1.2. Inter and Intra specific relationships between organisms


1.2. Inter and Intra specific relationships between organisms

Activity 1.2

 Observe the figure below showing interactions between organisms and 
answer questions below:

Figure 1.2: Inter and intraspecific relationships between organisms

a) Mention different biological interaction (inter and intraspecific 
relationships) labeled by letter A, B, C, D, E, F, and G
b) For each provided interaction, give its meaning and your own 
example in each case. 
c) Explain the significance of each organism’s interactions in nature.

Under natural conditions, plants and animals interact with other organisms of 
the same species as well as those of different species. The various organisms 
that surround and interact with a particular organism constitute its biotic environment. 
Such interactions have a great influence on the distribution and 
abundance of any one given species. Some of the most important interactions 
are: competition, parasitism, predation, saprophytism, mutualism and commensalism. 1.2.1. Competition (–,–)

In both types of competitions, the two or more species competing for the same 
resource inhibit one another directly or indirectly. That is why they are denoted 
as (–, –) signs. 

a) Intraspecific Competition

Intraspecific competition is a competition where individuals of the same species 
compete for the same limited resources in an ecosystem. The resources could 
be food, water, space, light, mates or any other resource which is required for 

Significance of Intraspecific Competition

Intraspecific competition acts as an important regulator of population size, 
meaning successful individuals will survive while unsuccessful individuals will 
die. It can also be called population density dependent regulator. Moreover, 
since intraspecific competition results individuals with different reproductive 
success, it can be a selective factor in evolution.

b) Interspecific Competition

Interspecific competition is a type of competition in which individuals of 
different species compete for the same limited resources in an ecosystem. 
The resources could be food, space, light, water, etc. In this kind of interaction, 
populations of the two or more species are affected adversely.

Significance of Interspecific Competition

Gause’s exclusive principle states that the species with identical ecological 
requirements cannot coexist over a long period of time. The less-fit species 
in the competition will be replaced by the better-fit species. Thus, in such 
situations, where interspecific competition is intense, the competition acts as 
one of the most important factors in structuring ecological communities and 
also as an agent of natural selection.

Competition can cause species to evolve differences in traits. The characteristics 
that enable an organism to reduce competition will function to improve fitness; 
therefore, influencing the evolution of characteristics related to the acquisition 
of resources. Difference between Intraspecific and Interspecific Competition

Intraspecific competition

Interspecific Competition

ȃȃIt is a competition among the 
individuals of the same species.

ȃȃThe competition is among the members 
of different species.

ȃȃThe competition is for all the 

ȃȃThe competition is for one or a few 

ȃȃThe competing individuals have 
similar type of adaptation.

ȃȃThe competing individuals have 
different types of adaptations.

ȃȃIt is more severe due to similar 
needs and adaptations.

ȃȃIt is less severe as the similar needs are 
a few and the adaptations are different.

ȃȃExample includes finding mating 

ȃȃExample includes competition for food.

1.2.2. Parasitism (+, –) 

Parasitism is an association between two different organisms, in which, one 
called the parasite obtains food and sometimes shelter from the other which 
is called the host. The host does not gain from the association and is usually 
harmed. Parasites are only found where there are suitable hosts. Parasites can 
be a number of things, including plants, animals, and even viruses and bacteria. 
For example, the malaria parasite, Plasmodium vivax, is only found in tropical 
and subtropical regions where its intermediate host, the female Anopheles 
mosquito inhabits. 

Types of parasites 

Parasites are classified by how they interact with their host. Overall, parasites 
are much smaller than their hosts and reproduce at a faster rate.

a) Ectoparasites

The term “ecto” in Greek means outside. Therefore, parasites that live on their 
host are termed ectoparasites. Examples of ectoparasites are fleas, ticks, and 
mites (See Figure 1.3). These parasites live on larger animals, like cats, dogs 
and deer.

Image 1 Safari Bio ECLPE

Figure 1.3: Ectoparasitism (A flea on a dog’s skin) b) Endoparasites

Similarly, the term “endo” in Greek means inside. Parasites that live inside 
their host are termed endoparasites. These include the things like parasitic 
worms, bacteria, and viruses. Tapeworms are endoparasites. They live in 
human intestines where they feed on the partially-digested food in their host’s 
intestines. It is a fully protected environment and they grow and thrive in these 

The tapeworms have no digestive system of their own, but absorb nutrients 
through their skin from partially digested food as they pass through the host 
(See Figure 1.4). 


