3.1. Hygiene of water
    A. Ways and methods of cleaning/treating water:

    Activity 1

    Observe these pictures and talk about what you have seen.

    We have learnt/understood that:

    Treating water is done by the following: 

    a) Cleaning the container for keeping it in.
     b) Cleaning the container for boiling it in. 
    c) Putting it on the stove and wait for it to boil 
    d) Filtering/sieving it.

     e) Keeping it well covered.

    We have decided to:

    Drink boiled and safe water using clean containers.


    1. Why should water be boiled? 

    2. Talk about how they keep water for drinking.


    After reaching home, help your parents to boil water using clean containers,

     filter/sieve, cover and keep it safe for drinking.

    B. Importance of treating water

    Activity 2

    Observe the following pictures,

     talk about them and share what you have seen.


    We have understood/learnt that:

    Treating water for drinking prevents diseases caused by dirty water for example worms,

     diarrhoea, typhoid, cholera and many others`

    Activity 3

    Make a sign post telling people to stop drinking dirty water and hang it in your classroom.


    Make a sign post telling people to stop drinking dirty water and hang it in your classroom.


    1. Using the given pictures,

     put a tick þ on good practices and (X) on bad practices


    2. Have you ever drunk dirty water? What happened? 
    3. Why should we drink boiled water every time? 

    4. Name the diseases you know that are caused by drinking dirty water

    3.2. Hygiene for food stuffs and drinks

    A. Hygiene of food stuffs that need to be cleaned and its importance

    Activity 4

    Observe the following pictures and talk about what you see.


    We have understood/learnt that:

    Food stuffs should be cleaned before cooking. 

    This is how it should be done:

    .Washing hands 
    .Putting food stuffs for cleaning in a container with water 
    .Start washing 
    .Cleansing in clean water 
    .Drying vegetables on a raised clean item

     .Fruits are wiped with a clean piece of cloth and kept in a clean and covered container

    We have decided to:

    Wash our hands first before handling food stuffs. Always have hygiene for food.


    1. Why should we wash our hands before washing food stuffs?
     2. Give reason why it is important to wash food stuffs before cooking and eating them.
     3. Give four examples of food stuffs that need washing before cooking and eating them.
     4. Have you ever suffered from worms? What caused it? 

    5. When you roast a sweet potato or cassava, do you first wash them? Give the reason why.


    Everyone should bring one of the following: 

    a. A fruit
     b. A yam 
    c. A sweet potato 
    d. Cassava 
    e. Irish potato 

    f. Vegetables Practice washing them as you were taught.

    B. Hygiene for drinks/beverages

    Activity 6

    Observe the following pictures,

     talk about them and tell what you have seen.


    We have understood/learnt that:

    Drinks are taken using clean utensils. 

    Having hygiene for drinks prevents diseases caused by dirty water.

    We have decided to:

    .Wash our hands before drinking any beverage/drinks.
    . Use clean drinking utensils.
    . Have hygiene for drinks/ beverages

    . Avoid drinking directly from a jerry can or a water tap


    1. Observe the following pictures: 
    a. Show good practices and give reasons for that. 

    Show bad practices and give reasons for that.


    2. Why should we wash our hands before drinking


    3. Why should we use clean drinking utensils when
    drinking water?
    4. Give reasons why it is bad to put the mouth on a
    jerry can or a water tap when drinking water?
    5. Give ways how you can have hygiene for beverages/

    drinks before drinking them.

    c. Dangers of failing to keep the hygiene of drinks/ beverages

    Activity 7

    Observe the following pictures, talk about them and share what you have seen.



    We have learnt /understood that:

    Poor hygiene of food stuffs and drinks/beverages causes diseases

     e.g. worms, diarrhoea, typhoid, cholera, etc.


    1. Name two diseases caused by drinking unclean beverages/drinks.
     2. Name one disease caused by drinking unhygienic drinks/beverages.

     3. Why is it good to drink hygienic beverages/drinks? 4. Explain some of the dangers of drinking unhygienic beverages/drinks.

    D. Prevention of dangers caused by poor hygiene of food stuffs and beverages/drinks.

    Activity 8

    Observe the following pictures, talk them and share what you have seen.



    We have understood/learnt that:

    Ensuring hygiene for food stuffs and beverages/drinks prevents us from diseases.

    We have decided to:

     - Cleaning food before eating it.
     - Cleaning drinking utensils before use.

     - Avoid the dangers of poor hygiene.


    1. Explain the best practices for preventing dangers of unhygienic drinks/beverages.

     2. Mention what you would do to prevent dangers of eating unhygienic food.


    1. Move around your school and see if there are pupils drinking unsafe water from the water tap. Stop them and tell them that it causes diseases.

     2. Observe how food stuffs and drinks are cleaned at homes. Show and share with others.


    1. Name two causes of diarrhoea showing how it is prevented.
     2. Arrange correctly the steps for boiling water.
     - Boiling water up to the boiling point
     - Washing the saucepan 
    - Filtering/sieving water that has been boiled 
    - Putting the boiled water in the jerry can
     - Putting water in the clean saucepan
     - Washing the jerry can for keeping in the water
     - Putting a covered saucepan with water on the charcoal stove/fire place
    - Covering the jerry can with filtered/sieved water 
    - Remove the boiled water from the charcoal stove. 
    3. Give four examples of food stuffs and drinks that must be cleaned before eating/drinking them.

     4 Name four types of drinks/beverages that must be cleaned first.