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    • Opened: Monday, 15 May 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 12:00 AM
  • Unit 3 :Laws of worship

    3.1. The cleanliness before praying


    We should maintain our cleanliness every time. We should have body cleanliness every time by washing hands
    and by bathing often. We should be in a clean place and wear clean clothes.

    3.2. Ways of cleaning /easing oneself in the toilet
    These are some of the ways Muslims are supposed to follow before 
    they ease themselves (defecating):
    1) Saying dua, “Allahuma ini audhaubika minal khubuth wal khabaith.”
    2) Entering the toilet with the left foot first.
    3) Going out of the toilet with the right foot first 
    4) Saying ghufranaka when going out (it is said three times).
    5) Being humble the time you are easing yourself (defecating)
    6) Not taking the Qur’an when going to ease yourself
    7) Being quiet the time you are easing yourself 
    8) Cleaning after easing yourself (it is called Istinjai)
    9) Not smearing yourself with urine or even putting it on your clothes
    10) Not touching your private parts with the left hand 

    11) Not seeing Qiblah when you are in the toilet



    Udhu is cleaning oneself. It is an action of rubbing dirt from oneself. 
    It is action of washing the whole body using clean water. The parts of the body are divided into Sunnat na Faradh.

    means that it is compulsory and sunnat means that it is not compulsory in cleaning them (optional).

    Sunnat and its elements in Udhu

    There are three elements/parts in Sunnat in Udhu:

    a) Rinsing your mouth


    b) Rinsing in the nose


    (c) Washing the ears


    Faradh and its elements/parts in Udhu

    (a) Washing your hands


    (b) Washing your face


    (c) Washing the head


    (d) Washing the feet


    Before you pray, we are should be sure if where we are going to pray from is clean.
    One can pray from any place it is fine to pray from the ground.

    3.3. The 5 compulsory daily prayers

    Who prayed today morning? How do we call that prayer? Tell your friend to pray for you and when
    she finishes you also pray for her.

    There are 5 prayers which every Muslim should make every 
    Those prayers are known as prayers of Faradh. Every prayer has its specific sections which are called Rakaat.
    The shortest among others 
    is called Subh and it has only two Rakaat

    The longest prayer in
    Faradh has 4 Rakaat. There are 3 prayers 
    that have 4 Rakaats which are: Dhuhr, Asr and Isha.

    The following table shows the prayers for Faradh, the time it takes and their specific number of Rakaat


    The total number of Rakaat done in a day is 17.



    3.4. The Additional prayers (sunnat)
    Ask your friend if she has ever done prayers for Sunnat. The word Sunnat means that it not compulsory / it is optional.
    It means you 
    can make those prayers or even leave them. There are 2 Sunnat for prayers which can be done either before
     or after prayers of Faradh.

     The prayer of Sunnat which is done before Faradh is called Qabliyah.

    The prayer of Sunnat which is done after Faradh is called Baadiyah.

    Each of the Sunnat has two rakaat.


    3.5. The compulsory prayers (Faradha)
    Is there anyone who can read for us any of the Iduma? The prayers of Du’a or Idu’ah or Iduwa means the prayers of pleading . Those are words of praising God. You can follow these are steps so that you do prayers of Swalat: 

    (a)Takbiratul Ihram

    Say Allah Akbar (God is great). After saying Takbiratul Ihram, a person responds that Surat Al-Fatiha and also another Surat.
    Surat Fatiha is 
    a strong pillar for Swalat which means that it must be said whether you like it or not.
    (b) Rukuu

    These are concerned with bending; when you bend you say that:

    ‘Subhana Rabiyal Azhwim’ three times. And they mean that “let the great God be exalted.”
    (c) It’dal
    This is the part of bending of rukuu and raising up. A person says that 
    “Samia llahu liman hamidah” which means that “God listens to a person that praises Him.”

    (d) Sujud

    These are concerned with kneeling where you put the forehead down. 
    Here a person says that “Subhana Rabiyal A’alaa” which means that “all praises are for God who is in heaven above.”
    A person repeats this the second time and after sits rakaat.
    (e) Atahiyyatu

    This is the part where you sit in the middle of both rakaats.

    (f) Taslim
    This one also known as Salaam which means asalaam aleykum and after you turn the eyes to the right and later
    to the left. Taslim means the end of the prayers.

    3.6. Prayers (Iduwa) that are used in praising God in 
    Iswala and after that (Adh’kar)

    These are some of the duas said after Salaat (prayers):
    i) Astaghfirullah (I ask for your forgiveness God). They are said three times.
    ii) Allahuma antassalaam waminka ssalaam Tabaarakta yaa Dhal’jalaali wal’ikram .These mean that: “Oh God you are 
    peace, and peace comes from him, you are Holy and it is you who is Holy.”

    Activity 3.1
    In groups discuss about dua and memorize it.
    End Unit Assessment
    1. List the 5 prayers that are mandatory /compulsory in Islam.
    2. Show the two parts of Faradh that are said after Udhu.
    3. Which prayer of faradh is done in the afternoon?
    4. Allahu Akbar means that…………………

    5. Takbiratul Ihram means ………………..

    Unit 2 :Learning how to read Qur’anUnit 4 :The life of the messenger of God Muhammad