Figure 1.4: Tapeworm

Significance of Parasitism

1. Parasitism alters the behaviour and morphology of their hosts. This 
alteration increases the chance of being preyed by the predators thereby 
assisting the parasites to move from one host to another to complete 
their life cycle.
2. Parasitism promotes coexistence in biodiversity. Usually in an ecosystem, 
a competitively dominant species out-competes a competitively inferior 
species and doesn’t allow coexistence with this species. However, 
parasites reduce the competitive ability of the dominant species in a 
biodiversity and, thereby, allow a competitively inferior species to exist 
together with a dominant species.
3. Parasitism affects the keystone species and modifies the structure of 
ecosystem. In an ecological community, the effect of parasitism is the 
strongest when the hosts are keystone or dominant species with crucial 
functions in an ecosystem. 4. Parasitism leaves parasite with no responsibility. A social parasite is 
a parasite that takes advantage of the interaction of other organisms. 
The best example of a social parasitism is brood parasitism. This is an 
interaction where the parasite, typically a bird, deposits its eggs in the 
nest of another species. The host (another species) then ‘babysits’ the 
egg in place of the parasite (bird), allowing the parasite to deposit eggs 
in other nests instead of spending time hatching their own young.

Adaptations of the parasites include:

a) Being smaller than their hosts. 
b) Reproducing relatively faster. 
c) Having penetrating and attachment organs. 
d) Surviving in areas with low oxygen concentration.

1.2.3. Predation 

Predation is an interaction between the two species, i.e., predator and prey, 
in which one species (predator) uses another species as food (prey). In other 
words, one organism kills and consumes another. Predation influences the 
distribution, abundance and diversity of species in ecological communities.

Types of Predation

Generally, predation can be divided into:

a) Carnivory

Carnivory takes place when a predator consumes meat, rather than plants, 
and consequently kills its prey. Organisms that prefer meat to plants are 
accordingly called carnivores. The example of the lion hunting the buffaloes is 
called carnivory (See Figure 1.5). In this type of predation, a predator kills its 
prey more or less immediately. Other examples are a shark eating a tuna or a 
Venus fly trap consuming a fly.

Figure 1.5: Lion attacking the prey b) Herbivory 

Herbivory is the act of animals eating plants. Or when an animal uses a plant as 
food, it is called herbivory. 

Example, when a deer eats grass, the plant is the prey and the animal the 
predator (See Figure 1.6). 

 Figure 1.6: Herbivory: Deer eating grass

Predation and Adaptation

Adaptation in Predator Species

Based on their experience, predators also undergo certain adaptations to be an 
efficient hunter or killer. These adapted traits are passed down from generation 
to generation. Predators exhibit traits such as sharp teeth, claws, and venom 
that enhance their ability to catch food (See Figure 1.7). They also possess 
extremely acute sensory organs that help them to find potential prey.

Depending upon the requirement that arises, predators also adapt themselves 
to become much more efficient. Examples of some adapted animals are:

a) The ability of raptors to spot potential prey from over a kilometre away. 
b) The acute sense of smell of moles.
c) The ability of owls to locate mice by sound.
d) The ability of pit vipers to sense body heat while tracking prey.
e) The ability of bats and dolphins to echolocate.

Predators catch their prey either by pursuing potential prey or by ambushing 
them. Organisms that give chase are capable of short bursts of speed like 
Cheetah (Figure 1.8). Those that lie in wait tend to be camouflaged to avoid 
detection. Figure 1.7: Adapted sharp teeth (canine) Figure 1.8: Cheetah adapted to run fast to 
of lion capture prey 

Adaptation in Prey Species 

In the same way, as much as predator adapts itself to capture prey, preys also 
adapt as much as possible to escape from the predators. Many, such as leaf 
insects, moths, a variety of frogs and small lizards, and herbivorous mammals, 
are cryptically coloured to make them more difficult to see. 

Other preys resemble inedible inanimate objects or unpalatable organisms. 
This is called mimicry. For example, walking stick insects resemble dry twigs 
and some moths resemble bees. This prevents birds from eating them.

