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    • Opened: Monday, 15 May 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 12:00 AM
  • PART I :SOCIAL STUDIES :Unit 1:My family

    1.1. Our home

    a) Our house



    1. How many houses have you seen here?

    2. Which house have you liked?

    A house has different parts.
    It has:
     • A roof
     • Doors
     • Windows

     • Walls

    Activity 1.1
    1. How do we call these building materials?
    2. Build a common hut.
    Needed materials
    1. Manila paper
    2. Glue


    (a) Take the manila paper that you have prepared and divide it into four equal small parts and two more other parts. Cut 
    again from the manila paper two a bit bigger parts. Use one of them to make a large door
    (b) Cut one part and make a door
    (c) Cut another part and make windows.


    (d) Put them together to make a common hut


    (e) Shade the door and windows

    Exercise 1
    1. Complete the following sentences:
    (a) A………………..is a place where people live (home, 
    forest, school). 
    (b) Name two parts of a house.
    …………………….. ………………………
    2. We build houses using …………..... (chalk, grass, stones, 
    3. People live in the house to protect themselves from …………
    animals (wild, domestic).

    Construction materials for houses

    Houses are built with different materials






    Activity 1.2

    1. Draw a house built using:



    The uses of our house
    Ask your classmate how life can be without houses.
    Houses are important.
    For example:

    (a) We sleep in houses.


    (b) They protect us against wild animals.


    (c) They protect us against thieves.


    (d) We keep our materials in houses


    The importance of household items

    The items which are in our house have various importance. 



    Activity 1.3

    1. Complete the table below:



    Exercise 2

    1. The roof of this house is built of what? _____________ 

    (Grass, iron sheets)


    2. This house is built with? ____________


    3. We sleep on a_______________________ which is in the 

    house. (bed, chair)


    1.2. The family members 
    What is the name of your father?
    What is the name of your mother?
    Do you have brothers?
    The father is the head of a family 
    The mother is the assistant head of a family
    The children help them at home

    The nuclear family is a family with:

    •  The father
    •  The mother
    •  The children
    Read the following                   A
    My name is Misago.                        M
    My sister is called Muhuza. 
    We live in Kiyovu in the City of Kigali. 
    We live together with our parents. 
    My mother is called Kwizera.
    My father is called Nyarugunga.
    Draw one of the family members.

    Color your drawing.

    How many are you in your family? Give the names of your family members.

    1.3. Roles and responsibilities of family members
    All of us are born in a family. We have family members. What do you do to help your parents?

    Roles and responsibilities of the parents (my father and 
    Our parents have the following roles and responsibilities:
    (a) Improving the wellbeing of the family.
    (b) Paying school fees
    (c) Working for the family and feeding it
    (d) Looking after the children 
    Buying medicine
    Building the shelter

    To protect the family


    Roles and responsibilities of the children
    We have to do the following:

    (a) A child is washing plates.


    b) Properly studying.


    (c) Respecting parents and other people.
    Sweeping the house
    Mopping the house 

    Cooking food

    Activity 1.4
    1. It is good to help parents? (Yes/No)

    2. What do you do to help them?

    1.4. The nuclear family
    The nuclear family is made up of the father, mother and children.

    Mukire is the husband of Mutima.

    Kamikazi is the elder sister of Uwera.
    Uwera is the young sister of Kamikazi.
    Cyusa is the elder brother of Gisa.
    Cyusa and Gisa are brothers of Kamikazi and Uwera.

    Kamikazi and Uwera are sisters of Cyusa and Gisa.


    Exercise 3
    1. Fill in with the missing letters.
    My yo_____brother
    My el_____ sister
    2. Families should not ________ (love, fight)
    3. Mukire is the husband of ………………………….
    4. ……………. Is the elder sister of Uwera
    5. When there is ________ (peace, enemies), we live in happiness.

    The nuclear family relationship tree
    Exercise 4
    1. The name of my father is…………
    2. The father of my father is my………
    3. Mutesi is the sister of ………………….
    4. …………..is the grandmother of Keza

    5. Who is agrand father …………………………….

    The benefits of a nuclear family

    1. Parents buy for us school materials.


    2. Family members protect us.

    3. They give us food.

    4. They provide us with shelter.

    6. They take us to the hospital.

    7. They teach us the values of the Rwandan culture

    Activity 1.5

    1. Pay a visit to one of your classmates.
    a)  Ask him or her the following questions:
    i) How many children are you at home?
    ii) Name the materials your house is built of.
    (b) Which kind of house have you seen at your neighbor’s home?
    (c) Give the names of your two parents/guardians.

    2. Draw and shade the house seen below.


    List of words
    Read these words aloud
    (a) A nuclear family
    (b) Grandfather
    (c) Parents
    (d) Our house
    (e) Grand mother
    (f) Uncle
    UNIT 2:National symbols