• UNIT 4: Business and money

    Key Unit Competence: To use language learnt in the context of business and

    Introductory activity

    Picture observation and interpretation

    While interpreting these pictures, do the following activity:
    1. Explain the qualities of a good business man.
    2. Discuss the environmental factors for business.
    3. People of different levels of finance can do business. Discuss this
         referring to the business people in your community.

    4.1 Describing business and money

    4.1.1 Learning activities: Reading and text analysis

    Activity 1

    Reading comprehension
    Read the passage below and answer the questions on it.

    Profit making in business
    Businesses should not be done in any way that can make profit. It is better
    for every business or institution to have a code of ethics or morality. This
    primarily indicates that the company should be treating all its customers/
    clients with respect to their individual or institutional rights. It is a given that
    companies may sometimes fail to earn a chunk of their profits in certain
    cases. However, client security is non-negotiable and should be ensured at
    the outset. Otherwise, these customers or clients will shift to competitors and
    not return to the original company or business. There is an example of an
    industry that manufactured a new kind of herbal soap without testing suitably.
    Hence, this led to severe side effects, rashes, and hives for many users,
    and many of them filed complaints in several courts across the world. The
    leader of the industry took the vital decision to recall all herbal soap products
    from the manufacturing line and distributors while paying compensation to
    aggrieved customers for their future treatment and harassment. This led to
    the industry losing a major chunk of its business revenues in a particular
    year. However, it led to its image being salvaged and helping retain its core
    customer base. The decision was a tough one. The leader acted courageously
    while understanding that failure to act would cost the industry more in the
    future owing to the lack of clients and revenues altogether and loss of brand
    image and goodwill.

    Secondly, for succeeding in a competitive contemporary business
    environment, many organizations have to take on each other at various
    levels. Many companies lose out on profits through reducing product prices.
    They do not aim for higher profits but create long-term satisfaction for clients.
    They do this because they want products to be sold and inventory to be
    cleared while satisfying customers and retaining them for the long haul. They
    also keep offering free delivery, incentives, coupons, free service, discounts,
    free online access, returns, etc. This makes older customers happier while
    also drawing newer ones in the bargain.

    To conclude, a business where the sole objective is profit will not succeed
    in the long run, especially in today’s fast-evolving business landscape.
    Companies that put their customers and ethics first will ultimately gain and
    double their profits manifold in the long run.

    A. Comprehension questions
    1. Should businesses be done in any way that can make profit?
    2. What can happen to business people if they don´t have customer care?
    3. Many companies lose out on profits through reducing product prices. Why
    do they take this risk?
    4. What do the following cervices help in business: free delivery, incentives,
         coupons, free service, discounts, free online access, returns, etc.

    4.1.2 Application activities: Vocabulary and sentence writing

    Activity 1

    Use a dictionary and thesaurus to look up the meanings of the words or
    phrases below.
    a) Ethics
    b) Morality
    c) Negotiable
    d) Non-negotiable
    e) Outset
    f) Distributors
    g) Aggrieved
    h) Haul
    i) Bargain

    Activity 2

    Using the words in the above table, write meaningful sentences related to
    the use of money.

    4.2 Describing the role of money
    4.2.1 Learning activities: Reading and text analysis

    Activity 1

    Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

    Functions of Money
    Good money should be acceptable by everyone as a medium of exchange.
    This is the prime requirement for money. The use of money is based on
    confidence. One is prepared to accept money provided that they are confident

    that others will also accept it. All transactions are made through the use of
    money. Previously in the old ages, there was use of commodity and barter
    system as medium of exchange. The introduction of money eased the
    system of exchange because of its good qualities such as portability and
    divisibility, among others. Good money should be easily divisible in small
    units. Whatever physical commodity is being used as money, it must be easy
    to divide it into smaller amounts to make smaller transactions possible. One
    should also be able to carry good money from one place to another. It must
    not be so heavy in relation to its value. It must be transportable in terms of
    bulk and weight. Modern money consists of coins, bank notes, cheques and
    bank drafts. All these must be carried without attracting attention.

    Good money should be scarce because if it is common, it would lose value
    due to increase in demand. Its supply must be less than its demand but it
    must be available. The value of goods and services and factors of production
    are expressed in terms of money. Determining the value of a commodity is
    based on how much an individual is prepared to pay for it. The higher the
    amount paid for a commodity, the more valuable it is; the lower the amount
    paid, the less the value, other factors remaining constant.

    Good money should be similar and difficult to forge. The features on the
    same denominations must be the same as on another denomination. Varying
    degree of quality will lead to confusion and uncertainty in the public and
    eventually there will be loss of confidence. Good money must be made of
    features and quality that cannot be easily forged. Otherwise, forged money
    will increase money in the economic system which leads to inflation and in
    turn money will lose value. Money which is forged is called counterfeit money.

