7.1. Directions

    A. Giving direction of important places using compass directions

    Activity 1

    Look at this picture and share what you have seen.


    We have understood/ learnt that:

    A person can give directions of things near home using these directions:

    In front, Behind, Middle/ between, Under, Above Right, Left, Aside


    Look at important things near your home and share 

     with others at school using directions.

    B. Giving directions of important things near the school by using directions.

    Activity 2

    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have seen.


    We have understood /learnt that:

    A person can give directions of the things near the school using the given directions: In front, Behind, Middle/ between, Under, Above, Right, Left, Aside

    Activity 3

    Move out of your classroom, look at the school surroundings and name things that are: 

    in front, behind, above and down.


    1. What is the direction of your classroom from P1, P3 and P4?
     2. What is the direction of P2 from the head teacher’s office? 

    3. Where is the direction of the playground from your classroom?

    C. Ways for giving directions

    Activity 4

    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have seen .


    We have understood/learnt that:

    We can give directions of places using the compass, 

     maps drawn on a paper, signs and fingers.

    Activity 5

    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have seen.


    We have understood/learnt that:

    There are different surroundings near our school and they include:


    Activity 6
    Make a study tour in your village, 

    look at its environment and share with others in class what you seen.


    Draw your school showing its surroundings.

    B. Protecting the environment

    Activity 7

    Talk about what you see in the following pictures.


    We have understood/learnt that:

    People protect the environment through:

    a. Planting trees 
    b. Sanitation and hygiene 
    c. Maintaining roads 
    d. Fighting against soil erosion 
    e. Building dispensaries
     f. Planting flower gardens 
    g. Cleaning trenches 
    h. Building schools
     i. Cleaning public water points

     j. Practicing zero grazing

    We have decided to:

    Always protect and care for the environment in our school and advise others not to destroy it.

    C. Importance of protecting the environment where people live.
    Activity 8

    Look at the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have seen.


    We have understood/learnt that:

    The importance of protecting the environment is that: 

    It helps in avoiding poor hygiene. 
    It helps in avoiding soil erosion. 
    It helps in avoiding mosquitoes. 

    It helps in avoiding accidents.


    1. Why should we protect and care for the environment? 
    2. How do you protect the environment where you live?
    D. Dangers of not protecting the environment
    Activity 9
    Observe the following pictures,
    talk about them and share what you have seen.
    We have understood/learnt that:
    Misusing the environment leads to the following:
    - Insecurity for the people who live in the bushes.
    - Soil erosion destroys gardens and plants.
     - People suffer from malaria and other diseases caused by poor hygiene.

    1. Give examples of diseases caused by misusing the environment.
    2. Name the dangers of soil erosion and the falling of heavy materials.
    A. The number of pupils studying together
    Activity 10
    Look at the following pictures,
     talk about them and share what you have seen.
    We have understood/learnt that:
    If you want to know the number of pupils,
    you count them and then write the numbers.
    The importance of counting pupils include the following:
    .It helps to know the exact numbers of pupils.
     .It helps to know the age of pupils.
    .It helps to know their sex.
    .It helps to know where they live.
     .It helps to know their parents’ names.
     .It helps to know the class they are in.
     .It helps to know when and where they were born.
    1. How does your teacher know the pupils who have come to school and those who have not?
     2. What do teachers do to know the numbers of pupils?
    B. Ways of ordering and putting the numbers of similar things together
    Activity 11
    Observe the following pictures,
     talk about them and share what you have seen.
    We have understood/learnt that:
    People can be counted in different groups like boys, girls, absent, promoted, not promoted, age mates and people with disabilities.
    Activity 12
    Count the pupils you study with and put them in the following groups:
    a) Boys and girls\
     b) Pupils playing football and dancers
    c) Promoted and not promoted
    d) Present and absent
    1. Name the things we use when giving directions of different places.
     2. Give ten words you can use in giving directions of different places.
     3. Mention four examples of environment components found on your way to and from school.
     4. Answer with YES or NO
    .Planting trees destroys the environment
    . Cleaning classrooms protects the environment.
     .Practicing zero grazing protects the environment.
    . Fighting against soil erosion destroys the environment.
    5. Give the importance of protecting the environment.
    6. What are the dangers of destroying the environment in your village?
    7. Why do teachers count the pupils in a school?
    8. Fill in the spaces below using the words given (boys, girls, not promoted, pupils with disabilities)
    a) We are 37 in class; there are 17-------- and 20 girls.
    b) If you want to know pupils who were promoted and ------------you check in the report.
    d) We study together with the able pupils and the --------in our class.