Key unit competency

    Relate the physical and chemical properties of alkenes and alkynes to their

    reactivity and uses

    Learning objectives

    Explain the reactivity of alkenes in comparison to alkanes

    Explain the existence of geometrical isomerism in alkenes

    Describe the industrial process of preparing alkenes and alkynes

    Apply IUPAC rules to name alkenes and alkynes

    Carry out an experiment to prepare and test ethene gas

    Outline the mechanisms for electrophilic addition reactions for alkenes and


    Write the structural formulae of straight chain alkenes and alkynes

    Apply Markovnikov’s rule to predict the product of hydrohalogenation of


    Classify alkynes as terminal and non-terminal alkynes using their different


    Appreciate the combustion reaction as source of fuels.

    Appreciate the uses and dangers of addition polymers (polythene used for

    polythene bags, polypropene for plastic bottles etc.)

    Introductory activity

    Observe the following picture and answer the questions that follow.

    1. What is the collective name of the substances used to manufacture the

    items showed in the above picture?

    2. a. What are the raw materials used in the manufacture of the substances

    identified in 1)?

    b. These raw materials may be obtained from different sources. Discuss

    this statement.

    c. Do you expect these raw materials be soluble or not in water? Justify

    your answer.

    3. Even though the items which appear in the picture above are interesting,

    they also present some disadvantages. Discuss this statement.

    3.1. Definition, structure and nomenclature of alkenes

    Alkenes are a homologous series of hydrocarbons which contain a carbon-carbon

    double bond. Since their skeleton can add more hydrogen atoms, they are referred

    as unsaturated hydrocarbons.

    The general formula of alkenes is CnH2n.

    Alkenes are abundant in the nature and play important roles in biology. Ethene,

    for example, is a plant hormone, a compound that controls the plant’s growth and

    other changes in its tissues.

    Ethene affects seed germination, flower maturation, and fruit ripening.

    They are described as unsaturated hydrocarbons because they can undergo

    addition reactions.

    The double bond in alkenes is made of one sigma bond and one pi bond. This gives rise to the impossibility of rotation around the double bond. The hybridization state in alkenes is sp2 and the structure around each carbon doubly bonded is trigonal planar with a bond angle value of 120o

    .IUPAC names of alkenes are based on the longest continuous chain of carbon

    atoms that contains the double bond.

    The name given to the chain is obtained from the name of the corresponding

    alkane by changing the suffix from –ane to ene.

    If the double bond is equidistant from each end, number the first substituent that

    has the lowest number. If there is more than one double bond in an alkene, all of

    the bonds should be numbered in the name of the molecule, even terminal double

    bonds. The numbers should go from lowest to highest, and be separated from one

    another by a comma.

    The chain is always numbered from the end that gives the smallest number for the

    location of the double bond.

    In naming cycloalkenes, the carbon atoms of the double bond are numbered

    1 and 2 in the direction that gives the smallest numbers for the location of the


    If a compound contains two or more double bonds, its location is identified by a

    prefix number. The ending is modified to show the number of double bonds:

    a diene for two double bonds,

    a triene for two three bonds

    a tetraene for four double bonds

    3.2. Isomerism in alkenes

    Alkenes exhibit two types of isomerism: structural isomerisms and


    1. Structural isomerism

    Alkenes show as well position isomerism, chain isomerism and functional isomerism.

    In position isomerism, the position of the double bond changes but the length

    of the chain remains the same.

    Alkenes and cycloalkanes have two fewer hydrogen atoms than alkanes. That is

    why, they have the same molecular formula. However, they belong to different

    homologous series. Therefore, they are functional group isomers. This isomerism

    that relates open chain compounds to ring chain compounds is referred to as ring


    2. Stereoisomerism

    Due to the impossibility of rotation around the double bond, alkenes give rise to

    cis-trans or geometrical isomerism.

    3.3. Preparation of alkenes

    Different methods are used for the preparation of alkenes. Most of them are

    elimination reactions.

    1. Dehydration of alcohols

    An alkene may be obtained by dehydration of an alcohol. The reaction involves

    the loss of H and OH (water) from adjacent carbons of an alcohol to form an  alkene. The dehydration is carried out by heating an alcohol with concentrated sulphuric acid or 85% phosphoric acid.

    If two or more alkenes may be obtained, the one having more substituents on

    the double bond generally predominates. This is the Zaitsev’s rule.