    Wealth or goods can be easily stored for future use in form of money than
    assets. It is easy for James in Musanze district to sell Irish potatoes and store
    millions of Rwandan francs for a period of one year or more than storing one
    hundred sacks of potatoes. It is easier to store one million Rwandan francs
    than storing a cow.

    Many transactions are conducted on the basis of credit where goods and
    services are sometimes given out on credit. When paying for the goods, it
    is more convenient to express these future obligations in terms of money.
    In a modern society, money is a mechanism through which most goods and
    services are distributed by use of what is known as the pricing mechanism.
    Goods can be moved from one place to another mainly from areas of low
    price to those of high price through a process called arbitrage. All this can be
    done through price mechanism which uses money.

    Money can facilitate the physical transfer of property. For example, it may be
    impossible to move a building from Nyamasheke to Nyagatare but the owner
    can sell it and easily move with his money to the new area of location.

    All business transactions and accounting are made possible by use of
    money. When computing business transactions, statistics of national income,
    to mention but a few, money is the most suitable medium. It may be easy to
    record the amount got after selling a commodity than recording the actual

    Adapted from Economics for Rwanda secondary Schools, book five, p.158-159

    Comprehension questions
    1. What is the system that was used previously in the old ages before money
         as the medium of exchange?
    2. What do you understand by portability and divisibility as qualities of
    3. According to the passage, why is it important to make it difficult to forge
    4. Explain he reasons why good money should be scarce
    5. What should be done to prevent people from forging money?

    4.2.2 Application activity

    Activity 1

    Sentence construction
    Construct a meaningful sentence with each of the following words and
    phrases as used in the passage.
    a) prime
    b) eased
    c) bulk
    d) bank draft
    e) scarce
    f) forge
    g) features
    h) price mechanism
    i) arbitrage

    Activity 2

    Summary writing
    In not more than 80 words, summarize the above passage emphasizing the
    role of money.

    4.3 Describing marketing
    4.3.1 Learning activities: Reading and text analysis

    Activity 1

    Reading comprehension
    Read the text bellow and answer the question related to it.

    Hope, the entrepreneur
    My name is Hope. I always thought I would work for someone else, I never
    imagined I would have my business. But that’s how things have turned out
    for me. I left school with quite a good certificate of secondary education and
    as I had done well in accountancy. I managed to get a job in the accounts
    department of a tourist hotel. I did this for about four years.

    Meanwhile, my cousin Jimmy, who didn’t go to secondary school, was trained
    as a carpenter. He got a grant from SIDO, which is the Small-scale Industries
    Development Organization, to set up a workshop and started employing a
    few untrained workers, who he trained up. Jimmy came to the hotel one day
    and saw that they had a very poor selection of crafts for sale to guests. He
    suggested asking the hotel if we could take over the tourist shop. He would
    provide the goods and I would run the shop. We managed to get a loan from
    an investment bank to set up the shop. The bank also gave us a lot of advice
    and helped us put together a business plan. Eventually, it was agreed that
    we would pay rent to the hotel and a percentage of the earnings. That was
    ten years ago.

    Since then I have done some courses in running a business and that has
    helped us to expand. We now have a chain of 20 tourist shops in different
    hotels. The workshop still supplies a lot of our goods but I also travel around
    the country to find other suppliers. We have come a long way, and I think the
    reason for this is that we have asked for advice from the people who know
    and we listen to our customers. Tourists want to see a good variety of high
    quality crafts and that’s what we give them.

    Running a business is hard work and at the beginning you can’t expect to
    make any money for yourself; all the profit goes into building up the business.
    So you have to have a cool head and be prepared to take risks. We employ
    40 people now and have made reasonable livings for our own families, so I
    am satisfied. I am married and I’ve got two children.

    Adapted from English in use Book 3 by Longman publishers

    Comprehension questions
    1. To what extent has the previous work experience of Hope helped her to
        get and do her current job?
    2. Identify some good advice in this passage for young people about how to

        succeed as an employee or in your own business.
    3. On the basis of what you have read in the above passage, what are
        advantages of running your own business?
    4. Why do you think Hope has become a successful entrepreneur?

    4.3.2 Application activity

    Activity 1

    Sentence construction
    Construct a meaningful sentence with each of the following words and
    phrases as used in the passage.
    a) grant
    b) small-scale industry
    c) earnings
    d) running a business
    e) reasonable living

    Activity 2

    Debate the importance of cashless economy over cash economy.

