
    Key Unit Competence: To be able to demonstrate a good

     leadership strategy for leading teams in the business.

    Introductory activity 

    There is no right or wrong way to answer this assessment.
     It is for your own use during this unit. 
    You will read an element of competence listed in the left column.
     Think about yourself: do you think you can do this?
     How well? Read the statements across the top.
     Put a check in column that best represents your situation. 

    At the end of this unit, you will take this assessment again.


    5.1 Meaning of leadership and Qualities of a leader

    Activity 5.1
    1. Read the following paragraph and answer questions that follow. 
    Think about a time when you have been a leader. 
    It can be a leader of anything, a group task at school, 
    home or in your community, at a job, being a leader on a sports team...
    a. How did you like playing that role? 
    b. What made it difficult or easy for you? 
    c. Based on your experience described above, 
    what do you understand by leadership? 
    2. a) Referring to your community, or country, name any three (3) 
     examples of leaders who you think are inspiring
     (famous people or people from your community). 
     b) Describe the characteristics/qualities you think 

    make those leaders inspiring or effective.

    5.1.1 Meaning of leadership
    Leadership is the art of motivating/ influencing 
    a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. 
    This leadership definition captures the essentials of being able
     to inspire others and being prepared to do so. 
    Effective leadership is based upon ideas 
    (whether original or borrowed),
     but will not happen unless those ideas can be communicated 
     to others in a way that engages them enough

     to act as the leader wants them to act. 

    Put even simpler, a leader is the inspiration and director of the action. 
    He or she is the person in the group that possesses the combination 
    of personality and leadership skills that makes others 

    want to follow his or her direction.

    5.1.2 Qualities of good leader


    To help you improve your leadership skills, 

    here are examples of what makes a great leader.

    a. Determination 

    A great leader has a never-ending determination.
     He/she is the first one to initiate an idea and the last one to give up.
     It is because of a leader’s determination 

    that projects are started and completed successfully.

    b. Flexibility 

    A great leader can adapt to any situation. 
    He/she sees the situation from many different

     angles and can adjust himself accordingly. 

    c. Resourcefulness 

    Generally, leaders do not always get what they want easily. 
    But since effective ones are creative, they think of ways
     to get what they want. Besides, they collaborate with
     the employees to fully utilize the available resources 

    in achieving the organizational objectives. 

     d. Creativity 

    He/she is characterized by critical thinking coming up 
    with effective ways of doing things right that do not require a lot of time, 

    effort or money but ending up successfully. 

    e. Self-confidence 

    People will follow a leader who believes in him or herself.
     This does not mean being arrogant; 

    rather, it means trusting in yourself and your abilities.

    f. Positive Attitude / Optimism 

    A great leader has a positive outlook and tries 

    to make the best out of everything. 

    g. Responsible 

    A great leader understands that whatever happens in his/her team 
    (whether good or bad) is his responsibility. He/she does not take 
    all the credit for work well done and does not blame others when there is failure. 
    h. Consistency / Reliability / Accountability 
    A great leader is dependable, always does his/her best, 

    takes action and delivers good results. 

     i. Planning ahead 
    A good leader knows what is up ahead. 
    He has good judgment in predicting what may happen 

    in the future and can make work decisions based on that. 

    j. Patience 
    A great leader is able to wait, to continue doing something
     despite difficulties, 
    or to suffer without complaining or
    becoming annoyed.

     Patience is enduring under difficult circumstances,
     exhibiting endurance when under strain, especially

     when faced with longer-term difficulties.

    k. Being objective 

     A good leader does not take sides but is open to different opinions.
     Personal feeling or opinions do not influence him/her 

    in considering and representing facts. 

    l. Perceptive 

     A good leader has an awareness of the people s/he is leading. 
    He/she has intuitive, understands people he/she is leading
     or situations and shows sensitivity Briefly, what makes a great leader
     is a mix of these qualities and many more others.
     A person does not necessarily need to possess all the qualities

     but one should at least strive to develop many of them. 

    m. Intelligent 
     An effective leader should have the ability
     to think and come out with original/ personal ideas and ability
     to make proper decision which may help in solving business problems. 
    An effective leader is also good communicator, honesty, disciplined,

    exemplary as well as inspiring.

