• General


      Lesson 4: Rhyme “Tree in the forest”Key unit competence 

      Children are able to use vocabulary related to themes in songs, rhymes, poems 

       and games.

      3.1. Introduction 

      This unit includes various vocabularies relating to different themes. The vocabulary will help learners to increase the number of English words they already know and be able to communicate in English

      3.2. List of lessons 

      The table below shows lessons distribution according to the order provided in the scheme of work.




      3.3. Crosscutting issues to be addressed
       Communication and gender: Are tackled when all the children, boys and girls participate actively. 

      Inclusive education:
      all children are given equal chance in teaching and learning activities. 

      For those who have visual impairment they will touch the learning material when teaching. 

      3.4. Sample lesson plan 
      Theme: My school 
      Lesson 1: Poems: My school 
      Learning Objective: Learners are able use correctly vocabulary related to the theme of the day “My school.” 
      Teaching and learning materials: Picture of class, children and the teacher. 

      References: Pre-primary syllabus and scheme of work.




      Lesson 2: At school 
       The head teacher is near his office. 
      Our classrooms are near the store. 
      Our latrines are near the play ground. 

      My school is near my home. 

      Lesson 3: In my classroom 

      I see tables and chairs.
       I see the cupboard and chalkboard. 
      I see pieces of chalk and notebooks. 
      I see pens and pencils. 

      The methodology used to teach the first lesson above will also be applied in teaching lesson 2 and 3. 

      Theme: My Body 
      Lesson 1: Rhyme: My head 

      Learning Objective
      : Learners are able to dramatize confidently the rhyme related 
       to “head” using appropriate gestures. 

      Teaching and learning materials:
      A picture of a human body, molded human body. 

      References: Pre-primary syllabus and scheme of work.



      Lesson 2: Rhyme “Main parts of the body”


      The methodology used above to teach the first lesson will be also be applied in
       teaching the lesson 2. 

      I have one head

       I have one trunk 
      I have two arms 
      I have two legs 

      I like my body 

      Theme: My nuclear family 
      Lesson 1: Rhyme “There”: Vocabulary father and mother 
      Learning Objective: Learners are able to repeat correctly the vocabulary “father and mother” 
      Teaching and learning materials: Pictures and flashcards about family members 

      References: Pre-primary syllabus and scheme of work






      Lesson 2: Rhyme “there”: Vocabulary about father and mother 
      The methodology used above to teach lesson 1 will also be used to teach lesson 2. 


      Teaching and learning activities


      • The teacher gives children clear instructions on what to do and on how to behave. 
      • The teacher shows learners, a picture of family members and asks some questions to the learners. 
      • The teacher asks children to recite a rhyme “there.”
      The rhyme 

      there, there 
      There at home 
      There is a father 

      Father, father and mother

      Lesson 3: A song: Good morning my brother 
      Learning objectives: Children are able to repeat correctly the vocabulary about “my father” 
      Learning Materials: Pictures and flashcards of family members 

      Learning activities:

      •  The teacher invites children to follow attentively and sing the whole song 
      Good morning my brother 
      Good morning my brother 
      How are you? 
      Good morning my brother 

      How are you?

      •  The teacher sings the first line of the song. 
      • The teacher repeats the same line together with learners. 
      •  Learners repeat the first line alone and the teacher moves around to help learners who have difficulties or with special needs. 
      •  The teacher sings the second line. 
      •  The teacher repeats the second line together with learners.
      •  Learners repeat the second line alone and the teacher moves around to help learners who have difficulties or with special needs. 
      • The teacher sings the first line and the second line, he/she invites learners to repeat with him/her and then learners alone while the teacher is moving around to help learners with special needs. 
      • The teacher continues to use the same procedure up to the end of the song 
      •  She/He repeats the whole song, invites the learners to repeat with him/her then learners repeat alone while the teacher is moving around to help learners with special needs

      Conclusion: when children are repeating alone the teacher may ask them to repeat as a group then one by one depending on the number of the learners. 

      Extension and variations: Keep changing brother to sister, mother and father.

       Evaluation/ exercises/ homework: The teacher asks children to sing the studied song and moves around to correct children who are making mistakes. 

      Lesson 4: A song “Good morning my sister” The methodology used above to teach a song” Good morning my brother” will be repeated. 

