At the end of senior four, the student will be able to demonstrate:

    – Professional behavior attitude and observe nursing code of ethics.

    – Team work, by collaborating with other healthcare team members.

    – Empathy and patience during care provision.

    Competence in self-directed learning, by seeking more information on the internet

    and other sources.


    At the end of studying fundamentals of nursing in S4, Student will be able to:

    Perform aseptic and non-aseptic techniques (hand washing, applying sterile gloves

    and dressings)

    1. Wash hand with respect of all steps of hand washing
    2. Wear appropriately sterile and non-sterile gloves during provision of nursing
    3. Use appropriately the safety box during provision of nursing care
    4. Clean and disinfect the clinical materials and equipment including tray and
    5. Clean and disinfect the used materials according to the healthcare setting
    6. Dispose the medical wastes according to the healthcare setting policy
    7. Use appropriately personnel protective equipment in clinical settings (Gloves,
    gown, mask, goggles)
    8. Make an unoccupied bed for medical and surgical patients
    9. Make occupied bed for patient who can sit and who cannot sit
    10. Perform bed bath for critically ill patients taking into consideration his/her
          medical conditions
    11. Assist client with and oral hygiene
    12. Ensure cleanliness, proper lighting and ventilation of the ward environment.
    13. Ensure client / patient privacy, hygiene and comfort
    14. Assist client/patient to assume correct positioning
    15. Change position of clients according to the medication condition of the patients
    16. Transfer the client /patient using appropriate techniques
    17. Care for bed-ridden patients appropriately while assisting coughing exercises,
          preventing bedsores and contractures,
    18. Take and interpret vital signs and parameters (temperature, respirations,
    blood pressure and pulse, oxygen saturation, pain, height and weight).
    19. Provide basic nursing interventions during abnormal vital signs
    20. Take patient full history from different sources
    21. Perform physical assessment using inspection
    22. Document health assessment findings
    23. Interpret information collected
    24. Provide for proper elimination (urinal, bedpan and changing of diapers)
    25. Perform a rectal evacuation (enema, high bowel washes out)
    26. Perform manual removal of fecaloma
    27. Perform hygiene care of ileostomy or colostomy
    28. Perform drug administration (IM, SC, ID, PO, sublingual, suppositories,
    vaginal, ear, eye, nose, topical application)
    29. Calculate drug dosages as prescribed.
    30. Monitor drug reactions in patients.
    31. Assess client / patient comprehensively utilizing the nursing process.
    32. Document nursing care effectively and appropriately.
    33. Participate in promotion, preventive, curative and rehabilitative activities to
    the Community
    34. Prepare and conduct health education, counseling for patients or various
    35. Provide oral and written report
    36. Analyze factors model of personality in dealing with people
    37. Apply the stages of behavior change in influencing behavior of people
    38. Participate in behavior change campaigns to promote health and wellbeing
    39. Adapt patient care based on relevant factors relating to culture, gender and
    40. Participate in prevention of health risk behavior and promotion of enhancing

            health behavior

    At the end of studying maternal and child health in S4, Student will be able to:
    1. Assess the expectant mother using the nursing process.
    2. Incorporate the family in the plan of care of the expectant mother.
    3. Admit pregnant woman in antenatal care services
    4. Provide health education focusing on antenatal care
    5. Perform focused antenatal care
    6. Collect laboratory samples for pregnant woman
    7. Interpret laboratory investigation findings for a pregnant woman
    8. Screen for the risks in pregnant woman
    9. Provide appropriate interventions to pregnant woman
    10. Teach mother on self-breast examination.
    11. Measures fundal height for pregnant woman
    12. Uses Leopold’s maneuver in the assessment of the expectant mothers’
    13. Estimate the strength and duration of uterine contraction
    14. Auscultate and count fetal heart rate.
    15. Give health education to the mother and family according to stage of
    16. Perform vulvar disinfection
    17. Perform digital vaginal examination
    18. Estimate descent, dilation, cervical position, and presentation
    19. Interpret the findings of vaginal examination and fetal heart rate
    20. Manage and monitor a mother in labor using a partograph.
    21. Manage and assist the first, second and third stages of labor.
    22. Assist mother in delivery
    23. Preform Active Management of Third Stage of Labor
    24. Appropriately deliver the placenta
    25. Examine the completeness of the placenta
    26. Initiate the management of postpartum hemorrhage while calling for help or
    before transfer the mother to higher level of healthcare setting
    27. Perform the procedure of Help babies breathe
    28. Put the newborn in skin to skin with her/his mother
    29. Initiate breastfeeding with one hour of delivery
    30. Separate newborn from the mother
    31. Perform the procedure of Help babies breathe
    32. Perform immediate newborn assessment
    33. Administer ophthalmic tetracycline
    34. Administer Vitamin K
    35. Administer anti-retroviral medication if indicated
    36. Put on clothes for newborn
    37. Administer vaccines and supplements as prescribed.
    38. Ensure the mother undergoes the recommended laboratory tests
    39. Make use of appropriate positions during different procedures (ultrasound,
            speculum assessment).
    40. Assess the mother and newborn before transferring to the postnatal ward.
    41. Assess and care for the newborn using the nursing process.
    42. Provide postpartum care
    43. Give education concerning the importance of breast-feeding

