Key unit competence:

    To be able to explain the importance and dangers of radioisotopes in everyday life.

    Learning objectives:

    • Explain the process of radioactivity.

    • Explain the properties of alpha, Beta and Gamma rays.

    • Develop awareness of the dangers of radioactive substances and nuclear


    • Write and balance nuclear reaction equations.

    • Compare and contrast chemical and nuclear reactions.

    • Explain half-lives of radioactive isotopes/radioisotopes.

    • Perform calculations involving the half- life of radioactive substances.

    • Explain the applications of radioisotopes in medicine, agriculture and industries.

    • Apply the calculations of half-life to determine the age of fossils.

    Introductory activity:

    1. Have you ever heard about Radioactivity?

    2. If yes, can you explain what it is?

    3. Can you mention some applications of Radioactivity?

    4. What is the difference between an ordinary chemical reaction and a

    nuclear reaction?

    You are provided with illustrations which are linked with radioactivity. Observe

    them and try to analyse them.



    The above photos show different ways through which radiations reach into

    our body (cells). The most familiar to you is radiation from sun rays! However,

    everything present in the pictures above, and many others that are not included,

    emits radiation. Now, discuss on the following points. Note: If you get stuck by

    some points, don’t be frustrated! You are allowed to visit any important document

    (textbook, search engine …) that can help you to find out the

    required solution.

    Point 1: Can you see or feel the presence of radiation?

    Point 2: How are we exposed to natural ionizing radiation? (Radiation with the

    ability to rip out one or several electrons from an atom or molecule is referred

    to as ionizing radiation and Radiation which does not have sufficient energy to

    damage atoms or molecules is called non-ionizing radiation).

    Point 3: What do you understand by “radioactive materials”? Do you think

    all of them are natural? Do you think all of them (i.e, radioactive materials) as


    The discovery of the electron towards the end of the nineteenth century was the

    starting point of new avenues of research in science, which were to give physicists

    an insight into the structure and nature of the atoms of matter. They discovered

    that there is a nuclear phenomenon in some elements that pushes them to emit


    This phenomenon was called radioactivity as proposed by Marie Curie to describe

    those emissions of nuclear radiation by some of the heavy elements.

    Radioactivity is an integral part of our environment. All living beings have been

    exposed to a constant flux of natural radiation on the surface of our friendly planet,

    but this radiation has no negative effect.

    Particles and rays are emitted when a nucleus of a radioactive isotope of element

    breaks down. They break down to acquire stability as all atoms want to be stable.


    We are constantly being bombarded by particles of cosmic radiations: several

    hundred go through our bodies every second. Rocks like granite, which have become

    symbols of permanence and durability (hence used in building), contain light traces

    of radioactive uranium. Sitting on or walking near a block of granite exposes you to

    many sources of radioactivity. Even the food we eat or the air we breathe contains

    radioactive elements (such as radon) either formed by the intervention of cosmic

    rays, or as old as the solar system itself. There is absolutely no way to escape from

    it: we are even radioactive! Eight thousand atoms of potassium-40 or carbon-14

    disintegrate in our bodies every second.


    15.1 Definition of radioactivity, radioisotopes and comparison

    between chemical and nuclear reactions.

    Activity 15.1

    1. What do you think about the terms ‘radioisotopes’ and ‘radioactivity’? How

    can you define the two terms from your understanding? From chemical

    and nuclear equations, describe any differences between these two types

    of equations

    2. Now use a search engine or textbooks (including even this one) to find

    out appropriate explanations on radioisotopes, radioactivity and nuclear

    equation, then make a good report to share with others.

    15.1.1. Definition of radioactivity and radioisotopes

    Radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon. It is the process by which an unstable atomic

    nucleus changes into another more stable atomic nucleus by emitting energy in form

    of radiation. Substances which have the property of emission of radiation are called

    radioactive substances. Radioactivity is also known as radioactive disintegration

    or radioactive decay.

    A radioactive decay results when an atom with one type of nucleus, called “the

    parent radioactive nuclide” transforms into another atom with a different nucleus.

    The new product or element is named “the daughter nuclide”;, and thus the decay

    process results in “transmutation”. Transmutation, in this case, means creation of

    an atom of a new element. In this way, the energy or radiation emitted may take the

    form of particles such as alpha (α) or beta (β) particles.

    During the transmutation process, daughter nuclides are often in metastable or

    excited state; they lose energy in form of gamma ( γ ) ray to become de-excited.

    Gamma rays, here, can be compared to the heat of reaction that accompanies an

    exothermic reaction.

    In nuclear chemistry, the term ‘nuclide’ is used to designate a nucleus of an element.

    ‘Nucleons’ is the term used for nuclear particles such as protons and neutrons. In

    radiochemistry, the nucleon number stands for mass number (sum of protons and

    neutrons present in the nucleus of a given atom).

