M6 - End of Module activity

Opened: Saturday, 23 October 2021, 1:00 AM
Due: Friday, 19 November 2021, 2:00 AM
Make a submission


In this module, we have learned about the process of designing a game. The first step is to design the game. We are going to use the following questions to design that game. You can use the game design template below.

Ask & Imagine

  • What is your project about?

  • How will your project work?

  1. What are the rules?
  2. What are the goals?
  3. How do you start?
  4. How do you end or win?

  • How will the Stage look like?
  • Which Sprites will you use in your game?
  • What will the player need to do? Describe what happens when it happens, how to win, etc.
  • Background music
  • Sprite Sound effect To be recorded

Please submit your project here.