Key unit competence:

    The learner will be able to make informed choices related to their relationships and in the light of their faith

    Learning Objectives:

    • Identify the biological, social, moral, psychological and spiritual aspects of human sexuality.

    • Recall the meaning of relationship and friendship.

    • Identify different forms of sexual abuse and sexual violence.

    • Establish the relationship between human sexuality, friendship, love, and relationships.

    • Distinguish right from wrong behavior vis-à-vis human sexuality.

    • Make right and sound judgment and choices about sexual issues.

    • Talk straight on sex issues.

    • Show respect and protection of human sexuality in the society.

    • Resist peer influence that may lead to abuse and violence as well as related sins.

    • Act morally and have righteous behavior in the society and health habits.

    • Build a good relationship with God and community.

    Introductory Activities 4:

    1. Do you have friends? What is the purpose of friendship? Identify things which would distinguish a good friend from a bad one?

    2. Some people of opposite sex equate love with sex? What is your position?

    3. Based on Hebrews 13:

    4, explain how human sexuality is relevant and show its limits.

    Human sexuality is a part of our total personality. It involves the interrelationship of biological, psychological, and sociocultural dimensions. The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) defines human sexuality as encompassing the sexual knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors of individuals(SIECUS, 2005). Therefore, the various dimensions of human sexuality include the anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry of the sexual response system. Sexuality is about identity, orientation, roles, and personality, thoughts, feelings and relationships. The expression of sexuality is influenced by ethical, spiritual, cultural and moral concerns.

    Reasons to Study Human Sexuality: There are many reasons for studying human sexuality, including:

    • Obtaining accurate sexual knowledge.

    • Clarifying personal values.

    • Improving sexual decision making.

    • Learning the relationship between human sexuality and personal well-being, and exploring how the varied dimensions of human sexuality influence one’s sexuality.

    4.1 Human Friendship and Love

    Learning Activity 4.1

    Observe the picture below and then give answers to the following questions.

    Friendship is the foundation of any good relationship. Whether you are searching for friends or maintain the ones you have, friendship is important in any human life. This is also why Christian teens need to work at keeping their friendships strong. Think of the traits that are important in any relationship like honesty and trust, and then apply to your friends. Avoiding pitfalls like gossip and lying will take you a long way in building friendships that last a lifetime.

    Human friendship and love bring the question about many sexual issues: sexual attraction, sexual desire and drives, pleasure, sexual activity, puberty and adolescent sexuality, procreation, emotion and feelings. All these start by friendship which can be good or bad.

    To have good friends you must be a good friend too. Most people need good friends but forget that they should also manage to be good friends for others. Here are some of the ways good friends treat each other. The following are qualities of good friends:

    • listen to each other,

    • do not hurt each other’s feelings,

    • try to understand

    • help solve problems

    • give compliments

    • can disagree without hurting one another

    • are dependable, respectful and trustworthy.

    • care about each other.Contrary, bad friends put sex on the first point of their agenda.

    They push their peers to commit adultery, to use drugs, alcoholic drinks, and other several kinds of misbehavior. These put sexual health in danger.Occasions where friendship can be easily formed may include school (classmates), at work, in the training, through games and playing, through trading and business, in music and entertainment; while in prayers, choir, meetings, etc.

    Definition of Key Terms

    • Sexuality means sexual feelings, sexual attitudes and sexual activities. Sexuality is part of human being. It affects all the human aspects: social, physical, psychology, spiritual, moral, economic, etc. Sexuality has been in God’s plan since the creation (Genesis 1:27) and it is among blessings (Genesis 1:28; Hebrew 13: 4).

    • Sex: Genital organ used to urinate and reproduce.

    • Friend: Someone who you know well and you like, who is not member of your family.

    • Friendship: Relationship between two friends.

    • Love: Strong attraction to someone in emotional and sexual way. Sometimes love targets a purpose (e.g. marriage). Love can be romantic feelings.

    • Lover: A person that someone has a sexual relationship with.

