Key unit competence: To be able to forecast an income and expenditure for an accounting period.

    Accounting Management | Student Book | Senior Six

    1.1.2.Definition of concepts
    • Forecasting 
    It refers to the practice of predicting what will happen in the future by taking into 
    consideration events in the past and present. Basically, it is a decision-making 
    tool that helps businesses cope with the impact of the future’s uncertainty by 
    examining historical data and trends. It is a planning tool that enables businesses 
    to chart their next moves and create budgets that will hopefully cover whatever 
    uncertainties may occur.
    • Financial forecasting
    It is predicting a company’s financial future by examining historical performance 
    data, such as revenue, cash flow, expenses, or sales. This involves guesswork and 
    assumptions, as many unforeseen factors can influence business performance. 
    Common types of forecasts include cash flow forecast, projected profit and 
    loss and balance sheet forecast.
    • Difference between Budgeting and Forecasting
    Budgeting and forecasting are both tools that help businesses plan for their 

    future. However, the two are distinctly different in many ways:

    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six

    • Budgeting

    It involves creating financial statements for a specific period, such as projected 
    revenue, expenses, cash flow and investments. It is usually conducted with input 
    from many different departments in order to come up with a holistic and detailed 
    report. Therefore, the budgeting process takes time to complete. The company 
    uses the budget to guide it in its financial activities. In other words, a budget is 
    a plan for a company’s future.
    While budget are usually made for an entire year, forecasts are usually updated 
    monthly or quarterly. Through forecasting, a company can project where it’s 
    going, and it may adjust its budget and allocate more or less funds to an activity, 
    depending on the forecast. In summary, budgets depend on the forecast.
    Forecasting is a common statistical task in business, where it helps to inform 
    decisions about the scheduling of production, transportation and personnel, 
    and provides a guide to long-term strategic planning. However, business 
    forecasting is often done poorly, and is frequently confused with planning and 
    goals. They are three different things.
    • Forecasting
    It is about predicting the future as accurately as possible, given all of available 
    the information , including historical data and knowledge of any future events 
    that might impact the forecasts.
    Goals are what business would like to have happen. Goals should be linked to 
    forecasts and plans, but this does not always occur. Too often, goals are set 
    without any plan for how to achieve them, and no forecasts for whether they are 
    Planning is a response to forecasts and goals. Planning involves determining 
    the appropriate actions that are required to make your forecasts match your 
    Forecasting should be an integral part of the decision-making activities of 
    management, as it can play an important role in many areas of a company. 
    Modern organizations require short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts, 
    depending on the specific application.
    1.1.2. Source of information in forecasting
    The data used for forecasting methods can either come from primary sources 
    or secondary sources. Primary sources provide first-hand information, collected 
    directly by the person or organization that is doing the forecasting, Secondary 
    sources provide information that has already been gathered and processed by 

    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six
    a third-party organization.
    Collection of data is a first step in any statistical investigation. It is the basis 
    for any analysis and interpretations. Before collection of data, planner needs 
    to know the source in which you can get information. Below is key source of 
    information in forecasting 

    a) Market or industry data: Market or industry is Secondary source 
    supplying information that has been collected and published by other 
    entities. Examples of this type of information might be industry reports, 
    growth rate of economy, inflation, interest rate, tax incentives, etc. These 
    data are useful for predicting future. As this information has already been 
    compiled and analyzed, it makes the process quicker.

    b) Competitors: A competitor is a person, business, team, or organization 
    that competes against you or your company. If somebody is trying to 
    beat you in a race, that person is your competitor. Information like sales 
    quantity, competitor’s price, market share, financial performance and 
    position will help business to predict future

    c) Key customers: A customer is a person or business that buys goods 
    or services from another business. Customers are crucial because they 
    generate revenue. Without them, businesses would cease to operate. 
    Any decision and forecast that business need to make it is necessary to 
    first look at customer’s capacity to pay, quality needed, volume needed. 
    For example, in forecasting sales volume you need to know how much 
    customer is willing and able to buy.