      Theme: My Home 

      Lesson 1: Rhyme “Home’’ 

      a) Learning Objective: Children are able to repeat correctly the new words “Home, gate, house, compound and other related vocabulary” 

      b) Teaching and learning materials: Pictures, charts with drawings of home showing clearly the parts of a home. 

      c) References: Pre-primary syllabus and scheme of work.


      Rhyme “Home’’ 

      Home, home, home
       I like my home 
      Here with a gate 
      There with a house 

      Big, big, big, iiiiiiii

      Lesson 2: Rhyme “Home ’’
       Home, home,Home 
      I like my home 
      Here with a gate 
      There with a house 
      Big, big, big, iiiiiiii 

      Home, home, home 
      I like my home 
      Here with a fence 
      There with a house 

      Big, big, big, iiiiii 

      Home, home, home 
      I like my home 
      A compound here 
      Quarters there 

      Big, big, bi, iiiiii 

      Extension and variations: Keep increasing the number of stanzas (from 2 to 3) depending on the level and speed of your children. 
      The methodology to teach rhyme” There” taught above will be repeated. 
      Theme: Plants found in our environment 
      Learning Objective: Children are able to repeat correctly the new words “Tree, fence, compound and other related vocabulary” 
      Teaching and learning materials: Pictures, charts, flash cards of trees and real trees outside the classroom.

       References: Pre-primary syllabus and scheme of work. 

      Lesson 3: RhymeShake a mango tree’’ 
      Rhyme” Shake, shake mango tree” 
      Shake, shake a mango tree 
      Mango yellow, mango green 
      One for you, one for me 
      Green for you, yellow for me

      Shake, shake a mango tree

      Lesson 4: Rhyme “Tree in the forest”


      Tree in the forest 
      Stood, stood, stood 
      Along come a man 
      For wood, wood, wood 
      With axe, axe, axe 
      For chop, chop, chop 
      And a tree fell down 
      And a hooo, hooo 
      The methodology to teach the rhyme “There” taught in lesson 2 page 38 will be

       repeated for lesson 4.

      Theme: Food and drinks found in our environment 

      Learning Objective: Children are able to repeat correctly the new words “sugar, mango and other vocabulary related to food and drinks.” 

      Teaching and learning materials: sugar, mangoes, bananas. 

      References: Pre-primary syllabus and scheme of work. 

      Lesson 1: Rhyme ‘’John, John” 
      John, John 
      Yes papa
       Eating sugar 
      No papa 
      Telling lies 

      No papa

      Open your mouth 
      Ha ha ha 
      Close your mouth 
      Ho ho ho 
      John, John 
      Yes papa 
      Eating banana 
      Yes papa 
      Eating mango 
      Yes papa 
      Eating sugar 
      No papa 
      Open your mouth 
      Ha ha ha 
      Close your mouth 

      Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

      Extension and variations: Keep increasing the number of stanzas by changing types of food depends on the level and speed of your children. Examples: Sugar, banana, mango, pineapple, pawpaw, avocado, orange...The methodology to teach rhyme “There” taught on lesson 2, page 38 will be repeated.

      Lesson 2: A song: The way


      This is the way I eat my food 
      I eat my food, I eat my food 
      This is the way I eat my food
       Early in the morning.
      This is the way I drink my tea 
      I drink my tea, I drink my tea 
      This is the way I drink my tea 

       Early in the morning.

      Theme: Domestic animals

      Learning objective: Children are able to repeat correctly the names of domestic animals and their appropriate sounds. Teaching and learning materials: pictures of domestic animals. 

      References: Pre-primary syllabus and scheme of work.

      Lesson 1: Rhyme” Dad has a cow”


      Dad has a cow 
      A big, big cow
      A cow has a rope
      To keep it at home
      The cow says mooo mooo
      Dad has a goat 
      A big, big goat
      A goat with a rope
      To keep it at home

      The goat says meee meee

      Lesson 2: Rhyme: The sound it makes
      Moo moo
      Listen to the cow
      Moo moo 
      That is the sound it makes
      Maa maa
      Listen to the sheep
      maa maa
      That is the sound it makes maa maa
      Maa maa
      Listen to the sheep
      maa maa
      That is the sound it makes

      Extension and variations
      : Keep increasing the number of stanzas by changing names 
      of domestic animals depending on the level and speed of your children. Examples: 
      goat, cow, pig, sheep, rabbit, hen, etc....The methodology to teach rhyme”There” 
      taught above will be repeated.

