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    • Opened: Monday, 15 May 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 12:00 AM
  • Unit 8 :Politeness

    When somebody steps on you and does not apologize, how do you feel?

    8.1. Politeness towards your family members 

    (a) Helping the family members.

    (b) Asking for forgiveness when you make a mistake.


    (c) Thanking every person that helps you.

    (d) Sharing instead of being selfish.


    8.2. Politeness towards guests
    Ask your friend how he or she welcomes his or her guests.
    (a) We have to greet them.
    (b) We have to welcome them.
    (c) Helping them to carry the luggage.
    (d) Serving them food or drinks when they are available.
    (e) Conversing with them.
    (f) Appreciating them.

    (g) Accompanying them


    A child who is thanking a guest for a gift he has received from him

    Activity 8.1
    When these words are used?

    (a) Forgive me (b) Thank you     (c) We recommend that

    8.3. Politeness at the dining table
    When we are sharing food and drinks with others, we have to behave politely.
    When you are at the dining table, how do you behave?
    You have to be behave in the following way:

    (a) Do not take food yourself. Ask others to give it to you.


    (b) Do not speak with food in your mouth.


    (c) Do not be greedy.
    (d) Pray before eating.

    (e) Do not refuse to serve others food.


    (f) When you want to blow your nose, you have to say sorry. Go 
    outside and do it before returning back to the dining table.
    (g) When you have finished to eat, wash, spoons, cups etc.
    heart Clean the dining table.

    8.4. Politeness while speaking

    When you wake up what do you tell your parents?
    Being polite while speaking:

    (a) Greet every person you meet on your way.


    (b) In group, ask for the floor.
    (c) All the time, ask something politely. 
    (d) All the time, appreciate someone that helps you.
    (e) Do not backbite your fellow classmates.

    8.5. Politeness on the way

    When you meet an old person on your way, can you give way to him/her?
    These are the ways we have to behave on our way:
    (a) When you are in car, give your seat to an old person.
    (b) All the time, give way.
    (c) Do not run on road.

    (d) Do not play on the road.


    (e) Look at both the right and left sides before crossing the road.


    (e) Do not play on the road because you can be knocked.


    8.6. Politeness in a place where there are many people
    Have you ever gone to place with many people?
    What did you go to do there?
    These are the ways you have to behave in such a place:

    (a) Being polite.


    (b) Speaking politely.

    (c) Being smart. 


    (d) Cover your mouth when you sneeze.


    (e) Put the wastes in the dustbin


    (f) Take your fellow classmate aside and talk to him or her.


    (g) Say “thank you” when you have finished to eat

    Activity 8.3
    1. Show how you will behave towards old persons that you will meet on your way.

    List of words

    Read these words aloud
    (a) Politeness towards your family members
    (b) Politeness at the dining table
    (c) Politeness at home
    (d) Politeness on the way
    (e) Politeness in place where there are many people

    Puzzle game

    1. Draw and name the road sign below.


    2. Name two road signs shown in the picture.


    UNIT 7:Living in harmony and wellUNIT 1:Family property