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    • Opened: Monday, 15 May 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 12:00 AM
  • PART III :Unit 1 :Pillars of Islamic faith

    1.1. The 5 Pillars of Islam

    a) Shahada: Belief in one God and his prophet Muhammad 

    Activity 1.1
    1. According to you, who is God? 
    2. Basing on the experience how many gods do people believe in?
    Shahada is believing that there is no other God to be praised apart from Allah.
    And Muhammad is his prophet. No other gods should be worshipped except Allah.

    b) Pray five times a day (Swalat)

    Swalat are Muslim prayers. Muslims pray five times a day. They pray in the Mosque.

    c) Zakat 

    Zakat is one of the offering given once in a year which is according to the Islamic principles.
    It is offered so as to help poor or needy people. 
    Have you ever helped a poor person?

    d) Ramadhan/Fasting
    Saum/Ramadan is known as fasting. Muslims fast in the month of 
    Ramadhan. Ramadhan lasts 30 days. It is a period of prayer, reflection and community.

    e) Hajj

    Hajj is a Holy journey / pilgrimage. It is a pilgrimage to Mecca. It is done in the last month of the year.
    The Mecca is a holy place for 
    Muslim. All Muslims are supposed to make that journey whenever they 

    have the ability.

    1.2. God is the creator of heaven and earth and all 

    creation (creator)


    Look at the following pictures.



    The reasons why God created man
    a) God created man because of one important reason for praising Him only. 
    b) Another reason that made God create us was that we take care of the environment.
    The environment including the animals, trees, flowers, forests, rivers and lakes

    The reasons why God created spirits
    Spirits are things we cannot see but we can hear them. 
    There are bad spirits and good spirits.
    All God created all those spirits by God so that they can praise Him. 

    1.3. The prophets of God and what characterized them in their lives

    The first prophet of Allah (the Almighty Allah) was Adam. (I.I).
    The following are some of the prophets of Allah (the Almighty Allah).
    1. Adam                                                    6. Yusuf 
    2. Suleiman                                            7. Muhammadi
    3. Daud                                                     8. Yunus
    4. Ibrahim                                                9. Isa
    5. Musa                                                    10. Idrissa

    1.4. Characteristics of prophets
    Do you think your friends behave well? 
    Do their character match with the behavior? We should behave well always?
    Mention one of the good behaviors that you see in your 

    The characteristics of the prophets of Allah include:

    1) They are all men
    2) They did not commit any sin(they were righteous )
    3) They did not disobey Allah (S.W)
    4) They respected God
    5) They were heroes and well wishers 
    6) They were patient in life
    7) They were knowledgeable
    8) They worked without reward
    9) They were wise and they obedient
    10) They were trustworthy 

    1.5. The teachings of the prophets of God

    All the prophets came with the same message. Praising only one God (monotheism).

    All the prophets taught the good message of going to paradise and 

    the bad message of going to hell with eternal fire.

    The teaching of Muhammad the prophet of God (May God 
    give him peace and blessings)
    Muhammad (May God give him peace and blessings) taught that God is only one (Monotheism).
    a) He taught about humility and betraying 
    b) He taught that Muslims should respect prayer time even other activities of praying to God.
    c) He taught that Muslims have to be good and behave well
    d) He taught about how horrible fire is eternal and good things in paradise.
    e) He taught about being patient in life and also being patient with others.

    1.6. The uniqueness of Allah in praying to Him and problem of serving him and things at the same 
    time (two masters)

    This is called Shirki. 

    The benefits of praising Allah

    a) He loves us 
    b) He will take us to heaven 
    c) He will not put us in the eternal fire
    d) He shows us mercy
    e) He gives us blessings

    The consequences of not praising Allah

    a) He becomes angry with us and not pleased 
    b) He will put us in eternal fire /hell
    c) He will not give us blessings
    d) We shall not have his mercy

    What do some people pray to?

    a) Some people pray to mountains 
    b) Some people pray to calves and they even model them 
    c) Some people also pray to animals like snakes or cows 
    d) Some pray to the sun, moon and stars
    Activity 1.1
    1. Discuss on the creation of Allah and after show to others  what you have seen. 
    2. Draw a cow, sun and also objects some people pray to.

    End Unit Assessment
    1. How many gods do Muslims pray to?
    2. Mention at least three names that are called Allah (s.w)
    3. …………………will take us to heaven, lets praise him.
    4. The messengers of Allah (S.W) are known as ….………….

    5. The 2nd pillar of Islam is ………………………..

    Unit 4 :Promoting peaceUnit 2 :Learning how to read Qur’an