8. Write these letters in Arabic
    a. W………………………….
    b. Dh………………………..
    c. S……………………………
    9. Muslims use …………………….. when doing udhu.
    10. The first prayer of Faradh is done early every morning is 
    11. Match these prayers with the number of rakaat in them.
    a. Maghrib 2
    b. Dhuhr 3
    c. Subh 4
    12. The mother of the messenger of God Muhammad 
    (May God bless give peace and blessing) was called 
    13. How old was the messenger of God Muhammad when he 
    married Khadijah?
    14. Which name was given to the messenger of God by Quraish 
    because of being honest?
    15. How old was the messenger of God Muhammad (May God 
    give you peace and blessing) when he went to Sham for the 
    first time?
    16. All the Muslims are supposed to respect the laws of 
    20. We are supposed to enter the toilet with the …………… foot first.

    21. Mention two things that the cows give us.

    Unit 4 :The life of the messenger of God MuhammadTopic 22