4.1. Key unit competence

     To be able to weave various articles using different materials and tools from the surrounding.

     4.2. Prerequisite skills

     In this unit, the teacher should be able to guide learners apply the techniques used to make up different materials and tools such as fabricating a ball, a small basket, etc. In this kind of activity, they use different materials found in their community. Thus, learners can appreciate the beauty of nature. After that, the teacher guides them to present their work and to exchange views on it. 

     Cross-cutting issues to be addressed

     • Environment protection as learners make their materials. 

    • Financial education since they make their own materials without spending money to buy them, hence they should not be expended carelessly. 

    • Taking care of every learner focusing on their specificity.

    4.4. Introducing the unit 

    To introduce this unit entitled “Textile Decoration”, the teacher can bring Teaching and Learning Materials. This means simply made materials related to what learners are able to get, and he/she asks them to identify the material they are made of., The teacher also tells the learners that they are going to proceed the same way. Thereafter, they exchange views on the importance of weaved materials and tools, in everyday life.

    4.5. Lessons to be taught


    Lesson 1: Weaved materials according to Rwandan culture e.g. van, basket and mat 

    a. Learning Objectives

     • Use thread, different fibers or other materials found in learners’ community to make different materials and tools.

     • Appreciate the beauty of materials and tools. 

    b. Teaching and Learning Materials

     • Home woven materials.

     • All sorts of straw thatch and natural fibers such as; bamboo, sisal, cactus, papyrus, banana fibers, ubukangaga, ubunyundo, ubusuna, ubuhivu, ishinge, intamyi, imamfu, intaratare, iminaba… 

    • Thread.

     • Needle 

     • Rwandan iron traditional needle.

    c. Methodology


    • Teacher asks learners to give example of weaved materials found home. 

    • Learners list weaved materials found at their home 

    Lesson Development 

    • The teacher distributes materials for weaving to the learners. 

    • The teacher gives instructions to the learners. 

    • The teacher demonstrates how to weave one of materials used in Rwandan culture. 

    • Learners start weaving basket.


    • Invite learners to present the basket or the van they have made

     • Invite learners in groups to select the best woven materials and tools basing on the given instructional objective. 

    • The teacher comes closer to each group to help them where necessary, and to advise them. 

     • Cleaning the place, the materials used and keep these materials well.

    Lesson 2: Weaving different artworks using various materials 

     a. Learning Objectives The learner will be able to: 

    • Name different woven materials and tools, basing on Rwandan culture (Van, basket, windscreen, colored artworks, etc.,)

     • Imitate the work done by others in textile decoration 

     • Appreciate the beauty of the materials and tools and advise learners. 

    b. Teaching and Learning Materials

     • Home woven materials and tools.

     • All sorts of straw thatch and natural fibers such as: bamboo, sisal, cactus, papyrus, banana fibers, ubukangaga, ubunyundo, ubusuna, ubuhivu, ishinge, intamyi, imamfu, intaratare, iminaba, etc… 

    • Thread 

    • Needle 

    • Rwandan iron traditional needle.

    c. Methodology


    • Invite learners in groups to share ideas on Rwandan artworks (characteristics and techniques of making artworks). 

     Lesson Development

     • Ask learners to prepare materials used to weave mats and windscreens

     • Invite learners to start weaving mats or windscreens

     • Invite learners in groups to stick artworks on mats and windscreens Invite learners to weave a mat and a windscreen using materials found in their community 

    Come closer to each group and give help and advice where necessary


     • Invite learners to explain the technique of weaving a mat or a windscreen and how to stick artworks on them.

     • Tell learners to select the best woven mats or windscreens.

     • Appreciate the work done by learners and give them advice where necessary. 

    • Clean the place and the materials they have used and keep these materials well.

     4.6. End of unit 4 assessment

     • Ask learners to weave a mat. 

    • Invite learners to weave a basket.

     • Invite learners to weave decorative objects.

    4.7. Additional activities

     • Weaving hat. 

     • Invite learners to weave a windscreen.