    4.3 Describing a business
    4.4.1 Learning activities: Reading and text analysis

    Activity 1

    Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

    Avoiding illegal Profit making

    I agree with the statement that businesses should be doing anything they can
    to make a profit. I put forward my opinion based on several points. While there
    may be scenarios where companies may have to forego profits on account
    of several reasons, I believe that the abiding goal and motto of the business
    should be to earn profits in whichever way they deem fit in the circumstances.
    Businesses should always look at the silver lining and ways to maximize
    profits. Let me give you an example of what I am trying to opine. Suppose
    company A and company B are both rivals in the same business that offers
    organic fruits and vegetables to customers at their dedicated stores and

    outlets. During the coronavirus-induced lockdown and restrictions at several
    levels by the authorities, all companies were initially suffering due to a lack of
    profits from their physical stores. With lower footfalls, both companies were
    forced to innovate. Company A announced delivery options for customers
    at a specific cost, hiring delivery executives on salaries based on minimum
    projections of per-day orders. Company B announced that customers need
    not come to stores and instead hired delivery executives to deliver goods to
    customers at no extra cost. Free delivery would be given to customers, and
    the executives’ salaries would be borne by the company itself. A goodwill
    gesture, yes, but with skyrocketing demand due to the lockdown, Company
    A ended up earning higher profits from its delivery model, which created
    a new income channel and buffered for any depletion of in-store orders.
    Company B ended up foregoing profits instead of paying for delivery and
    value-added services from its pocket. With its earnings, Company A paid all
    salaries, retained all staff members, and contributed toward sanitization and
    other community welfare measures. At the same time, Company B ultimately
    had to lay off workers or slash their salaries in the interim to tide over things.
    Which company did better? Company A, of course.

    Secondly, I feel that the business can be financially stable without profits and
    no hiring activity. It is important to keep the entire value chain running for
    any business, and hence a profit-oriented outlook is what is most important.
    Companies should always engage with their stakeholders to find out newer
    products/services that work, tapping unused resources to generate income
    and using money judiciously for future stability and expansion.

    To conclude, companies should do everything they can to make profits, of
    course, within the bounds of the law and legal provisions. However, it is a
    competitive landscape out there. They should put their basic needs first, i.e.
    the ability to keep serving customers, keep monetary inflows coming in and
    keep retaining and maintaining employees and employment levels overall.

    Adapted from: (Mandal, 2022)

    Comprehension questions
    1. Which company did the work better? Why?
    2. As a business person with business ethics, explain the disadvantages of
         making profits out of bounds of the law and legal provisions.
    3. Give the examples of the basic needs of a business man.

    4.4.2 Application activity

    A. Vocabulary

    Activity 1

    Make different correct sentences using the following words:
    goodwill gesture

    Activity 2

    Writing skills
    Between 250 and 300 words, write a composition on how to maximize profit
    in the business while following business ethics.

    4.5 Language structure
    4.5.1 Phrasal verbs used in business and money
    A phrasal verb is a verb like pick up, turn on or get on with. These verbs consist
    of a basic verb + another word or words. The two or three words that make up a
    phrasal verb form a short “phrase” - which is why we call them “phrasal verbs”. But
    a phrasal verb is still a verb. Look is a verb. Look up is also a verb - a different verb.
    They do not have the same meaning, and they behave differently grammatically.
    You should treat each phrasal verb as a separate verb, and learn it like any other

    Examples of phrasal verbs that are used business and money:
    Count on, pay back, lend money, cash in, cash out, carry out, sell off, pay off, pay
    back, call in, step in, count on, run by, set up, save up, rip off etc.

    Communicating with native English speakers in a business setting means you’ll
    hear phrasal verbs at least once, if not several times, during a conversation.

    Phrasal verbs are idiomatic — you can’t deduce the meaning of a phrasal verb by
    interpreting each of the words it contains literally. For example, if you say, “I’ll look
    into the mirror,” you are going to direct your sight to a mirror. In this case, look into
    is not a phrasal verb; it’s simply a verb followed by a preposition. On the other hand,
    if you say, “I don’t know what phrasal verbs are, but I’ll look into it,” you are not
    directing your sight into phrasal verbs—you are going to find out more about them.

