Key unit competence: To be able to prepare an appropriate report

    Introductory activity

    In modern world, organizations are required to report concerning the general 
    performance to their stakeholders on regular basis. In this regard, different 
    reports such as audit reports, activity reports, and financial reports are being 
    prepared and submitted timely to concerned stakeholders. Some of those 
    reports are statutory and some are not. Those reports are therefore used by 
    different stakeholders to make informed decisions. 

    Question: How do you call the document prepared by the auditor at the end of 

    audit process which contains his conclusion, opinion and recommendations?

    14.1. Auditor’s report

    Learning activity 14.1

    After observing pictures above, identify the documents related to the audit 


    14.1.1. Meaning of audit report

    An audit report is a document that expresses an auditor’s opinion on a company’s 
    financial performance and compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting 
    Principles (GAAP).An audit report is a written opinion of an auditor regarding 

    an entity’s financial statements.

    An audit report is a document from the auditor of a company that is the end result 
    of the audit process. It states the auditor’s opinion on whether the company’s 
    financial statements are in compliance with the Generally Accepted Accounting 

    Principles (GAAP) and if they are free from material misstatement.

    The audit report is the end-product of the external audit process. It is the 
    document in which the auditor expresses his/her professional judgment on 

    whether the financial statements present a ‘true and fair view’. 

    Is a document prepared by an auditor at the end of auditing process that 
    consolidates all of his/her findings and observations about a company’s financial 


    14.1.2. Basic elements of an audit report

    a) Example of audit report

    An example of an unmodified audit report is set out below.


    (Appropriate addressee)

    Report on the financial statements

    We have audited the accompanying financial statements of BATAMU Ltd 
    Company, which comprise the statement of financial position as at 31 
    December 2021, and the statement of comprehensive income, statement of 
    changes in equity, and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a 

    summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

    Management’s responsibility for the financial statements

    Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these 
    financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting 
    Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is 
    necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from 

    material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

    Auditor’s responsibility

    Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements 
    based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International 
    Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical 
    requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance 

    about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

    An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about 
    the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures 
    selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of 
    the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due 
    to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers 
    internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the 
    financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate 
    in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the 
    effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating 
    the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of 
    accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall 

    presentation of the financial statements. 

    We believe that the audit evidence that we have obtained is sufficient and 

    appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


    In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view (or present 
    fairly, in all material respects,) of the financial position of BATAMU Ltd 
    Company as at 31 December 2021, and of its financial performance and its 

    cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial 

    Reporting Standards.

    (Auditor’s signature)

    (Date of the report)

    (Auditor’s address)

    b) Qualities of a good audit report

    Qualities of a good audit report are: 

    • It should not be biased to any party with financial stake in the business.

    • It should be forceful.

    • It should be based on constructive criticism/ideas.

    • It should offer constructive and timely suggestions to the management 

    so as to solve problems highlighted in the report.

    • It should be clear and concise.

    c) Importance of audit report

    For the audited company

    • Helps to reveal a true and fair view of the company’s financial statements

    • Reveals errors and frauds committed or inherent in the company’s 

    books of accounts

    • Traces the strength and weaknesses of the internal control system

    • Shows if the internal auditing function is working properly

    • Helps to ensure if the company fulfils legal requirements 

     For the shareholders or associates

    • Helps them to ensure if their shares are earning interest by the company 

    and if it is profitable to continue to invest in the company

    • Helps to know if the statutory requirements are being implemented by 

    the company

    For the tax authorities 

    • The audit report ensures to the government if the taxes due by the 
    company are properly given by the company
    • Ensures if other legal requirements like social security contributions are 
    being implemented 
    • Ensures that the company respects accounting principles, company’s 
    Act and other regulations in application
    • Ensures if the public funds are being used properly by government 