    44. Give health education using a teaching plan (one on one or group session)




    At the end of senior four, the student will be able to:
    – Educate on health promotion and illness prevention,
    – Provide health education to community,
    – Educate on promotion of behavioral changes so as to enable persons to take

        control of their health


    At the end of senior four, the student will be able to:
    1. Participate in health promotion, preventive, curative and rehabilitative
    activities to the Community
    2. Perform community assessment
    3. Perform community diagnosis
    4. Plan community
    5. Plan interventions
    6. Prepare and conduct counseling for patients or various groups
    7. Provide health education to individual, family, groups and community
    according to their needs
    8. Apply psychosocial concepts in interpersonal collaboration and community
    9. Collaborate with stakeholders for intervening in the community
    10. Initiate the behavior change interventions for individuals, families, groups and
    11. Advocate for patient
    12. Communicate effectively with client and team
    13. Collaborate effectively with clients and team
    14. Provide oral and written report
    15. Analyze factors model of personality in dealing with people
    16. Apply the stages of behavior change in influencing behavior of people
    17. Participate in behavior change campaigns to promote health and wellbeing
    18. Adapt patient care based on relevant factors relating to culture, gender and
    19. Participate in prevention of health risk behavior and promotion of enhancing

            health behavior



    At the end of senior five, the student will be able to demonstrate:
    – Professional behavior attitude and observe nursing code of ethics.
    – Team work, by collaborating with other healthcare team members.
    – Empathy and patience during care provision.
    Competence in self-directed learning, by seeking more information on the internet
    and other sources.
    At the end of studying fundamentals of nursing in S5, Student will be able

    1. Apply the techniques of simple wound dressing
    2. Perform different techniques of bandaging
    3. Carryout simple laboratory investigations (RTDL, Glycemia, Glucose and
    4. Collect and label different specimens
    5. Interpret complete blood count laboratory results
    6. Apply critical thinking skills in assessing and managing a client with medical
          and surgical health problems
    7. Perform first aid care during asthma attack, hypertensive crisis, heart attack,
          stroke and epileptic seizures.
    8. Apply theories of family in provision of healthcare to the family
    9. Provide healthcare to the family and special population
    10. Interact effectively with special groups in the community
    11. Compare and contrast techniques that enhance communication to techniques
            that hinder communication
    12. Communicate effectively with clients
    13. Apply guidance and counselling techniques to assist individuals group, family
    14. Community
    15. Participate in gender based violence prevention interventions in community
    16. Provide the gender based violence prevention health education to community
    17. Utilize the national gender based violence prevention guidelines in managing
            the cases of gender based violence
    18. Provide first aid care for patients with burn
    19. Perform wound cleaning
    20. Perform wound dressing
    21. Perform health assessment of respiratory system
    22. Perform health assessment of cardiovascular
    23. Perform health assessment of digestive system
    24. Perform health assessment of urogenital system
    25. Administer local anesthesia before wound suture
    26. Perform simple wound suture
    27. Provide bedsore care
    28. Administer enema to a client
    29. Administer bed pan or urinal to client in need
    30. Provide grastrostomy care
    31. Provide ileostomy care
    32. Provide colostomy care
    33. Apply guidance and counselling techniques to assist individuals, group, family
            and community
    34. Apply correctly and appropriately ABCDE approach in emergency situations
    35. Perform victim’s evacation techniques
    36. Carryout rapid laboratory investigations.
    37. Apply first aid techniques in, burns, drowning, Chocking, Cardio respiratory
           distress, Fractures, Hemorrhages, Loss of consciousness, Snake bites and


