3 .1. Key Unit Competences
To be able to model different figures or forms using clay or red soil (inombe)
3 .2. Generic Competences
In this unit, the teacher must help learners to know the process of preparing clay or red soil using different materials and tools. In preparing clay or red soil, learners may appreciate the beauty and the value of natural phenomena. After that, the teacher will lead learners to exhibit artworks and they give opinions about them.
3 .3. Cross-cutting issues (Transverse themes)
- Protect the environment while learners exchange opinions about clay and red soil.
- Material resource management, care for different materials and tools.
- Care for all learners with special attention to those with different disabilities, having a seat before the teacher, where they can receive particular assistance from him.
3 .4. Introducing the unit
From previous units, teaching and learning materials are from the surroundings. It is the same in making clay figures where clay is from various spots. After collecting clay,, it is prepared using figures of some objects from the surroundings.
3 .5. List of lessons
Lesson 1: Methods of using basic materials in modeling clay figures and ceramics.
a. learning objectives
- Identify different ways of making figures using clay or red soil.
- Love and protect the environment.
b. Teaching and learning materials
- Various materials and tools used in clay preparation and those used in modeling various figures.
c. Methodology
- Show learners different materials and tools used in clay preparation.
- In groups, ask learners to exchange opninions about the ways basic materials are used to prepare clay.
The body of the lesson
- In groups, ask learners to sort, sieve, mix clay and add water upto the last step(ready to be used).
- Demonstate how to model clay figures.
- Ask learners to build or to model clay figures imitating figures made by others.
- Approach each group for providing them guidance anfd facilitation where necessary.
Conclusion or Assessment
- Ask learners to exhibit clay figures they have built.
- Ask learners’ groups to choose the best performed figures. Appreciate learners’ activities and advise them.
- Cleaninliness of the workplace,materials and their safety.
Lesson 2: Use of clay or red soil ( inombe) in creating simple figures
inspired from surroundings.
a. learning objectives
- Describe the methods of making clay figures.
- Create clay figures.
- Respect and protect materials and tools.
b. Teaching and learning materials
- Clay figures.
- Clay or red soil (inombe).
- Sand or stone clay.
c. Methodology
- Ask learners to observe forms that have been modeled by others and choose what they want to model using clay.
Lesson development
- Teacher gives instructions to learners.
- Teacher demonstrate how to model clay figure inspired from environment
- Ask learners to build clay figures and imitating figures modeled by others and others inspired from environment.
• Ask learners to build clay figures imitating orange, carrot, maracuja, small animals.
- Approach each group for guidance and advices.
- Ask learners to exhibit clay figures they have modeled.
- Ask learners’ groups to choose the best performed figures.
- Appreciate learners’ activities and advise them.
- Cleanliness of the workplace,materials and their safety..
3 .6. End of Unit three Assessment
- Ask learners to model a cup using clay
- Ask learners to model different fruits using clay according to their nature.
3.7. Additional activity
• Ask each learner to build clay figure of any home material he/she wants.