4.1 Key unit competence: 
    Perform physical exercises that develop technical skills in football game, 

    playing in teams by respecting simple rules.


    Lesson 1: Exercises of dribbling the ball

    a. Learning objectives: To perform different types of dribbling the ball.

    b. Teaching resources: Playground/field/court, balls (purchased or 
    improvised), whistle, blackboard and goalposts. 
    c. Introduction (Opening discussion, warm up and stretching 

    - Teacher checks whether learners are ready for a PES lesson. The teacher 
    takes learners to the playground. The teacher explains to the learners 
    the instructions of doing warm up, stretching exercises and request 
    learners to put in practice those instructions (use warm up and stretching 
    exercises which are in the lesson 1 unit1, but you may also use other 
    similar exercises). 

    - Teacher invites learners to practice warm up and stretching exercises.


    d. Lesson development

    - Teacher explains learners the instructions governing exercises of dribbling 
    the ball with the intention of shooting into the goal by using feet; 
    - Teacher demonstrates learners how to dribble the ball using foot with the 
    aim of shooting into the goals; 
    - Each learner dribbles the ball based on the demonstration of the teacher; 
    - Learners dribble the ball towards to the goals with the intention of shooting 
    into the goals. 
    - Teacher observes and evaluates how learners are performing dribbling 

    exercises and assist them where necessary 

    Cool down exercises 
    Use cool down exercises which are in lesson 1 unit 1.

    e. Assessment 

    Closing discussion

    - Teacher asks learners to tell how to dribble the ball and ask questions 
    related to the techniques of dribbling and shooting the ball into the goal;

    - Teacher asks learners how they feel after performing exercises of dribbling 

    - Teacher asks learners the importance of performing exercises of dribbling 
    the ball in general.

    Lesson 2: Exercises of throwing the ball by using arms

    a. Learning objectives: To throw the ball by using arms.

    b. Teaching resources: Field/court/playground, balls (purchased or 
    improvised), whistle, blackboard, goalposts.

    c. Introduction (Opening discussion, warm up and stretching 

    - Teacher checks whether learners are ready for a PES lesson. The 
    teacher takes learners to the playground. He/she explains to the learners 
    the instructions of doing warm up, stretching exercises and request 
    learners to put in practice those instructions (use warm up and stretching 
    exercises which are in the lesson 1 unit1, but you may also use other 
    similar exercises). 
    - Teacher invites learners to practice warm up and stretching exercises.

    d. Lesson development:
    Teacher gives instructions to respect while throwing the ball using both arms.
    Examples: The player throws the ball in the court using both arms without 

    making any movement.


    Figure 4.2: Teacher demonstrating how to throw the ball by using both arms 
    Teacher demonstrates how to use both hands to throw the ball;
    Each learner throws the ball by using both arms respecting the 
    demonstration performed by the teacher; 
    Learners alternate to throw the ball and count times which they threw 
    the ball. 
    Teacher observes and evaluates how learners are performing throwing 

    exercises and assist them where necessary.


    Cool down exercises 

    Use cool down exercises which are in lesson 1 unit 1

    e. Assessment 
    Closing discussion

    - Teacher asks learners to identify various techniques of throwing the ball.
    Teacher asks learners how they feel after practicing exercises throwing 
    the ball.
    The teacher asks learners the importance of performing throwing 
    exercises in general. 

    Lesson 3: Short and long pass exercises

    a. Learning objectives: To pass short and long passes.

    b. Teaching resources: Field/court/playground, balls (purchased or 
    improvised), whistle, blackboard, goalposts.

    c. Introduction (Opening discussion, warm up and stretching 

    - Teacher checks whether learners are ready for a PES lesson. The teacher 
    takes learners to the playground. The teachers explains to the learners 
    the instructions of doing warm up, stretching exercises and request 
    learners to put in practice those instructions (use warm up and stretching 
    exercises which are in the lesson 1 unit1, but you may also use other 
    similar exercises). 
    - Teacher invites learners to practice warm up and stretching exercises.
    Example of warm up exercises: 
    - Put the ball on the ground,
    - Observe where you are going to shoot the ball (into the goal);
    - Move a short backwards distance; 
    - Shoot towards the goal with strength. 

