Key unit Competence: Use integration to solve mathematical and financial 
    related problems involving marginal cost, revenues 

    and profits, elasticity of demand, and supply

    Introductory activity

    3.1 Indefinite integral

    3.1.1 Definition and properties

    Learning activity 3.1.1

    Application activity 3.1.1

    3.1.2 Properties of indefinite integral

    Learning activity 3.1.2

    Note: Integration is a process which is the inverse of differentiation. In 
    differentiation, we are given a function and we are required to find its derivative 
    or differential coeffient. In integration, we find a function whose differential 
    coeffient is given. The process of finding a function is called integration and it 

    reverses the operation of differentiation.

    Application activity 3.1.2

    3.1.3 Primitive functions

    Learning activity 3.1.3

    Application activity 3.1.3

    3.2 Techniques of integration

    3.2.1 Integration by substitution or change of variable

    Learning activity 3.2.1

    Integration by substitution is based on rule of differentiating composite 
    functions. As well as, any given integral is transformed into a simple form 
    of integral using this method of integration by substitution by substituting 
    other variables for the independent variable. When we make a substitution 
    for a function whose derivative is also present in the integrand, the method 
    of integration by substitution is extremely useful. As a result, the function 
    becomes simpler, and the basic integration formulas can be used to integrate 

    the function. 

    Application activity 3.2.1

    3.2.2 Integration by Parts

    Learning activity 3.2.2

    Application activity 3.2.2

    3.2.3 Integration by Decomposition/ Simple fraction

    Learning activity 3.2.3

    A rational expression is formed when a polynomial is divided by another 
    polynomial. In a proper rational expression, the degree of the numerator is 
    less than the degree of the denominator. In an improper rational expression, 
    the degree of the numerator is greater than or equal to the degree of the 
    denominator. The integration by decomposition known as integration of partial 
    fractions found by firstly decompose a proper fraction into a sum of simpler 


    Partial fractions decomposition 

    CASE 1: The denominator is a product of distinct linear factors.

    Application activity 3.2.3

    3.3. Definite integral

    3.3.1 Definition and properties of definite integrals

    Learning activity 3.3.1

    Application activity 3.3.1

    3.3.2 Techniques of integration of definite integral

    Learning activity 3.3.2

    There is time that some functions cannot be integrated directly. In that case 
    we have to adopt other techniques in finding the integrals. The fundamental 
    theorem in calculus tells us that computing definite integral of f xegg requires 
    determining its anti-derivative, therefore the techniques used in determining 

    indefinite integrals are also used in computing definite integrals.

    a) Integration by substitution

    The method in which we change the variable to some other variable is called 

    “Integration by substitution”.

    c) Decomposition or simple fractions 

    The partial fraction decomposition method is useful for integrating proper 
    rational functions. Divide our more complex rational fraction into smaller, 
    and more easily integrated rational functions. When splitting up the rational 
    function, the rules to follow are the same as from the indefinite integral. Here are 

    the steps for evaluating definite integrals using the method of partial fractions :

    step 1: Factor the denominator of the integrand 

    step2: Split the rational function into a sum of partial fractions

    step3: Set partial fractions decomposition equal to the original function 

    step 4: solve for numerators of each of the partial fractions 

    step 5: Take the definite integral of each of the partial fractions, and sum 


    Application activity 3.3.2

    3.4 Application of integration

    3.4.1 Calculation of marginal cost, revenues and profits

    Learning activity 3.4.1

    a) Cost function and profit function

    If the variable under consideration varies continuously, integration allows us to 
    recover the total function from the marginal function. As a result, total functions 

    such as cost, revenue, production, and saving can be derived from them.

    The marginal function is obtained by differentiating the total function. Now, 
    when marginal function is given and initial values are given, the total function 

    can be obtained using integration.


    The total cost of production is fixed cost + Variable cost. The variable cost of 

    producing 250 items is represented by the area under the marginal cost curve. 

    Application activity 3.4.1

    3.4.2 Elasticity of demand and supply

    Learning activity 3.4.2

    The table below shows information about the demand and supply 
    functions for a product. For both functions, q is the quantity and p is the 

    price, in dollars

    Application activity 3.4.2

    3.4.3 Present, Future Values of an Income Stream and Growth Rates

    Learning activity 3.4.3

    A company is considering purchasing a new machine for its production 
    floor. The machine costs $65,000. The company estimates that the 
    additional income from the machine will be a constant $7000 for the first 
    year, then will increase by $800 each year after that. In order to buy the 
    machine, the company needs to be convinced that it will pay for itself by 
    the end of 8 years with this additional income. Money can earn 1.7% per 

    year, compounded continuously. Should the company buy the machine?

    to calculate the present and future value of a continuous income stream as 
    long as we can model the flow of income with a function. The idea here is that 
    each little bit of income in the future needs to be multiplied by the exponential 

    function to bring it back to the present, and then we’ll add them all up. 

    Example 2

    Find the present and future values of a constant income stream of $1000 per 
    year over a period of 20 years, assuming an interest rate of 6% compounded 


    Further applications in production and consumption 
    The supply function or supply curve shows the quantity of a product or service 
    that producers will supply over a period of time at any given price. Both these 

    price-quantity relationships are usually considered as functions of quantity Q

    Generally, the demand function P  = D( Q) is decreasing, because consumers are 
    likely to buy more of a product at lower prices. Unlike the law of demand, the 
    supply function P =  S(Q ) increasing, because producers are willing to deliver a 

    greater quantity of a product at higher prices.

    Application activity 3.4.3

    3.5 End unit assessment