Predator-Prey Relationships (Cycle)

Predator-prey relationships are characterized by oscillation of both predator 
and prey populations over a period of time. By oscillation, we mean there is a 
regular pattern of increase and decrease of populations of both predator and 
prey (See Figure 1.9). Generally, the predator is a carnivore, while the prey is 
a herbivore. However, this general truth may vary depending upon the kind 
of predator-prey interactions. For example, parasites become predator when 
they feed on their host (prey); herbivores become predator when they feed on 
plants (prey).

Figure 1.9: Predator-prey relationship (Cycle) The main reason of oscillation is that as the predator population increases, it 
progressively consumes larger number of prey until the prey population starts 
to decline. Then the declining prey population no longer supports the large 
increasing predator population. As the prey population declines, the predator 
now faces a food shortage, and many of them starve or fail to reproduce. 
As a result, the predator population declines sharply to a point where the 
reproduction of prey more than balances its losses through predation. 
Eventually, the population of prey increases, which is followed by an increase 
in the population of predators. In this manner, there is a regular pattern of 
increase and decrease in the population of both prey and predator over a time 
period (Figure 1.9).

Significance of Predation

Predation Prevents a Single Species from Becoming Dominant

A keystone predator is a species that reduces the density of the strongest 
competitors in a community. These keystone predators may feed on the 
dominating prey species and prevent it from becoming dominant. Thus, they 
are tied up to the balance of organisms in a particular ecosystem. Addition 
or removal of these keystone predators can have drastic cascading effects on 
the equilibrium of many other populations in the ecosystem. For example, in 
grassland, herbivores (grazers) may prevent as single dominant species from 
taking over.

Predation can Either Increase or Decrease Species Richness

In an ecological community where predator and prey exist together, predator 
has the ability to either increase or decrease the number of prey species. The 
predator changes the number of prey depends on the favourability of the 
environment and also on whether prey is a competitively dominant species or 
competitively inferior species in a community. When keystone predator feeds 
on dominant prey, it generally promotes species richness by releasing the 
inferior prey species to coexist with the dominant species. 

Predation as Source of Natural Selection

Predation is an important factor of moulding evolution of traits for both 
predators and prey species. Natural selection favours the fittest individuals in 
a community. Thus, the process of natural selection favours predators that are 
more efficient in capturing prey than the less efficient predators. In the same 
way, the process of natural selection favours prey species that are more efficient 
in escaping or deterring predators than the less efficient prey species.

On the one hand, predators impose strong selective force on their prey to 
evolve into the most efficient prey against the predators. On the other hand, 
prey species also counter-impose strong selective pressures on their predators to evolve into the most efficient predator against the prey. Since these selection 
forces are working side-by-side on both predator and prey, these two parties 
evolve together. Thus, coevolution is evident. The process of evolution taking 
place side-by-side on two closely associated species is called coevolution

1.2. 4. Saprophytism

In Greek, sapro-(“putrid matter”) + phyte (“plant, growth”). The condition of 
certain living organisms feeding and living on dead organic matter is simply 
called saprophytism. It is generally exhibited by saprophytes. Saprophytes are 
living organisms which feed on dead organic matter such as dead plant or animal 
tissue. In this regard, they are detrivores. They break down organic matters 
in simpler forms that can be taken up and recycled by plants. Thus, they play 
a very important role in soil biology. Examples include most fungi (See Figure 
1.10 (a) and (b), bacteria, and some orchids.


Figure 1.10: (a) Mushroom (molds) (b) Bread mold, R. nigricans

Most of the saprophytes lack chlorophyll, and therefore, cannot perform 
photosynthesis. Thus, they depend on the food energy they absorb from the 
decaying organic matters. This means that they are heterotrophs and are 
considered consumers in the food chain.

They are characterized by their use of a particular kind of digestion mechanism, 
called extracellular digestion. In this process, they secrete digestive substances 
into the surrounding environment through which they break down organic 
matter into simpler substances. The nutrient-rich broken organic substances 
are then directly absorbed through the membrane of the organism’s cells and 
are metabolized.

