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    • Opened: Monday, 15 May 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 12:00 AM
  • UNIT 12:Major family historical events

    12.1. My family historical events
    A family is a group of related people living together.

    Relationships between family members are shown by a family 
    relationship tree.
    Things we should know about our grandparents
    (a) Knowing if what is said about them is true.
    (b) Searching if there had been a famous person in our family.
    (c) Knowing the reason why some among us we look alike.
    (d) Knowing diseases which follow the family lines.
    (e) Knowing our past and present history.
    (f) Teaching our family history to the children. 
    (g) Knowing the meaning of your name.
    heart Knowing the dead people in our family.
    Activity 12.1
    Draw your family relationship tree and hang it on the wall of your classroom.

    House: Where people live.
    Building materials: Materials used in the construction of houses.
    Nuclear family: A family made up of a father, mother and children.
    Grand-father: The father of your father or mother.
    Grand-mother: The mother of your father or mother.
    Family tree: A drawing in form of a tree representing different people of the same ancestry.
    National symbols: Symbols of a given country considering itself and manifesting itself to the
    world as a national community.

    School leaders: Persons who lead a school and represent it legally.
    Hygiene: The degree to which people keep themselves or their surroundings 
    clean, especially to prevent disease.
    Arm: Either of the two long parts of the upper body which are fixed to the 
    shoulders and have the hands at the end.
    Foot: The part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person stands.
    Infectious diseases: Disorders caused by organisms- such as bacteria, viruses 
    and parasites. 
    Non-infectious diseases: Diseases that are not contagious because they cannot 
    be spread from one person to another. These diseases are caused by other factors 
    such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle behaviors.
    Relationship: The family connection between people.
    Help each other: Make easier or possible for two persons or more who offer one to another services or

    Share: To give something to someone as their share of total, for them to use in a particular way.
    Politeness: Behavior that is respectful of other people.
    Basic needs: Are those things that are necessary to sustain life like food, shelter, and clothes.
    Money: Coins or notes which are used to buy things, or the amount of these that one person has.
    Personal property: All of someone’s property except land and is moveable and 
    does not last. For example, clothes, vehicles, household goods, etc.
    Direction: The position towards which someone or something moves or faces.
    Newspapers: A regularly printed document that contains news reports, photographs, advertisements, etc.
    Vehicle: A machine generally with wheels and an engine which is used for 
    transporting people or goods on land, particularly on roads.

    Communication: Act of communicating with people.

    UNIT 11:Transport and communicationPart 2:Unit 1 :Creation and fall of man