    This is due to the stability of the intermediate carbocation. The carbocation

    produced in step 2 may undergo a transposition (rearrangement) of a hydride ion

    or a methyl group giving a more stable carbocation and therefore a more stable



    2. Dehydrohalogenation of halogenoalkanes

    alkenes. The reaction follows the Zaitsev’s rule.

    3. Dehalogenation of dihalogenoalkanes

    When a compound containing two halogen atoms on the adjacent carbon

    atoms is treated with magnesium or zinc it transforms to an alkene.

    3.4. Laboratory preparation and chemical test for ethene

    Activity 3.4

    Preparation of ethene Set up the apparatus as shown in the Figure below (Figure 3.1) and follow the instructions to perform the experiment on the preparation ofethane



    Ethanol, aluminium oxide, lime water, mineral wool, bromine water,

    acidified potassium permanganate solution (very dilute), water.

    Additional apparatus:

    Boiling tube

    Rubber stopper with hole

    Delivery tube


    Test- tube rack

    5 test tubes

    5 rubber stoppers for test tubes

    Spatula Procedure and setting

    Bunsen burner

    Glass rod



    1. Preparation of ethene:

    - Pour some ethanol into the boiling tube to a 3 cm depth

    - Add some glass wool to soak up the ethanol, using a glass rod to push the wool

    down the tube.

     - Clamp the boiling tube in a horizontal position using a retort stand.

     - Put a small amount of aluminium oxide about half way along the boiling tube.

    - Complete the set up of the apparatus as shown in the diagram above.

    - Light the Bunsen burner, adjust it to a blue flame and heat the aluminium

    oxide. (Make sure the test tube is filled with water when you start to collect the

    gas produced.)

     - As the aluminium oxide gets hot the heat reaches the ethanol at the end of the

    tube. The ethanol then changes to vapour, passes over the hot aluminium oxide

    and is dehydrated to produce ethene gas.

    - Collect 5 test tubes of the gas and put a stopper on each tube when it is filled.

    - When the test tubes have all been filled, loosen the retort stand and raise the

    apparatus so that the delivery tube no longer dips into the water. This avoids

    suck back of water as the tube begins to cool which could cause the boiling

    tube to crack. Turn off the Bunsen burner. 

    2. Testing the properties of ethene

    Addition of bromine:

    - Taking great care, add about 1ml of the test tube of bromine water to one of

    the test tubes of ethene.

     - Replace the stopper and shake the tube a few times.

     - Record your observations.

    - Write down your conclusions 

    - Addition of acidified potassium permanganate:

    - Add about 1ml of very dilute potassium permanganate solution to one of the

    test tubes of ethene and shake the tube a few times.

     - Record your observations.

    - Write down your conclusions


    - Remove the stopper of one of the tubes filled with ethene and apply a light to

    the mouth of the test tube using a lighted splint.

    - Allow the gas to burn and when it has stopped burning add a small amount of

    lime water to the test tube, stopper it and shake the tube a few times.

    - Write down your observations.


    When ethanol is heated in the presence of aluminium oxide, a gas is produced. This

    gas does not react with lime water. This means that the produced gas is not carbon

    dioxide. The equation of the reaction is: 

    The gas decolourises bromine water. Bromine water is a test used to identify the

    presence of a carbon-carbon double bond or triple bond. The bromine adds across

    the double bond and a dibromoalkane is formed. The reaction between alkene and

    bromine water is shown below:

    If you shake an alkene with bromine water (or bubble a gaseous alkene through

    bromine water), the solution becomes colourless. Alkenes decolourise bromine


    The Figure 3.2 shows Bromine water added to ethene: before the reaction (left)

    the color of bromine appears, and after the reaction (right) the colour of bromine


    When ethene reacts with acidified potassium manganate (VII), the purple colour of

    the permanganate solution turned to colourless or light pink indicating the presence

    of the carbon – carbon double bond.The reaction is the following:

    The gas burns with a smoky flame producing carbon dioxide and heat energy. The

    carbon dioxide produced turns into milky lime water.

    3.5. Physical properties of alkenes

    Alkenes which have less than 5 carbon atoms are gaseous at ordinary

    temperature, the other are liquid up to 18 while others are solids as the

    number of carbon atoms increases.

    Boiling points and melting points of alkenes are less than those of alkanes

    but also increase as the molecular weight increase.

    Alkenes are insoluble in water but soluble in most organic solvents.

    Cis-alkenes have a slightly higher boiling point than the trans-isomers

    because the dipole moments in trans structures cancel each others----.