    Application activity 5.1

    Read the following extract from “Rwanda.
     A remarkable turnaround of a nation, 2014, page 9) 
    and answer questions that follow: 
    To produce the desired outcomes, structural advantages have to interact with the agency 
    – social organization and leadership. Fortunately for GS RUGWIRO, 
    at the heart of its success has been focused on good leadership 
     to guide the institution through various reforms. 
    The head teacher and his colleagues have exhibited extraordinary 
    leadership values and skills aimed at navigating local difficulties
     and external pressures to steer the institution to success.
     Yet, its achievements are not singularly because of the intrinsic values
     of its internal organization, the institution
     – however, important these may be. Rather, they have largely 
    been because of institution’s ability to build a broad-based
     collaborative relationship with other schools and social 
    wellbeing of staff in the school to sustain the momentum
     for progressive change.
    a. Do you describe GS RUGWIRO as a team? 
    Give reasons to support your response 
    b. From the extract, why do you think 
    GS RUGWIRO has a good leadership 
     c. Do you describe the head teacher of the above school 
    as an effective leader? Support your response with 

    four qualities from the extract.

    5.2 Leadership styles

    Activity 5.2

    Analyze the Leadership styles below and answer questions that follow:

    The “Authoritarian” Leader/ Autocratic style/Authoritarian
    • The “Persuading” leader:
    • The “Consulting” Leader:
    • The “Joining” Leader:

    • The transformative leader:


    a. Explain the meaning of each leadership styles above
    b. Think and give examples of people you know who
     tend to lead or have 
    led in each of the leadership style explained above.

    c. Describe when each leadership style would be appropriate to use


    As a leader, it is important to understand the different styles of leading. 
    The style you choose will depend on the context in which you are working in,
     the people you are working with, their needs and expectations, 
    whether or not you have a deadline, the task, etc. 

    The following are the most typical leadership styles:

    a. The “Autocratic/Task-oriented/Authoritarian” style 
    • Identifies a problem, considers alternative solutions,
     chooses one of them, and then tells followers what they are to do.
    • May or may not consider what the group will think or feel about
     the decision, but they clearly do not participate in the decision-making.
    • Assigns roles.

    • Relies primarily on his or her own judgment.

    b. The “Persuading” style 

    • Like the “Authoritarian” leader, he/she makes the decisions
    consulting the group. Instead of simply announcing
    the decision he or she 
    attempts to persuade the group members
     to accept the decision.

    • Describes how the decision fits everyone’s interests.

    c. The “Consulting/ Democratic” style
    • Gives the group a chance to influence the decision from the beginning.
    • Presents the problem and relevant background information,
     and then asks the members for their ideas on how to solve the problem.
    • May offer a possible solution for the group members’ reaction.

    • Selects the solution the members regard as most promising.

    d. The “Joining” style:

    Participates in the discussions as “just another” member agreeing
     in advance to carry out whatever decision the group makes.
    • Encourages group decisions.
    • Allows for individual recognition.

    • Tends to guide, not rule.

    e. The transformative style
    • Leader identifies the needed change. 
    • Creates a vision to guide the change through inspiration.

    • Executes the change with the commitment of the members.

    f. Laissez-faire leadership 

    • The leader makes the subordinates aware of the broad goals
     and objectives of the business.
    • The subordinates are left free to organize themselves 
    and make their own decisions.
    • The leader totally trusts their employees/team 
    to perform the job themselves.
    • The leader just concentrates on the intellectual/
    rational aspect of his work and does not focus
     on the management aspect of his work. 
    • This leadership style works only when the employees are skilled, 
    loyal, experienced and intellectual.

    Appropriateness of each leadership style


    a. The Authoritarian and persuading styles of leadership are most prevalent:
    • In large groups.
    • In passive groups.
    • In groups, which seldom meet.

    • At times when a quick decision or deadline must be met.

    b. The Consulting style of leadership is most effective and/or prevalent:

    • In large groups.
    • In motivated groups.

