Introductory activity 1

    Umutesi Hadija is a student in GS Kavumu Muslim School. She wants to know much about her religion. One day, she asked Kabera. Kabera said that to wear like a Muslim is enough. Nothing else is needed. What does it mean to be a muslim? what are the requirement to become a muslim?


    1.1. Belief in One God (Allah)

    Activity 1.1

    Bagabo is a pupil in P2. According to him there are many gods. He says that when he needs marks, he prays the god of marks. And when he is sick he prays another god which heals him.

    Do you share the same idea as Bagabo that there are many God? Explain your position.

    Muslims believe that there is only one God. His name is Allah. Allah is the creator of all things. Allah alone must be worshipped. They also believe that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah.

    In summary Muslims believe that:

    .There is only one God who lives in Heaven
    . God is self-sufficient/self dependent and does not need any support .

    God did neither produce nor was produced God is the creator of all things

    God alone must be worshipped. To worship other gods or other things is a grave sin. It is called Shirk. Shirk will be punished with eternal hell. God deserves all glory and praise.

    Application Activity 1.1

    Answer the following questions

    What is the name of God? Where does God live? What is the difference between God and his creatures? What do Muslim believe about God?

    1.2. Belief in Angels

    Activity 1.2

    What do you understand by Angels? where do they come from, what is their role in heaven?


    Muslims believe in Angels. God created Angels n light. Angels are God’s respected servants. Angels pray and respect God’s commandments as required.

    The following are examples of Angels:

    Gabriel : He is the leader of all Angels. He is in charge of delivering God’s message to Prophets 
    Michael: He is in charge of providing food and rain to the creatures. 

    Israfil : He is in charge of blowing the trumpet on the day of Judgement/last day

    Application Activity 1.2

    What is the second pillar of Islamic faith? What are the responsibilities of the following Angels? Michael…………………………………………………………….

    Israfil ……………………………………………………………..

    1.3. Belief in Holy Scriptures

    Activity 1.3

    State the books that people use during prayer. What is their difference with other books?

    The third pillar of faith in Islam, is to believe in Holy Scriptures. These books were given to people to read, and to regulate their behaviour and these books were used by prophets in teaching people.\
    These Holy Books are the following: 
     Tawurat/Torat : This is a book given to Mosesi igitabo Imana yahaye intumwa yayo Mussa
     Suh’fi : This is a book given to Ibrahim 
     Psalms : This is a book given to David 
    Gospel/Injili : Thi is a book giiven to Jesus

     Qur’an: This is a book given to Prophet Muhammad.

    Application Activity 1.3

    What is the third pillar of Islamic faith? Identify some Holy scriptures that were given to people to read. Are Angels visible.

    1.4. Belief in God’s and prophets

    Activity 1.4
    State the books that people use during prayer what is their difference with other books.

    This means to believe that God sent his messenger and prophets. The first prophet is Adam. Other prophets include Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus among others. The last prophet is Muhammad.

    The following are examples of Prophets. Examples of Messengers and prophets: Muhammad, Noah, Moses, Jesus, David, Abraham, Job, Ismael,

    Some prophets and their characteristics



    Application Activity 1.4

    1. State the name of the first and the last prophet
     2. Explain briefly the life of Job 
    3. Who is the Father of all believers?
    1.5. Belief in the last day, life after death, resurrection, heaven and hell
    Activity 1.5
    Who is the Sovereign/Lord of all creation/creatures? Everyday we see people dying. Where do you think they go to? Explain.

    This means to believe that on the last day Allah will gather all creatures and will arise those who died. Those who behaved well will be rewarded heaven while those who did wrong will go to eternal fire. Muslims believe in the resurrection.
    What Muslim believe in regard to resurrection
    The last day: This is the day when all actions that people did on earth will be put forward and revealed for the judgement.
     Life after: people will be in different life from worldly life. Those who behaved well, obeying

    Allah’s commandments, their grave will be like a garden of paradise while those who behave badly, their grave will be life a pit of hellfire.

    Resurrection: God will arise people and will go for the last judgement
    Censuring: On the last day people will be put together and God will count using his intelligence and wisdom.
     Heaven: Those who did good things here in the world will be rewarded Heaven.
     Eternal Fire: Those who committed sins and died before repenting will go to eternal hellfire.

    Application Activity 1.5

    1. Explain the following words:
    a. Last day.
    b. Life after death
    2. Why will God rise people from death?

    1.6. Belief in the predestination
    Activity 1.6
    Karima lives in peace village. His family lives in extreme poverty. Sometimes they do not find what to eat. Diseases are always present in the family. Karima Brothers are very rich, they live in Kigali.
    Karima cries himself saying that if he met God. Why he made him poor.

    Do you think God is responsible of Karima’s poverty? Justy your position.

    This means Allah knows and allows whatever happens to us as his servants. God wrote it on a big board. Whatever happens to people cannot be avoided. Allah said: He is the one who created death and life so that you may be tested. Qur’an 67:2. He also said that every thing we created it with predetermined measures. Qur’an 54:49
    The following are important to know about predestination
    God plans all good things

    .God is the Ruler/creator of the Universe. He gives us whatever we need more especially food.
     .God gives his creatures sun, rain, air, water, wealth, and other good things that people own.
    God plans problems and temptations

    God plans temptation to people to their patience and perseverance. Examples of temptation is poverty, diseases, drought, catastrophe,flood, death,...

    NB.: To believe in predestination does not mean to stop working and wait what God planned for you.

    On the other hand you should work hard, struggle for what is good and important. What God plans for you, you work hard to reach it.
    Application Activity 1.6

    1. What does to believe in predestination mean?
    2. What does Qur’an 54:49 say about predestination?
    3. If God planned everything for this people, food water, rain,... why don’t people sit and enjoy without working? Explain?


    1. State pillars of faith in Islam
    2. What advice can you give to people who worship idols, money or objects?
    3. Fill the following sentences using the following word: Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, , Malakul Mawti
    a. ………………………………… will blow the trumpet on the last day
    b. ………………………………… is the leader of all angels 
    c. ………………………………… he is in charge of taking souls of people during death.
    d. ………………………………… He is in charge of providing food and rain to the creatures
    4. Why did Allah give Holy scriptures to his people
    5. Differentiate Qur’an and other books
    6. Who is the last prophet?
    7. Why does God allow evil and temptation to his people? While he loves them?