      Theme: Water

      Lesson 1: Rhyme

      Water, water, water, drink water 
      Water, water, wash your hands
      Water, water, wash your clothes
      Water, water, cook your food

      Learning Objective:
      Children are able to recite a rhyme related to water using 
      appropriate gestures.
      Teaching and learning materials: Picture of class, children, water and buckets
      References: Pre-primary syllabus and scheme of work.

      Teaching and learning activities 

      • The teacher gives children clear instructions on what to do and on how to behave.
      • The teacher and children go out of the class to observe how to fetch water from taps.
      • The teacher together with children play the game: “In water.”
      • The teacher recites the rhyme related to the water.
      • Children listen attentively.
      • The teacher recites the two first sentences of a rhyme.
      • The teacher together with children repeat the two first sentences of the rhyme.
      • One after the other, children repeat two sentences of the rhyme.
      • The teacher recites two sentences of a rhyme and adds the third using gestures .
      • The teacher helps children to repeat and use gestures appropriately.
      •  In groups, children repeat the three sentences using gestures.
      • One by one, Children repeat three lines.
      • In groups, children repeat the whole rhyme and use gestures.
      • All the children recite the rhyme.
      • The teacher asks children individually to repeat the whole rhyme using gestures.

      Lesson 2: Rhyme: We need water

      Water, water 
      For drinking and cooking
      We need water
      Water, water 
      For washing and bathing
      We need water

      The methodology used to teach lesson 1 of this theme will be also applied in 

      teaching lesson 2.

      Theme: Natural source of the light
      Lesson 1: A song: My sun
      Sun, sun, hot sun
      Shining in the sky
      Wake up! Wake up
      It is a lovely day!

      Learning Objective:
      Children are able to use correctly the new words about natural 
      sources of light in the song.
      Teaching and learning materials: Pictures of sun, moon and stars.
      Reference: Pre-primary syllabus.

      Teaching and learning activities 
      • The teacher presents teaching materials (pictures of natural source of light) to the children. 
      • Children observe teaching materials and discuss about them.
      • The teacher and children go out and observe the sun in the sky. 
      • The teacher tells children the name of the song they are going to study.
      • The teacher sings the song “my sun” alone and children listen.
      Sun, sun hot sun
      Shining in the sky
      Wake up! Wake up
      It is a lovely day!

      • The teacher sings the first two sentences of the song; children repeat in group, then one by one and use gestures. 
      • The teacher sings two sentences of the song and adds the third in group and one by one. Children repeat the song as the teacher did.
      • The teacher recites all the poem and asks children to repeat it in groups.
      • The teacher helps all the children especially those who have a problem of pronunciation. 
      • The teacher helps children to use appropriate gestures when they sing the song 
      •  The teacher asks children to sing the whole song in small groups.
      • The teacher asks children to sing a song one by one at the end of the lesson.

      Lesson 2: Poem: Look at the moon and the stars


      Oh! Look at the moon 
      It is shining up in the sky
      Oh! Look at the stars
      They are shinning up in the sky
      What a wonderful sky! lovely day!

      Learning Objective:
      Children are able to use correctly new words about natural 
      sources of light in poem.
      Teaching and learning materials: Pictures of the sun, moon and stars.
      Reference: Pre-primary syllabus and scheme of work.

      Teaching and learning activities 

      • The teacher gives children clear instructions on what to do and how to behave.
      • The teacher presents teaching materials (pictures of moon and stars).
      • Children observe teaching materials and discuss about them.
      • The teacher tells children the name of the poem they are going to study.
      • The teacher recites all the poem “Look at the moon and the stars” alone and 
      children listen.
      • The teacher recites the first two sentences of the poem and children repeat in 
      group, then one by one and use gestures. 
      • The teacher recites two sentences of the poem and adds the third, children 
      repeat in group and one by one. 
      • The teacher recites three sentences of the poem and adds the fourth, children 
      repeat in group and one by one.
      • The teacher recites the whole poem and asks children to repeat in groups.
      • In small groups, children repeat again the poem under their teacher’s guidance.
      • The teacher helps all the children especially those who have problem of 
      • The teacher helps children to use appropriate gestures when they repeat and 
      recite the poem.

