Key Unit Competence: Student-teachers should be able to
         explain the roles & responsibilities and
        active collaboration of various members
       of the local community in the education of
        learners with disabilities and other Special
        Educational Needs in the school.

    Introductory Activity

    Roles and responsibilities of community members in the education of
    learners with disabilities and other special needs in the school

    Read the following text and answer the question that following:

    The success of inclusive education relies on effective family-schoolcommunity

    relationships. There is need to involve the community to help
    schools in identification, assessment and placement of children with
    disabilities. Besides, they are called on to provide children with additional
    support services in case it is required. Community members can encourage
    their children’s learning in and out of school and are also in a position
    to support school goals and directions. Educational practitioners need to
    strengthen the involvement of local communities as close partners.

    The impact of unsupportive community attitudes, as well as a lack of

    community-based services for children with disabilities, make it very
    difficult for families to adequately raise their children. The parents and
    caregivers of children with disabilities can be isolated from other families
    within their community due to the associated stigma and discrimination.

    To succeed inclusive education in Rwanda, the paper of norms and

    standards for quality inclusive education, article 3.5 of the section 3 states
    that ‘’Community Education Volunteers (CEVs) should actively participate
    in community education, sensitization, mobilization, and conduct public

    awareness campaigns in schools’’.

    On another positive note, the Government of Rwanda, with the support
    of the Civil Society, initiated a new structure meant to support the role
    of community members known as “Local Education Activists’ (LEAs)
    or “Imboni z’Uburezi Budaheza”. Parents of children with and without
    disabilities, local authorities, Faith Based Organizations, Friends of the
    Family “Inshuti z’Umuryango” gather to form a coalition. The latter is
    aiming at supporting the school to mobilize surrounding communities to
    send children with disabilities and actively play a role in their education.

    In terms of roles and responsibilities, the LEAs are in charge of the

    following tasks:
    • Community mobilization on right to education of children with
    • Identification of out-of-school children with disabilities at family level,
    • Provision of extra instructional support services to children who are
    • Home visits to families of children with disabilities in order to provide
    continuous support to these families
    • Collection of background information and monitoring children’s
    academic progress.
    • School to mobilize surrounding communities to send children with
    disabilities and actively monitor their progress in learning.


    1. Name three major roles of community members in promoting
    inclusive education.
    2. The Government of Rwanda recognizes the role of community
    education volunteers as close partners. Discuss how this
    community involvement can impact on children’s learning?
    3. State members of the LEAs’ structure.

    4. Brainstorm and discuss the different roles played by LEAs.

    7.1. Current situation of community involvement in
    promoting inclusive educatio
    Activity 7.1.
    Use books or other sources of information to answer the following
    1. How do you understand the situation of community involvement in
    promoting inclusive education in Rwandan schools?

    2. Are you aware of some of the community initiatives that are

    put in place to support the education of children with SEN and
    disabilities in Rwanda? Yes or No. Explain your answer with
    concrete examples.

    7.1.1. Situation of community involvement in promoting

    inclusive education

    The role of the community in inclusive education is three fold: i) pedagogical,
    ii) economic and iii) socio-political or developmental. Linking schools and
    communities is widely recognized as good pedagogic practice. There is an
    economic dimension to these links as well. A wide range of costs is involved in
    the provision and uptake of education, and these costs are borne by various
    parties. The community is entitled to supporting schools in financial issues.
    A third sense in which schools are linked to homes and communities is the
    socio-political or developmental dimension. In highly centralized political
    systems, government control of schools is usually strong, with minimum
    community involvement beyond contributing local resources.

    It was found that once community members have the opportunity and mindset

    to choose and participate in decisions that affect their lives, they gain the
    ability to lead and to take the initiative to make policy decisions that distribute
    benefits equitably and effectively through collective and collaborative efforts
    and actions.

    Though the role of community members is vital in promoting inclusive

    education, some are not willing to get involved and engage in school activities
    pretending that they are not welcome and therefore not respected by school
    authorities. This situation most affects those who are not educated enough
    or do not understand well school activities.