    Different nuclides, which have the same proton number but different nucleon

    numbers are called isotopes or isotopic nuclides.

    Radioisotopes or radioactive isotopes are the atoms of an element whose atomic

    nuclei undergo decay by emitting radiation(s).

    15.1.2. Comparison between chemical reaction and nuclear reaction

    Nuclear reaction and chemical reaction differ as shown in the following table:

    Table 15.1: Differences between a chemical reaction and a nuclear reaction


    Checking up 15.1:

    1. Explain what is meant by each of the following terms:

    a. Radioactive decay.

    b. Daughter nuclide.

    c. Transmutation.

    2. Differentiate between isotopes and radioactive isotopes

    3. Describe the following as pertaining to chemical reaction or nuclear


    a. Isotopes have the same chemical properties as they have the same

    number of electrons.

    b. Hydrogen nuclei are the reactants.

    c. Large amounts of energy are released.

    d. The mass is strictly conserved.

    15.2. Emission of alpha particles, beta particles and gamma

    rays and their properties and effect of electric and magnetic

    field on them.

    Activity 15.2

    1. State the types of radiation as revealed in the previous discussions.

    2. Use your search engine or any textbooks available to find out the

    properties the three types of radiation and the effect of electric and

    magnetic fields on them.

    15.2.1. Aplha particules, betaparticles gamma rays and their properties

    Different forms of radiation are emitted from an unstable nucleus as it decays. The

    main types of emitted particles are alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays.

    The detailed information on each particle is provided below.

    a. Alpha partices

    An alpha particle contains two protons and two neutrons (so, its mass number, A=4

    and atomic number, Z=2). Because it has 2 protons, an alpha particle has a charge

    of 2+ (+2). That makes it identical to helium nucleus. In equations, it is written as

    the Greek letter “alpha (α)” or as the symbol for helium egg. The charge of an alpha

    particle was found experimentally by passing it in an electric field between two

    plates where it was attracted towards the negative plate.

    The main properties of an alpha particle are the following:

    • Alpha particle bears a positive charge of +2

    • It has a mass of 4 amu

    • It is deflected toward the negative pole of electric and magnetic fields. Look at

    Figure 15.4 below.

    • It affects a photographic plate and causes fluorescence on striking a fluorescent


    • It ionizes the gas through which it passes.

    • Not very penetrating; a very thin sheet of aluminium foil or a sheet of paper

    stops it.

    • It can be shielded by paper or clothing.

    • It destroys living cells and causes biological damage.

    • It is strongly ionizing

    The process of α-decay occurs commonly in nuclei with atomic number greater than

    83. The nuclei of these elements are extremely unstable due to the large number of

    neutrons and protons present. More information about stability of nuclei of atoms is

    discussed in this unit, section 15.4.

    When a nuclide decays by alpha emission, it loses 2 atomic number units and 4 mass

    units; in other words the daughter nuclide is the element located at 2 places before

    the parent nuclide in the periodic table.




    This shows that the number of neutrons decreases by one and the number of protons increases by one. 


    It is noteworthy that a β-emission results in the production of isobars (nuclides

    having the same mass numbers but different atomic numbers). The beta emission

    produces a new element with 1 more atomic number unit, or the element that

    directly follows in the periodic table.


    A positron is similar to an electron except that a positron has a positive (+1) charge.

    A positron is produced by an unstable nucleus when a proton is transformed into a

    neutron and a positron.

    This shows that the number of neutrons increases by one and the number of protons

    decreases by one; the element just preceding the parent nuclide in the periodic

    table is formed.




    c. Gamma rays

    Gamma rays, γ, are high-energy radiation released as an unstable nucleus undergoes

    a rearrangement of its particles to give a more stable, lower energy nucleus.

    Because gamma ray is an electromagnetic radiation, it has no mass and no charge.

    The main properties of gamma radiation (gamma ray) are the following:

    • It is an electromagnetic radiation of short wavelength and higher frequency,

    hence high energy

    • It is not deflected by electric and magnetic fields. Refer to figure 15.4 for more


    • It affects photographic plates.

    • Its ionizing power is very low compared to alpha-particles and beta-particles.

    • It travels at the same speed as that of light.

    • It has the greatest penetrating ability, 5000-10000 times that of alpha particles.

    • It causes fluorescence when they strike a fluorescent material.

    • It is diffracted by crystals.

    • It can be stopped by several inches (5cm thick piece) of lead or a thick concrete.

    • It can easily pass through the human body and cause immense biological


    Normally, there are very few pure gamma emitters. In radiology, one of most

    commonly used gamma emitter is technetium (Tc). The excited state called

    “metastable technetium” is written as technetium-99m, Tc-99m. By emitting energy

    in the form of gamma rays, the excited nucleus becomes more stable.