    • Lovely: someone who is attractive, enjoyable and beautiful.

    • Romantic: That makes you have feelings of love, show signs of love; that excites you.

    • Sexual attraction and drives (also called libido): It is the inside energy that pushes a person to the sexual activity with another of different sex.

    • Sexual desire and sexual pleasure: It is a desire to satisfy the sexual impulsion. It is sexual lust that aims at fulfilling the sexual joy got from sexual activity.

    • Sexual activity: Sexual intercourse, sexual relationship. The sexual union done between a man and woman. It is reserved for responsible and mature people.

    • Procreation: It is one of the purposes of sexuality. It concerns with human reproduction. It goes together with integral education of children (Genesis1:28).

    • Sexual emotion and feeling: Internal and external sexual reactions about sexuality.

    Types of Love

    Love is the foundation stone of healthy relationships. When extended to your family, love has several manifestations. In life, there is nothing more satisfying and emotionally pleasing than the ability to love and be loved in return. Love has been given different names. Eros, Storge, Pragma, Agape, Ludus, and Mania. The six types of love demonstrate the passion and intention of how we love each other.

    1. Eros (the passionate love)

    Eros is mainly based on sexual attraction. It is a type of love in which the top priority is given to desire, physical attraction, physical appearance, and romance. The levels of passion and physical intimacy are high. People who love in this way are very charged up, emotional, about their relationship initially, but as time passes, the intensity reduces.

    2. Storge (an emotional bonding)

    This form concerns the family love. The love children feel for their parents and siblings is what constitutes storge. This is also the love parents naturally feel for their children. It is based on natural feelings and effortless love. It is the love that knows forgiveness, acceptance and sacrifice. It is the one that makes you feel secure,comfortable and safe.

    3. Philia (Love of the mind)

    It is known as brotherly and sincere love. It is more valuable and more respected than Eros. Philia exists when people share the same values and character.

    4. Pragma (the need-based love)

    Pragma focuses more on needs and wants such as educational qualifications, professions, income, social status, common hobbies, parental possessions, material belongings, etc. Partners measure their satisfaction in the relationship as per convenience.

    5. Agape (the divine love)

    Agape is considered to be the purest form of love. It promotes brotherly affection and love for each other. In fact, it is exactly what all religions have been trying to teach. It is basically love for all around us. The Bible mentions this love: “If a person has material resources and the love (agape) of God within him, his heart will take care of his brother who is in need (1 John 3:17). It is the selfless, unconditional and compassionate love.

    6. Ludus (the euphoric love)

    People who have this kind of love tend to give up on relationship as soon as the initial excitement is over. A ludus lover does not work toward a long-term commitment, and feels a form of pleasure only in the initial days of the relationship.

    7. Philautia (Love of the self )

    Philautia is divided into two kinds. There is one that is pure selfish and seeks pleasure, fame, and wealth. Another kind of love is the healthy one we give ourselves. Therefore, Philautia is essential for any relationship; we can only love others if we truly love ourselves and we can only care for others if we truly care for ourselves.

    8. Mania (the obsessive love)

    This is the worst form of love. It is full of extreme reactions like insecurity, jealousy, obsession, compulsion, and unrealistic demands. While a partner may feel important initially thinking that his/her partner is so dedicated to him/her, it might be different.

    Human Development stage

    Human sexuality is expressed differently in accordance with the stages of human development. The stages of human development are the followings:

    • Infancy: between 0-6 years old

    • Childhood: between 7-11 years old

    • Puberty: between 12-14 years old (pre-adolescence)

    • Adolescence: between 12-20 years old

    • Adulthood: 21 years old and above

    Application Activity: 4.1

    A. What are the qualities of a good friend?B. Answer by True or False:

    1. Sexual activity means Sexual intercourse, sexual relationship.

    2. Friendship is relationship between two friends.

    3. Sexuality means simply sexual activity.

    C. Fill in the right answer:

    • The unconditional love is called..........................................