    3.6. Chemical properties

    3.6.1. Addition reactions Electrophilic additions

    Alkenes are far more reactive than alkanes due to the carbon-carbon double bond.

    These compounds are unsaturated and they can easily undergo addition reactions

    to yield saturated products.

    The double bond in alkenes is a region of high density of electrons. Therefore, this

    region is readily attacked by electrophiles. An electrophile is an atom, a molecule

    or an ion which is electron-deficient; i.e. it is a Lewis acid or an electron pair acceptor.

    1. Addition of hydrogen halides

    Hydrogen halides (HCl, HBr, HI) react with alkenes to yield halogenoalkanes. The

    reaction is carried out either with reagents in the gaseous state or in inert solvent

    such as tetrachloromathane. 

    When hydrogen halides add to unsymmetrical alkenes, the reaction leads to the

    formation of two products in two steps. The first step leads to the formation of

    two different carbocations with the major product formed from the more stable carbocation. This is the Markownikov’s rule. That is “The electrophilic addition of an unsymmetric reagent to an unsymmetric double bond proceeds by involving the most stable carbocation.

    2. Addition of water

    The hydration of alkenes catalysed by an acid is an electrophilic addition. Ethene

    can be transformed into ethanol. The first step consists of adding concentrated

    sulphuric acid. The second step consists of the hydrolysis of the product of the

    first step.

    In industry the reaction is carried out at approximately 300 °C in the prence of

    phosphoric acid as a catalyst.

    3. Addition of cold concentrated sulphuric acid

    When cold concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with alkene, an alkyl hydrogen

    sulphate is obtained. If the starting alkene is unsymmetrical, two different alkyl

    hydrogen sulphates are obtained. If the alkyl hydrogen sulphate is warmed in

    the presence of water, an alcohol is obtained.

    4. Addition of halogens

    The addition of halogens (halogenation) on alkenes yields vicinal

    dihalogenoalkanes. The reaction takes place with pure reagents or by mixing

    reagents in an inert organic solvent.

    When a chlorine or bromine molecule approaches an alkene, the pi electrons

    cloud interact with the halogen molecule causing its polarisation. Hydrogenation

    In the presence of a catalyst (Pt, Ni, Pd), alkenes react with hydrogen to give


    Alkenes are readily oxidised due to the presence of the double bond.

    1. Reaction with oxygen

    i. Transformation to epoxides

    Ethene react with oxygen in the presence of silver as a catalyst to yield epoxyethane.

    3. Reaction with potassium permanganate

    Alkenes react with dilute potassium permanganate solution to give diols. The

    reaction takes place in the cold.

    The colour change depends on the medium of the reaction.

    4. Hydroformylation

    The hydroformylation is a process by which alkenes react with carbon monoxide

    and hydrogen in the presence of rhodium catalyst to give aldehydes.

    3.6.3. Addition polymerisation 

    Alkenes undergo addition polymerisation reaction to form long chain polymers.i.e

    a polymer is a large molecule containing a repeating unit derived from small unit

    called monomers. A polymerisation reaction involves joining together a large number of small molecules to form a large molecule.

    Many different addition polymers can be made from substituted ethene


    Each polymer has its physical properties and therefore many polymers have wide

    range of uses.

    Mechanism for the polymerisation of ethene.

    1. Initiation

    It is a free radical initiation.

    2. Propagation

    3. Termination 

    where the part between brackets indicates a unit of the formula of the polymer

    that repeats itself in the formula; n indicates the number of the units in a formula of

    a polymer and is a very large number.

    Summary of most alkene polymers obtained from alkenes as monomers and their

    uses (Table 3.1)

    3.7. Structure, classification and nomenclature of alkynes

    A triple bond consists of one sigma bond and two pi bonds. Each carbon of the triple

    bond uses two sp orbital to form sigma bonds with other atoms. The unhybridised 2p

    orbitals which are perpendicular to the axes of the two sp orbitals overlap sideways

    to form pi bonds.

    According to the VSEPR model, the molecular geometry in alkynes include bond

    angle of 180o around each carbon triply bonded.Thus, the shape around the triple

    bond is linear.

    There are two types of alkynes: terminal alkynes and non-terminal (internal)


    A terminal alkyne has a triple bond at the end of the chain e.g.: : R-C ≡ C − H

    A non-terminal alkyne has a triple bond in the middle of the chain: R − C ≡ C − R'


    Alkynes are named by identifying the longest continuous chain containing the

    triple bond and changing the ending ane from the corresponding alkane to yne

    3.8. Laboratory and industrial preparation of alkynes

    1. Preparation of ethyne

    Activity: 3.8

    Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram below. 