    d) Suppliers: A supplier is a person, company, or organization that sells or 
    supplies something such as goods or equipment to you. In forecasting 
    any company needs to gather information from suppliers to know how 
    many resources you are going to receive, the willingness of suppliers to 
    continue to serve you and financial capabilities of supplier to continue to 
    serve in future.
    e) Procurement department: Also called the purchasing or sourcing 
    department, the procurement department is where the procurement 
    process starts and finishes. This is the place where the procurement 
    manager discusses the time for procurement process, list of goods, list of 
    suppliers, products price levels and tender awarded should go with the 
    other team members. This is also where each member of the procurement 
    team does its respective assignments. That is why it is very important for 
    the company to do forecast after consulting procurement department. 

    f) Humana resource department: Human resources (HR) department is 
    the division of a business that is charged with finding, screening, recruiting, 
    and training job applicants. It also administers employee-benefit programs. 

    Human resource department is key source of information for forecasting 

    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six
    the labor cost and the availability of human contribution. Leaves, needed 
    skills labor, capacity building cost, tasks and responsibilities, salaries and 
    wages, fringe benefits, labor turnover, labor contracts.... )
    g) Financial goal and objectives: Financial objectives are the goals or 
    targets related to the financial performance of a business. There are six 
    types of financial objectives: revenue objectives, cost objectives, profit 
    objectives, cash flow objectives, investment objectives and capital 
    structure objectives. Those objectives offer information to budgeting 

    department to be based on in forecasting future.

    Application activity 1.1

    1. Define the following concepts:
    A. Forecasting. 
    B. Budgeting
    C. Financial Forecasting
    2. Manager of XYZ Ltd has planned to forecast future sales but he 
    is unsure on where he can get reliable information to be based on 
    while making prediction. Advise him five key sources of information 

    for forecasting.

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    1.1.Forecasting Methods for income and expenditure 

    Learning Activity 1.2

    i) What are two variables shown on above image?

    ii) What come to your mind once you see image above?

    There are two primary categories of forecasting: quantitative and qualitative.

    N = Total number of periods

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    A.Quantitative Methods
    When producing accurate forecasts, business leaders typically turn to 
    quantitative forecasts, or assumptions about the future based on historical data.
    1.1.1.Straight Line
    The straight-line method assumes a company’s historical growth rate will 
    remain constant. Forecasting future revenue involves multiplying a company’s 
    previous year’s revenue by its growth rate. Although straight-line forecasting is 
    an excellent starting point, it doesn’t account for market fluctuations or supply 
    chain issues.
    For arriving to the forecasted future revenue or cost the following step will be 
    1. The first step in straight-line forecasting is to determine the sales/cost 
    growth rate that will be used to calculate future revenues.
    2. To forecast future revenues, take the previous year’s figure and multiply 
    it by the growth rate.
    For example, Total income of Akeza Ltd for year ended 31 December 2021 and 
    2022 is Frw 24,000,000 and Frw 30,000,000 respectively. Compute growth 
    rate and forecast revenue for the year ended 2023if the calculated will continue 

    to grow by same growth.


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    future. This method involves more closely examining a business’s high or low 
    demands, so it’s often beneficial for short-term forecasting. For example, you 
    can use it to forecast next month’s sales by averaging the previous quarter. 
    Moving average forecasting can help estimate several metrics. While it’s most 
    commonly applied to future stock prices, it’s also used to estimate future 
    To calculate a moving average, use the following formula:
    A1 + A2 + A3 … / N
    Formula breakdown:
    A = Average for a period
    N = Total number of periods
    1.1.3.Time series
    This is a sequence of variable values like sales or production that change over a 
    uniform set of time. The variable values represent statistical data while time can 
    be in seconds, hours, days, weeks, etc. 
    Time series analysis is a specific way of analyzing a sequence of data points 
    collected over an interval of time. In time series analysis, analysts record data 
    points at consistent intervals over a set period of time rather than just recording 
    the data points intermittently or randomly.
    All-time series contain at least one of the following four components: 
    1. Secular trend: The general underlying tendency of the time series data 
    to increase, decrease or remain constant for a long period of time.
    2. Seasonal variations: Are periodic movements of the data where the 
    duration is less than a year. The factors that mainly cause these variations 
    a) Climatic changes 
    b) The customs and habits that people follow at different times
    3. Cyclical variations: Are periodic movements within the time series 
    data where the duration is more than a year. They are not as regular as 
    the seasonal variations but their sequence of change is the same. The 
    causes of the cyclical variations are the four phases of an economic cycle 
    which include: the boom/peak, decline/downturn, depression/trough and 

    4. Random/ irregular erratic variations: These are completely 

    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six

    unpredictable variations within the data caused by unpredictable events 
    like sickness, machine breakdown, weather conditions, strikes etc. They 
    are non-recurring influences which cannot be mathematically captured 
    yet they have profound consequences on a time series.