      • At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks children to recite the poem one by one.

      Theme: Transport by road

      Lesson 1: A song: Driving a car


      I’m driving my car
      I’m driving my car
      Bibibi bibibi
      My car runs quickly
      Saying bibibiiiii

      Learning objective
      : Children are able to sing confidently the song “driving a car.”
      Teaching resources: A drawing showing cars traveling on the road and some toy cars.

      Learning and teaching activities

      • The teacher introduces energizer saying ring, ring, ring like a car, like a motor 
      cycle, like a bus.
      • The teacher asks children things that can be used for carrying goods from one 
      place to another. 
      • The teacher sings the whole song to children.
      • Children listen to the song.
      • The teacher sings the refrain and the children repeat after him or her.
      • The teacher sings a big part of the song and the children repeat many times 
      • Children repeat the song by themselves.
      • The teacher repeats the whole song and the children repeat many times after 
      • Children repeat the song by themselves.
      • The teacher sssesses children’s individual performance.

      Lesson 2: A song: Driving bicycle

      My father drives, drives, drives a bicycle
      My mother drives, drives a bicycle
      I drive my bicycle wooo wooo
      Let’s say wooooo woooooo

      Lesson 3: A poem: My motorcycle

      Hello my bicycle
      Good bicycle
      Big motorcycle
      Yellow motorcycle
      I like your speed

      Lesson 4: A song My bicycle

      Hello my bicycle
      Good bicycle
      Big bicycle
      Speed you have
      I like my bicycle

      The lessons 2, 3 and 4 will be taught similarly as lesson one.

      Theme: Means of communication

      Lesson 1: A song: my phone
      When my phone says
      Ring, ring, ring (2)
      The sound it makes
      Triiing, triiing, triing
      I ran to take it and say
      Hello to my friends!!!
      What are you doing?
      We are listening, listening to the radio!!!!

      Learning Objective:
      Children are able to sing confidently the song as a means of 
      Teaching and learning materials: Stick. Drum, rings, a drawing of a person who is 
      making a phone call

      Teaching and learning activities 

      • The teacher gives children clear instructions on what to do and how to behave.
      • The teacher displays drawings of different tools of communication and asks 
      children to name them.
      • The teacher asks children to stand up, stretch their arms by turning around. 
      • The teacher tells children that they are going to sing the song while standing.
      • Children listen to the song.
      • The teacher sings the refrain and children repeat after him or her.
      • The teacher sings a big portion of the song and children repeat many times after 
      him or her.
      • Children repeat the song by themselves.
      • The teacher repeats the whole song and children repeat many times after him/her.
      • Children repeat the song by themselves.
      • The teacher assesses children’s individual performance.

      Lesson 2, 3 and 4 are taught the same way as lesson 1 of this theme.


      Lesson 2: A song: Radio
      It is your time father!
      To turn on my radio
      Listen to the radio, radio, radio
      Let’s say radio, radio, radio

      Lesson 3: A song: My television 
      I am happy today
      My father buys for me 
      Buy, buy, and buy a television
      Television, television
      My television, your television
      Lesson 4: Song: Big drum
      Big, big ,big drum (2)
      I like to hit big drum (2)
      Drum says bumbu, bumbu, bumbu
      Peter hits drum
      Drum says bumbu, bumbu,…….

      Theme: Religious institutions - Church/ Mosque

      Lesson 1: Sing the rhymes my best future

      Wee wee wee!!!

      We are pastors
      We are pristies
      I am a brother
      You are a sister
      Weeeweeee weeeee
       Come and we pray
      We pray, we pray

      Learning Objective: Children are able to sing confidently the song on religious 

      Teaching and learning materials: Bibles, Qur’an, a drawing of a preacher. 

      Learning and teaching activities:

      • The teacher asks children to sing any song from the church they know
      • Children sing the church’s song.
      • The teacher tells the children to stand up.
      • The teacher asks children to keep quiet and get to listen to what the teacher sings 

      so that they may repeat after him or her

      Lesson 2: A rhyme: We like to read

      This lesson is taught the same way as lesson one of this theme.