    Adapted from: (EnglishClub, 1997)

    4.5.2 Learning activity

    Activity 1

    4.5.2 Learning activity
    Put in the correct phrasal verb (choose from the Phrasal Verbs 1 list)
    1. Can you ___________ (think of an idea) a better idea?
    2. She ___________ (showed / mentioned) that the shops would be
    3. I wish I hadn’t ___________ (become responsible for) so much work!
    4. I ___________ (went to an event) for dinner with my husband last
    5. He ___________ (entered a place where the speaker is) the kitchen
         and made some tea.
    6. Where did you ___________ (become an adult)?
    7. I’d love to ___________ (arrange / create) my own business.
    8. I really want to ___________ (leave a building) of this office and go
          for a walk.
    9. As I arrived, he ___________ (appeared from a place) of the door.
    10. She ___________ (got something from a place) some dinner on the
           way home.
    11. Could you ___________ (get information) what time we need to
    12. I thought the conference was going to be boring, but it___________
           (in the end we discovered) to be quite useful.
    13. What time did you ___________ (return to a place where the
           speaker is) last night?
    14. She ___________ (appeared from a place) of the cafe and put on
           her gloves.
    15. A performance ___________ (is happening) at the moment.
    16. He ___________ (left a car) of the car.
    17. He ___________ (went to an event) a lot at the weekend, so he’s
           tired today.
    18. Can we ___________ (arrange / create) a meeting next week?
    19. Would anybody like to ___________ (become responsible for) this
          new client?
    20. He ___________ (returned to a place where the speaker is) before I

    4.6 End unit assessment

    Activity 1

    Read the text and fill in the gaps with one of these words.
    deal; expenses; inherited; shares; ceo; deposit; fired; heir;
    profit; investing; sale; franchise; loss; chain; location

    A few years ago, my best friend came into some money. If you don’t know
    what that means, I’ll explain: Basically, his childless aunt died and as the
    sole (1) _________ he (2) _________ her property and savings. People told
    him to buy cars and expensive clothes, but I advised him to be careful: ‘A
    fool and his money are soon parted’ we say in English.

    My friend took notice of what I was saying and started weighing up different
    options. He thought about (3) _________ money in different companies by
    buying (4) _________, or just putting the money in the bank in a savings

    Eventually he decided to set up his own business. He went to a trade fair
    and made a (5) _________ with a fast food (6) _________. He spent a lot of
    money furnishing the premises, but when it opened it didn’t take off the way
    he had been promised.

    I think there were a quite a few reasons for this: Maybe he didn’t work out all
    the details. The (7) _________ of the premises was not well thought out, for
    example. He didn’t make a business plan. I think Mark realised that it was
    not going to work out, because he tried to call it off at the last minute. The
    problem was that he had already put down a (8) _________, and he had too
    much money tied up in the project to back out.

    Anyway, to cut a long story short, the business went under after a couple
    of years. After a few months Mark cut back on the (9) _________, but he
    was still making a (10) _________. Eventually he just gave up: He (11)
    _________the staff and put the premises up for (12) _________. He would
    have gone bankrupt if he hadn’t reacted that way.

    The franchise has since been taken over by another (13) _________. It just
    wasn’t making a (14) _________ and its (15) _________didn’t have much
    idea about the food industry. Mark didn’t seem so bothered. In fact, I think
    he was relieved that he didn’t have to worry anymore. He hasn’t run out of
    money yet, anyway!

    Activity 2

    Now find the matching phrasal verb in the text:
    1. To start a business =
    2. To lessen, to diminish =
    3. When something is completely used and there is nothing left =
    4. To inherit =
    5. When an idea or project is successful =
    6. To have second thoughts and leave a project before it has finished
    7. When one company buys another (usually smaller) =
    8. When a business stops activity due to economic failure (go
    bankrupt) =
    9. Stop doing something when you realise you are going to lose =
    10. To cancel =
    11. Have a good result or ending =
    12. To calculate =

    Activity 3

    Complete the following sentences by choosing the most appropriate phrasal
    verb from the list given. Make sure you conjugate them as well.

    (Call off, turn off, bring up, give away, dawn on, break down, take off,
    call in, hold on, turn down, sell out, fill in, take up, go through, take

    1. The truth of the matter finally _____________ Tina.
    2. Please _____________ your socks before you enter the room.
    3. The employees _____________ the strike.
    4. The neighbour asked us to _____________ the music.
    5. Please _____________ the lights when you leave.
    6. The flight will _____________ any moment now.
    7. _____________ the study materials the teacher gave you.
    8. _____________ the surgeon immediately, the patient needs her.
    9. Please _____________ this application and submit it there.
    10. Tim and his family _____________ the kid as their own.
    11. All the tickets for the Avengers were _____________.
    12. My car _____________ in the middle of the road.
    13. The kid decided to _____________ a new hobby.
    14. The judges will _____________ to their decision for a while.
    15. Please don’t-------------------- all your money.

    Activity 4

    Writing skills

    Write an essay on the following topic do not exceed 300 words
    Imagine you are a shopkeeper. What would you do to attract more customers?

    UNIT 3: International tradeUNIT 5: Cultural exchange and African development