5.1. Children’s rights

    A. Children’s rights

    Activity 1

    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and tell what you have seen.


    We have understood/learnt that:



    Read out the following statements and mention the respected human rights
    a. Mutesi got wet in the rain and she was given warm clothes.
    b. After school, Kagabo was given food.
     c. While playing, Keza got injured and she was taken to the dispensary.
     d. Muhire lost all his parents and is now looked after by Mbabazi. 

    e. My young brother will start school tomorrow.


    Write down the rights of children on a piece of paper and hang it in your classroom and home.
    B. Importance of respecting children’s rights

    Activity 2.

    Observe the following pictures, talk about and tell what you have talked about.


    We have understood/learnt that:

    Respecting children’s rights makes them:



    1. Explain the importance of respecting children’s right. 

    2. Are your rights respected? Give reasons why?

    C. Abusing against children and reasons for its cause

    Activity 3



    We have understood/learnt that:

     A child can be disrespected through the following:


    Disrespecting a child can be caused by malice, drunkenness and ignorance of children’s rights.

    Activity 4

    Make placards of words condemning people who abuse children’s rights,
     hang them at school and home.
    Give three examples of things which can lead denial of children’s rights.
    D. Preventing the abuse of children’s rights
    Activity 5
    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share with others.

    We have understood/learnt that:
    - We should report violators/ abusers.
     - We should explain to others about Children’s rights.
     - We should emphasize respect for our rights.
    We have decided to:
    Always report abusers to our parents and teachers.
    Activity 6
    Write on pieces of papers how you would avoid the abuse against children and hang them in your classroom.
    1. Mention what you would do to the following:
    a) When you are abused.
     b) When you see your friend being abused.
    2. Have you ever been abused? How did you handle it?
    5.2. The culture of peace
    a. Living in peace in games /sports and studies
    Activity 7
    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share with others.
    We have understood/learnt that:


    our studies by doing the following:
    Not making noise in our classroom.
     Studying with others in groups.
    Working with others in different activities.
     Explaining and helping children with disabilities.
    We have decided to:
    Increasing the culture of peace at school, in playing and other places.
    Exercise 1.
    Give ways how you relate with others in peace when:
     a) Playing b) Studying together
    2. Name things you should not do when playing with others.
     3. Give examples of bad things you should avoid when studying with others.
     4. Read the following story and answer the questions given.
    - Mutesi is in Primary Two
     - When she reaches school, she greets her peers.
    - When working in groups, she makes a lot of noise.
     - When asked for help in studies, she responds happily.
     - During holidays, she plays with her friends only.
     - When you lend her a book, she gives it back after reading it.
    a) What shows that Mutesi doesn’t behave well with others in games and sports?
     b) What shows that Mutesi behaves well in games and sports and studies?
     c) What is Mutesi’s behaviour in her studies?
    1. During break time, see if all pupils are playing peacefully.
     For those playing, violently, inform them of the good of playing peacefully.
     2. Check yourselves if you study in peace with others and correct the wrong acts with the help of your teachers.

    5.3. Increasing the culture of peace
    A. Conversations
    Activity 8
    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have seen.

    We have understood/learnt that:
    - We should listen carefully to others
    - We should not make noise
    - We should respect the pieces of advice given to us.
     - We should respect other people’s ideas
     - We should only speak when given time to do so.
    1. Do you ever talk together in your class? How do you do it?
     2. Mention the important things you should avoid when talking with others.
    B. Different activities at school
    Activity 9
    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have seen.good
    We have understood/learnt that:
    We can live in peace at school in the following ways:
    - Working together
     - Working in harmony/peacefully
     - Helping one another
    - Not discouraging one another
     - Not being lazy
    Name examples of important things you should do when you are with others in group work.
    5.4. Good behaviours at school
    A. Respecting school rules and regulations
    Activity 10
    Observe the following pictures, talk about and share .

    We have understood/learnt that:
    We should respect school rules and regulations by:
    - Putting on school uniform.
    - Behaving well as required at school.
     - Managing time.
     - Respecting teachers and school leaders.
     - Doing homework and other activities given by teachers.
    - Taking care of school buildings and other materials.
    1. Name at least three school rules and regulations
    school leader's good behaviors  
    Activity 11
    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have seen.

    We have understood/learnt that:
    We should:
    .Respect school leaders
    .Receive something from school leaders with both hand
    . Greet school leaders by shaking hands
    We have decided to:
    - Greet school leaders and teachers humbly.
    - Respect school leaders and teachers.
     - Have honesty
    In short,
    tell how you behave when they send you to the school head teacher.
    C. Good behaviours towards our classmates
    Activity 12
    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have seen .

    We have understood/learnt that:
    We should behave well towards our classmates by:

    1. Give examples of the things you should do to help children/classmates with disabilities.
    2. Explain how you behave towards your classmates
    5.5.Private parts
    A. Practices that lead to misusing our private parts
    Activity 13
    Observe the following pictures,
    talk about them and share what you have observed.

    We have understood/learnt that:

    We have decided to:
    - Avoid bad people who can spoil us by reporting them to our parents, teachers and leaders.
     - Have hygiene for our private parts.
     - Avoid people who can touch our private parts.
    1. What would you do if there is an abuser?
    2. If you are given biscuits, sweets and chocolates, would you allow someone to touch your private parts?
    A. Meaning of disability
    Activity 14
    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have observed.

    We have understood/learnt that: Disability is the failure to function of some body parts. One can be born with a disability or it can be caused by diseases or accidents.

    We have decided to:
    Take care of people with disabilities.
    1. Explain the term disability.
    2. Name some of the causes of disabilities.

    B. Rights of people with disabilities
    Activity 15
    Look at the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have seen.

    We have understood/learnt that:
    People with disabilities have the following rights:
    .Right to education/study
    .Right to have jobs like others
    .Right to enjoyment
    .Right to move freely
    .Right to treatment/medication/health
    .Right to clothing
    .Right to electing leaders and be elected as well
     .Right to have property
    .Right to belong to a family
    .Right to have a name
    We have decided to:
    Respect the rights of people with disabilities by favouring for them whenever they are violated.
    1. Do people with disabilities have equal rights like others? Give reasons why?
    2. Explain what you would do if you saw someone abusing a person with a disability.
     3. Mention four rights of people with disabilities.
     4. Why should we protect our classmates with disabilities from the abuse of their rights?
    1. Answer with YES or NO
    a) Is denying a child food an abuse of rights?
    b) Does respecting children’s right help them to grow?
    c) Should people who disrespect/abuse children’s rights be thanked?
    d) Is giving heavy work to children an abuse of their rights?
    e) Should children who do mistakes be punished?
    f) If I see you harassing a child, I will report you to the elders.
    2. Separate human rights from disrespecting of human rights in the list below using the given table:
     - Beating
     - Medication
     - Playing
     - Harassment
     - Life
    - Abuse
     - Clothing

    3. Fill in the spaces provided using the words given: (Hurting, selfish, ask for forgiveness, working together, listening to all, speak when given time to do so)
    a) In conversations it’s necessary to -------------
     b) ----------------in groups helps us support one another
    c) When I make mistakes I-------------
    d) It is good to -------- to avoid disorganising others
    e) --------friends when playing is a bad habit
     f) We should avoid being ---------and share with our friends.