    At the end of studying maternal and child health in S5, Student will be able


    – Perform the rapid initial assessment of a mother during postnatal period
    – Provide care to a mother in postnatal the mother during postnatal period.
    – Recognize the main danger signs for the mother during the post-natal period.
    – Conduct a counselling related to prevention of mother to child transmission
    – Conduct counselling to individuals/couples
    – Identify the main danger signs for the mother during the post-natal period.
    – Advocate against gender based violence.
    – Perform postpartum breast assessment
    – Perform postpartum uterus assessment
    – Perform postpartum bladder and bowel assessment
    – Assess the characteristics of lochia
    – Assess the mother for episiotomy
    – Assess the mother for emotional status
    – Assess for signs and symptoms of postpartum haemorrhage
    – Assess for any signs and symptoms of postpartum obstetrical emergency
    – Ass for signs of postpartum Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
    – Provide care to the mother during postnatal period

    – Perform newborn assessment




    At the end of senior four, the student will be able to:

    – Educate on health promotion and illness prevention,
    – Provide health education to community,
    – Educate on promotion of behavioral changes so as to enable persons to take
        control of their health
    At the end of senior four, the student will be able to:
    1. Apply theories of family in provision of healthcare to the family
    2. Provide healthcare to the family and special population
    3. Interact effectively with special groups in the community
    4. Compare and contrast techniques that enhance communication to techniques
    that hinder communication
    5. Communicate effectively with clients
    6. Apply guidance and counselling techniques to assist individuals group, family
    7. Community
    8. Participate in gender based violence prevention interventions in community
    9. Provide the gender based violence prevention health education to community
    10. Utilize the national gender based violence prevention guidelines in managing
    the cases of gender based violence

    11. Provide counseling related to reproductive health issues



    At the end of senior five, the student will be able to demonstrate:
    – Professional behavior attitude and observe nursing code of ethics.
    – Team work, by collaborating with other healthcare team members.
    – Empathy and patience during care provision.
    – Competence in self-directed learning, by seeking more information on the
    internet and other sources.
    At the end of studying fundamentals of nursing in S6, Student will be able
    – Collect relevant information of client from different sources
    – Interpret information collected
    – Use different techniques to conduct client physical exam
    – Determine correctly an individual’s daily dietary requirements
    – Develop individualized nutrition plans for clients of all ages and those with
         special needs, such as children, adolescents, the elderly and pregnant women
    – Practice oral feeding for patients
    – Practice feeding for patients with nasogastric tubes
    – Provide appropriate anti-infective drug for an infectious disease treatment
    – Utilize National treatment guidelines to manage infectious diseases
    – Provide basic palliative care in a healthcare setting and in community.
    – Apply acquired knowledge in promotion of proper nutritional practices in all
         age groups
    – Conducts comprehensive assessment of the nutritional status of a client in a
         culturally sensitive manner
    – Determine correctly an individual’s daily dietary requirements
    – Develop individualized nutrition plans for clients of all ages and those with
         special needs, such as children, adolescents, the elderly and pregnant women
    – Practice oral feeding for patients
    – Practice feeding for patients with nasogastric tubes
    – Offer psycho- spiritual support to the individuals in pain, families and

    – Use non pharmacological pain management to alleviate pain

    At the end of studying maternal and child health in S6, Student will be able


    – Provide effectively natural family planning methods
    – Explain indications and contraindications of natural family planning methods
        to individuals
    – Provide effectively modern family planning methods
    – Provide effectively barrier family planning methods
    – Provide effectively permanent family planning methods
    – Use appropriate language while providing family planning methods
    – Screen the child growth and development
    – Discuss the growth development of a child
    – Administer vaccines according to Expanded Program of Immunization
    – Identify danger signs of pediatric illnesses
    – Explain common symptoms of pediatric illnesses
    – Detect possible danger signs from sick children
    – Detect possible common symptoms from sick children
    – Provide an appropriate classification of conditions found on sick children

    – Provide care to children with common childhood illnesses using.



    At the end of senior four, the student will be able to:
    – Educate on health promotion and illness prevention,
    – Provide health education to community,
    – Educate on promotion of behavioral changes so as to enable persons to take
         control of their health
    At the end of senior four, the student will be able to:
    – Apply acquired knowledge in promotion of proper nutritional practices in all
         age groups
    – Conducts comprehensive assessment of the nutritional status of a client in a
        culturally sensitive manner
    – Determine correctly an individual’s daily dietary requirements
    – Develop individualized nutrition plans for clients of all ages and those with
        special needs, such as children, adolescents, the elderly and pregnant women
    – Educate individuals, families and communities about how to improve house
        hygiene and environmental hygiene
    – Educate the individuals, families and community members about nutritional

        Offer psycho- spiritual support to the individuals in pain, families and comm












