1.2 Key unit competence
To be able to draw and paint still life and nature using shapes and forms.
1.2 Generic competence
The teacher shows the learners the suitable method that is used in drawing and decorating different pictures of still life objects and the nature. Learners, during this activity, they discover the beauty of nature. Then after, expose their works and comments on them, sharing views by showing respect among them.
1.3 Cross cutting issues
Environmental protection, when learners draw still life objects and environment like plants, animals, and insects.
Financial education is also applicable in this unit, when the learner takes into consideration the value of objects because they cost money and that they should be protected.
1.4 Introduction of the unit.
To introduce this unit, the teacher asks learners to give objects from our environment which have these elements of art, shape and form once learners finish to give examples teacher promises them to study basic methods of drawing objects with these basic elements
1.5 List of lessons
Lesson one: Drawing and Painting different things with basic shapes Learning objectives
Te learner will be able to draw shapes and volumes and use different colors related to them.
a. Learning and Teaching materials
• Drawing or bring objects and others which have shapes and volumes like a brick, a
cup, a stone, etc….
• A pencil
• Drawing paper
• Charpeners
• Simple shapes made from paper
b. Methodology
• Teacher brings pictures that have been drawn by others and show them to the learners for discovering basic shapes found on these drawings.
• Learners will say basic shapes apperars on the drawings that teacher have brought.
• Teacher will ask learners to link drawing with real objects they have such as a stone, a cup, a brick, etc…………
Lesson Development
Step one
• Teacher distributes drawing and Painting materials to the learners and give them instructions.
• Teacher demonstrates how to draw objects they have which have simple shapes.
• Learners after making observation from teacher’s demonstration they start drawing their own images.
Step two
• For painting drawn images teacher demonstrate how to paint them using water colours as mosthey are suitable colour to be used for lower primary learners. They may prefer to use even colour pencil, crayons, pastel and gauoche if they don’t havewater colors they may use them. Remember that oil paint is note suitable for lower primary learners.
• Learnes start painting their drawings following the model of their teacher.
• For evaluation, teacher asks the learners to draw and : black b Paint oard and backet.
• Learners start drawing and Painting.
Lesson Two: Drawing and painting objects from the surroundings with
simple shapes:
• Things
house, car, table, chair)
• Plants: (tree, leaf)
• Animals: (fish, rabbit, tomcat)
• A person
a. Learning objectives
Draw different volume objects
• Draw using pencils of different colors
• Appreciate the beauty of objects
b. Teaching and Learning materials
• A pencil and colored pencils
• Drawing paper
• Charpeners
• Puppets of house, a car, a table, a chair, etc
• Brushes
• watepaints
c. Methodology
• Teacher shows learners pictures drawn by others and ask them to observe and
name objects drawn.
• Learners observe pictures and say names of objects drawn.
Lesson Development
Step one
• Teacher distributes drawing and Painting materials to the learners and give them instructions.
• Teacher demonstrates how to draw objects they have which have simple shapes.
• Learners after making observation from teacher’s demonstration they start drawing their own images.
Step two
• Teacher distributes drawing and Painting materials to the learners and give them instructions.
• Teacher demonstrates how to draw objects they have which have simple shapes.
• Learners after making observation from teacher’s demonstration they start drawing their own images.
c. A complete picture of a person
• Teacher asks learners to display their art works so that together they select the best and appreciate every one who have participated.
• Learners display their work.
• Learners gather used materials for making their hygien and keep the class clean.
Lesson three: Using mixture of colors
a. Learning objectives
• Be able to mix basic colors to obtain others and use them in shading / painting.
• Be able to use various Paints and realat them to the elements of the nature.
• Love and protect environment.
b. Teaching and Learning materials
• Various colors of paint
• Small brushes used to mix Paint
• Bowls to be used to mix Paint such as a plate, a cap, etc that are found in the surrounding.
c. Methodology
Inviting learners to mention the colors which they know
Lesson Development
Step one
To make a mixture of two basic colors:
• Mixing yellow and red colors to get orange color
• Mixing yellow and blue colors to get green color.
• Mixing red and blue colors to get purple color.
• Mixing orange and a little black colors to get brown color.
• Mixing white and a little black colors to get grey color.
Step two
Using obtained colors to paint fruits and vegetables
1. Presenting drawings and evaluating learner’s performance and sharing views in respect and appreciating the beauty of the objects.
2. Inviting learners to mix two colors to get another color.
Lesson Four: Drawing through imitation objects from the surroundings by mixing colours and applying them
a. Learning objectives
• Draw imitating surrounding
• Paint imitating surrounding
• Appreciating the nature
b. Teaching and Learning materials
• A pencil
• Colored pencils and Paint
• Drawing paper
• Charpeners
• Rabbons
• Water colors
c. Methodology
Getting outside the classroom and observing objects in the nature.
Lesson Development
Step one
Drawing imitating objects from the surrounding.
Step two
Painting related to drawing objects
1. Presenting the pictures and sharing views in respect and appreciating the beauty of the objects.
2. Ensuring that each learner is able to draw using shapes and volumes and applying colors of still life things and the nature.
1.6 End of unit 1 assessment
• Draw and Paint the following objects: a picture of a brick, a picture of a table, a picture of a car.
• Draw and Paint the the folloing plants: a picture of a tree, a picture of a flower.
• Draw and Paint a picture of any animal on your choice.
• Draw and Paint a picture of a person.
1.7 Additional activities
• Draw and paint a picture of a cupboard.
• Draw and Paint a picture of a tomato.
• Draw and Paint a picture of a bird.
• Draw and Paint pictures of a father, a mother and her children.
• Draw and Paint a picture of a bottle.
• Draw and Paint a picture of a plum.
• Draw and paint a picture of a cut orange.
• Draw and Paint a picture of a mortar.