    Stable nuclides are usually in the state of least energy or ground state. But these

    nuclides can be excited by particles or photon bombardment. The excited nucleus

    returns into the ground state by emission of excess energy as ϒ-rays.



    the properties of the particles discussed above.

    Table 15.2: Distinction between the properties of α, β and γ radiations (summary)


    Checking up 15.2

    1. How are an alpha particle and a helium nucleus similar? Different?

    2. Naturally occurring potassium consists of three isotopes: potassium-39,

    potassium-40 and


    a. Write the atomic symbols for each isotope.

    b. In what ways are the isotopes similar and in what ways do they differ?


    15.3 Nuclear equations and radioactive decay series

    Activity 15.3

    1. Use your search engine or any available resources to learn about nuclear

    equations, how they are balanced and radioactive decay series and

    make a summary to be presented. While carrying out your research try to

    answer to question number 2 below.


    More stable

    A nuclear equation is balanced when the sum of the mass numbers and the sum

    of the atomic numbers of the particles and atoms on one side of the equation are

    equal to their counterparts on the other side.

    The changes in mass and atomic numbers of an atom that emits a radioactive particle

    are shown in the table below.


    15.3.1. Nuclear equations

    A nuclear reaction is represented by a nuclear equation as follows:

    Example 1:

    Radium-226 emits an alpha particle to form a new isotope whose mass number,

    atomic number and identity we must determine.

    Step 1: Write the incomplete nuclear equation.



    Step 3: Determine the missing atomic number


    Step 6: The equation is balanced.

    Note: Nuclear reactions involving hitting a nuclide by a particle such as proton

    or neutron as in the example 2 are referred to as ‘bombardment reactions’.

    Bombardment reactions are not natural; they are induced (or artificial) nuclear


    For the case of example 1, when a radioactive particle is emitted, the type of nuclear

    reaction is emission reaction; those are natural radioactive isotopes.

    15.3.2. Radioactive decay series

    Radioactive decay Series is the series of steps by which a radioactive nucleus

    decays into a non-radioactive nucleus. The element goes from radioactive to nonradioactive.

    A radioactive element disintegrates by emission of an α- or β-particle from the

    nucleus to form a new “daughter element.” This again disintegrates to give another

    “daughter element’. This is why the whole series of elements starting with the parent

    radioactive element to the stable end-product is called radioactive disintegration

    series or radioactive decay series as seen above.

    Naturally radioactive nuclides disintegrate to acquire stability. In nature there are

    four radioactive decays, that is, a series starting with a radioactive element and then

    ending with a reasonable stable element.

    The three series are Uranium, Thorium and Actinium series. Uranium series is the

    most important.

    The three series are similar because they all involve losses of alpha and beta particles

    ending with isotopes of Lead. Uranium series gives Lead-206, the most stable isotope

    of Lead; Thorium gives Lead-208 and actinium series gives Lead-207.

    The fourth series is the Neptunium series which leads to Bismuth-209.

    1. The uranium series

    It starts with the parent element Uranium-238 and ends with the stable element

    Lead-206. It derives its name from Uranium-238 which is the starting nuclide of the

    series and has the longest half-life. In the process 8 alpha and 6 beta particles are

    emitted before Lead-206 is attained. The whole process is shown belo




    15.4. Stability and instability of nuclei of atoms

    Activity 15.4

    1. What do you think can influence the stability of the nucleus of a given


    1. Use a search engine or any available resources to understand and share

    everything about stability of nuclei of atoms.

    Nuclides can either be stable or unstable toward radioactivity but a nucleus that is

    unstable can become stable by undergoing a nuclear reaction or change.

    Most isotopes of elements up to atomic number 19 have stable nuclei. Elements

    with higher atomic numbers (20 to 83) consist of a mixture of isotopes, some may

    have unstable nuclei. Elements with atomic numbers of 84 and higher consist only

    of radioactive isotopes. So many protons and neutrons are crowded together in their

    nuclei that the strong repulsions between the protons make these nuclei unstable.

    Nuclear Stability is a concept that helps to identify the stability of an isotope. The

    ratio of neutrons to protons (n/p) is a good indicator to know if an isotope is

    radioactive or not.

    To help you understand this concept, there is a chart of the nuclides known as a

    Segre chart (see figure 15.5)

    This chart shows a plot of the number of neutrons versus the number of protons

    for known stable nuclides and shows the existence of the stability zone or band

    of stability. It can be observed from the chart that there are more neutrons than

    protons in stable nuclides with atomic number (Z) greater than 20 (Calcium).

    These extra neutrons are necessary for stability of the heavier nuclei.