    In Rwanda, however, it is shown by studies that the community participation in

    inclusive education brought more benefits than expected. School-community
    links generally are based on a combination of pedagogic, economic and
    socioeconomic dimensions. Many good inclusive schools have a strong link
    to the communities they serve, influenced by one or more of these factors.
    For inclusive, child-friendly schools, these are also important factors. But
    there is a more fundamental sense in which child-friendly schools are linked
    with communities – the child’s right to quality basic education.

    Over the last two decades, the role of the community volunteers was vital in

    promoting inclusive education in Rwandan schools. Community education
    volunteers are catalysts of change in inclusive schools. As a matter of facts,
    the community volunteers helped children who attended school to improve
    in physical, emotional, and social abilities, making them better in terms
    of achievement. Communities benefited from inclusive education as well
    by gaining knowledge and understanding of disability. Communities with
    inclusive education programs became more open minded, creating a more
    favourable environment for children with disabilities.

    The role of community education volunteers is dual. On one hand, it helps

    CwDs and SEN to enrol, reduce drop outs and improve their academic

    SELF Assessment 7.1

    1. The role of the community in inclusive education is three fold: i)
    pedagogical, ii) economic and iii) socio-political or developmental.
    Explain with concrete examples.
    2. Community education volunteers and LEAs are catalysts of
    change in inclusive schools. Yes or No. Explain your choice with
    vivid examples.
    3. Discuss the benefits of involving community education volunteers

    and LEAs in the education of children with disabilities and SEN.

    7.2. Relevant and related Organization within the Rwandan

    Activity 7.2
    Use books or other sources of information to answer the following
    1. What are key community stakeholders involved in the education
    of children with disabilities in Rwanda?
    2. How can they be coordinated for a smooth participation in
    supporting inclusive education? Suggest practical tips.

    7.2.1 Key community stakeholders involved in the education of

    children with disabilities

    The following are key community stakeholders supporting inclusive education
    in Rwandan schools:

    • Local authorities

    Local authorities are those leaders elected at local decentralized levels
    including District, Sector, Cell and Village officials. They have an important
    role to play in leading efforts to promote and implement inclusive education
    at local levels.

    • Faith Based Organizations

    Faith-based organizations (FBOs) play a dual role of spiritual development
    and socio-economic improvement in the lives of believers. Whether the goal
    is to meet immediate religious, behavioural or material needs, the purpose of
    many FBOs is to assist individuals in advancing their lives for the better. It is
    within this respect that FBOs are involved in the education of the marginalized
    children, including those with disabilities and SEN.

    • Community influencers

    ‘’Community influencers’’ refer to prominent individuals in a community
    who are trusted by people and whose opinions are valued. Community
    influencers have an important contribution to play in improving access to
    inclusive education for children with disabilities and SEN.

    Under this category, we have Friends of Families “Inshuti z’Umuryango”
    represented by two people (a woman and a man) elected at village levels by
    community members to advocate for children’s rights, fight against domestic
    violence and protect children against any kind of harm or abuse. The structure
    is put in place by the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF)
    and is technically supported by the National Children’s Commission.

    • Civil society organizations

    Civil society is a key stakeholder in advocating for, and implementing
    inclusive education. Rwanda has made tremendous progress in expanding
    overall access to education and the involvement of the local civil society has
    been vital in achieving this goal.

    Under this category, we find local organizations advocating for the rights

    of children with disabilities and promoting their access to basic inclusive
    education (Organizations of Persons with Disabilities); such as the National
    Union of Disability Organizations in Rwanda (NUDOR), NUDOR members
    and Action for Inclusive Education Development in Rwanda (AIEDR).

    SELF Assessment 7.2

    1. Name key stakeholders involved in supporting the education of
    children with disabilities at community level.
    2. Discuss the relationship that exists between the four levels:
    local authorities, FBOs, community influencers and Civil Society


    7.3 Role and responsibilities of key community stakeholders involved in the education
    of children with disabilities

    Activity 7.3

    Use books or other sources of information to answer the following
    1. Think of roles and responsibilities which can be played by: local
    authorities, FBOs, community influencers and Civil Society
    Organizations to support the education of children with disabilities
    in Rwanda? Write it down on a paper.
    2. Name some of the Organizations of Persons with Disabilities
    (DPOs) you know and specify what kind of support they provide

    to children with disabilities.

