Key unit competence: To be able to justify the need for

                                                     standards and its role in business

    Introductory Activity

    1. Take for example the garments that we wear such as shirts,
    shoes, belts even other t h i n g s we use like pocket wallets,
    papers, books, pens, padlocks and keys, cups, plates etc. All
    these items are of various weights, shapes and they are used
    to serve different purposes.

    a. In your opinion, why are standards necessary?

    b. How are they enforced?

    c. What can a consumer do in case he/she has a complaint about
    the standard of product or service?

    d. What can an e n t r e p r e n e u r do to comply and m i n i m i s e
    complaints about his/ her product quality?

    4.1. Meaning of standards

    Activity 4.1

    1. Imagine you have bought cooking oil from a supermarket.
    After opening it, you find that it has bad smell is expired,
    doesn’t have RSB mark and no longer of use. What can
    you do about it? What should you have done before buying
    the cooking oil?
    2. What laws can be put in place to make sure this kind of thing
    does not happen?

    A Standard is a set of rules and guidelines or characteristics of activities
    or their results established by agreement, documented and approved by a
    recognized body aimed at producing a common product.
    They are widely accepted, agreed upon or established means of determining
    what something should be.

    Substandard products/services: These are products/services which
    do not m e e t the customers’ needs or purpose of their consumption.
    Standardization: This refers to the process of developing and implementing
    technical specifications.

    Application activity 4.1

    1. List the various characteristics of each of the following giving
    examples from Rwanda.
    a. Standard products/services.

    b. Substandard products/services.

    4.2. Importance of standards

    Activity 4.2

    Isimbi went to the market and bought a new cloth that she wished to put
    on at the party of her brother’s graduation; but when she washed it for
    the first time it lost its colour and she really felt betrayed by the seller
    because the cloth was no longer good for the party. Mugeni also bought
    a pair of open shoes when she was going to visit Mukambwe, not very
    far from her home, her new shoes got torn and she had to pay money to
    someone to repair her shoes before continuing with the journey.

    From the above text;
    1. What kind of inconvenience did Isimbi and Mugeni experience?
    2. What caused this problem?
    3. Identify the dangers that such products can cause to a consumer

    Importance of standards to the government

    • It helps to meet the requirements of the purchasers.
    • It strengthens and harmonizes national metrology systems.
    (Metrology: scientific process of measurement)
    • It develops culture of quality management in public and private
    • It facilitates the access of Rwandan goods and services to external
    • It leads to better public health, consumer and environmental protection,
    economic growth, poverty reduction, better quality of life.
    • It protects its citizens from buying poor quality products.
    • Standardization is a source of security.
    • It promotes good relationship among countries.

    Importance of standards to an industry
    • It leads to lower costs of production since redundancy and errors have
    been minimized.
    • It helps industry products, services and personnel to cross borders.
    • They improve industry efficiency and remain competitive.
    • Helps to earn customers’ loyalty since customers want high quality,
    reliable, consistent and safe products and services.

    Importance of standards to the consumers
    Purchase of good quality products
    • They are protected from being over exploited by entrepreneurs
    • Improved choice and access to goods and services
    • Improved standards of living
    • Better products and service information
    • Better operational compatibility between products and delivery of

    Importance of standards to the society
    • Protecting natural environment from being contaminated by the
    activities of some entrepreneurs.
    • Enhanced product quality and reliability at reasonable price
    • Improved health, safety, environmental protection and reduction of
    wastes in society
    • Simplification for improved usability
    • Increased distribution efficiency and ease of maintenance
    • Standards provide confidence in products and services to the users.

    Levels of standardization

    International standardization: Standards developed by international
    organizations like International Standards Organization (ISO),
    International Electro-Technical Commission (IEC)
    • Regional standardization: This enforces standards of services,
    goods, infrastructure in a given region like East African Community in
    order to promote trade and commerce in accordance with prosperity or
    progress of that region.
    • National standardization: Standards established by national or state
    bodies of a given country. Examples in Rwanda RSB makes sure that all
    business activities reflect and comform to standards it has developed.
    Examples of standard bodies in Rwanda include; RSB, REMA, RDB,
    Rwanda National Police, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and
    Natural Resources

    Types of standards

    • Basic standards: These are essential facts or principles that have to
    be maintained in a product or in a service provision.
    • Product standards: These are established requirements/ qualities/
    methods of testing, grading and making a product to ensure that it will

    serve its purpose effectively.

