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    • Opened: Monday, 15 May 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 12:00 AM
  • UNIT 11:Transport and communication

    11.1. Road
    The road is the path where people and vehicles pass.

    Types of roads

    What is the type of the road that is near our school?
    Is there any other type of road have you ever seen in another place? 
    Yes/ No

    1. This is a paved road. 


    2. A murram road.


    3. A tarmac road.


    Exercise 19

    Match the type of the road with a right picture.


    Users of the road

    Users of the road are people, vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, etc


    This is a pedestrian. 


    A pedestrian is a person who walks on a foot. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist.
    A person who rides a motorcycle is called a motorist. A person who drives a car is called a driver.
    Activity 11.1
    Cut pieces of paper and write on the following letters to form the 

    following word:


    (a) Shade each letter with colors.
    (b) Remove only one letter from that word. Play this game by 

    using other words to find if your classmate can discover them.

    The uses of roads
    Roads have many uses. For example: 
    (a) We travel on it.

    (b) Directing passengers.


    Activity 11.2

    1. Use () to show different road users and (x) for those that 

    don’t use the road



    Ways of using the road well

    (a) We should be careful. 


    (b) We should look on our right and left before crossing the road.

    When you cross the road, you cross where there are white lines called zebra crossing.


    (c) We should not play on the road.


    (d) Look at the traffic lights



    Activity 11.3

    Explain the importance of using the road.

    11.2. Communication
    Communication is sharing information, ideas with others in different ways. 

    Means of communication

    Some of the means of communication are: 

    (a) Letters


    (b) Telephone                                                                                        (c) Television


    (d) Radio                                                                                                       (e) Computer


    (f) Newspaper

    Have you ever read any newspaper? Say Yes or No


    Activity 11.4


    Look at the above means of communication
    Which one do you use at your home? Ask you parents how the 

    same means helps in communication.

    The importance of communication

    Communication is very important for us in many ways. The following 

    are some of the benefits of communication.
    (a) Helps us to listen to the news.
    (b) Helps us to talk to people who are far.
    (c) Helps people to get jobs.
    (d) Helps us to learn.
    (e) Helps us to know the market. 

    Proper ways of using means of communication

    1. Not speaking on phone for a long time.
    2. Not abusing people

    3. Not stealing from people

    Activity 11.5
    1. Take a mobile phone and remove the SIM card. Does the phone work?

    2. Draw a SIM card. Are cards similar? 


    3. How do you understand this sentence

    Messages reach many people more quickly by using mobile phones 

    than radios.

    Exercise 20
    1. A……………… is used to send messages quickly (telephone, radio)
    2. We can use _________________so as to be informed about international news and search on internet.
    (book, computer)

    3. When we want to listen and watch news, we use_____.(cartoons, television)

    List of words
    Read these words correctly
    (a) Road
    (b) Telephone
    (c) Radio
    (d) Communication
    (e) Transport 
    (f) Computer

    UNIT 10:EnvironmentUNIT 12:Major family historical events