    • Roles and responsibilities of local authorities
    Main roles and responsibilities are:
    • Coordinate and monitor the implementation of policies related to
    inclusive education in the district.
    • Mobilize and distribute resources to support inclusive education in the district.
    • Raise awareness on inclusive education in the district.
    • Ensure that partnerships with relevant stakeholders are in place to
    promote inclusive education in the district.

    Sector, cell and village

    • Sensitize the local community on issues related to inclusive education.
    • Mobilize local community members to become involved in activities that
    support and promote inclusive educational principles and practices.
    • Support and involve families in the education of children with disabilities and SEN.
    • Ensure that children with disabilities and SEN and their families are aware of their rights.
    • Identify and find children with disabilities and SEN who may be hidden/kept in various families

    • Roles and responsibilities of FBOs

    Main roles and responsibilities are:
    • Contribute to awareness raising on inclusive education and the
    educational rights of children with disabilities among their congregations.
    • Ensure that everyone is included in their different community services.
    • Ensure children with disabilities and SEN are integrated in FBO
    education programmes.
    • Encourage children with disabilities and SEN to participate in religious
    ministries, clubs, religious education programmes and events.
    • Advocate for the inclusive education of children with disabilities and
    SEN among national, regional and international stakeholders.
    • Participate in the implementation of different policies related to inclusive education.

    • Roles and responsibilities of community influencers

    Main roles and responsibilities are:
    • Identify children with disabilities and SEN using community-based
    services like Inshuti z’umuryango.
    • Refer cases of children with disabilities and SEN to relevant services.
    • Sensitize/mobilize community members to promote and support inclusive education.
    • Liaise with all community members to provide support services for
    children with disabilities and SEN according to their professional
    abilities (e.g., carpenters, technicians, artisans and religious leaders).
    • Provide support to parents with children with disabilities, e.g., guidance
    and counseling or inclusion in income generating activities.
    • Advocate for the rights of children with disabilities among concerned
    stakeholders such as the local government and CSOs.
    • Roles and responsibilities of the Civil Society Organizations

    Main roles and responsibilities are:

    • Promote the rights of persons with disabilities and SEN, including rights to education.
    • Promote economic and social integration of children with disabilities
    and SEN by providing resources and equipment needed for learning.
    • Support organizations of persons with disabilities and SEN in their missions.
    • Build local capacity and empower communities with knowledge on inclusive education.
    • Mobilize and enhance community participation in the production of
    local resources needed in inclusive education.
    • Raise awareness of the challenges to inclusive education and advocate for change.

    SELF Assessment 7.3
    Organize a role play in which you dramatize roles played in an effort to
    enrol children with disabilities who are hidden by their families. Players will
    represent the following:
    • local authorities
    • FBOs
    • Community influencers
    • Civil Society Organizations.

    7.4. Strategies to enhance collaboration between 
    community members (local leaders, community
    influencers, Faith Based Organizations, Organizations of Persons with Disabilities, etc.) in education of
    learners with disabilities and other SEN

    Activity 7.4
    Use books or other sources of information to answer the following
    1. What ways do you think can be used to enhance partnerships
    and collaboration between local authorities, FBOs, community
    influencers and Civil Society Organizations?
    2. Which are the practical methods do you think can be used by each
    and every community stakeholder to better support the education
    of children with disabilities?
    7.4.1 Strategies to enhance partnerships and collaboration
    between community organizations
    Strategies include:
    Partnering between local authorities, FBOs, Civil Society Organizations
    and community influencers involved in supporting the education of
    children with disabilities amd SEN
    Participating in the district, sector, cell and village steering committee
    meetings for the development and support of IE in the respective target area;
    Mobilizing resources, including available local resources, to support
    inclusive education;
    Strengthening links and coordination to jointly lead community based
    awareness raising sessions;
    • Initiating a common forum for exchange and efforts/ resource

    7.4.2. Practical methods which are appropriate for specific

    community stakeholders

    ∎ Local government authorities
    Local government officials could consider the following methods and
    channels to fulfill their roles and responsibilities with regards to promoting
    inclusive education:
    • Village council meetings (inteko z’abaturage): These meetings are
    good channels to convey messages on inclusive education.