    d. Lesson development:
    - Teacher gives instructions to follow while performing short and long 

    - Teacher demonstrates how to perform good passes;


    - Learners perform passing exercises while making movements or standing 

    at the same place; 


    - Teacher observes and evaluates how learners are performing passing 
    exercises and assist them where necessary.
    Cool down exercises 
    Use cool down exercises which are in lesson 1 unit 1.
    e. Assessment 
    Closing discussion

    - Teacher asks learners to identify different techniques of passing the ball.
    - Teacher asks learners how they feel after performing passing exercises. 

    - Teacher asks learners the importance of passing the ball exercises

    Lesson 4: Exercises of taking positions on the playground/

    a. Learning objectives: To take different positions according to the given 
    b. Teaching resources: Field/playground, balls, whistle and goalposts.

    c. Introduction (Opening discussion, warm up and stretching 

    - Teacher checks whether learners are ready for a PES lesson. The teacher 
    takes learners to the playground. The teacher explains to the learners 
    the instructions of doing warm up, stretching exercises and request 
    learners to put in practice those instructions (use warm up and stretching 
    exercises which are in the lesson 1 unit1, but you may also use other 
    similar exercises). 
    - Teacher invites learners to practice warm up and stretching exercises.

    d. Lesson development: 

    - Teacher shows learners different playing positions/posts on the court/
    playground and give instructions that help learners to know how to take 
    the right position in the playground; 
    - Teacher explains to learners the exact number of players on the football 
    court, the teacher also explains the role of each post/position that is 
    goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders ,and attackers; 
    - Learners in the given posts/position play the game by avoiding interchanging 

    their posts/positions while playing. 


    1. The goalkeeper - 2. Defenders - 3. Midfielders - 4. Strikers/attackers

    - Teacher observes and evaluates how learners are playing the game and 
    assist them where necessary.

    Cool down exercises 
    Use cool down exercises which are in lesson 1 unit 1.
    e. Assessment 
    Closing discussion

    - Teacher asks learner to tell their positions and ask them different questions 
    related to those positions they covered. 
    - Teacher asks learners how they feel after playing the game by respecting 
    their posts/positions. 
    - Teacher asks learners to state the importance of respecting their assigned 
    Lesson 5: Exercises of playing in teams by scoring in the 

    a. Learning objective: To play in teams of seven learners with the intention 
    of scoring the goals.
    b. Teaching resources: Field/court/playground, balls, whistle, blackboard 
    and goalposts.
    c. Introduction (Opening discussion, warm up and stretching 

    - Teacher checks whether learners are ready for a PES lesson. The teacher 
    takes learners to the playground. The teacher explains to the learners 
    the instructions of doing warm up, stretching exercises and request 
    learners to put in practice those instructions (use warm up and stretching 
    exercises which are in the lesson 1 unit1, but you may also use other 
    similar exercises). 
    - Teacher invites learners to practice warm up and stretching exercises.
    d. Lesson development: 
    - The teacher helps learners to make teams of 7players.
    - Learners are taught how to know their teammates quickly; 
    - The teacher shows the playing direction to learners;
    - Learners play by respecting basic rules of the football game, like: playing 
    without pulling others, no tackling, no use of hands / fingers while scoring 

    into the goals; 


    - Teacher observes and evaluates how learners are playing the game and 
    assist them where necessary 
    e. Assessment 
    Closing discussion

    - Teacher asks learners to identify techniques of playing football they have 
    used while playing the game in a team that consists of 7 players. 
    - Teacher asks learners how they feel after practicing exercise of playing in 
    team of 7 players.
    - Teacher asks learners the importance of playing in a team in their daily life.

    4.3 End unit assessment 

    Teacher evaluates learners’ ability by observing how learners are performing 
    various techniques of playing football game (dribbling, passing, throwing and 
    shooting), taking the right position on the football court by respecting basics 

    rules of playing football games.