    • The love for parents is called .................................

    • Love based on needs and wants is called.....................................

    • Eros means ....................................................................

    D. Mention the stages of human development.

    E. Why is it important to know about human sexuality as a Christian?

    4.2 Religious View of Human Sexuality

    Learning Activity 4.2

    Observe carefully this picture and describe it.

    According to the biblical view, human sexuality is a gift from God. From the beginning, human identity is based on the Word of God. The Human beings (male and female) were created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). The complementarity is the goal of any relationship, especially between two people of opposite sex. God affirms the first couple as very good (Genesis 1:31). We therefore affirm human sexuality to be a gift of God. By God’s grace, human sexuality enriches and fulfils our personhood.

    This understanding of human sexuality is reflected in the teaching of Jesus Himself. Our Lord Jesus addressed matters of human sexuality and marriage on several occasions.

    Application Activity 4.2

    1. Provide 3 biblical verses which highlight human sexuality. One should be from the Old Testament, one from theGospels and another from other books of the New Testaments.

    2. According to Genesis 1:27, how should we value man and woman?

    4.3 Biblical View on Sexual Abuse and Violence

    Learning Activity: 4.3

    Observe and describe the following picture.

    Meaning of Sexual Abuse and Violence

    Sexual abuse is referred to as undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another. It is often perpetrated using force or by taking advantage of another. When force is immediate, for a short duration, it is called_sexual assault. The offender is referred to as a sexual abuser. Any behavior by an adult towards a child to stimulate themselves sexually is referred to as sexual abuse.

    Sexual violence is defined as any sexual act or its attempt and unwanted sexual comments/advances against a person’s sexuality using coercion by any person regardless of their relationship. Apart from physical force, it may involve psychological intimidation threats like being dismissed from a job. It may also occur when the abused person is unable to give consent. For instance, while drunk, drugged, asleep or mentally incapable of understanding the situation. Sexual violence includes also rape, defined as physically forced or coerced penetration of the anus, using a penis or any other body parts. Rape of a person by two or more perpetrators is known as gang rape. In brief, Sexual violence and abuse is any behavior of a sexual nature which is unwanted and takes place without consent or understanding.

    Biblical View of Sexual Violence in both Testaments

    The Bible is clearly against sexual violence and abuse. The Old Testament contains tragic stories of sexual abuse, rape, and incest. In the book of 2 Samuel, Amnon the son of David forced his sister Tamar to have sex with him (2 Samuel 13:11-12, 14, 20). Tamar remained desolate in her brother’s house. She was locked in the si-lence, shame, violation and trauma of the abuse. She suffered at the hands of her half-brother.

    The most biblical examples of incest occurred before the laws were given. The story of Lot and his daughters in Genesis 19:30–38 is also another form of sexual abuse. The two daughters of Lot decided to make their father drink wine and then lie with him, that they may preserve the family line through their father. The New Testament shows that adultery and sexual immorality will be judged. It also recommends the respect for marriage: “marriage should be honored by everybody(Heb.13:4). Therefore, any form of sexual abuse and violence is prohibited because it does not glorify God and His people.

    Application Activity 4.3:

    1. Find and read from the Bible 3 passages about sexual abuse and violence.

    2. Explain in your words sexual abuse and sexual violence

    Case study: Read and answer questions A young girl from the village has some pimples on her face skin caused by physiological changes of her body. A married Man told her that to be safe from that disease, she must accept to have sex with him. Is this a sexual violence and abuse? Discuss, identify other myths in the society that mislead young people

    4.4 Different Aspects of Human Sexuality

    Learning Activity 4.4

    1. Provide your own understanding on the aspects of human sexuality. Explain your ideas with examples:

    2. Biological aspects ( physiological)

    3. Socio-cultural aspects

    4. Moral aspects

    5. Psychological aspects

    6. Spiritual aspects.

    Human sexuality has different aspects to be taken into consideration: biological, psychological, moral, spiritual and socio-cultural.