    The excess neutrons act somewhat like nuclear glue. Atomic nuclei consist of protons

    and neutrons, which attract each other through the nuclear force, while protons

    repel each other via the electric force due to their positive charge. These two forces

    compete, leading to stability of various nuclei.

    Neutrons stabilize the nucleus, because they attract each other and protons, which

    helps offset the electrical repulsion between protons. As a result, as the number

    of protons increases, an increasing ratio of neutrons to protons is needed to form

    a stable nucleus. If there are too many or too few neutrons for a given number of

    protons, the resulting nucleus is not stable and it undergoes radioactive decay.



    Checking up 15.4

    1. What can you take as the basis to predict the stability of nuclei of atoms?

    2. Use your periodic table to provide examples (2 in each case) of

    a. Elements with naturally occurring stable isotopes.

    b. Elements with naturally radioisotopes.

    c. Elements with mixtures of both stable and unstable isotopes.

    Please specify the atomic number of each element you have provided

    15.5. Rate of decay of radioactive substances and half-life of a



    15.5.1. Rate of decay of radioactive substances

    As seen in units 13 and 14, the time for different chemical reactions to be completed

    varies. In this unit, we are concerned with the calculation of decay rate for a decay

    process which is a first order reaction.

    Consider a simple case for a first daughter stable. Suppose that at time, t, there are

    N radioactive nuclides and dN disintegrations in a time dt. The rate of disintegration,

    dN/dt, is given by:



    Worked examples




    According to the radioactive decay law, the above information can be summarized

    by plotting the graph iodine-131 percentages against time (half-lives)


    From the decay curve, we can deduce a generalized formula that expresses how a

    fraction of a nuclide decreases rapidly (exponentially) as time increases.


    The half-life for a given isotope is always the same; it does not depend on how many

    atoms you have or on how long they have been sitting around. Each radioactive

    isotope decays at its own rate and therefore has its own half-life reason why it ranges

    from fractions of seconds to millions (and even billions) of years. For example, look

    at table 15.5.


    • The shorter the half-life, the faster the decay of nuclide and the longer the

    half-life, the slower the decay of the nuclide. Nuclides with short half-lives are

    often used in medicine as they do not stay in the body for a long time, hence

    causing minimal damage.

    • The rate of radioactive decay is unaffected by any chemical or physical change.

    Detection of radioactivity: devices that detect radiation include:

    • Cloud chamber: detects alpha and beta particles radiation, leaves a trail of

    ions in the water or ethanol vapor (gas) in the chamber.

    • Bubble chamber: detects alpha and beta particles radiation, holds a superheated

    liquid in which particles leave a path of bubbles if they are present.

    • Electroscope: Has leaves that repel or attract each other depending on the

    charge in the air. If the electroscope is given a negative charge the metal leaves

    separate from each other. A negatively charged electroscope discharges when

    ions in the air remove electrons from it, and consequently, a positively charged

    electroscope discharges when it takes electrons from the air around it. The

    rate of discharge of the electroscope is a measure of ions in the air and can be

    used as a basis of measurement and detection.

    • Geiger counter: measures radioactivity by producing an electric current when

    radiation is present, detects alpha, beta and gamma radiation.

    Worked examples

    1. If we start with 1.000 grams of Sr-90, 0.953 grams will remain after 2.0


    a. What is the half-life of strontium-90?

    b. How much strontium-90 will remain after 5.00 years?






    15.6. Uses of some radioisotopes

    Activity 15.6:

    1. According to your own understanding, how do you think radioactivity is

    important in daily life?

    2. Consult different sources (textbooks and search engines) to carry out a

    deep research on the uses of radioisotopes. Please take care because you

    will have to present your findings!

    Radioactive isotopes have a variety of applications. Generally, they are useful because

    either we can detect their radioactivity or we can use the energy they release.

    Radioactive isotopes are effective tracers because their radioactivity is easy to detect.

    A tracer is a substance that can be used to follow the pathway of that substance

    through some structures. For instance, leaks in underground water pipes can be

    discovered by running some tritium-containing water through the pipes and then

    using a Geiger counter to locate any radioactive tritium subsequently present in the

    ground around the pipes.

    Tracers can also be used to follow the steps of a complex chemical reaction. After

    incorporating radioactive atoms into reactant molecules, scientists can track where

    the atoms go by following their radioactivity. One excellent example of this is the

    use of carbon-14 to determine the steps involved in photosynthesis in plants.

    1. Radioactive Dating

    Radioactive isotopes are useful for establishing the ages of various objects. The

    half-life of radioactive isotopes is unaffected by any environmental factors, as seen

    above, so the isotope acts like an internal clock.


    2. In Medicine

    Radioactive isotopes have many medical applications in diagnosing and treating

    illness and diseases.