      We Christians 
      We like, we like
      We like to read
      Read, read Bible
      We Muslims
      We like we like
      We like to read, read, read Qu’ran (2)

      Theme: Special days in family


      Lesson 1: Poem: My birthday
      My birthday
      The day that I smile
      Day of love
      Day of joy

      Let’s enjoy my birthday

      Learning Objective: Children are able to repeat confidently the poem on family 
      special days 
      Learning and teaching materials: The drawing of persons who are celebrating a 
      Learning activities
      The teacher gives instructions on what to do and how to behave
      • The teacher asks children who have ever celebrated their birthdays.
      • The teacher reads the whole poem to children.
      • Children listen to the poem attentively from teacher.
      • The teacher reads the verse by verse then children repeat after him/her.
      • Children repeat the poem by themselves

      Lesson 2: Rhyme: Happy new year

      Call in all your friends
      Shout and dance
      Happy New Year (2)
      Wishing you happy new year.

      Learning objective: Children are able to repeat confidently the rhyme on celebration 

      of happy new year in family.
      Teaching and learning materials: A drawing of people who celebrate the New Year.

      Learning and teaching activities:

      • The teacher gives children clear instructions on what to do and how to behave.
      • The teacher displays drawings of people celebrating new year.
      • The teacher asks the children to stand up, stretch arms and turn around.
      • Teacher repeats the rhyme with gestures to interpret it.
      • Children listen to the rhyme.
      • The teacher repeats the rhyme and children repeat after him/her
      • The teacher repeats a big portion of the rhymes and children repeat after him /her.
      • Children repeat the rhyme by themselves and they do it many times.
      • The teacher assesses children’s individual performance.

      3.5. Additional content
      Theme: Church/ Mosque

      A Song: Sing in choir

      We sing in choir
      Sing words of God
      Our best future
      Best future!!
      Wee wee wee!!!
      We are pastors

      Theme: A song: My school

      There is a piano
      In our classroom there is a piano
      There is a piano children like to play
      There is a piano piano piano
      There is a piano pia pia piano
      We’re so proud of our school
      We’re so proud of our school
      And everything about it
      We’re so proud of our school
      So don’t you ever doubt it 
      Though all of us are different
      On this we all agree,
      We’re so proud of our school 
      Because it’s made by you and me (x2)

      Theme: Natural sources of light

      Song : Twinkle, twinkle, little star

      Twinkle, twinkle, little star
      How, I wonder what you are 
      Up above the world so high
      Like a diamond in the sky 
      Twinkle, twinkle, little star
      Now, I wonder what you are

      Theme: Water 
      Rhyme: Yellow ducks swimming in the water
      One yellow duck swimming in the water
      Two yellow ducks swimming in the water
      Three yellow ducks swimming in the water
      Swim, swim,swim my little ducks

      Theme: Transport by road

      A song: Riding a bicycle
      Four little babies ride the bicycle
      Saying bibibibi and falling down
      One slipped off and got hurt
      Mama called the doctor
      Doctor, no more babies riding the bicycle
      Three little babies riding the bicycle
      Saying bibibibi and falling down
      One slipped off and got hurt
      Mama called the doctor
      Doctor said no more babies riding the bicycle

      Theme: Domestic animals

      A song: Pussy cat, pussy cat
      Pussy cat, pussy cat
      Where have you been?
      I have been to London
      To look at the queen
      What did you do there?
      I frightened a little mouse
      Under her little chair

      A song: Mary had a little lamb

      Mary had a little lamb
      Little lamb, little lamb
      Mary had a little lamb
      Its fleece was white and snow
      And everywhere that Mary went
      Mary went, Mary went
      And everywhere Mary went

      The lamb was sure to go

      A song: The kennel has no puppy
      The kennel has no puppy, puppy, and puppy
      The kennel has no puppy
      Come and see
      The poultry is empty, empty, empty
      Come and see
      The calf is in the calf pin, calf pin, calf pin
      Come and see

      3.6. End unit assessment

      At the end of this unit, the teacher provides a summary leading to deeper 
      understanding of all taught content whereby children are helped to revise what 

      they have learnt in the whole unit.