    The equation for trend is:

    Y = a+ bx
    Formula breakdown:
    Y= Dependent variable (the forecasted number)
    b = line’s slope

    x = Independent variable (time numbered from 0 upwards)


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    1.1.4.Simple Linear Regression/least squares method

    Linear regression analysis (the least squares method) is one technique for 
    estimating a line of best fit. Once an equation for a line of best fit has been 
    determined, forecasts can be made. Simple linear regression forecasts metrics 
    based on a relationship between two variables: dependent and independent. The 
    dependent variable represents the forecasted amount, while the independent 
    variable is the factor that influences the dependent variable.

    The equation for simple linear regression is:

    Y = a+ bx
    Formula breakdown:
    Y = Dependent variable (the forecasted number)
    b = Regression line’s slope
    x = Independent variable
    a= Y-intercept

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    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six

    Qualitative forecasting relies on experts’ knowledge and experience to predict 
    performance rather than historical numerical data.
    These forecasting methods are often called into question, as they’re more 
    subjective than quantitative methods. Yet, they can provide valuable insight into 
    forecasts and account for factors that can’t be predicted using historical data.
    1.1.5.Market Research
    Market research is essential for organizational planning. It helps business leaders 
    obtain a holistic market view based on competition, fluctuating conditions, 
    and consumer patterns. It’s also critical for start-ups when historical data isn’t 
    available. New businesses can benefit from financial forecasting because it’s 
    essential for recruiting investors and budgeting during the first few months of 
    When conducting market research, begin with a hypothesis and determine 
    what methods are needed. Sending out consumer surveys is an excellent way 
    to better understand consumer behavior when you don’t have numerical data to 
    inform decisions.
    1.1.6. Delphi Method
    This method incorporates both judgmental and subjective factors. It is an 
    iterative process that allows experts to make an objective forecast. There are 3 
    groups of participants involved namely: 
    1. Decision makers: group usually consists of 5 - 10 experts who will be 
    making the actual forecast. 
    2. Staff personnel: assist the decision makers by preparing, distributing, 
    collecting and summarizing a series of questionnaires and survey results.
    3. Respondents: The respondents are a group of people whose views 
    and judgments are valued and are being sought. This group provides 
    input to the decision makers before the forecast is made. In this method, 
    it is crucial to select participants from different functional fields due to the 
    following reasons: 
    – To get diverse opinions 
    – To have diversity of ideas and experience 
    – To reduce prediction error 

    – To improve on quality of final results

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    1.2. Forecasting Models for income and expenditure

    Application activity 1.2

    Alex Mugabo is Budget manager of MG factory a company based in Kigali to 
    produce and sales furniture to household. The following table shows the actual 

    units sold from 2010 to 2016 by MG factory

    d) Take a moving average of the annual sales over a period of three 

    e) Based on calculated moving value in a) Advice Alex on future sales 

    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six

    vi. Based on knowledge acquired from previous methods of forecasting 
    what is method identified in the image above?

    vii.What the participants in this image trying to do?

    Forecasting models are one of the many tools’ businesses use to predict 
    outcomes regarding sales, supply and demand, consumer behavior and more. 
    These models are especially beneficial in the field of sales and marketing. There 
    are several forecasting methods businesses use that provide varying degrees 
    of information. From the simple to the complex, the appeal of using forecasting 
    models comes from having a visual reference of expected outcomes.
    There are numerous ways to forecast business outcomes; there are four main 
    types of models that companies use to predict revenue and expenditure in the 
    1.2.1. Time Series Model
    This type of model uses historical data as the key to reliable forecasting. You’ll 
    be able to visualize patterns of data better when you know how the variables 
    interact in terms of hours, weeks, months or years. Time series has four main 
    components which are trend, seasonal variations, cyclical variations and random 
    1.2.2. Econometric Forecasting Model 