    When a radiologist wants to determine the condition of an organ in the body, the

    patient is given a radioisotope that is known to concentrate in that organ. After

    a patient receives a radioisotope, a scanner produces an image of the organ. The

    scanner moves slowly across the region of the body where the organ containing the

    radioisotope is located. The gamma lays emitted from the radioisotope in the organ

    are used to expose a photographic plate with a scan of the organ.

    One example of a diagnostic application is using radioactive iodine-131 to test for

    thyroid activity. The thyroid gland in the neck is one of the few places in the body

    with a high concentration of iodine.


    the next day a scanner is used to measure the amount of radioactivity in the thyroid

    gland. The amount of radioactive iodine that collects there is directly related to the

    activity of the thyroid, allowing radiologists to diagnose both hyperthyroidism and



    Iodine-131 has a half-life of only 8 days. So, it has low cell damage due to the

    minimum exposure. Technetium-99 can also be used to test thyroid function. Bones,

    the heart, the brain, the liver, the lungs, and many other organs can be imaged in

    similar ways by using the appropriate radioactive isotope.

    Other medical applications of radioisotopes include:

    • Radiation from Co-60 (γ-rays) is used to irradiate the tumours (for instance,

    diagnosis and treat thyroid disorders).

    • Iodine-125 (I-125) is used in treatment of brain cancer and in osteoporosis (a

    disease which causes bones to become weaker and easily broken) detection.

    • Iodine-131 (I-131) is used to diagnose and treat thyroid disorders, in treatment

    of Graves’ disease, goiter and prostate cancer.

    • Phosphorus-32 (P-32) is used in the treatment of leukaemia, excess red blood

    cells (tumours) and pancreatic cancer.

    • Technetium-99m is used in imaging of skeleton and heart muscle, brain, liver,

    heart, lungs, bones, spleen, kidney and thyroid. This is the most widely used

    radioisotope in nuclear medicine.

    • Cerium-141 (Ce-141) is used in gastrointestinal tract diagnosis and in measuring

    blood flow to the heart.

    • Sodium-24 (Na-24) in the form NaCl is used as a tracer in blood.

    • Strontium-85 (Sr-85) is used in detection of bone lesions and brain scans

    • Radio Gold (Au-198) is used in Liver disease diagnosis.

    • Radio iron (Fe-59) is used in Anemia diagnosis.

    • In addition, radioisotopes are also used in sterilization of medical devices.

    3. In Agriculture

    Obviously, we obtain food to eat and some drinks as a result of agriculture. But

    contaminated food causes some diseases. Thus, there are some radioisotopes that

    kill dangerous microorganisms present on food by “irradiation”.

    The radiation emitted by some radioactive substances can be used to kill

    microorganisms on a variety of foodstuffs thereby increasing the shelf life of these

    produces. Produces such as tomatoes, mushrooms, sprouts, and berries are irradiated

    with the emissions from cobalt-60 or caesium-137. This exposure kills a lot of the

    bacteria that could cause spoilage and so the produce stays longer. Eggs and some

    meat, such as beef, pork, and poultry, can also be irradiated. Normally, irradiation of

    food does not make it radioactive.

    By using known vintages (qualities of wines), oenologists (wine scientists) can

    construct a detailed analysis of the cesium-137 of various wines through the years.

    The verification of a wine’s vintage requires the measurement of the activity of

    cesium-137 in the wine. By measuring the current activity of cesium-137 in a sample

    of wine (the gamma rays from the radioactive decay pass through glass wine bottles

    easily, so there’s no need to open the bottle), comparing it to the known amount of

    cesium-137 from the vintage, and taking into account the time passed, researchers

    can collect evidence for or against a claimed wine vintage.

    In addition in plant research, radiation is used to develop new plant types to speed

    up the process of developing large amount of agricultural products. This involves

    insect control, drastic reduction of pest populations and, in some cases, elimination

    of insects by exposing the male ones to sterilizing doses of radiation. Radiation

    pellets are used in grain elevators to kill insects and rodents. Irradiation prolongs the

    shelf-life of foods by destroying bacteria, viruses, and molds as seen above.Other

    agricultural uses of radioisotopes include the following:

    • Radioactive phosphorus (P-32) is used in the study of metabolism of plants.

    • Radioactive sulphur (S-35) helps to study advantages and disadvantages of


    • Pests and insects on crops can be killed by gamma - radiations.

    • Gamma - rays are used for preservation of milk, potatoes etc.

    • Yield of crops like carrot, root, apples or grapes can be increased by irradiation

    with radioisotopes.

    4. In Industry

    The applications of radioisotopes in industry are so many. Many types of thickness

    gauges exploit the fact that gamma rays are attenuated when they pass through the

    material. By measuring the number of gamma rays, the thickness can be determined.

