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    • Opened: Monday, 15 May 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 12:00 AM
  • UNIT 7:Living in harmony and well

    7.1. Living in harmony at home
    Ask your classmate the following:

    What are the benefits of living in harmony for us?

    The sources of living in harmony at home are following:

    (a) Sharing.


    (b) Working together.


    (c) Taking children to school.


    (d) Solving problems peacefully.


    (d) Welcoming guests


    Activity 7.1
    1. Show how you can behave at school.

    2. How can you live in harmony with others at home?

    The importance of living in harmony at home
    1. Living in harmony at home provides love.

    Does the father of this child have love? Why?


    2. Children go to school being happy.


    3. When we live in harmony, we make progress.

    4. There is too much happiness in family.


    Exercise 11
    1. Living in harmony at home is good. (Yes/No).
    2. Fill in with an appropriate word.
    (i) A family which lives in harmony _______. (makes progress, is bad)
    (ii) When people live in harmony at home, children go to 
    school ____________. (being happy, being unhappy/angry)

    Activity 7.2
    State the dangers of not living in harmony in the family.

    7.2. Living in harmony at school
    The sources of living in harmony at school are the following:
    (a) Not abusing others.
    (b) Avoiding fighting with others.
    (c) Caring for the others’ school items.

    (d) Embracing and greeting each other.


    (e) Helping others when they are hurting.


    (f) Thanking someone who gives you something. This shows satisfaction.

    (g) Lending items from one another.


    heart Apologizing when someone makes a mistake. We should say: “I 

    am sorry. / Forgive me. / I apologize.”

    Activity 7.3
    Show the importance of living in harmony with others at school.

    The importance of living in harmony with others at school

    (a) Studying well.


    (b) Growing well and helping our families.

    Dangers of not living in harmony with others

    (a) Fighting.
    (b) Hatred due to lack of love.
    (c) Lack of development.
    (d) Loneliness.
    (e) Dropping out school.
    (f) Injuring your fellow classmates.
    (g) Pupils do not study well. 

    Exercise 12
    1. We have to live in harmony at school_______. (in fighting, in 
    studying well)

    2. Fighting at school is _________. (bad, good)

    Helping one another at home
    Show how you can help others at home.

    (a) Household activities. 


    Helping one another at school

    At school we lend one another pens, books, eraser…


    The importance of helping one another
    (a) It brings friendliness/togetherness.
    (b) It helps live in harmony.
    (c) It brings love.

    (d) It helps people work hard.


    (e) It brings good relationships among people.
    (f) It promotes mutual respect.

    (g) It brings luck.


    Dangers of not helping one another 

    Find out the dangers of not helping one another.

    Not helping one another:
    (a) It breaks friendliness at school.
    (b) It brings misunderstanding among people.
    (c) It brings hatred among people.

    (d) It prevents pupils from living in harmony at school.


    7.3. Sharing
    Do you share with your fellow pupils at school? What do you share 
    with them?
    It is good to share items or food everywhere.
    We can share the following:
    • Food
    • Drinks
    • Books
    • Balls

    The importance of sharing

    1. We love one another.
    2. It promotes unity.
    3. It brings harmony among people.
    4. People help each other during difficult times.

    5. It brings love.


    Dangers of not helping each other
    1. It causes hatred.
    2. It causes mistrust.
    3. It causes lack of cooperation between people.
    4. It causes trouble and lack of peace.

    7.4. Sexual violence

    Someone can be defiled.
    We have to say everything about it. We have to tell it to our parents/

    guardians, teachers and police.


    Avoiding defilement
    1. Do not walk alone during the night.
    2. Report bad people 
    3. Move in groups

    4. Avoid drugs.


    5. Do not receive gifts of people you do not know.

    Exercise 13

    1. State three things that we can share.
    2. We have to……. all the ways of defilement(condemn/cover)

    3. State three things you can do to help a poor neighbor.

    List of words
    Read these words aloud
    (a) Peace 
    (b) Living in harmony at school
    (c) Helping 
    (d) Helping one another
    (e) Sharing

    (f) Violence

    UNIT 6:Infectious and non-infectious 6 diseases Unit 8 :Politeness