    Econometric forecasting models are systems of relationships between variables

    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six

    such as GNP, inflation, exchange rates etc. Their equations are then estimated 
    from available data, mainly aggregate time series. Econometric models attempt to 
    quantify the relationship between the parameter of interest (dependent variable) 
    and a number of factors (explanatory variables) that affect the dependent 
    variable. A simple example of an econometric model is one that assumes that 
    monthly spending by consumers is linearly dependent on consumers’ income in 
    the previous month.
    1.2.3. Judgmental forecasting Model
    Various forecasting models of the judgmental kind utilize subjective and intuitive 
    information to make predictions. For instance, there are times when there is no 
    data available for reference. Launching a new product or facing unpredictable 
    market conditions also creates situations in which judgmental forecasting 
    models prove beneficial.
    Product life cycle and market knowledge: Management should know that, 
    most products have a limited product life cycle which will show different sales 
    and profitability patterns at different stages of the life cycle. 
    In time series method, analysis makes the assumption that the sales figures 
    will continue to change in line with the trend. Such statistical projections are 
    helpful in forecasts but a manager should not ignore knowledge of the market 
    or product itself.
    The trend will not continue unchanged in practice as most products have a 
    limited product life cycle which will show different sales and profitability patterns 
    at different stages of the life cycle.
    The product life cycle is generally thought to split naturally into five separate 
    stages: Development, Launch, Growth, Maturity and Decline.
    So, a business has to consider not only its products’ sales trends but also 
    the stage of the life cycle of each product and the state of the market for that 
    However, the analysis could go even further, into the general state of the 
    environment in which the business operates. This can often be efficiently done 
    by carrying out a PEST analysis. This examines the following factors: Political, 

    Economic, Social, And Technological.

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    1.2.4. Delphi Model

    This method is commonly used to forecast trends based on the information 
    given by a panel of experts. It assumes that a group’s answers are more useful 
    and unbiased than answers provided by one individual. The total number of 
    rounds involved may differ depending on the goal of the company or group’s 
    These experts answer a series of questions in continuous rounds that ultimately 
    lead to the “correct answer” a company is looking for. The quality of information 
    improves with each round as the experts revise their previous assumptions
     following additional insight from other members in the panel.
    Application activity 1.3
    Most products have a limited product life cycle which will show different 
    sales and profitability patterns at different stages of the life cycle.
    Required :

    List and explain four cycles of products

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    1.3. The Process /Step of Forecasting

    Management of institutions/ company needs to follow carefully the process in 
    order to get accurate results. Below is the process for forecasting 
    1.3.1. Determine what the forecast is for
    The first step in the process is to determine what kind of forecast you need to 
    make. Remember that forecasts are made in order to plan for the future. To do 
    so, we have to decide what forecasts are actually needed. This is not as simple 
    as it sounds. For example, do we need to forecast sales or demand? These 
    are two different things, and sales do not necessarily equal the total amount of 
    demand for the product. Both pieces of information are usually valuable.
    1.3.2. Select the items for the forecast. 
    This step involves identifying what data are needed and what data are available. 
    This will have a big impact on the selection of a forecasting model. For example, 
    if you are predicting sales for a new product, you may not have historical sales 
    information, which would limit your use of forecasting models that require 
    quantitative data.
    1.3.3. Select the time horizon. 
    A time horizon is a fixed point of time in the future at which point certain 
    processes will be evaluated or assumed to end. Forecasts in Business are 
    classified according to period, time and use. There are long term forecasts and 
    short-term forecasts. Operation managers need long range forecast for making 
    strategic decisions related to products, processes and facilities. They also need 
    short term forecasts to assist them in making decisions about production issues 
    that span, only few weeks. Forecasting forms an integral part of planning that 

    why production managers must be aware about the horizon of forecasts.

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    1.3.4. Select the forecast model, type and method. 