    • In organized groups.

    c. The Joining style of leadership is most prevalent and /or effective:

    • In small groups.
    • In highly motivated groups.
    • In groups that can deal with a less structured environment.
     There might be a lot of brainstorming, trying things out
    but switching direction as needed, etc., 

    • In groups, which have a relatively high need for independence. 
    • In groups where the members have the necessary knowledge 
    and experience to deal with the problem.

    • In groups where the members expect to share in decision-making.

    d. The Transformative style of leadership is most effective and/or prevalent:
    • In teams with different strengths and weaknesses.
    • When you want team members to work through a problem
     and arrive at a solution themselves (rather than giving them
     the answer or direction straight away).
    • When you want to get your team to engage through 
    providing direction and motivation.
    • When you want to get your teams’ respect by being honest,

     trustworthy, and driven.

    Application activity 5.2

    Analyze the scenarios below, and determine which leadership style

     is more appropriate for the scenario and give reasons to support your choice. 

    a. You are at the workplace and suddenly the building where
     the finished products are stored catches fire. 
    b. In the finance department, workers are complaining 
    that the rules and regulations in their department are 
    not favorable to all and therefore, need to be changed. 
    c. In your department, as a leader you want to introduce 
    computers because you believe they will improve on
     the efficiency of the workers but they feel computers are not necessary,
     as it is a wastage of the company’s money.
    d. Recently, there have been changes in government policies that
      automatically affect the performance of the business. 
    You as the managing director are to lead senior management to come up 
    with strategies to counter the effects of the new policies. 
    e. At school, all the classrooms are dirty and need to be cleaned. 
    f. Implementing government programs such as “Umuganda”

    5.3 Team building


    Activity 5.3

    1. Explain the meaning of team building 
    2. Describe the characteristics of a good team

    5.3.1 Meaning

    A team is a group of people working towards a common goal. 
    Team Building involves the process of enabling the group 
    f people to reach their goals. It consists of steps like clarification of team goals; 
    identification of hindrances to goal achievements;
    facing the identified challenges and enabling the achievement of the goals.
    Team building is the action or process of causing a group of people
     to work together effectively as a team, especially by means of activities
     and events designed to increase motivation and promote cooperation. 
    This is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance
     social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks.
    The formal definition of team-building includes:
    • Aligning around goals
    • Building effective working relationships
    • Reducing team members’ role ambiguity

    • Finding solutions to team problems

    The effectiveness of team building differs substantially
     from one organization to another.
     The most effective efforts occur when team members are interdependent,
     knowledgeable and experienced 
    and when organizational leadership actively 

     establishes and supports the team. 

    Effective team building incorporates an awareness
     of team objectives. Teams must work to develop goals, 
    roles and procedures. As a result, team building is usually
     associated with increasing task accomplishment,

     goal meeting, and achievement of results within teams. 

    Note: The ability to work as part of a team is one of the most 
    important skills in today’s job market.
     Employers are looking for workers who can contribute 
    their own ideas, but also want people who can work with others
     to create and develop projects and plans.
    Katzenbach and Smith (1993) list the following

     requirements for building effective teams: 

    i) It should be small enough in the number of members. 
    ii) Adequate levels of complementary skills. 
    iii) Truly meaningful purpose 
    iv) Specific goal or goals. 
    v) Established clear approach to the team’s work. 
    vi) A sense of mutual accountability. 

    vii)Defined appropriate leadership structure.

    5.3.2 Characteristics of a good team


    • Clear goals: Clear goals are necessary so that all team members 

    understand the purpose and vision of the team.

    • Defined goals: Goals should be defined so as team members
     understand their job function for leaders to tap into

     the skills and talents of group members.

    • Open and clear communication: Effective communication will keep a team
     informed and focused. It is important to focus on hearing message 

    before forming our own conclusions.

    • Effective decision making: Awareness of various decision-making 
    methods can help a team member make efficient decisions. 

    Team members should select a method that works best them.

    • Balanced participation: Full involvement of team members 
    is valued and sought. It is important that leaders define what type

    of participation they expect from members.