    institutions and other private institutions

    For the thirds parties

    For employees audit report helps them to ensure the continuity of the 
    company’s activities so as to ensure their job security and continuity of 
    • For the customers they are proud of their relationships with their 
    supplier (audited company) if good management and fair and true 
    image are revealed by the audit report
    • For suppliers, they ensure their market with the audited company if true 
    and fair view is revealed by the auditor’s report
    • For banks and financial institutions, they ensure refund of their loans 

    granted to the audited company

    14.1.3. The auditor’s report on financial statements

    The auditor is required to produce an audit report at the end of the audit which 
    sets out his/her opinion on the truth and fairness of the financial statements. The 
    report contains a number of consistent elements so that users know the audit 

    has been conducted according to recognized standards

    The audit report refers to financial statements and you need to know what these 

    are. They consist of the following:

    • The statement of financial position (or balance sheet).sss

    • The statement of profit or loss ( Income statement )

    • The statement of changes in equity.

    • The cash flow statement.

    • The notes to the account

    ISA 700 Forming an opinion and reporting on financial statements establishes 
    standards and provides guidance on the form and content of the auditor’s 
    report issued as a result of an audit performed by an independent auditor on the 
    financial statements of an entity. It states that the auditor shall form an opinion 
    on whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in 

    accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.

    In order to form the opinion, the auditor needs to conclude as to whether 
    reasonable assurance has been obtained that the financial statements are free 
    from material misstatement. The auditor’s conclusion need to consider the 


    • Whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained (ISA 
    • Whether uncorrected misstatements are material (ISA 450)
    • Whether the financial statements adequately disclose the significant 
    accounting policies selected and applied
    • Whether the accounting policies selected and applied are consistent 
    with the applicable financial reporting framework and are appropriate
    • Whether accounting estimates made by management are reasonable
    • Whether the information in the financial statements is relevant, reliable, 
    comparable and understandable
    • Whether the financial statements provide adequate disclosures to 
    allow users to understand the effect of material transactions and events 
    on the information presented in the financial statements
    • Whether the terminology used in the financial statements is appropriate
    • The overall presentation, structure and content of the financial 
    • Whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions 
    and events so as to achieve fair presentation
    • Whether the financial statements adequately refer to or describe the 

    applicable financial reporting framework

    Application activity 14.1

    1. John is a member of ABX ltd Company. Help him to understand the 
    importance of audit report.

    2. What are the qualities of a good audit report?

    14.2. Unmodified auditor’s report and Modified opinions

    Learning activity 14.2

    Read the words on the picture above and give it opposite

    Now we are going to look at the types of audit report that exist. First and simplest 

    is the unmodified audit report. 

    14.2.1. Unmodified audit’s report

    Definition of unmodified audit report

    An unmodified audit report is an audit report containing an audit opinion not 
    modified in any way – either by changing the unmodified opinion or by adding 
    an extra paragraph such as an ‘emphasis of matter’ or ‘other matters’ paragraph 

    after the opinion paragraph.

    An unmodified opinion is the opinion expressed by the auditor when the auditor 
    concludes that the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in 

    accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. 

    If the auditor concludes that the financial statements as a whole are not free from 
    material misstatement or cannot obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to 
    make this conclusion, the auditor must modify the opinion in accordance with 

    ISA 705 Modifications to the opinion in the independent auditor’s report.

    We discuss modifications to the opinion in the following sub heading.

    14.2.2. Modified opinions

    A modified opinion is required when:

    The auditor concludes that the financial statements as a whole are not free from 
    material misstatements or the auditor cannot obtain sufficient appropriate audit 
    evidence to conclude that the financial statements as a whole are free from 

    material misstatement.

    Types of modifications 

    There are three types of modified opinions: 
    a. A qualified opinion
    b. An adverse opinion

    c. A disclaimer of opinion

    Qualified opinion

    A qualified opinion must be expressed in the auditor’s report in the following 

    two situations:

    1. The auditor concludes that misstatements are material, but not pervasive to 

    the financial statements.