    Based on what you want to forecast for, you should select appropriate model 
    and type that will give you reliable results, there are number of factors that 
    will influence you in choosing right forecasting model, amount and types of 
    available data, degree of accuracy required, forecast time horizon and kind 
    of data. Appropriate method of sales forecasting is selected by the company 
    taking into account all the relevant information, purpose of forecasting and the 
    degree of accuracy required.
    1.3.5. Gather data to be input into the model
    There are generally two kinds of information available for forecasting: statistical 
    data which is generally historic numerical data and the accumulated judgment and 
    expertise of key personnel. Also, other relevant data such as the time and length 
    of any significant production downtime due to equipment failure or industrial 
    disputes may prove useful and therefore may also be collected in gathering 
    data they will consider primary source of information (information collected 
    from internals) and secondary source of information (information collected from 
    externals) all that information will give required data in forecasting.
    1.3.6. Make the forecast.
    Perform initial analysis of the data to see if it is usable. Check trends and patterns 
    shown in the data to see if they are helpful. Cut out any unwanted data. Using 
    your chosen model, run the data, analyze it, and make the forecast.
    1.3.7. Verify and Implement the results
    Every step is checked, refinements and modifications are made at the end you 
    will get outcomes from the forecasting model and plan accordingly. Forecasting 
    isn’t a measure just to get the business up and running. Successful companies 
    use their market forecast to calculate their progress and use it as a management 

    tool to run the business better. 

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    Application activity 1.4

    The General Manager of AOB Limited is planning to launch a new product 
    Urwiwacu which is new product to Rwanda market and the rest of east Africa 
    but is unsure on profitability of Urwiwacu. CEO convening meeting with 
    chief operation Manager, Sales Manager and budget manager to discuss 
    the feasibility of the proposal to launch Urwiwacu. The following concerns 
    were raised by the participants: the budget manager has concern of timing 
    the launch of Urwiwacu due to the lack of sufficient information related to 
    the cost, revenue and profitability. He has concern over the method that 
    AOB can use to estimate the profit expected from Urwiwacu. The Chief 
    Operation Manager tells the meeting that the raw materials needed for 
    production will be available at a high cost and this is due to the lack of local 
    supplier. The sales manager says that the department has been trying to 
    collect data related to Urwiwacu and tells the participants that the product 
    is needed on market and customer will be happy to buy product but he was 
    not sure of price to be charged in order to cover cost and remain with profit. 
    General manager requests all participants to take one month and come up 
    with forecasted revenue and cost from Urwiwacu product.
    Required: You have completed senior six and you are hired by AOB ltd in 
    department of budgeting. Referring to the case above Apply first 4 steps of 


    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six

    1.4. Challenges to forecasting

    Learning Activity 1.5

    a) What do you think about the problems this man would have after 

    looking above photo?

    Every large businesses or medium perform financial forecasting for various 
    reasons such as projecting future sales, understanding working capital needs, 
    launching new product and more. With accurate financial forecasting, businesses 
    can easily achieve both their short-term and long-term goal but forecasting has 
    its challenge:
    a) Forecasting Time Period
    Shorter the period more is the accurate financial forecasting. Longer the period 
    less is the accurate and difficult financial forecasting. Mostly, less difficulty 
    comes for a short span and more difficulty comes for a long span. In simple 
    words, we say the shorter forecasting period will always be more accurate as 
    compared to the larger prediction time.
    b) Data Collections
     Collecting and gathering all the business finance data to proceed further can 
    never be easy. This task can take a week to weeks to gather all the information 
    to build the cash flow projection and revenue forecast. Collecting these data for 
    forecasting is one of the huge financial forecasting problems.
    c) Problems with the Input data
    Forecasts using linear analysis can be common, but this type of forecasting 
    fails to account for the uncertainty in the future. In statistics, the assumption 

    of linearity is necessary when certain assumptions are made about the future. 