    • Valued diversity: Diversity of thinking, idea generating, problem solving 

    and experiences help to create an effective team.

    • Cooperative relationship: Team members need to work together for the good of the team, 
    and understand that combining the skills of numerous people will produce 

    something that could not be created alone.

    • Participative leadership: A good team is characterized 

    by shared leadership among team members at various times.

    Application activity 5.3

    Read the following activity and answer questions that follow.
    You are the president of your school business club. 
    The District Youth leader has advised you that for your club
     to win the upcoming competitions, the club should have 
    an overall impact on the school and community. 
    Club membership should comprise students from S1 to S6, but S4&5
     members are not willing to accept students from other classes. 
    They claim that the new members will simply enjoy current club achievements
    , and they will not bring much since most of the work has been done, 
    and projects are already running; the club is not united as well.
    As the president: 
    a. What should you do to ensure the club is united? 
    b. What characteristics are required for the club to be successful?
    5.4 Steps for building productive and effective teams

    Activity 5.4

    Using your own knowledge on team building, explain team building steps/ techniques.
    Without team building skills, the manager risks limiting the productivity
     of his/her employees to what each member can do on their own, 
    whereas if he/she fosters team building, he/she can unite teams 
    around a common goal, which will raise productivity as a result. 
    The following are five steps to buila productive and effective team:
    Step 1: Establish leadership. 
    If your employees trust your judgment, they will work effectively 
    even when you are not around. Before you start team building, 
    you need to develop the right kind of leadership skills. 
    This doesn’t mean asserting authority, instead try 

    to foster trust through honesty and transparency.

    Step 2: Establish relationships with each of your employees. 
    A manager tries to learn more about each member of his/her team, 
    their skillsets, how they are motivated and their likes and dislikes.
     This knowledge is invaluable to managers as it allows them to match
     each employee’s expertise and competencies to specific problems, 

    which will help increase their productivity and job satisfaction.

    Step 3: Build relationships between your employees.
     As a team starts to cooperate more, examine the way they work together 
    and take steps to improve communication, cooperation and trust amongst the team.
     If there are any conflicts, try to resolve them amicably. 
    Listen to both sides of the argument and act as a mediator.
     One way to do this is to brainstorm solutions, 

     which helps to empower your employees and may lead to new solutions to the problem.

    Step 4: Foster teamwork. 
    Once relations with and between employees have been established,
     it is time to help them work together effectively. 
    Encourage the team to share information, 
     both amongst them and within the wider organization.
     Also, try to communicate more with the team. 
    This goes beyond simply holding meetings, and includes 
     things like being open to suggestions and concerns,
     asking about each team member’s work and offering
     assistance where necessary, and doing everything 
     to communicate clearly and honestly with the team.
    Step 5: Set ground rules for the team. 
    Finally, begin officially establishing the team 
    through creating team values and goals, 
    as well as evaluating team performance alongside 
    individual performance. Be sure to include the team 
    in this process so that they know what is required and agree with it. 
    Team building is one of the most important responsibilities 
    a manager has. It isn’t something that can be achieved 
    in a short time and then forgotten. It is an ongoing organic 
    process that you will have to facilitate and guide.
    Application activity 5.4
    As a student representative, you have been challenged
     to ensure that all students in your class participate 
    in a community day. However, most students are saying it their only time
     to do private activities and thus have no time. 
    As a leader, how would you apply the steps for building productive
    and effective teams to manage the above challenge?
    5.5 Strategies for managing a team
    Activity 5.5
    Think of a situation at work, school or home where there is a new/
    unfamiliar task for everyone to accomplish. 
    People are required to get themselves organized to accomplish it. 
    This particular task will need leaders to emerge and assume responsibilities,
     manage people and the communication process for the success of the given activity.
    Assume you are selected as the leader; 
    describe some strategies you will use to have the people accomplish the task.
    Leaders can employ different strategies
     while bringing people to work together and developing teamwork:
    • Work with the team to develop a common goal. 
    • Nurture sense of belonging; focus on 
    what team members have in common.
    • Help team members’ work together 
    to efficiently solve problems.
    • Encourage members to set aside personal goals 
    and desires for the benefit of the team.
    • Treat team members fairly and equally.
    • Structure the work of the team in a simple &
     logical fashion; distribute work fairly.
    • Manage team efficiently so that work proceeds in a timely manner.
    • Create an environment that supports 
    nd rewards openness, creativity, trust, mutual 
    respect and a commitment to provide high quality services.
    • Value everyone’s contribution.
    • Encourage discussion.
    • Ensure all team members understand that 
    their ideas and opinions are equally important and relevant.
    • Encourage people with different abilities 