    Place 2g of calcium carbide in a conical flask

    Using the dropping funnel, add water drop by drop.

    Collect the gas produced in the test tube.

    Remove the first tube and connect a second test tube.

    To the first test tube add two drops of bromine water. Record your observations

    To the second tube add two drops of potassium manganate (VII). Record your observations.

    Ethyne (acetylene) can be prepared from calcium carbide which is obtained by

    reduction of calcium oxide by coke at high temperature.

    When bromine water is added to acetylene, the red colour of bromine is discharged.

    The solution becomes colourless.

    The decolourisation of bromine water is a test for unsaturation in a compound.

    When potassium manganate (VII) is added to acetylene, its purple colour is


    2. Alkylation of acetylene

    The hydrogen atom of ethyne as that of other terminal alkynes is slightly acidic and therefore it can be removed by a strong base like NaNH2 or KNH2.The products of the reaction are acetylides. Acetylides react with halogenoalkanes to yield higher alkynes.

    3. Dehydrohalogenation

    The dehydrohalogenation of vicinal or geminal dihalogenoalkanes yields alkynes

    4. Dehalogenation

    The dehalogenation of a tetrahalogenoalkane yield an alkyne.

    3.9. Physical properties of alkynes

    Alkynes are non-polar compounds with physical properties similar to those of

    alkenes with the same number of carbon atoms. Their linear structure gives them

    greater intermolecular forces than alkenes

    3.10. Chemical reactions of alkynes

    Addition reactions

    As unsaturated hydrocarbons, alkynes are very reactive. Because they are unsaturated

    hydrocarbons, alkynes undergo addition reactions. Alkynes can add two moles of reagents.

    Even though they have a higher electron density than alkenes, they are in general less reactive because the triple bond is shorter and therefore the electron cloud is less accessible.

    1. Addition of hydrogen halides

    Alkynes react with hydrogen halides to yield vicinal dihalogenoalkanes, the reaction follows the Markownikov’s rule. The reaction takes place in four steps.

    2. Addition of water

    Alkynes react with water in the presence of sulphuric acid and mercury sulphate at 60o C to give carbonyl compounds.

    3. Hydrogenation

    The hydrogenation of alkynes in the presence of palladium catalyst gives alkanes

    The reaction requires two moles of hydrogen for a complete saturation.

    In the presence of Lindlar catalyst, the alkynes are partially hydrogenated giving alkenes4

    A Lindlar catalyst is a heterogeneous catalyst that consists of palladium deposited on

    calcium carbonate and poisoned with different lead derivatives such as lead oxide

    or lead acetate. A heterogeneous catalyst is the one which is in the phase different

    from that of the reactants.

    4. Reaction with metals

    Terminal alkynes react with active metals to yield alkynides and hydrogen gas.

    Internal alkynes do not react as they do not have an acidic hydrogen atom.

    5. Reaction with metal salts

    When a terminal alkyne is passed through a solution of ammoniacal silver nitrate, a white precipitate of silver carbide is formed.

    When a terminal alkyne is passed through a solution of ammoniacal copper(I)

    chloride, a red precipitate of copper(I)carbide is formed. 

    The reactions above are used to:

    Differentiate between terminal and non-terminal alkynes.

    Differentiate ethene and ethyne

    The reaction shows that hydrogen atoms of ethyne are slightly acidic, unlike those

    of ethene.

    3.11. Uses of alkenes and alkynes

    Activity 3.11

    Look at the picture below and appreciate the importance of alkenes and alkynes.

    Alkenes are extremely important in the manufacture of plastics which have

    many applications such as: packaging, wrapping, clothing, making clothes,

    artificial flowers, pipes, cups, windows, ...

    Ethene is a plant hormone involved in the ripening of fruits, seed germination,

    bud opening;

    Ethene derivatives are also used in the making of polymers such as polyvinylchloride (PVC), Teflon,...

    Alkenes are used as raw materials in industry for the manufacture of alcohols, aldehydes, ...

    Alkynes are used in the preparation of many other compounds. For exampleethyne is used in the making of ethanal, ethanoic acid, vinyl chloride, trichloroethane, ...

    Ethyne (acetylene) is used as a fuel in welding and cutting metals.

    Propyne is used as substitute for acetylene as fuel for welding.