    Biological Aspects of Human Sexuality

    With regard to its biological aspects, human sexuality is the means through which a child is conceived and the lineage is passed on to the next generation.

    Psychological Aspects of Human Sexuality

    Considering its psychological dimension, sexuality is the means to express the fullness of love between a man and a woman.

    Spiritual Aspects of Human Sexuality

    Sexuality is a gift from God in order to express love between wife and husband and increase the health and satisfaction of marriage: “ Therefore, a man leaves his father and his mother and live with his wife, and they become one flesh (Genesis 2:24, Proverbs 5:18-19). Thus, sexuality helps to appreciate the goodness of God for having provided this gift. Note that sex out marriage is not allowed. Many churches condemn extramarital sex as sinful. You shall not commit adultery (Deuteronomy 5:18). Even sexual attraction to anyone who is not one’s spouse is condemnable (Matthew 5: 28).

    Socio-Cultural Aspects of Sexuality

    The socio-cultural dimension of sexuality is the sum of the cultural and social influences that affect our thoughts and actions. Among the sources of influence are religion, multiculturalism, socioeconomic status, ethics, the media, and politics.

    • Religious Influences

    Religious and spiritual beliefs influence feelings about morality, sexual behavior, sexual access and frequency, premarital sexual behavior, adultery, divorce, contraception, abortion, and masturbation, etc.

    • Ethics Influences:

    The ethics of sexuality involves questioning the way we treat ourselves and other people.

    • Media Influences

    It has long been recognized that the media helps shape public attitudes on many topics such as sexuality, gender roles, sexual behaviors, etc. In many cases, the illustrations of sexuality we encounter in the media are mainly for entertainment and advertisement. Consequently, media do not provide us with realistic illustration. However, human sexuality is again much more developed in newspapers, radios, internet, etc.

    • Multicultural Influences

    Cultures differ in their views of sexuality. The respect of cultural beliefs enables one to develop the ability of handling sexuality issues and behaviours. For example, the accepted age for marriage, criteria for choosing a partner, etc. depends on the culture.

    • Socio-economic Influences

    Socio-economic status and education influence sexual attitudes and behaviors. Low-income individuals often think and act differently from middle-class individuals. Some sexual behaviours are indicators of educational level. Examples, educated families tend to have spaced children compared to uneducated families. Socioeconomic status influences more than just sexual activities. The poor have less access to proper health care, birth control, and care during pregnancy, day care for children, and positive sexual role models.

    • Political Influences

    Public policy and measures affect our sexual behavior. Various political means can be used to try to influence sexuality. e.g. projects attempting to use health promotion to establish AIDS and STI awareness, decrease unwanted teenage pregnancies, and increase the number of women who receive prenatal care.

    Application Activity 4.4:

    1. Mention and explain different socio-cultural influences on sexuality.

    2. Give and explain the kind of sexual behaviours you consider to be prohibited in your community.

    3. It is said that human sexuality affects and is affected by socio-cultural influences. Explain this assertion and give two concrete examples.

    4.5 Relationships and Marriage in the Christian Faith

    Learning Activity 4.5

    Describe these pictures and tell what they are about.

    Relationships in the Christian Faith

    Christians believe that every human being has been created with the ability to relate with others. Relationships are vital to man, yet they seem to be more unstable than ever before. We must realize that our relationship with God directly affects our relationship with people. Vertical and horizontal relationships are very important. Consequently, we must develop our our relationship with God, which will enhance our relationships with people. We must guard and protect our relationships in the home, in the church, on the job, and in the marketplace by becoming more intimate with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    • Vertical Relationship

    The vertical relationship links man to God. Our vertical relationship with God is marked by an unconditional love and is based on grace. He loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die for our sins. Nothing will ever separate us from His love. God wants us to do certain things and have certain behaviors, but the greatest commandment of all is to love God with all our being (Matthew 22: 37-38). Our relationship with God is to be characterized by love. He has already shown us his love and we have to love for him too. Our obedience and behavior should be motivated by love.

