3.3 Animating different sprites ⭐


Our next action is to make the sprites we have on the stage interactive. We want them to respond to clicks, key presses and more!  Using the previous example, move to the next steps:

Step 7:  Apply the following group of blocks. These blocks will make the cat move “forever” when the space key is pressed.

Figure 83: Scripts to move the sprite in the jungle

Step 8: Using the concept of multithreading from Module 1, drag and drop the same blocks to the other sprites one by one.

Figure 84: Dragging scripts to another sprite


Step 9: To start the project, click the green flag and then press the space key to move different sprites in the jungle.  An example is found under this link: https://Scratch.mit.edu/projects/439108501/

Step 10: Try changing some values (such as the glide time) for the other animals and see how this impacts your animation. If you need some hintsThe hint

Last modified: Wednesday, 29 September 2021, 1:29 PM