Key unit Competence:

    By the end of this unit, the pupil will be able to explain

    what a sin is, its roots, and helping others not to fall into sin.

    Introductory activity 2


    1. What are these people doing?
     2. Where did God put Adam and Eve after creation?
     3. What did God forbid Adam and Eve to do? 

    4. Did Adam and Eve obey? What happened?

    2.1 Meaning of sin and roots of sin

    Learning activity 2.1

    Look at the picture and answer questions


    1. What do you see in these pictures? 
    2. What bad behaviours do you see in these pictures?
    A sin is a wrong things people do, and it harms others.
     A sin separates us from God and from our friends. 
    Someone commits a sin when he does somethings wrong with freedom and knowledge. 
    Adam and Eve committed sin and disobeyed God.
    The sin they committed is disobedience. 
    Even we too, disobey God when we steal, disobey our parents, teachers, our fellow pupils and our guardians, fight and we sin when we do wrong thing. Thing which cause us to sin are called  roots of sin.

    The following are roots of sin. Pride, apathy, anger, envy/ jealous, gluttony, selfishness, avarice/covetousness, egocentrism, lust, gluttonery,.... To avoid sins, we must first fight against its roots.

    Application Activity 2.1

    1. According to you what is sin? 
    2. When does a person commit sin? 

    3. Give two examples of roots of sin

    2.2. Consequences of sin to God and to people
    Learning activity 2.2

    Look at the pictures and answer questions.


    1. What were the consequences of sin on Adam and Eve? 
    2. Give 3 examples of consequences of sin to people.
    After disobeying God, Adam and Eve were separated from God.
     They went and hid themselves. 

    God also was not happy and sent them away from the Paradise in the garden of Eden.

    They went to dig the soil (Genesis 3:23-24). Therefore, when we commit sins, we are separated from God our Creator. Our parents and our friends become unhappy.

    The following are some consequences of sins (Romans 6:23)
    .Hatred, conflicts, lack of peace, hunger, being put in prison, death.
     .Sins make people loose hope and trust in people.
     God is not happy with people who commit sins but he is happy with those who repent from their sins.
    Application Activity 2.2
    1. Why should we avoid sins?
    2. Give two examples of consequences of sins.
     3. What can you do to avoid sins in your life?
    2.3 How to prevent sins
    Activity 2.3
    Look at he picture below and answer questions.
    1. Describe what you see in the pictures.
     2. Why do you think the child in the picture refused the gift given to him?
    3. Explain what you see in the picture 3.
     4. What can you do to prevent sins in your life
    Good actions we do repeatedly with our hearts are good behaviours.
     Good behaviours help us to be humble, good, just and fair.
    They help us to help others and to avoid lust which may lead us into sin. Humility, justice, patience and avoiding doing wrong things are called values or virtues. Sin destroys our relationship with God and people. We should avoid and prevent sin in our lives.
    Application Activity 2.3
    State Good actions you can do to prevent sins in your life.
     1. What was the sin committed by Adam and Eve?
     2. What were the consequences of the sin committed by Adam and Eve?
     3. Why should we prevent sins in our lives?
     4. What sins do children commit to their parents or guardians?
     5. Give two examples of roots of sins.
     6. Answer true or false:
     a. The consequence of sin is to be happy (True False).
     b. Adam and Eve hid from God because of Sin.