• General

    • Unit 5: Stories and descriptions

      Unit 5 Stories and descriptions


      5.1 Listen to a story
      Elephant lived in the bush with his family.
      All the baby elephants played together in
      the river.
      One day, Elephant decided he was too
      old to play with the others. He went for a
      long walk. He met Father Lion on the path.
      “Where are you going?” asked Father Lion.
      “I am going for a walk,” said Elephant.
      “I am too big to play in the water.”
      “Come with me and visit my family,” said

      Father Lion.

      42 Unit 5 Stories and descriptions

      The lions will eat me,” thought Elephant.
      He turned and ran all the way back to the
      river. Elephant decided that he was too
      young to go for a walk alone. He would leave
      being grown up for another day!

      Exercise 1: Write about the story
      Complete the sentences then match each

      sentence with a picture.


      1. Elephant decided that he was too ____
      to play with the other elephants.
      2. After that he went for a ____ on his
      3. Next he met ____ ____ on the path.
      Unit 5 Stories and descriptions 43
      5.2 Describing a process
      Micheal wrote a letter to her grandmother.
      • First, she wrote the letter on a
      piece of paper.
       When she had finished writing,
      she put the letter in an envelope.
      • Then, she wrote her grandmother’s
      address on the envelope.
      • Next, she put a stamp on the envelope.
       After that, Micheal went to the post box
      and posted the letter.
      • At 7 o’clock the next morning, the
      postman emptied the post box.
      • At 10 o’clock a van took the letter to Kigali.
      • Finally, the postman delivered the letter
      to Micheal’s grandmother.
      Exercise 2: Talk about the process
      1. What did Micheal do first?
      2. What did she do after she had written
      the letter?
      3. What did the postman do?

      4. What do you think happened next?

      44 Unit 5 Stories and descriptions
      Exercise 3: Link sentences
      Copy the sentences into your exercise
      book. Use words from the boxes to
      complete the sentences.
      after that finally then next
      1. Micheal sat down and ____ began to
      write on a piece of paper.
      2. ____ she put the letter in an envelope.
      3. ____ ____ she put the letter in a post box.

      4. ____ the postman delivered the letter.

      Exercise 4: Match pictures with sentences
      In your exercise book, write down the

      numbers of the pictures in the correct order.


      Unit 5 Stories and descriptions 45

      Learning box
      Full stops and capital letters
      When we write names of people and places
      we start with a capital letter. When we
      write a sentence we end with a full stop.
      Exercise 5: Use full stops and capital letters
      Write the sentences correctly.
      1. mary is going to kigali
      2. patrick is talking to frank

      3. agnes and jessica live in huye

      Exercise 6: Sing a song
      goodSing “This is the way we go to school”
      with your teacher. Use these verses:
      First of all we wash our face
      After that we comb our hair
      Then we like to eat our food

      Finally we go to school.

      46 Unit 5 Stories and descriptions
      5.3 Review
      1. Use the words in the boxes to complete
      the sentences below.
      then next after that finally
      I eat breakfast in the morning and ____
      I brush my teeth. ____ I brush my hair.
      ____ ____ I go to school. My parents read
      me a story at night time before I ____ go
      to sleep.
      2. Write the numbers of the pictures in the correct order.
      3. Write a short text about the pictures
      4. Write the sentences with capital letters
      and full stops.
      a. Micheal and i are going home

      b. Mary likes reading

      unit 4:FOODUNIT 6: Family members and 6 household activities