    and personalities to work together.

    • Value everyone’s contribution. Team members have different skills 
    and experience and so each team member must be given an opportunity
    and feel that their contributions are valued. 
    • Empower team members. Delegating authority and empowering 
    the team to make decisions is more likely to pull together members 
    together and work collaboratively to achieve business goals.
    • Resolve conflict within the team. Constructive conflict among team members
     is a sign of a healthy team. However, unhelpful arguments and
     conflict should be tackled for the team to stay focused. 
    • Celebrate team successes. When the team achieves a milestone or target,
    you should encourage team members to celebrate their success together
    act as an incentive to reach the next milestone or target.

    Application activity 5.5
    Mutoni has been voted as a youth representative in one of the sectors in Ngoma district. 
    In this sector, there are over 100 youths who have been asked by the executive to find
     a viable project they can start that can solve the problem of unemployment.
     This project will be financed by the sector.
     The biggest issue they have however is they don’t agree with each other 
    on which project they would select. Assuming that you are 
    Mutoni, as their representative, what team management
     strategies can you apply to solve the above given issue?
    5.6 Importance of teams in business
    Activity 5.6
    Referring to your class group activities,
     explain the importance of teams in business.
    There are numerous advantages of teamwork in business. 

    Some of the genuine advantages are discussed below:

    • Division of work and achieving set goals: Teamwork ensures
     that there is an equal and fair distribution
     of work within the organization. 
    A fair work distribution ensures that every person
     or every working unit executes any task at hand,
     with the best possible efficiency. 
    The division of work also ensures that the work is done

     on time and deadlines are not extended hence achievement of set goals. 

    • Reduction of risk: When the task at hand is executed 
    with the maximum possible efficiency, there is a reduction in risk. 
    The best advantage of teamwork in business is that the burden 
    of failure is borne by all the members of the team

     and it does not fall on the shoulders of just one person. 

    • Subordination of personal interest to organizational interest: 
    One of the biggest advantages of teamwork is that personal interest 
    is subordinate to organizational interest. 
    This ensures that all the team members put in the maximum 

    possible efforts into their work, thereby ensuring a high quality and timely output.

    • Eases work:


    Sharing the workload eases burnout. 
    Team members can provide emotional support to each other 
    because they often understand the demands and stress of 
     completing the work even better than managers. 
    This also helps workers to share the tasks according 
    to their ability differences.
    • Easy management of workers: when workers are assigned 
    tasks in groups, it is easy to delegate some of the managerial 
    powers to team leader hence easy management of employees. 
    • Increases team work spirit:
    Most modern businesses are structured around teams.
     Even those with highly individualized jobs like graphic 
     design and publishing need active cooperation among 
    various members of the organization for a final product to emerge. 
    It is critical then for every member of the organization to understand
     the concept of teamwork and to consider his or her job as part of a team effort.
    Ways to encourage team spirit in the workplace:
    1. Employ the right people
    2. Eating lunch together
    3. Organize social events
    4. Workshops can also be useful
    5. Sharing praise and feedback

    6. Being inclusive

    • Quick business growth: Teamwork can be the smartest strategy for growth as 
    it influences performance results and organizational objectives.
     Teamwork makes people share the same goals and responsibilities 
     for outcomes, namely the common objective of an organization.
     It also enhances effectiveness and productivity of a company which

     would gain an organization more profit (Beal, 2003), etc.

    Application activity 5.6
    Using your college based club example, 

    analyze the advantages of the club working as a team.

