Key Unit Competence:

    • The learner will be able to describe the kingdom of God and signs of the end of times

    Learning Objectives

    • Identify the signs of the end of times and the second coming of Jesus. • List the events marking the end of times and preparing for the second coming of Jesus.

    • Interpret the Biblical passage on the Kingdom of God.

    • Analyze the signs of the end of times and of the second coming of Jesus.

    • Compare the signs of the end of times and the second coming of Jesus.

    • Appreciate the teachings of Jesus on the Kingdom of God.

    • Manifest values of kindness, humility and goodness.

    • Be responsible and accountable of his or her actions in the daily life.

    Introductory Activity 2:

    Read Matthew 13:1-52 about the Parable of a Sower, the parable of weeds, the parable of Mustard seed.

    1. What does Jesus relate the Kingdom of God to?

    2. Find out the lessons/values you get from the biblical texts above that can help you to enter God’s Kingdom.

    3. According to you what is the Kingdom of God relating to your spiritual life

    2.1 The Kingdom of God

    Learning Activity 2.1

    Read Matthew 6:9-13 and answer the questions below

    “Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your name; Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Amen.

    1. Identify key feature mentioned in this passage and relate them to the Kingdom of God

    2. Discuss the statement: “Your Kingdom come”.

    The Meaning of God’s Kingdom

    God’s Kingdom is associated with the ideas of God’s rule (God’s will), God’s sovereignty and power (Psalm 22: 28, Psalm 103:19, Psalm 145: 14). Matthew 6:10 proves that we ask God to exert his authority in the world so that his purposes are achieved.God’s Kingdom is connected with the exertion of God’s will, with the act of ruling, of reigning, the exercise of authority. It is then the rule of God manifested in Christ to bring redemption to the earth.

    God’s Kingdom has a link with the last judgment because of (the power of God in Jesus, authority and mercifulness). It is present now (Christ Emmanuel, present in his Church, he is still acting in the Church). It is ready to come (about the Christ’s return to Judge: John 14:3, John 21: 22, Revelation 19:11-16). The first teaching of Jesus Christ is, convert, change your hearts because the heavenly Kingdom is ready, (Matthew4:17, Mark 1:14-15, Luke 4:1-13).

    God’s Kingdom also has the link with the heaven, eternal life or happiness: Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3; 5:10. This happiness was highlighted by Jesus at the last supper when He said... until that day when I drink it in God’s Kingdom (Mark 14:25)

    The Fruits and Results of Kingdom of God

    The fruits of God’s kingdom are seen with spiritual eyes. They are about faith not sight. Examples:

    • To be clothed with imperishable body and immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53).

    • The victory over sin.

    • Transformation in God’s likeness with ever increasing glory (2 Corinthians 3:18)

    • The eternal life and happiness, etc.

    The teachings of Jesus explain well results of Kingdom of God. The results reflect the judgment, that is, the award and the condemnation as in the Parable of talent (Matthew 25: 14- 30; Workers in the vineyard (Matthew 20: 1-16); Parable of 10 virgins (Matthew 25: 1-13). God holds all people accountable (Revelation 20:4); we shall be judged according to our works (Revelation 22:12); God is righteous judge (Psalm 7: 11; 2 Timothy 4:8).

    Application Activity: 2.1

    1. Analyse what the kingdom of God entails or contains according to the biblical message?

    2. What will happen to people who do not honour God’s commandments?

    3. What will happen to people who will enter the Kingdom of God?

    2.2 The Beginning and the Herald of the Kingdom of God

    Learning Activity 2.2

    What was John Baptist message according to Luke 3: 16-17? How is this message applied today?

    The main mission of the Church is the proclamation of Good news, to help people to understand the Good News of the Kingdom of God. According to Jesus’ teachings and the Church teachings, “the time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel” (Mark 1:13-15).The mission of the Church begins and fills the time between the initial coming of the Kingdom and its ultimate consummation with the last judgment:

    • The God’s Kingdom begins with the incarnation of Jesus

    • Jesus himself represents the Kingdom of God.

    • Jesus himself is the founder of the Church here on earth.

    • The Christian Church composed by faithful members represents God’s King-dom.

    • The Kingdom of God is in the hearts and minds of faithful members.

    Thus, the Kingdom of God is not the same as the earthly kingdoms (John18:36-37).The herald of God’s Kingdom was John Baptist, who announced its coming on earth. The prophet foretold about precursor of Jesus (Malachi 3: 1; Isaiah 40: 30; Mark 1:2-3). It was for this that John the Baptist came.

    The teachings of John the Baptist were followed by practice for example the baptism in Jordan. It is proved by the number of the people who accepted his baptism of conversion. He called people to prepare the paths for the Lord and to produce good fruits. He told tax collectors, rich people and Roman soldiers the conditions to reach God’s kingdom (Mark 1:1-18).

    Application Activities 2.2

    • With tangible examples, show how the teachings of John Baptiste concern your life today and the life of Christians in regard to faith and conversion.

