• General


      3.3 Read about John’s daily routine
      goodJohn gets up in the
      morning and goes to
      bath. He then puts on
      his school uniform and
      makes his bed. After
      that, he has breakfast.
      Then he brushes his
      teeth. At seven o’clock he leaves the house
      and goes to school.

      goodIn the afternoon, John
      helps his father to
      work in the garden.
      He rakes up leaves
      and waters the

      goodWhen the the sun goes
      down and the moon
      appears it is night
      time. John says good
      night to his parents.
      He goes to bed and


      22 Unit 3 Telling the time
      3.4 Describing the time of day
      goodWe can use the
      words morning,
      evening and
      night to say
      when we do


      I get up in the morning. I play in the
      afternoon. I eat supper in the evening.
      I sleep at night.
      Exercise 2: Talk about what you do every day
      Talk about what you do every day. Say
      when you do each thing.

      Unit 3 Telling the time 23
      3.5 A daily
      A daily timetable helps
      you to plan your day.
      Exercise 3: Fill in a
      1. Copy the table on
      the right into your
      exercise book.
      2. Fill in the missing parts.
      Exercise 4: Write about a timetable
      1. Make a timetable of the things you do
      every day.
      2. Give your timetable to your friend and
      take his or her timetable.
      3. Read your friend’s timetable out loud.
      4. Write five sentences about your friend’s days.

      24 Unit 3 Telling the time

      Exercise 5: Match sentences and pictures
      Look at the pictures above.
      Say which picture matches each sentence.
      1. Neza wakes up in the morning.
      2. She walks to school.
      3. She does her work in class.

      4. At night, she sleeps in her bed.

      Exercise 6: Sing the action song
      Sing this song. Make up more verses.
      This is the way we brush our teeth,
      brush our teeth, brush our teeth.
      This is the way we brush our teeth

      early in the morning.

      Unit 3 Telling the time 25

      3.6 Talking about the days of the week
      There are seven days
      goodin a week. We call
      the last two days of
      the week the

      Days of the week

      Learning box
      Read the days of the week aloud:
      Monday Tuesday Wednesday
      Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
      Did you notice that all the days of the
      week end in the -ay sound?

      Exercise 7: What day is it?

      Answer the questions.
      1. Which day is it today?
      2. Which day comes after Wednesday?
      3. Which days are in the weekend?
      4. Say the names of the days of the week.

      26 Unit 3 Telling the time
      3.7 The months of the year

      There are twelve months in the year.


      Exercise 8: Put the months in order

      1. Write the months in the correct order.
          March        September        January
        April     February    June              May
             November          July               August
                    October                    December

      2. Say the names of the months aloud.

      Exercise 9: Talk about dates
      Talk about the questions.
      1. What day is it today?
      2. What month is it?

      3. In what year were you born?

      Unit 3 Telling the time 27

      28 Unit 3 Telling the time
      3.8 How many days are there in a month?
      Exercise 10: Dates on a calendar
      1. Make a calendar. Your teacher will give
      you paper and crayons.
      2. Mark on your calendar your birthday,
      the school holidays and the birthdays
      of your family members.
      3. Complete the following sentences.
      a. My birthday is on the ____ of ____.
      b. The school
      holiday begins on
      the ____ of ____.
      c. My mother’s
      birthday is on the
      ____ of ____.
      3.9 Sing the alphabet song

      Let’s sing the alphabet song together again


      Unit 3 Telling the time 29
      3.10 Review
      1. Use the words in the boxes below to
      complete the sentences.
      supper morning night breakfast
      a. When I wake up in the ____ I must eat
      my ____ .
      b. In the evening, I must eat my ____.
      c. I sleep at ____.

      2. Write down the time that each clock shows.


      3. Which day comes after Monday?
      4. Which month is between March and May?
      5. How many days are there in one week?
      6. How many months are there in one year?
      7. Complete the sentence.

      September has ____ days.

      30 Unit 3 Telling time
      Unit 4 Food

      4.1 Talking about mealtimes


      Exercise 1: Talk about mealtimes
      1. Use the words below to complete the
      morning           lunch         evening
      a. I eat breakfast in the ____.
      b. I have ____ in the afternoon.
      c. I eat dinner in the ____.

      2. At what time do you have lunch?

      UNIT 2: SPORTSunit 4:FOOD