    Skills Lab Activity -5-
    Read and analyse the scenarios 
    below and answer the questions that follow:
    Scenario 1 
    Mushimiyimana is the leader of an organization that provides 
    computer services. She has realized that there is a problem with
     the way they advertise their business. Sitting at her desk,
     she lists some approaches they can take to improve their communications.
     She then tells the other employees what they need to do without 
    asking for anyone else’s ideas.
    Scenario 2 
    Abatoni is the manager of a catering service called Best Bakery. 
    They have been asked to prepare cakes for an upcoming wedding
     of the daughter of a political leader. She decides that coconut 
    cakes will be the best and calls the staff together to discuss the order. 
    She informs them of the order and then launches into a speech 
    about all the advantages of making coconut cake.
     Others express an interest in making vanilla cakes
     but in the end Abatoni convinces them coconut is best.
    Scenario 3 
    Karamuzi is the owner of a successful auto mechanic workshop.
     A customer has brought a vehicle in that has multiple problems.
    He asks his team to assess the problems and get back to him
     with possible solutions. A few hours later they have a meeting 
    to discuss what they have found and what they propose.
     They have a discussion, Karamuzi gives some advice and the team begins the repairs.
    Scenario 4 
    Habimana runs a tailoring business in town. He has 5 employees. 
    With an upcoming holiday, they have many orders to fulfill.
     Habimana gathers all the employees to get their opinions 
    on how to best manage the process so they can meet the deadlines.
     In the end, they decide together to divide tasks amongst themselves. 
    Habimana and two others were tasked with cutting and shaping the cloth
     while the other tailors would do the sewing. In the end they managed 

    to keep all of their customers satisfied.

    1. Describe the leadership styles applied in each of the scenarios
    above and give reasons to support your answers.
    2. Role-play, justifying how this was the most appropriate style to apply.
    3. In your school business club practices, imagine the situation
     where your club president has inappropriately dictated the club members
    to do something and come up with best advises on how better
    he / she could influence the team members to accomplish the tasks.

    End of unit assessment

    1. Read and analyze the following scenarios and decide 
    which leadership style is depicted: 
    a. Juliet is the leader of an organization that provides computer services. 
     She has realized that there is a problem with the way they advertise their business. 
    Sitting at her desk, she lists some approaches they can take
     to improve their communications. She then tells the other 

    employees what they need to do without asking for anyone else’s ideas. 

     b. Jean de Dieu is the owner of a successful auto mechanic workshop. 
    A customer has brought a vehicle in that has multiple problems. 
    He asks his team to assess the problems and get back 
    to him with possible solutions. 
    A few hours later they have a meeting to discuss
     what they have found and what they propose.
     They have a discussion, Jean de Dieu gives 
    some advice and the team begins to repair. 
     c. Peter runs a tailoring business in town. 
    He has 5 employees. With an upcoming holiday,
     they have many orders to fulfill. Peter gathers
    all the employees to get their opinions on how to best manage the process
    so they can meet the deadlines.

    In the end, they decide together to divide tasks amongst themselves.
     Kwesi and two others were tasked with cutting and shaping
     the cloth while the other tailors would do the sewing.

     In the end they managed to keep all of their customers satisfied.

    d. Keza is one of the leading members of the community
     youth association in a rural area. Following the illness
     of several community members, she decided it was necessary
     for community members to have better access to potable water. 
    During weekly youth association meetings, she shared her vision
     and got others interested in resolving the problem.
     Together they researched different possibilities such as working
     with local government offices to mobilize resources to install a borehole
     (pipe drilled down to access clean water). During their association meetings,
     Keza always recognized the effort individuals were making. 
     Eventually the youth were able to mobilize the resources
     necessary to access clean water. 
    The youth and the community members were all inspired by 

    her commitment and hard work to make it happen.

    2. Sheja is the manager of a catering service called Best Bakery. 
    They have been asked to prepare cakes for an upcoming
     wedding of the daughter of a political leader. 
    Advise Sheja on how she would motivate her employees to successfully 
    complete the order in time and reveal which leadership style is suitable 

    for this scenario.