7. Some tips for written feedback

Since written feedback is subject to channel reduction (lacks body language that convey attitude, emotion and mood), it is important to bridge the distance between the learner and the eTutor (distance that may also be reflected in power relation). Using the following strategies to bridge these distance helps reduce online learner's feeling of isolation:


Message in the first person: Avoid phrases such as "It is known that...". Instead, use phrases such as "I think..."to help the learner easily relate to the message or you. Use a friendly and a relaxed tone and do not be too formal.


Respect the established response time: Send a response within 48 hours. If this timeline was extended, send the response by the deadline of the new timeline communicated to the learner.


Constructive suggestions: give constructive suggestions and alternative approaches to the solution in support to the learners.


Positive message: Appreciate learners' efforts and achievements and keep the motivation character in your feedback.


Content-related: Write to the point, and if applicable, refer to the learning content.


Concise, clear and easy to understand: Avoid very long feedback, long and complex sentences and difficult figures of speech. Keep your feedback language clear and simple.

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Last modified: Tuesday, 19 February 2019, 12:18 PM