

I. Choose whether the given statements are True (T) or False (F)

1. Organisms’ interaction does only harm.
2. Commensalism harms both species.
3. Competing for food is an example of interspecific competition.
4. Predation never promotes species richness.
5. There is a regular pattern of increase and decrease population in 
6. Parasitism doesn’t promote coexistence of biodiversity.

II. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Both species are denoted by (+, +) in

a) Mutualism 

b) Saprophytism

c) Commensalism 

d) Predation

2. When two species compete for a shared resource, it is called

 a) Predation b) Exploitative competition 

 c) Interference competition d) Apparent competition

3. Adaptations of a predator are

a) Sharp teeth of lion

b) Acute sense of smell of moles

c) All the above

4. Mineral recycling in a rainforest is done by a

 a) Saprophyte b) Commensal c) Predator d) Ectoparasite

5. Brood parasitism is an interaction where

a) A parasite kills the host

b) A parasite lives in the host

c) A parasite deposits its sperms to the other species’ nest

d) A parasite deposits its eggs to the other species’ nest

6. In sexual cannibalism, normally

 a) Males eat females b) Males eat the younger males

 c) Females eat males d) Females eat the younger females 7. A flea on a dog is an example of

 a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Predation d) Coevolution

8. Saprophytes are

 a) Predators b) Plants c) Parasites d) Detrivores

9. A commensal is

a) species that benefits association 

b) species that benefits from the association

c) species that is negatively affected from the association

d) species that negatively affects the association

10. The interaction of bees and flowers is an example of 

 a) Protocooperation b) Commensalism c) Mutualism d) None of these

II. Long Answer Type Questions

1. Giving suitable examples, explain the various interactions of organisms 
in nature.
2. Giving examples, describe in your own words, the adaptations of predator 
species to catch and kill prey and the adaptions of prey species to avoid 
3. What are saprophytes? With one example, describe how saprophytes 
help in recycling minerals.
4. Briefly compare interspecific and intraspecific competitions with 
suitable examples.
5. Draw a predator-prey relationship graph and interpret it.
6. Give two examples of the following:

 a) Predation b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Mutualism

7. How does interrelationship among organisms commit for a sustainably 
developed environment? Cite examples to support your answer.
8. With examples, state in your own words, the significance of organisms’ 
interactions in nature.