• General

    • UNIT 2: SPORTS

      2.1 Talking about sports


      Exercise 1: Match the pictures and the sentences
      Match each picture with the correct sentence.
      1. Football is a game where you kick the ball.
      2. In basketball you throw a ball through a hoop.
      3. Rwanda has some very good runners.
      4. Volleyball is a team sport.
      12 Unit :2 Sports
      Bright and Linda are talking about sports.
      Linda: Hi, Bright. Are you doing sports today after school?
      Bright: Yes, I am playing football.


      I score a lot of goals
      I can run very fast.
      How about you?

      Linda: I am playing volleyball.


      It is my favorite sport.
      I also like swimming and riding my bicycle. I can’t run fast. Can you swim?

      Bright: No, I can’t swim. I also like to ride my bicycle.

      Exercise 2: Talk about sports
      1. Tell your friend about your favorite sport. 

      Take turns to say which sport you can or can’t do.

      2. Tell the class which sport your friend can do.
      3. Make a list of all the types of sports the learners in your class play. 

      Write down how many learners play each sport.

      Unit 2 Sports 13
      2.2 Describing ability
      Learning box
      Describe what you can do
      We use can and can’t to say whether people
      are able to or not able to do something.
      Examples: Can Linda play volleyball? Yes,

      she canCan Bright swim? No, he can’t.

      Exercise 3: What can they do?

      1. Choose the correct word in brackets.
      a. Linda (can/can’t) ride a bicycle.

      b. Bright (can/can’t) swim.

      2. Answer the questions.
      gooda. Can you play basketball?

      b. Does your friend play tennis?

      Learning box
      Answer questions with do or does
      Doesn’t and don’t are short forms of
      does not and do not.
      Examples: Does she run fast? No, she

      doesn’tDo you play tennis? No, I don’t.

      14 Unit 2 Sports
      2.3 Famous Rwandan sportspeople

      Look at the photos below.


      Exercise 4: What sport do they play?
      1. Write down the names of the people in
      the photos.
      2. Next to each name, write a sentence
      about the sport they play.

      Start like this: Valens can….

      Unit 2 Sports 15

      2.4 Listen to a text


      The balls we use for football and volleyball
      are large and round. Rugby balls are oval.
      Tennis balls are small and usually yellow.
      Tennis players hit the ball with a racquet.
      Cricket balls are usually red and very hard.

      Cricket players hit the ball with a bat.

      Exercise 5: Draw up a tick chart
      Tick the square for the things we use for

      different sports.


      16 Unit 2 Sports
      Exercise 6: Fill in the gaps
      Before completing this activity, read
      the text on page 16 on your own.
      1. Rugby balls are ____.
      2. Tennis balls are ____. They
      have a ____ layer.
      3. Cricket balls are usually red

      and very ____.

      Learning box
      Words ending in -ing

      We use action words that end in -ing
      when we talk about things that are
      happening now.

      Examples: I am eating. He is walking.

      Exercise 7: Use words ending in -ing
      Complete the sentences below using the
      correct action word.
      riding   playing    swimming
      1. I am ____ in the pool.
      2. She is____ her bicycle.

      3. We are____ football with our friends.

      Unit 2 Sports 17
      Exercise 8: Write about sport
      Write a sentence about each photo. Use
      words ending in -ing. Start like this: He/

      She is ….


      Exercise 9: Do a word puzzle
      Order the words so that the sentences
      make sense. Use the correct punctuation
      and capital letters.
      1. i bicycle my riding am
      2. i volleyball play like to
      3. Mary swimming is well very

      4. John can fast run

      18 Unit 2 Sports
      2.5 Listen and answer
      The Rwanda national football
      team’s name is Amavubi.
      A referee
      They score many goals. During
      matches, the referee makes sure
      that all of the players follow the
      rules. You can watch football games
      at Amahoro National Stadium in Kigali.

      Exercise 10: Talk about sport
      1. What is the name for the Rwanda
      national football team?
      2. Where can you watch football games?
      3. Explain the special words used in
      basketball or football, for example
      shoot, save, referee and goal.

      Exercise 11: Play a memory game
      Can you remember how many
      learners in your class like each
      sport? Write down how many
      learners like each sport.

      Exercise 11: Play a memory game
      goodCan you remember how many
      learners in your class like each
      sport? Write down how many

      learners like each sport.

      Unit 2 Sports 19
      2.6 Review
      1. Two types of sports are ____ and ____.
      2. Name two sports that you play in teams.
      3. Name two sports that you can play on
      your own.
      4. Complete the sentences using -ing words.
      a. They are ____ in the pool.
      b. He is ____ his bicycle.
      5. Read and complete the sentences below:
      Micheal:Do you like playing football?
      Mary: Yes, I ____ ____ ____ ____.
      Mary: Do you like playing football?
      Micheal:No, I ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.
      6. Make the
      correct words
      out of the
      letters below.
      a. llba
      b. yiccebl
      c. atb

      d. qraucte

      20 Unit 2 Sports
      Unit 3 Telling time
      3.1 Read the time
      Look at the clocks below.
      Exercise 1: Read the time
      Match the correct clock in the pictures
      above to each sentence below.
      1. It is 7:00 in the morning. The sun is
      already shining in the garden.
      2. Mary is eating his lunch.

      3. It is 8:30 at night and Jackeline is asleep.

      3.2 Talking about daily routines
      If you do the same thing at the same time

      every day, you follow a daily routine.

      Unit 3 Telling time 21
      3.3 Read about John’s daily 
      goodJohn gets up in the
      morning and goes to
      bath. He then puts on
      his school uniform and
      makes his bed. After
      that, he has breakfast.
      Then he brushes his
      teeth. At seven o’clock he leaves the house
      and goes to school.

      goodIn the afternoon, John
      helps his father to
      work in the garden.
      He rakes up leaves
      and waters the

      goodWhen the the sun goes
      down and the moon
      appears it is night
      time. John says good
      night to his parents.
      He goes to bed and


      Unit 1:Greetings, introductions and talking about schoolUNIT 3: TELLING TIME 21