    Material misstatements could arise in respect of:
    • The appropriateness of selected accounting policies
    • The application of selected accounting policies
    • The appropriateness or adequacy of disclosures in the financial 


    2. The auditor cannot obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which 
    to base the opinion but concludes that the possible effects of undetected 

    misstatements, if any, could be material but not pervasive.

    The auditor’s inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence is also 

    referred to as a limitation on the scope of the audit and could arise from: 

    • Circumstances beyond the entity’s control (e.g. accounting records 


    • Circumstances relating to the nature or timing of the auditor’s work 
    (e.g. the timing of the auditor’s appointment prevents the observation 

    of the physical inventory count)

    Limitations imposed by management (e.g. management prevents 
    the auditor from requesting external confirmation of specific account 


    Adverse opinion

    An adverse opinion is expressed when the auditor, having obtained sufficient 
    appropriate audit evidence, concludes that misstatements are both material and 

    pervasive to the financial statements.

    Disclaimers of opinion

    An opinion must be disclaimed when the auditor cannot obtain sufficient 
    appropriate audit evidence on which to base the opinion and concludes that 
    the possible effects on the financial statements of undetected misstatements, if 

    any, could be both material and pervasive.

    Summary of modifications and impact on the auditor’s report

    The following table summarizes the different types of modified opinions that can 


    14.2.3. Emphasis of matter and other matter paragraphs in 

    the auditor’s report

    a) Emphasis of matter paragraphs 

    An emphasis of matter paragraph is a paragraph included in the auditor’s report 
    that refers to a matter appropriately presented or disclosed in the financial 
    statements that, in the auditor’s judgment, is of such importance that it is 

    fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial statements. 

    Emphasis of matter paragraphs are used to draw readers’ attention to a matter 
    already presented or disclosed in the financial statements that the auditor feels 
    is fundamental to their understanding, provided that the auditor has obtained 

    sufficient appropriate audit evidence that the matter is not materially misstated.

    b) Other matter paragraphs 

    Other matter paragraphs are used where the auditor considers it necessary to 
    draw readers’ attention to a matter that is relevant to their understanding of the 

    audit, the auditor’s responsibilities or the auditor’s report.

    The other matter paragraph must be included immediately after the opinion 
    paragraph and any emphasis of matter paragraph, or elsewhere in the auditor’s 

    report if the content of it is relevant to the other reporting responsibilities section. 

    The content of the other matter paragraph must reflect clearly that the other 
    matter is not required to be presented and disclosed in the financial statements, 
    and does not include information that the auditor is prohibited from providing 
    by law and regulations or other standards, or information that is required to be 

    provided by management.

    Application activity 14.2

    1. Explain unmodified auditor’s report.

    2. Identify three (3) types of modified auditor’s opinions.

    Skills lab activity 14

    In learning group, teacher presents to their students an unmodified audit 
    report in which some elements are missing, ask them to discuss about it. 
    Through discussions, the students must discover the missing elements 

    and rewrite the appropriate report. 

    End unit 14 assessment
    1. What is the importance of audit report to audited company?
    2. Explain two main types of audit report.
    3. Explain the basic elements of an audit report
    4. Define the term audit report
    5. Explain emphasis of matter paragraphs.
    6. Outline the qualities of a good audit report.
    7. What are the auditable finanancial statements


    1. International, E. W. (2015). Audit and Assurance . Berkshire- United 

    Kingdom: Emile Woolf International.


    McMore Accounting Books.


    London: BPP Learning Media Ltd.

    4. MEDIA, B. L. (2019). Audit and Assurance . London: BPP Learning Media 

    Ltd .

    5. MEDIA, B. L. (2020). Audit and Assurance . London : BPP Learning Media.

    6. Sagwa, P. N. (2015). Auditing and Assurance . Nairobi-Kenya: Manifested 

    Publishers Ltd.

    7. SALEEMI, N. A. (1997). AUDITING SIMPLIFIED . NAIROBI, KENYA: Uni-Trade Printers Ltd