    2.3. The Kingdom of God through Prophets and the Gospels

    Learning Activity: 2.3

    The prophet Zechariah foretold “the Lord will be King over the earth. In that day, there will be one Lord, and His name will be one (Zechariah 14:9). Daniel prophesied that “but the Saints of the Most High will receive the Kingdom and will possess it forever and ever” (Daniel 7:18).

    1. Do you think both prophecies were accomplished? Justify your answer.

    2. What are you going to do in order to be among the Saints? Write down your personal commitment.

    God’s Kingdom through Prophets

    Many prophets already foretold the Kingdom of God. They often describe the Kingdom of God that will be renewed by the Son of man the heir, inheritor from the Father. They predicted also the righteous as the co-heirs of it. Some predictions are found in book of prophet:• Prediction of preaching of Jesus about the Gospel of the Kingdom (Daniel 9:25).

    • The second coming of Christ, where the Lord shall be king over all the earth (Zechariah 14: 9).

    • The Saints shall receive the Kingdom forever, even forever and ever (Daniel 7: 18).

    • God will deliver his people and renew his reign (Isaiah 35: 1- 4, 8-10).

    • Reestablishment of God’s Kingdom (Isaiah 40: 9-11).

    • The Kingdom of God will be accomplished through a Kingly messiah figure (Isaiah 52: 13- 53: 12).

    • Israel will establish God’s Kingdom over all people through the kingly son of man (Daniel 7: 22).

    The Kingdom of God through the Gospel

    God’s Kingdom or Kingdom of heaven is the central theme of Jesus’ teaching. We find this teaching in Synoptic Gospels, especially in Matthew. There are several examples of the teachings about the kingdom of God:

    • Our righteousness exceeds the one of Pharisees to enter in Kingdom of heav-en (Matthew 5:20).

    • First seek the Kingdom of God, and do not worry about what to eat, wear.... your heavenly Father knows your needs (Matthew 6:31-33).

    • Enter by small gate and narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14).

    • God’s Kingdom is forcefully advancing, we fight for it (Matthew 11: 12).

    Parables of Kingdom of God:

    •Young rich man Matthew (19: 16- 26).

    • Unmerciful servant (Matthew 18: 23- 35).

    • Parable of the two sons (Matthew1: 28- 32).

    • It is like a mustard seed (Mark 4: 30- 32).

    In the Gospel according to Mark 4: 26-30, shows 3 ways we understand God’s Kingdom:

    • On earth: The Church as the visible institution with clear mission. The role of teaching, reading and sanctifying the people of God aims at leading believers to Kingdom of God

    • Among believers: the kingdom of God is proved by our spiritual life. The ways we pray, we hope, we observe God’s commandments show that the authority of God reigns among us

    • In heaven: It is a state of kingdom of God that will be marked by eschatology. It is an award that will be received on Parousia, the return of Jesus Christ to judge not to be judged, an award for the righteous eternal life)

    As every Kingdom has four elements, God’s kingdom also has territory (earth and heaven), subjects (all believers), rules (authority, will of God) and ruler (Jesus Christ). So, God’s rules deliver men from power of sin, death and Satan (Matthew 12:28-29). The Kingdom of God can take place then, in hearts. The spiritual life of believers starts in Church, the visible sign of kingdom of God. It is finally accomplished in heaven, the eternal life after judgment.

    Application Activity 2.3

    1. According to some evangelists the kingdom of God is among us. Discuss how the Kingdom of God should be present in your class and to your family .

    2. Role-play the parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.

    3. What values can you learn from the parable of the Vineyard’s workers?

    2.4 The Presence and the Coming of the Kingdom of God

    Learning Activity 2.4

    Read and answer the questions

    Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11); He healed an official’s son at Capernaum (John4:43-54); He cleansed a man with lepro-sy (Matthew 8:1-4); He healed the woman in the crowd with an issue of blood (Matthew 9: 20-22); He healed two blind men Matthew 9:27-31; He fed more than five thousand people.

    1. What was the intention of Jesus when He performed miracles?

    2. What values can you learn from Jesus’ miracles?

    3. Discuss whether the Kingdom of God has come or not yet come on earth?

    The question of the coming of God’s Kingdom was raised by Pharisees. They thought about the observable Kingdom. Jesus replied that it is not observable (Luke17: 20-21). This kingdom of God came through Jesus (power of God, mercifulness, signs of greatest love for humanity). It is present in the authority, his every Word and deed (Luke 4: 43; Luke 17: 20- 21).

    This kingdom of God is partly present and fully in the future. Some of their power is available. The decisive battle against sin, Satan, sickness, death has been fought and won by the King in his death and resurrection. But the battle is not yet over (Romans 8:23). It is still there until the second coming of Jesus and the last judgment. The Kingdom of God is already present (Luke 17: 20-21; Matthew 12: 28, Luke 11: 20), but at the same, it is not yet present (Luke 19: 11- 12).

    Application Activity: 2.4

    What things that happen to you, to your family and to your friends and neighbours show that the Kingdom of God is present.

