Broadcasting activity 1 ⭐


 Let us do the activity below to practice broadcasting.

·         Step1: Choose two sprites of ladies. Give them both a name, for example Anne and Abby.

·         Step2: Prepare the following settings: Anne is walking on the beach and she saw Abby. She called her “Abby”. Abby waited for 3 seconds and replied, “Yes Anne, talk to me”.

·         Step3: Click on Anne sprite and write down the instructions below.



Figure 123: Calling Abby

●        Step 4: Then click on Abby sprite and write down the following instructions:



Figure 124: Abby responding and Anne giving instructions


When the green flag is clicked, the following will happen:

  • Anne calls Abby. After 5 seconds Anne sends a message “Come here!”
  • Abby is hidden but when she receives the message from Anne calling her, she shows up and says: “Yes Anne, talk to me!”

This example shows us how two sprites can talk to each other. With broadcast blocks, we can create a story with more than one sprite.

Last modified: Thursday, 17 June 2021, 1:01 PM