    • Terminology standards: These are words to use in research and
    development process. It is for the purpose that the same industry uses
    a common, clearly understood language.
    • Test and measurement standards: These define the process of

    measuring the properties of performance of a product.

    • Service standards: These are established requirements to be met
    in order to achieve designated purpose/service effectively such as for

    repairing a car.

    • Process standards: Standards that specify the requirements to be

    met by a process.

    • Code of practice standards: Guidelines given to members to comply

    with the association’s ethical practices

    • Ethical standards: Moral principles that if respected, promote values
    like trust, fairness, kindness, good behavior, etc…
    • Performance standards: Standards on how a product is supposed to
    • Design standards: These define characteristics or how a product is
    to be built.
    • Interface standards. This concerns with compatibility.

    Institutions involved in inspection of activities in different fields of

    standardization in Rwanda

    The Rwanda Standard Board - RSB
    The Ministry of Agriculture and Animal resources
    The Ministry of Health - MINISANTE
    Ministry of Infrastructure - MININFRA
    Rwanda National Police – RNP
    Rwanda Development Board - RDB
    Rwanda Environmental Management Authority – REMA

    Application activity 4.2

    1. Discuss the various importance of standards to the following
    stakeholders in Rwanda in the process of exercising their
    rights and obligations.
    • Government
    • Consumers.
    • Industry.
    • Society.
    2. Discuss the process of standardisation in Rwanda.

    Skills lab

    1. Referring to the products/services you are making/offering in the business
    club or intend to make/offer, compare what would be a standard product
    or service or a substandard one. Discuss the advantages of producing
    a standard product or service and challenges the club may face if they
    fail to meet the standards. Analyse the process the club will go through
    to standardise the products and services you offer or plan to, pointing
    out the costs, resources, and people/organisations that will be involved.
    2. Teacher Gatabazi puts 5-7 different products on a table in front of a
    class, i.e. bottle of mineral water, ball, pen, broom, crisps, and sandals

    Choose one of the products and imagine you were to explain the
    standards used in producing this product to young entrepreneurs.

    a. Draw the product on a paper and explain what standards were used in

    developing this product. Use arrows to identify what part the standards
    apply to consumers.

    b. Explain what purpose each standard has for consumers.

    End unit 4 assessment

    “Ejo Hacu Heza” is a business club in a Teacher Training college. In one
    day evening club members in a meeting, decided to start a business
    project for their club. The club president Akeza asked the treasurer
    Ineza how much they had in their bank account.

    The treasurer informed the general assembly that after a period of two
    terms they had saved 30,000Frw from 200Frw each member saved
    every month.

    Rubanguka astonishingly laughed and asked Akeza, “What can we
    do with such very little money”? Then, Rangira suggested that they
    could be buying avocadoes from the neighboring trading centre and
    sell them to their fellow student teachers in the dining as they take
    their meals. Munezero, objected Rangira`s view; and emphasised that
    they could still come up with a viable business project with the little
    savings they had. Ineza asked Munezero how she thinks they can do
    with 30,000Frw.

    Munezero explained that in their skills lab period, they learnt how to
    apply skills acquired from other subjects to make products extension
    cables, bar and liquid soaps, juices, body lotion, etc. which are all
    made using locally available resources and how to manage business

    To the surprise, Hindigiri asked if the quality of products they would
    make would be legally accepted in the market standards; she further
    proclaimed that for any product and materials to be accepted for their
    purpose use, it must fulfil the required standard. The club members
    decided to first consult and research on why their products must be
    standardized by a recognized body and why do entrepreneurs go for

    approval of their products, materials and services standards.


    1. Why did Hindigiri and “Ejo Hacu Heza” business club worry about the
    quality of the products they were making which were not approved
    by a recognized body?
    2. What do you understand by terms standards, standard goods and
    standard services?
    3. If after graduating from your college, you and your friend decide
    to start a company that produces and sells some of the products
    you were making in the skills lab and business club; describe the
    standard procedures you will apply to run and make products and
    services in your business.

    4. What is the importance of standards in business and society?