    This process is used in common industrial applications such as:

    a. The automobile industry: to test steel quality in the manufacture of cars

    and to obtain the proper thickness of tin and aluminum

    b. The aircraft industry: to check for flaws in jet engines

    c. Road construction: to gauge the density of road surfaces and sub surfaces

    d. Pipeline companies: to test the strength of welds and leakage

    e. Oil, gas, and mining companies: to map the contours of test wells and

    mine bores, and

    f. Cable manufacturers: to check ski lift cables for cracks.

    The isotope 241Am is used in smoke detectors , in thickness gauges designed to

    measure and control metal foil thickness during manufacturing processes, to

    measure levels of toxic lead in dried paint samples, and to help determine where oil

    wells should be drilled.

    The isotope 252Cf (a neutron emitter) is used for neutron activation analysis, to

    inspect airline luggage for hidden explosives, to gauge the moisture content of soil

    and other materials, in bore hole logging in geology, and in human cervix-cancer


    Checking up 15.6

    1. Define tracer and give an example of how tracers work.

    2. Explain how radioactive dating works.

    3. Name two isotopes that have been used in radioactive dating.

    4. The current disintegration rate for carbon-14 is 14.0 Bq. A sample of

    burnt wood discovered in an archeological excavation is found to have

    a carbon-14 disintegration rate of 3.5 Bq. If the half-life of carbon-14 is

    5,730 years, approximately how old is the wood sample?

    5. Bone and bony structures contain calcium and phosphorus.

    a. Explain why the radioisotopes of calcium-47 and phosphorus-32

    would be used in the diagnosis and treatment of bone diseases.

    b. During nuclear tests, scientists were concerned that strontium-85,

    a radioactive product, would be harmful to the growth of bone in

    children. Explain

    15.7. Nuclear fission and fusion and their applications

    Activity 15.7:

    1. Have you ever heard about nuclear fission and fusion? If yes, explain the

    two terms and state any use of one of/both these processes

    2. From your prior knowledge, explain what you think about the difference

    between fission and fusion.

    3. Use your search engine, or any available source to read about nuclear

    fission and fusion and then make a summary to be presented to your


    While many elements undergo radioactive decay naturally, some nuclear reactions

    are not spontaneous but are brought about when stable isotopes are bombarded

    with high-energy particles (like neutrons, α-particles, protons ...). Nuclear fission

    and fusion are good examples artificial radioactivity as they do not take place


    15.7.1. Nuclear fission and fusion


    Nuclear fission is a process in which a large atomic nucleus is split into two smaller

    nuclei. Large nuclei obviously have a large number of protons. The close proximity of

    so many protons makes these nuclei unstable due to the repulsion forces between

    protons. Thus, the nucleus of the unstable isotope splits to form smaller atoms by

    bombardment with a suitable sub-atomic particle. Those stable isotopes that are

    bombarded by a neutron to undergo fission reactions (to become fissionable) are

    known to be “fertile radioisotopes”.


    The neutrons emitted, in this fission reaction, bombard more uranium nuclei

    available to form a “reaction chain”. This chain reaction is the basis of nuclear power.

    As uranium atoms continue to split, a significant amount of energy is released, in

    form of heat, from the reaction. This heat released is used to produce electricity (in a

    nuclear plant) or used in atomic/nuclear bombs.

    Other examples: nitrogen-14 and oxygen-16 undergoing alpha and neutron

    bombardment respectively.



    Nuclear fusion is a process that consists of joining two atomic nuclei of smaller

    masses to form a single nucleus of a larger mass.

    A good example is the fusion of two “heavy” isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium,

    Hydrogen-2, and tritium, Hydrogen-3) into the element helium.


    However, very high temperatures and pressures are required for the fusion to take

    place because of the repulsion between the positive nuclei. Thus, for the fusion to

    take place the nuclei must have enough kinetic energy to overcome these repulsion

    forces between like charges.

    Like fission, in the fusion process large quantity of energy is liberated in the form of

    heat. This energy is also used in atomic/nuclear bombs (Hydrogen bomb).

    Note that it is very difficult to carry out nuclear fusion between two large nuclei due

    to the highly strong repulsion forces that are between their positively charged nuclei.

    Table 15.6 provides the differences between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.


    15.7.2. Applications of fission and fusion

    Both fission and fusion are nuclear reactions that produce energy as described

    above. Fission is used in nuclear power reactors since it can be controlled, while

    fusion is not utilized to produce power since the reaction has not yet controlled up

    to now. The two processes have an important role in the past, present and future in

    energy creation.

    Example of nuclear energy calculation:

    Consider the following nuclear reaction:



    • Nuclear fission is non-renewable because uranium or other fissile nuclides

    needed for this process are not renewable.