    • Horizontal Relationship

    Horizontal relationship is between man and man. Relationships with other people are what we are most familiar with. These horizontal relationships with people bear some differences to the vertical relationship. The way we behave to one another can make or break our relationship. In horizontal relationships, there is a some obligations to fulfill in order to maintain the relationship.

    • Reconciliation and Relationship

    Reconciliation means to make peace between people who used to be enemies. The gospel states that people who were once enemies of God, are now on good terms with him. Reconciliation helps us to make relationship with God and we have been set free through Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:21-22).The Scripture describes an interactive relationship with God. This reality of interactive relationship has been expressed by Jesus in John 17: 20-21. The intimacy of this relationship is shown further by the fact that God lives within us. If we accept Christ as our Savior, his Spirit lives within us.

    • Relationship between Vertical and Horizontal Relationship

    There is a close connection between the vertical and horizontal relationship. The vertical fellowship with the Lord is affected by our horizontal fellowship with others. We should be in the divine fellowship, vertically and horizontally. For example, if we have a quarrel with our partners, husband or wife, our roommate, we will find it difficult to start our vertical fellowship with the Lord. Thus, it is important to maintain both the vertical and horizontal aspects of the fellowship in order to be healthy spiritually.Jesus expressed this relationship in terms of love to God and to the neighbor (Mark 12:30-31). His teaching has been repeatedly used by the apostle John: “If anyone says I love God, yet hates his brother he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God who he has not seen” (1John4:20).

    Marriage in the Christian Faith

    Marriage may be defined as lifelong and exclusive state in which a man and a woman are wholly committed to live with each other in sexual relationship under the conditions normally approved by their social group or society. The Christian marriage or Holy Matrimony was instituted and ordained by God. A man and woman are united together and become one fresh (Genesis 1: 27- 28; 2:24). God never desired people to divorce as we read in Malachi 2: 15-16.

    Marriage is a life-long commitment (Romans 7:1-3). When two people are lawfully married, God recognizes that union and joins them together (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Ephesians 5:31; Matthew 19:6). They stay bound until death do them part (Romans 7:2; 1). In fact, God had planned to provide a relationship whereby both partners can fulfill one another’s need for companionship.

    In God’s plan, marriage provides a forum for successfully raising children. A child is much more likely to grow up to become a good citizen and a child of God from a home that is stable and spiritual. Marriage prevents immorality to married couple (Hebrews 13:4). The Marriage helps to develop our spiritual lives. In fact, it serves as a model of our relationship with Christ (Ephesians 5:22-320).

    Application Activities 5.5:

    1. Give reasons why marriage is important in the Christian faith.

    2. The list below contains the ten commandments of God (Ex 20:2-17). Based on the simple definition of vertical and horizontal relationship of the divine fellowship, divide these 10 commandments into 2 categories in accordance with vertical and horizontal relationship.

    Ten Commandments List

    1. You shall have no other gods before Me.

    2. You shall make no idols.

    3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

    4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.

    5. Honour your father and your mother.

    6. You shall not murder.

    7. You shall not commit adultery.

    8. You shall not steal.

    9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

    10.You shall not covet.

    4.6 Sexual and Reproductive Health

    Learning Activity 4.6

    What comes in your mind when they say” Sexual and Reproductive Health”?Write down your answers filling the following table:

    All individuals have the right to have a responsible, satisfying and safe sex life. They have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide. All men and women have the right to access the appropriate health services including the access to safe, effective, affordable methods of fertility regulation of their choice. This will enable women to go through pregnancy and childbirth safely.

    Sexual Health

    Sexual health is the ability to embrace and enjoy our sexuality throughout our lives. It is an important part of our physical and emotional health.