    2.5 The Last days

    Learning Activity: 2.5

    At the eve of the year 2000 some people mobilized others to consume all their possession. They thought the earth would come to an end. Others spent all their time praying. However, we realize that 2000 ended and the earth is still in existence.

    1. What is the end of the world according to you? If you were there what could you have done?

    2. Suppose you are a preacher, list and explain main elements that can mark your preaching on the end of the world?

    Signs that will mark the end of times

    The holy scriptures highlight the signs of the end of times.

    • Nations will rise against nation and Kingdoms against Kingdoms (Matthew 24:7).

    • There will be food shortages (famine).

    • There will be great earthquakes.

    • There will be pestilences and pandemics or diseases (Luke 21: 11).

    • The traits of people of the last days will be: lovers of themselves, lovers of money, disobedience to parents, disloyal, having no natural affection, without self-control, fierce, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an ap-pearance of godliness but proving false to its power (2 Timothy 3: 1- 5).

    The positive signs that will mark the last days are the abundance of knowledge (Daniel 12:4); the Good News of Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth (Matthew 24: 3-14; Ephesians 7:9, Luke 21: 17).

    Four Realities of End of Times

    1. Death

    Christians should not be afraid of death because Jesus Christ rose (1Thessalonians 4: 14). Death is inevitable. Death puts end on our earthly life but it becomes the beginning of our new journey towards Father’s home.

    2. Judgment

    Judgment is an evaluation process that leads to a decision and a reward (Luke 19:12-27). God will come to judge all (Jude 1:14-15) at the end of age (Matthew 13:49), nobody knows the time. It will be like a thief (2 Peter 3:10). God is a judge of men’s actions (Genesis 18:20-25).

    There are different reasons why God will execute judgment:

    • To restore the relationship with God. (Genesis 3:15)

    • To abolish the consequences of sin.

    • To give glory to the Son of Man (Matthew 25: 31-33)

    • To reward the righteous.

    • To permanently restore God on Earth as it is in Heaven.

    The ultimate purpose of God for men is to enjoy eternal life (John 6:65). The sin is judged worthy of death (Romans 6:23).The basis for the judgment isthe Law of God and the faith in Jesus. According to the Scriptures, the Proceedings for the judgment include the judge, the accuser, the accused and the attorney:

    • Judge: God and Jesus Christ (ruler) John 12:31, Jude 1: 14-15

    • The Accuser: Each one of us will give an account of him/herself to God (Romans 14: 10-12), bad or good (2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 P: 4 -5)

    • Accused: the accused ones are the unrepentant hearts (Romans 2:5), the ungodly men (2 Peter 3:7), Who went on sinning willfully (Hebrew 10:26-28). In front of judgment seat, the dead and the living men will attend (Daniel 12: 2)

    • Attorney: Attorney refers to a qualified lawyer. Attorney of God is Jesus Christ, Messiah.

    3. Heaven

    Heaven is living fully in glory of God after the judgment. The righteous will see God, look like Him, and praise Him everlasting. Heaven refers to the place where God and the holy livings are (angels). Heaven is life without death, sorrow, sickness, poverty (Revelation 21: 3-4). In heaven, people will experience great joy of being re-united with their loved ones (Luke 23:42-43, Hebrew 12: 22-23).

    4. Hell

    For most Christian understanding, Hell refers to Gehenna that means eternal suffering reserved for ungodly men, who refused his mercifulness till their death (see for instance Catechism of Catholic Church, No 232).

    According to the common belief, it is a place or state of punishment of wicked after death and judgment. It is a dark side of eternity, endless punishment (Matthew 25:41; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, Revelation 14:9-11, Revelation 20:10, 14-15. Nevertheless, this is not believed by all Christian denominations. The Seventh-day Adventist Church for instance believes this punishment will take place on earth after 1000 years (Revelation 21:7-9). Though no one knows the exact time, the earth will come to an end after its mission is over. This is based on the fact that Sodom and Gomorrah are said to have been punished by unquenchable fire. Though the two cities are said to be set as an example of the eternal punishment (Jude 1:7), they are not still burning today. This position is also based on the fact that a Loving God cannot rejoice in burning the people forever and ever (Malachi 4:1).

    Application Activity: 2.5

    “Nowadays we observe many signs of the end times which show that the end times are closer. Therefore there is no need to save for the future” unknown author?.

    Do you agree with this idea? Defend your opinion.

    2.6 End Unit Assessment 2

    End Unit Assessment 2 questions.

    1. Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer: nobody knows the date and time then, the good time to be prepared is:

    a) next year;

    b) in 2080;

    c) today;

    d) tomorrow.

    2. What are the fruits/characteristics of God’s Kingdom?

    3. Explain how the Church is the visible sign of the Kingdom of God here on earth.

    4. Using the example of the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:1-52, examine how the kingdom of God is like?

    5. Analyze the signs of the end times.

    6. As a Christian, how would you work towards expanding the kingdom of God in your community?