    • For example: In Atomic Bomb, there are fission reactions of uranium. The energy

    produced is uncontrolled and this principle is used to manufacture the

    bombs and missiles. When controlled, the nuclear fission is also useful in the

    production of electricity.

    • Nuclear fusion energy (if mastered) could be renewable because hydrogen

    needed for this process is available in nature in large amount.

    • For example: In Hydrogen Bomb, the nuclear reaction involves the fusion of

    deuterium and tritium nuclei to form helium.


    Checking up 15.7:

    1. Classify the following as pertaining to nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or


    a. Small nuclei combine to form larger nuclei.

    b. Large amounts of energy are released.

    c. Very high temperatures are needed for the reaction.

    2. In a fission reaction, U-235 bombarded with a neutron produces Sr-94,

    another small nucleus and 3 neutrons. Write the complete equation for

    this fission reaction

    15.8. Health hazards of radioactive substances

    Activity 15.8:

    1. Have you ever heard about health risks associated with nuclear radiations?

    If yes, state and explain them.

    2. Use your search engine or any available resources to you to find out how

    we are all exposed to radiation and the hazards that are brought to us by


    Radioactive materials in the environment, whether natural or artificial, do expose

    people to risks.

    This can happen in two ways:

    • The radiation from the material can damage the cells of the person directly.

    This is damage by irradiation.

    • Some of the radioactive materials can be swallowed or breathed in. While

    inside the body, the radiation it emits can produce damage. This is damage

    by contamination.

    Some health Hazards are: radiation burns, hair loss (temporary or permanent),

    cancer, reproductive sterility, mutations in offspring, etc.

    We are all exposed to low levels of radiation every day. Naturally occurring

    radioisotopes are part of atoms of wood, brick and concrete in our homes and

    the buildings of schools, hospitals, supermarkets, etc. This radioactivity is called

    “background radiation” and is present in the soil, in the food we eat, in the water we

    drink, and the air we breathe. For instance, one of the naturally occurring isotopes of

    present in any potassium-containing food. Other naturally occurring radioisotopes

    in air and food are carbon-14, radon-222, strontium-90 and iodine-131.

    In addition to naturally occurring radiation from construction materials in our homes,

    we are constantly exposed to radiation (cosmic rays) produced in space by the sun.

    The larger the dose of radiation received at one time, the greater the effect on the

    body. Exposure to low amount of radiation cannot be detected, but at medium

    levels the whole-body exposure produces a temporary decrease in number of

    white blood cells. If the exposure is very high, the person suffers the symptoms of

    radiation sickness such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and a reduction of white-cell

    count which can even be lowered to zero. So the victim suffers from diarrhea, hair

    loss, hair loss and infection. Too much exposure is expected to cause death.

    You can ask yourself how radiation (which is in the air all around you) might lead to

    lung cancer. This is explained by the presence of Radon gas (mainly from granite rock)

    which is the main source of background radiation, and which is in turn responsible

    for almost all the radiation we get exposed to over our lifetime. When we breathe in;

    some of the radioactive atoms in the air undergo radioactive decay and emit alpha,

    beta or gamma radiation. These radiations can collide with and ionize atoms in our

    lung tissue, which could ultimately lead to lung cancer.


    Figure 15.10: Ways through which radiations reach the body cells

    Checking up 15.8:

    1. List any three sources of natural radiation.

    2. What are some symptoms of radiation sicknesses?


    I. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. Choose the letter corresponding to the

    appropriate answer

    1. Elements which emit natural radioactivity are known as:

    a. radio elements

    b. active elements

    c. radioactive elements

    d. nuclear elements

    2. Spontaneous emission of radiation by unstable nuclei is called

    a. positive radioactivity

    b. artificial radioactivity

    c. natural radioactivity

    d. nuclear elements

    3. The half-life of technetium-99 is 6 hours. How much of a 100 milligram

    sample of technetium-99 will remain after 30 hours?

    a. ? 12.5 mg

    b. ? 3.125 mg

    c. ? 6.25 mg

    d. ? 1.56 mg

    4. What change occurs in the nucleus of an atom when it undergoes beta


    a. The outer shell of electrons is filled.

    b. The number of neutrons decreases by one.

    c. A high speed electron is produced.

    d. A proton is produced.

    e. There is a release of energy.

