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    • Opened: Monday, 15 May 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 12:00 AM
  • UNIT 10:Environment

    10.1. Directions
    Directions are used to show places and things
    Directions are used to show places where things or people are located. 

    Directions are four
    (i) Right            (ii) Left              (iii) In front/forward

    (iv) Behind/backward

    Activity 10.1 
    1. Two sticks 
    2. Rope 
    3. Four flashcards written on four directions.

    How they are made 

    (a) Sharpen sticks in order to show in front, behind, right and left.


    (b) Use the flashcards and show in front, behind, right and left.


    (c) Tie the two sticks using a rope.

    (d) Put each flashcard on the top of each stick. Look at the directions.

    Gatera is seated in front of Gatesi.
    Gatesi is seated behind Gatera.

    Look at the following picture. It shows the primary school of Huye.


    The school is at the right side of the road.

    Cows live at the left side of the church.

    Activity 10.2
    A child is showing where the sun rises from.
    (a) Here is _________.
    (b) The back is facing_________________.
    (c) The left hand shows___________________.

    (d) The right hand shows__________________.

    10.2. The way to school
    Main things that are located on the way to and from school
    What do you see on the way to home? Look at this picture. 

    Exercise 16
    1. Write what you see around our school.
    (a)______________ (b) _____________ (c) _________________.

    2. Draw and shade one thing that you see on your way to school.

    Some of the things we see on our way to school are:
    (a) River.

    (b) Bridge.


    (c) Hills


    (d) Banana plantation.


    (e) Shops.
    (f) Plains.
    (g) Village.

    Things that are located on the way to and from school

    (a) Bees
    Bees live in trees. We should not throw stones or sticks at beehives. 

    Bees can sting us and harm us.


    (b) Ants

    Ants are small insects. They can sting us when we step on them.


    (c) Cows
    There are aggressive cows that can attack you.

    It is bad to disturb such cows.


    (d) Dogs

    There are aggressive dogs that can attack you. Do not provoke them.

    (e) Snakes

    Snakes are dangerous. Do not walk in the bush.


    (f) Wasps and spiders
    We should avoid playing with wasps. They sting. On the other hand, spiders poison.
    (g) Thorny plants
    Certain plants have thorns. We should not touch thorny leaves while we are going to school.
    heart Poison apple

    Do not eat whatever you get.


    (i) Holes
    Where we pass by on our way to or from school, there can be holes. 
    We can break when we fall in such holes. We must avoid playing near them.
    Activity 10.3
    1. State four bad things you see when coming to school.
    (a) ____________________.
     (b) ____________________.
     (c) ____________________.
     (d) ____________________.
    2. Draw one of them.
    3. Shade it with colors.

    10.3. Our school 
    Buildings and location
    What is the name of our school?

    Look at this picture.


    What do you see near the school?

    What different types of rooms are found in the school?

    10.4. Surroundings of home

    The main surroundings that are found near the home

    Activity 10.4
    1. Show if the following can be found in the surroundings of our school.


    2. State the surroundings of your home.

    There are many surroundings of your home. Some of them are rivers, 
    mountains, plains, ponds, plants, shops and roads.

    Look at the following picture.

    This is the Musoni’s house.



    The uses of things that are found at home
    The things that surround us are very useful for us.

    They provide us with fresh air, fruits, etc.

    Exercise 17

    Fill in with surroundings and their importance.


    Caring for the surroundings of a home
    • We must care for the surroundings of our home.
    • We have to protect rivers.
    • We must put wastes into a dustbin.
    • Do not cut down trees
    • We should put manure in our gardens.

    Activity 10.5
    1. If you drink dirty water, which diseases can you get?

    2. Show how you can care for the surroundings.

    10.5. School surroundings

    Main school surroundings

    Activity 10.6

    1. Are the following available at our school?


    2. State what you see around the school.

    The school surroundings are:
    (a) Wells                               (b) Rivers                (c) Forests
    (d) Airport                            (e) Roads

    The importance of the school surroundings

    State the school surroundings.
    The school surroundings are very important. They help us live well.

    (a) Market

    We buy what we need from markets.


    (b) Shops

    We buy what we need from shops.


    (c) Forests

    We gather firewood from forests.


    (d) Airport

    We travel by aeroplane.


    Protection of the school surroundings
    a) We should not cut down trees.
    b) We should not throw/dump wastes into rivers.
    c) We should dig wells.
    d) We should paint trade centres.
    e) We should fence and prune forests.

    Activity 10.7

    Mention any three ways we care for our school surroundings.

    10.6. Citizens

    The number of family members 

    Exercise 18
    1. How many members are you in the family?
    2. Give the names of:
    (i) Your father
    (ii) Your mother
    (iii) Your brothers and sisters
    3. Look at the following picture:

    How many members are in this family?


     Mr. Joshua Hakizimana and Mrs. Anne Mukamana


    Dany and Sugira are the children of Hakizimana and his wife. 


    Count the family members of Hakizimana. How many are they?

    Activity 10.8
    1. State different things that you can see on your way to school: 
    (a) ____________________. (b) ____________________.

     (c) ____________________.

    2. Explain how you care for the school surroundings
    List of words
    Read these words aloud 
    (a) Directions
    (b) Things we see on our way to school

    (c) Citizens

    UNIT 1:Family propertyUNIT 11:Transport and communication