The example of common saprophytic fungi belongs to Rhizopus family. These 
fungi have an extensive network of hyphae, similar to tiny roots, which grow through the organic matter. They grow in a network called a mycelium. Mycelium 
helps the fungus to penetrate into the organic matter where the hyphae secrete 
digestive enzymes and absorb the resulting nutrients.

Significance of Saprophytism

Many micro saprotrophs and other decomposers, involving insects, snails and 
beetles help in recycling valuable nutrients from dead organic matter which is 
released back into the soil to be reabsorbed by plants. For example in a rainforest 
ecosystem, to promote healthy rainforest, nutrients such as iron, calcium, 
potassium and phosphorous are essentially required. The decomposers derive 
these essential nutrients from decaying organic matters and then release into 
the soil where the plants reabsorb it again.

1.2.5. Mutualism (+, +)

It is an interaction of two or more species where the interacting species mutually 
benefit from each other. And these interacting species mutually benefit from 
each other so much that they become completely dependent on one 
another. They cannot survive and thrive without each other. That is the reason 
why this interaction is termed as mutualism or obligate symbiosis. Mutualism 
seems to replace parasitism as ecosystems evolve towards maturity, and 
it seems to be especially important when some aspect of the environment is 
limiting (such as water or infertile soil).


Bees and flowers: Bees depend on flowers for food in the form of nectar and 
pollen. And the flowering plants depend on bees or other pollinators to carry 
their male reproductive cells specifically to the female parts of other flowers 
of the same species. In this way, bees depend on flower for food, while flower 
depends on bees for pollination.

Significance of Mutualism

Mutualism is a type of symbiosis, which means living together. The most 
important impact of mutualism is that the species which cannot survive 
individually, can survive by partnering with other individual species. By living 
together and depending upon each other, they could overcome harsh and 
unfavourable conditions and thrive in the ecosystem. Mutualism thus helps in 
moulding or structuring community towards better species interactions.

1.2.6. Commensalism (+, 0)

It is an interaction of two or more species in which one species is benefited while 
the other species is neutral or is not benefited. The species which is benefitted 
is designated with “+” sign, while the species which is neutral is designated as “0”. In commensalism, the species which is unaffected is the host. The species 
that benefit from the association is called commensal. Commensal may obtain 
nutrients, shelter, support or locomotion from the host species. Normally, 
commensal relation is often between a larger host and a smaller commensal. 
Moreover, during the interaction, the host remains unchanged, whereas the 
commensal species may show great morphological adaptation.


Oysters sometimes have a small, delicate crab (Figure 1.11) in the mantle 
cavity. These crabs are usually commensal, although sometimes they overdo 
their guest status by partaking of the host’s tissues.

The cattle egret follows cattle (Figure 1.12), water buffalo, and other large 
herbivores as they graze. The herbivores flush insects from the vegetation as 
they move, and the egrets catch and eat the insects when they leave the safety 
of the vegetation. 


Figure 1.11: Crab inside oyster Figure 1.12: Cattle egrets and cattle

Significance and Criticism of the Concept of mutualism

The associations between two populations of species that result in positive 
effects are exceedingly widespread and are important in determining the 
function and structure of populations and communities. 

Some biologists argue that the commensal in commensalism must be likely 
mutualistic or parasitic in a small scale which is undetected. And it is unlikely 
that the host is also completely not harmed or neutral. Example: Epiphytes intercepting substantial amounts of nutrients from the host plant must be 
affecting the host in some other way which might be unnoticed. 

Application Activity 1.2

The data below shows imagined numbers of how a predator and a prey 
affect each other’s populations in an ecosystem over a period of several 











number of 




















a) Plot a graph to represent the above data.
b) What conclusion can you make about the effect of the predator on 
the population of the prey?
c) In what way does the population of prey affect the population of 
the predator?
d) What would happen if all the predators died of a disease?
e) Is relationship between prey and predator beneficial or harmful? 
f) How can a farmer apply the knowledge about the relationship 
between predators and preys, parasites and host?

Skills Lab 1

Visit your school garden/school farm/ nearby farmer’s Activity; identify the 
biological interactions through observation. Evaluate the contribution of 
biological interaction in recycling matter and maintenance of equilibrium in 
environment. Do the report of your observation. What is your advice to the 
farmers who used to burns their farms in order to grow new plants in their 