    5. Which one of the following does not occur in nuclear reaction?

    a. Nuclear radiation is released.

    b. There is a change in mass.

    c. It involves a rearrangement of electrons.

    d. New elements are made

    6 When beta decay occurs in a radioactive isotope, the atomic number (Z)


    a. increases by one

    b. stays the same

    c. Increases by two

    d. decreases by one

    7. Which of the following statements is not correct concerning alphaparticles?

    a. they are composed of helium nuclei

    b. They are emitted from unstable nuclei

    c. they have a positive charge

    d. they can penetrate thick sheets of lead

    8. Which one of the following is true when a nucleus undergoes radioactive


    a. a new element is always formed

    b. alpha-particles are always emitted

    c. beta-particles are always emitted

    d. the unstable nucleus loses energy

    9. Why would the occupants of a house fitted with smoke detectors

    containing americium–241 not be at risk from alpha radiation emitted by

    these devices?

    a. ? It has very low penetrating power through the air.

    b. Alpha radiation has very low ionizing power.

    c. the occupants wear protective clothing at all times

    d. Alpha radiation is not harmful

    10. Which of these metals is used as a shield against radioactive emissions?

    a. Uranium

    b. Lead

    c. Radium

    d. Gold




    b. Half-life

    c. Helium

    d. Longer

    e. Nuclear fission

    f. Nuclear fusion

    g. Radioactive

    h. Radioactive decay

    i. Radioactivity

    j. Transmutation

    1. An element that gives off nuclear radiation is known to be ….

    2. When an element changes to another, more stable element, there is …

    3. The amount of time for half the atoms in a radioactive sample to decay is

    referred to as …

    4. The more stable a nucleus is, the ______ its half-life.

    5. The process in which the nucleus of an unstable atom releases radiation in

    order to become stable is known as …

    6. The changing of an atom into another, more stable atom during decay is

    7. The splitting of an atom into 2 smaller nuclei (nuclear power plant) is

    known as …

    8. An alpha particle is actually a nucleus of ____________.

    9. The name given to the several steps required to get a radioactive element

    to a stable element is the …

    10. The joining of 2 atoms to form a single, larger nucleus is known as …

    III. Short and long answer open questions

    1. Define radioactivity.

    2. Describe an alpha particle. What nucleus is it equivalent to?

    3. Plutonium has an atomic number of 94. Write the nuclear equation for the

    alpha particle emission of plutonium-244. What is the daughter isotope?

    4. Francium has an atomic number of 87. Write the nuclear equation for the

    alpha particle emission of francium-212. What is the daughter isotope?

    5. Write balanced equations for the following nuclear reactions:

    a. Nuclide carbon-14 undergoes beta decay

    b. Uranium-238 decays by alpha particle emission

    c. Carbon-11 decays by position emission

    d. Cobalt-60 decays by gamma radiation

    e. Gold-195 decays by electron capture

    6. a) Give values for a, b, c and d in the following nuclear equations:


    Calculate the mass number and atomic number of element Y.

    7. If radium-226 undergoes a series of decays that produce five α and four β

    particles, what is the final product?

    8. Strontium-90 is a beta particle emitter and has a half-life of 28.1 yrs.

    a. Write the decay equation for strontium-90.

    b. Calculate the decay constant

    9. A sample of a particular radioactive isotope is separated and monitored

    over a period of 15 hours. If it is found that 12.0 grams of the isotope

    remain after 4.2 hours and that 10.8 grams remain after 11.3 hours, what is

    the half-life of the isotope?

    10. What is the age BP of a bone fragment that shows an average of 2.9 dpm/

    gC in 2005? The carbon in living organisms undergoes an average of 15.3

    dpm/gC, and the half-life of 14C is 5730 years. (BP = Before Present, with

    the year 1950 used as the reference; dpm/gC = disintegrations per min.

    per gram Carbon)

    11. How much energy is released (in kJ) in the following fusion reactions to

    yield 1 mol of 4He or 3He?

    a. 2H + 3H → 4He + 1n

    b. 2H + 2H → 3He + 1n

    (The atomic masses are: 1H = 1.00782 u; 2H = 2.01410 u; 3H = 3.01605 u;

    3He = 3.01603 u; 4He = 4.00260 u and 1n = 1.008665 u)

    12. It has been estimated that 3.9 x 1023 kJ/s is radiated into space by the sun.

    What is the rate of the sun’s mass loss in kg/s?

    13. How much energy (in kJ) is produced in the fission reaction of 1.0 mol of

    uranium-235 according to the following equation?

    235U + 1n → 142Ba + 91Kr + 31n

    (The atomic masses are: 235U = 235.0439 u; 142Ba = 141.9164 u, 91Kr =

    90.9234 u; 1n = 1.00867 u

    14. a) State four uses of radioactive isotopes

    b) The half-life of cobalt-60 is 5.2 years. What fraction of cobalt-60 would

    remain after 26 years?

    c) The half-life of carbon-14 is 5600 years. Analysis of a fossil from a historical

    site showed that 6.25% of carbon-14 was present compared to living

    material. Calculate the age in years of the fossil.

    15. The half-life of uranium-238 is 4.5 billion

    years. What will be the 238U/206Pb atomic ratio in a rock that is 5.0 billion

    years old? (Assume that isotope lead-206 was not present initially)


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