    • Monthly community work (Umuganda): Issues related to inclusive
    education can be discussed during community work.

    • Home visits: An education activist can pass on inclusive education
    messages by visiting families to make sure that the actual information
    is conveyed to them. Families with children with disabilities and SEN
    can be mobilized to demand inclusive education in this way.

    • Parents’ evenings (umugoroba w’ababyeyi): Messages related to
    inclusive education can be easily transmitted to parents and caregivers
    during these occasions.

    • Mass sports events (siporo rusange): These large gatherings also
    can be a good channel of conveying messages related to inclusive

    • Education meetings: These meetings can include inclusive education
    awareness raising on their agenda.

    • Various talks: Public talks/speeches that attract large number of people
    can be used to influence people’s attitudes towards children with
    disabilities and SEN.

    • Open days: Open days at schools or government offices can be an

    occasion to exchange ideas on how to promote inclusive education.

    • Exhibitions: Exhibitions during conferences or other events can be used
    to talk about inclusive education and share material on the subject,
    helping to positively influence people’s attitudes towards children with
    disabilities and SEN.

    • Media: Messages through the media in written, audio and visual formats
    can help many people to adopt positive attitudes and values towards
    children with disabilities and SEN.

    • Different forums: Forums such as workshops can be used to explain
    government policy and implementation plans on inclusive education.

    • Traditional school (Itorero): Itorero is also a good channel for promoting
    inclusive education principles and practices.

    ∎ Faith Based Organizations

    FBOs could consider the following methods:
    • Religious ministries assemblies : church or gospel gathering
    • Communitybelivers’ meetings: for instance, catholic mothers’ meetings,
    protestants mothers’ union, etc

    ∎ Community influencers

    Community influencers could consider the following methods while mobilizing
    community members to send children with disabilities to school.
    • Community outreach programmes:
    –– Community work « umuganda »
    –– Community assemblies « Umugoroba w’ ababyeyi »
    –– Friends of the Family « Inshuti z’umuryango »
    –– Local Education Activists “Imboni z’uburezi

    • Community special events to celebrate the International Day of Persons

    with Disabilities and International Day of the Child.

    ∎ Civil society organizations

    The CSO could consider the following methods:
    • Use video spots to sensitize all educational partners on children’s right
    to inclusive education.

    • Distribute pamphlets and other printed communication materials to

    enhance community members’ knowledge of inclusive education.

    • Use radio broadcasts to promote positive attitudes towards the 
    integration of children with disabilities and SEN in schools and


    • Raise awareness of the needs of children with disabilities and SEN
    through dialogues during community meetings and collective work


    SELF Assessment 7.4
    1. State main strategies used to enhance partnerships and
    collaboration between organizations supporting inclusive
    education at community level.

    2. Discuss in groups some methods that can allow local leaders,

    FBOs, community influencers and CSOs to effectively conduct
    awareness raising sessions on rights to education of children with

    disabilities and SEN.

    Section A:
    1. The role of the community in inclusive education is three fold: i)
    pedagogical, ii) economic and iii) socio-political or developmental.
    Explain with concrete examples.
    2. Community education volunteers and LEAs are catalysts of
    change in inclusive schools. Yes or No. Explain your choice with
    vivid examples.
    Section B:
    1. Name key stakeholders involved in supporting the education of
    children with disabilities at community level.
    2. Discuss the roles played by community influencers. Write it down
    on a paper.
    Section C:
    Suggest the roles to be played by FBOs and CSOs in an effort to enrol
    children with disabilities who are hidden by their families.
    Section D:
    1. Discuss in groups how you can stimulate and strengthen
    partnerships and collaboration between organizations supporting
    inclusive education at community level.
    2. Propose a plan of how you can effectively address a group of local
    leaders on rights of children with disabilities and SEN to education

    by highlighting practical methods that can convince attendees.