    According to the World Health Organization:

    A central aspect of being human throughout life encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, practices, roles and relationships. While sexuality can include all of these dimensions, not all of them are always experienced or expressed. Sexuality is influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, legal, historical, religious and spiritual factors. (WHO, 2006 a)

    The following steps can help individuals achieve good sexual health:

    • Value who you are and decide what’s right for you

    • Treat your partners well and expect them to treat you well

    • Build positive relationships

    • Get smart about your body and protect it

    • Make sexual health part of your healthcare routine

    • Understand that sexuality is a natural part of life and involves more than sex-ual behavior.

    • Recognize and respect the sexual rights we all share.

    • Have access to sexual health information, education, and care.

    • Make an effort to prevent unintended pregnancies and STDs, seek care and treatment whenever needed.

    • Be able to communicate about sexual health with others including sexual partners and healthcare providers.

    Reproductive Health

    Reproduction is the process by which organisms make more organisms like themselves. According to WHO (World Health Organization), reproductive health care is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. It is not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity in all matters relating to reproductive system its functions and processes.

    In human reproductive process, two kinds of sex cells or gametes are involved. The male gamete (sperm) and the female gamete (egg or ovum) meet in the female’s reproductive system. When the sperm fertilizes or meets the egg, this fertilized egg is called the zygote. The zygote goes through a process of becoming an embryo and developing into a fetus. Both the male and female reproductive systems are essential for reproduction.

    Some girls might experience reproductive system problems, such as:

    • Problems of the Vulva and Vagina: Vulvovaginitis, Nonmenstrual vaginal bleeding and Labial adhesions.

    • Problems of the Ovaries and Fallopian Tubes: Ectopic pregnancy, Endometri-osis, Ovarian tumors, Ovarian cysts, Polycystic ovary syndrome and Ovar-ian torsion.

    • Menstrual Problems: A variety of menstrual problems can affect girls, includ-ing:

    Dysmenorrhea is when a girl has painful periods.

    Menorrhagia is when a girl has very heavy periods with excess bleeding.

    • Oligomenorrhea is when a girl misses or has infrequent periods, even though she’s been menstruating for a while and is not pregnant.

    • Amenorrhea is when a girl has not started her period by the time she is 16 years old or 3 years after starting puberty, has not developed signs of puberty by age 14, or has had normal periods but has stopped menstruating for some reason other than pregnancy.

    • Infections of the Female Reproductive System:Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also called sexually transmitted infections (STIs), these include pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), human papillomavirus (HPV, or genital warts), syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and genital herpes (HSV). Most are spread from one person to another by sexual contact.

    Whenever you think you may have symptoms of a problem with your reproductive system or if you have questions about your growth and development, talk to your doctor. In fact, many problems with the female reproductive system can be treated.

    The reproductive health is made of the following components:

    • Safe motherhood (maternal and child health)

    • Family planning

    • Infertility an reproductive disorders -Prevention and management

    • Infant and child survival, growth and development

    • Adolescent health

    • Menopause and osteoporosis

    • Prevention and management of reproductive cancers, STIs &HIV/AIDS

    • Abortion-including the prevention and management.

    Application Activity 4.6:

    Case study: A family has four children; two girls and two boys. One of their children was born with physical disability. Unfortunately, the husband passes a lot of time blaming his wife that she gave birth to a child with disability. Which advice should you give to that husband?

    In your own words, explain sexual health and reproductive health.

    4.7 End unit assessment 4

    Unit Assessment 4 Questions

    1. Human sexuality is expressed differently in accordance with the stages of human development. Mention the five main stages of human development.

    2. Answer the following questions by true or false:

    a. Sex can refer to sexual organ or sexual activity.

    b. Reproduction is the process by which organisms make more organisms like themselves.

    c. The Bible is against sexuality because this can cause adultery.d. The vertical relationship of divine fellowship is between man and man.

    3. Based on 1 John 4: 20 and Mark 12; 30-31, explain the complementarity between vertical relationship and horizontal relationship.

    4. Christian churches condemn extramarital sex (Mt 5: 28). Explain why?

    5. Illustrate the biblical view of marriage with explanations.