Key Unit competence: 

    Take appropriate decision on Hemorrhoids

    Introductory activity 5.0

    The images below from A to E illustrate the structures of the cross section of 

    sigmoid and anus. Observe them and respond to the attached questions.

    1) What are the physiological changes would reflect these changes in the 
    2) What are the manifestations of such abnormalities in the human body?
    3) How can health personnel identify or notice these abnormalities?

    4) How can these abnormalities be corrected?

    5.1. Description of Hemorrhoids

    Learning Activity 5.1

    N.A is a 37-year-old pregnant woman consults the hospital with pain in the rectum 
    during and after passing stools. She said that he saw blood on the toilet paper 
    that she used. She also mentioned that she has been having hard stool since 
    some weeks and itching. The medical doctor put the patient on the left lateral 
    decubitus with the N. A’s knees flexed toward the chest, he inspected the anus 
    and performed anal digital examination. A bulging mucosa was observed during 

    inspection and palpated confirming external hemorrhoids.

    Questions related to the case study

    1) What is the medical history of N.A described in the case study?
    2) Do you think that this history has something to do with the haemorrhoids? 
    Explain your response.

    3) Describe the signs and symptoms presented in the case study

    5.1.1. Definition of Hemorrhoids
    Hemorrhoids are a very common anorectal condition defined as the symptomatic 
    enlargement and distal displacement of the normal anal cushions.

    5.1.2. Causes and pathophysiology of hemorrhoids

    The exact pathophysiology of hemorrhoidal development is poorly understood. 
    For years the theory of varicose veins, which postulated that hemorrhoids were 
    caused by varicose veins in the anal canal, had been popular but now it is obsolete 
    because hemorrhoids and anorectal varices are proven to be distinct entities. 
    Today, the theory of sliding anal canal lining is widely accepted. This proposes that 
    hemorrhoids develop when the supporting tissues of the anal cushions disintegrate 
    or deteriorate. Hemorrhoids are therefore the pathological term to describe the 
    abnormal downward displacement of the anal cushions causing venous dilatation 
    and increase in pressure in the veins. 
    Some of the risk factors of hemorrhoids include pregnancy, prolonged sitting or 
    standing position, obesity and chronic constipation. Portal hypertension related to 
    liver disease may also be a factor.

    5.1.3 Signs and symptoms of Hemorrhoids

    Internal hemorrhoids (Fig 5.1) are usually not painful unless they prolapse. They 
    may bleed during bowel movements. External hemorrhoids (Fig 5.1) cause itching 
    and pain when inflamed and filled with blood (thrombosed). Inflammation and 
    edema occur with thrombosis, causing severe pain and possibly infarction of the 

    skin and mucosa over the hemorrhoid

    5.1.4 Diagnostic measures

    The Hemorrhoids can be diagnosed through a complete history, physical 

    examination; (lubricated finger, gently inserted into the anal canal while asking the 

    patient to bear down the resting tone of the anal canal). Internal hemorrhoids are 
    generally not palpable on digital examination, anoscopy is performed. Hemorrhoidal 
    bundles will appear as bulging mucosa and anoderm within the open portion of the 
    anoscope. Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy can also be used. A complete blood cell 
    (CBC) count may be useful as a marker for infection. Anemia due to hemorrhoidal 

    bleeding is possible.

    Self-assessment 5.1

    1) Briefly explain the pathophysiology of Hemorrhoids?

    2) Identify other diseases that would mimic the symptoms of Hemorrhoids?

    5.2. The management of Hemorrhoids

    Learning Activity 5.2

    …Continuation of N.A case study
    After physical exam, the medical doctor confirmed that Madam N.A is suffering 
    from Hemorrhoids. Regarding the treatment, Mr. S.D has received anti 

    inflammatory drugs and advice on how to change her lifestyle

    Questions related to the case study.

    1) What is the surgical treatment plan adopted by the medical doctor for this 
    2) In group, discuss the different medication prescribed to this patient.

    3) List potential complications which may happen to Madam N.A. 

    5.2.1. The treatment plan of Hemorrhoids

    Treatment is aimed at preventing constipation, avoiding straining during 
    defecation, maintaining good personal hygiene, and making lifestyle changes to 
    relieve hemorrhoid symptoms and discomfort .Lifestyle modification use of anti 
    inflammatory and surgery are the treatment of hemorrhoids

    5.2.2. Associate nurse decision making

    In the hospital, the associate nurse will perform tasks that are delegated by 
    registered nurses. The primary focus of care for haemorrhoids disease is educating 

    patients. Encourage patient and caregiver to share concerns about lifestyle.

    5.2.3. Complications of Hemorrhoids

    The most common and serious complications of haemorrhoids include perianal 
    thrombosis and incarcerated prolapsed internal haemorrhoids with subsequent 
    thrombosis. They are characterised by severe pain in the perianal region possibly 
    with bleeding. In a short history of the perianal thrombosis, acute surgical incision 

    or excision is indicated, which can result in rapid relief of the painful symptoms

    Self-assessment 5.2

    Mr. K.M a patient on your department unit, has a Hemorrhoids. His wife runs to 
    the nursing station and says that you need to help her husband, he is in pain.
    4) What additional data would you gather to confirm the statement of her 

    5) What emotional support would you offer to Mrs. SM?

    5.3 End unit assessment

    End of unit assessment

    1) Following a hemorrhoidectomy, what should the nurse advise the patient 
    to do?
    a) Use daily laxatives to facilitate bowel emptying.
    b) Use ice packs to the perineum to prevent swelling.
    c) Avoid having a bowel movement for several days until healing occurs.
    d) Take warm sitz baths several times a day to promote comfort and 
    2) A patient is scheduled for a hemorrhoidectomy at an ambulatory day
    surgery center. An advantage of performing surgery at an ambulatory 
    center is a decreased need for
    a) laboratory tests and perioperative medications.
    b) preoperative and postoperative teaching by the nurse.
    c) psychologic support to alleviate fears of pain and discomfort.
    d) preoperative nursing assessment related to possible risks and 
    3) Apart from digital examination, what are other diagnostic tests indicated 
    in the case of hemorrhoids?
    4) Changing life style is one way to prevent and treat hemorrhoids. What 
    are the lifestyle modifications would you recommend a patient with 
    5) What is the role of medications in the treatment of haemorrhoids?The 
    goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce pain and constipation in patients 
    with haemorrhoids.
    6) What is the role of pregnancy in the aetiology of haemorrhoids?Pregnancy 
    clearly predisposes women to symptoms from haemorrhoids, although 
    the aetiology is unknown. Notably, most patients revert to their previously 
    asymptomatic state after delivery. The relationship between pregnancy 
    and haemorrhoids lends credence to hormonal changes or direct pressure 
    as the culprit.
    7) What is the role of blood studies in the workup of hemorrhoids? A complete 
    blood cell (CBC) count may be useful as a marker for infection. Anemia 
    due to hemorrhoidal bleeding is possible
    8) What is the role of colonoscopy in the workup of hemorrhoids? 
    Colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, and barium enema are reserved for 

    cases of bleeding without an identified anal source.