    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six

    However, there is no assurance that a relationship between two variables 
    will continue in the future. Many factors come into play when you’re making 
    a forecast, especially when it’s on an important matter. Human error which is 
    common can mean the difference in wrong predictions.
    d) Unforeseeable Events
    Another financial forecasting problem is unforeseeable. In spite of the businesses 
    achieve the quantitative and qualitative forecasting techniques to make their 
    prediction accurate, unforeseeable can never be achieved. These components 
    can vary inherently, and reach the risks of forecasting. For example, let us take 
    an example of supermarket that opens the store with the pillar financial growth. 
    It leads to affecting the other supermarket in the particular area. It can never be 
    e) Accuracy of past data
    Financial forecasting is performed based on past business data to predict the 
    future. Take an instant that your business average growth as 10% as a stable 
    one for the past 4 years, you could predict your business finance for the next 4 
    years as 10%. While you use this kind of system wider, then you are on the way 
    to financial forecasting problems. 
     If a company has variable results year over year, using the previous period data 
    is worthless. Additionally, the financial data will not be available for the startups, 
    as they should go by approximate estimation without any accurate idea.
    Note, Apart from the above-mentioned challenges there are many other 
    challenges such as Social changes, Technological advances, Environmental 
    changes, Political and economic changes, No easy way to capture forecast 
    assumptions of all managers, Lack of tools to analyze historical trends, etc.
    Application activity 1.5
    You are employed by ABZ company as sales officer. Budget department 
    sent to you target sales value for first quarter but you are not sure if you will 
    achieve target.
    You know that forecasts are subject to error, but the likely errors vary from 
    case to case due to:
    a) The further into the future the forecast is for; the more unreliable it is 
    likely to be. 
    b) The less data available on which to base the forecast, the less reliable 
    the forecast.
    c) The pattern of trend and seasonal variations cannot be guaranteed to 
    continue in the future. 
    d) There is always the danger of random variations upsetting the patterns.

    Required: Explain 3 main challenges of forecasting.

    Skills Lab 1

    The students visit one of the nearest manufacturing industries. Let us take 
    MUTEXRWA Industry as our case study.
    Let us approach production departmental manager and share us the 
    methods used in forecasting their production volume and the challenges 
    they face with. We have selected one kind of products they produce 
    which is Uniforms clothes for secondary schools. The Sales departmental 
    manager is about sharing how forecasting is most useful in their prediction 
    of production sales level. “We collect forecasting information from Ministry 
    of education to know school calendar year and new schools are about 
    We mostly use time series method based on the calendar year set by 
    Ministry of Education as it is the key determinant of our uniform clothes 
    demand, this where the method of time series comes as the time series has 
    a component called seasonal variation, 
    For previous academic terms we have much data recorded in our financial 
    statements and their trend analysis report is there, we base on the above 
    historical trends data and we use time series mathematical calculations to 
    predict the production demand for the future.
    Let Sales production manager also tells us about the challenges 
    MUTEXRWA faces in forecasting, 
    “There are less data available to be based on, this lead less reliability on 
    forecast because in our sector the demand of uniform clothes is limited, 
    the many customers demand diversity design of clothes, We also meet 
    with challenges of Technology changes, here I want to mean that the past 
    is not a reliable indication of likely future events. For example, the availability 
    of faster machinery may make it difficult to use current output levels as the 
    basis for forecasting future production output, there many other factors out 
    of our control such Economical and political factors

    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six

    Also as in forecasting uncertainty future events there are many assumptions 
    used, this become challenge to our company because each manager has 
    his/ her own assumption. Apart from the above challenges, I would like to 
    conclude by saying that forecasting is the useful tool in company as it is 
    used to predict company future operations” Said by MUTEXRWA Sales 
    departmental manager.
    Before leaving this industry, let us also have a short interview with 
    MUTEXRWA Production departmental Manager. Let us ask him whether 
    forecasting is the recommendable basing on its result to their industry. 
    “Yes, forecasting is highly recommendable to all companies as it helps of 
    predicting what will happen in the future by taking into consideration events 
    in the past and present and this enables businesses to predict their next 
    moves and create budgets that will hopefully cover whatever uncertainties 

    may occur” said by Production departmental manager.

    End of unit assessment 1

    Question 1
    Time series is method for forecasting where independent variable is time. 
    What do you understand by time series? Give examples of time series.
    If manager wants to forecast; he will need to collect information to be based 
    on, those collected information are either primary source or Secondary 
    Advise him 5 sources of forecasting information and specify whether that 
    source is primary or secondary.
    Question 3
    The data below shows the monthly sales (Frw million) made by Mukungwa 
    ltd. for the year 2020. 


    Management Accounting | Experimental Version | Student Book | Senior Six

    c) Calculate the moving average of order 3
    Question 4
    Methods for forecasting are classified into Quantitative and Qualitative. 
    Explain 2 qualitative methods. 
    Most of time forecast and actual results differ significantly. Elaborate clearly 
    3challenges of forecasting.
    Question 6
    In forecasting steps there is time horizon, Explain three forecasting time 

    horizons in forecasting

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