5.1. Key unit competence

     To be able to make different puppets and making new collage work. 

    5.2. Prerequisite skills 

    In the units preceding this one, the learners studied the main objectives and different shapes in Drawing and Textile Decoration. , and he/she drew some of the materials and tools found in the environment. The learner also acquired the competence of selecting the materials found in his/her community, and was taught how to protect the environment. To make puppets and collage, the learner will use skills mentioned above.

     5.3. Cross-cutting issues to be addressed 

    Materials used by the learner in this unit to make puppets and collage are selected from the surrounding, thus he/she should protect them as they are sources of life as well as the sources from which we get elements we use in our daily life. In addition, when the teacher helps learners to form the groups, he/she ensures that both boys and girls are represented, hence gender balance is respected. Another cross cutting issue found in his unit is inclusive education as the teacher should pay special attention to learners with disabilities.

    5.4. Introducing the unit 

    To show learners different puppets and invite them to exchange views on them basing on their objectives as well as on the materials used to make them. To show learners different pictures including stuck ones, and ask learners to differentiate between them giving ideas on the characteristics of the materials used in making such pictures.

    5.5. Lessons to be taught


    Lesson 1: Collage of diverse materials and tools to make pictures 

    A. Learning Objectives

     • Collage of materials and tools imitating diverse pictures made by others.

     • Mention the technique used to stick useless materials and tools and others from which puppets are made, or stuck pictures. 

    • Utilize materials and tools and appreciate the beauty of materials and tools made.

    b. Teaching and Learning Materials 

    • Syllabus 

    • Paper 

    • Pencil

     • Pictures

     • Materials from the surrounding

     • Cutting materials

     • Glue.

     c. Methodology 


     • The teacher distributes to the learners some art work made using collage technique and lets them make guided observation. 

    • Learners mention used materials and steps.

    Lesson Development

     • The teacher distributes materials for weaving to the learners.

     • The teacher gives instructions to the learners. 

    • The teacher demonstrates how to make collage by sticking together different articles. 

    • The teacher tells learners to prepare the materials used in collage. 

    • Learners start making collage work.

     • The teacher moves closer to each group to help learners where necessary, and to advise them.


    • Invite learners in groups to present pictures they have made using collage technique. 

    • Ask learners in groups to select the best pictures 

    • Appreciate the work done by learners

     • Clean the place and the materials they have used and then keep the materials well.

     Lesson 2: Create puppets inspired from the surrounding using different materials 

    a. Learning Objectives

     • Assemble different articles for making puppets

     • Love and protect well nature. 

    b. Teaching and Learning Materials

     • Materials found in the surrounding

    . • Tools for cutting.

     • Fibers

    c. Methodology


    • The teacher shows the learners puppets made in different ways, by using diverse materials and asks them to share their views on them. 

    • Learners share ideas about materials that have been used to make puppet.

     Lesson Development

     • Teacher distributes materials that will used to make puppets. 

     • The teacher gives instructions to the learners.

     • The teacher demonstrates how to make puppet using recycled different articles. 

    • The teacher invites learners to prepare materials found in the surrounding used to make different puppets.

     • The teacher tells the learners to make a ball using materials found in their community.

     • The teacher invites learners to make different puppets related to the surrounding (a little animal for example, etc.) 

    • The teacher moves closer to each group to help them where necessary, and advises them.



    • The teacher tells learners to present their puppets made and exchange ideas on how they are made.

     • The teacher tells groups of learners to select the best pictures. 

     • The teacher appreciates the work done by learners. 

    • The learners clean up the place and the materials they have used and then keep the materials well.

     5.6. End of unit 5 assessment

     • Tell the learners to make a picture of rabbit using the technique of collage.

     • Ask learners to make the puppet of a bird from pieces of fabrics. 

    5.7. Additional activities 

    Invite learners to apply the technique of collage to make a car Tell learners to recycle pieces of fabrics to make little animals.