Key Unit competence: 

     Manage different health conditions at the primary healthcare settings 

     by utilizing  antibiotics appropriately.

                   Introductory activity 1.0     

     The images below show different patients with bacterial infections and 

    they are being treated with different medications.


    1) Have you even seen such kinds of patients?
    2) If yes, what types of drugs you heard or saw they were taking?

    3) Have you ever seen some types of the drugs in these images? 

            1.1. Definition of antibiotics and key concepts

                 Learning Activity 1.1

        1) Read the scenario below:

     A 37-year-old female patient is on drugs that she takes every eight hours. She 
    was told that she has a disease that requires to be taken for 10 consecutive 
    days. Not all details were provided by the healthcare providers, and she heard 
    from different people that both antimicrobial and antibiotic agents may be used 
    for an extended period of time that can go beyond 10 days. She then doubts 
    whether she is taking an antibiotic or antimicribial, and wants to get your view. 

    Answer the questions below:
    a) In details, differentiate antibiotic from antimicrobial agents
    b) Give a difference between broad spectrum and narrow spectrum 


              CONTENT SUMMARY


    Antibiotics are medicines that fight bacterial infections in people and animals. They 
    work by killing the bacteria or by making it hard for the bacteria to grow and multiply.
    Examples: Amoxicillin, Gentamicin, Cotrimoxazole.

    An antimicrobial is a drug used to treat a microbial infection. “Antimicrobial” is a 
    general term that refers to a group of drugs that includes antibiotics, antifungals, 
    antiprotozoal, and antivirals. The antibiotics belong to the wide class of 

    Examples: Ketoconazole (antifungal), Metronidazole (antiprotozoal), and acyclovir 

    Antibiotic drugs can be bacteriostatic or bactericidal.

    Bacteriostatic” refers to the ability of the agent (antibiotic) to prevent the growth of 
    bacteria while “bactericidal” is the ability of the agent to kill bacteria.

    However, several antibiotics are both bactericidal and bacteriostatic, depending on 
    the concentration of the particular drug.

    There is no perfect antibiotic that is without effect on the human host. Therefore, 
    health personnel try to select an antibiotic with selective toxicity, which is the ability 
    to strike foreign cells with little or no effect on human cells.

    Antibiotics may be classified as having broad spectrum of activity or narrow spectrum 
    of activity. Narrow-spectrum antibiotics act against a limited group of bacteria while 

    broad-spectrum antibiotics act against a larger group of bacteria.

             Difference between narrow-spectrum and broad-spectrum antibiotics 


                        Self-assessment 1.1

    1) A colleague of class tells you that he is swallowing capsules of amoxicillin 
         as an antibiotic after having sustained an injury that developed pus. The 
         colleague wants to know what an antiotic is, and what it is used for. What 
         will you tell your colleague?

    2) Is there any relevance in prescribing such drug to your colleague?

               1.2. Ideal antibiotics and Mechanism of action of antibiotics

                     Learning Activity 1.2

               1) Read carefully the scenario below:

    A 62-year-old female is admitted at the healthcare facility with features of an 
    infection. The laboratory investigations help to identify the causal agent of 
    the bacterial infection, and an appropriate antibiotic is prescribed basing on 
    the identified agent. The reason to choose the drug was mainly based on the 
    mechanism of action of the prescribed antibiotic against the infectious bacterial 
    agent. In addition, the healthcare provider chose an antibiotic basing on its 

    a) Describe the qualities of an ideal antibiotic the nurse will consider while 
         prescribing the antibiotic.
    b) List the 5 main mechanisms of action of antibiotics?
    c) Is it required to consider the mechanism of action of an antibiotic during 
         its prescription? Explain your answer.

    Guidance: Read the book of pharmacology brought by the teacher in 

                           class, on topic of Mechanism of action of antibiotics.


    An ideal antibiotic is an antibacterial agent that kills or inhibits the growth of all 
    harmful bacteria in a host, regardless of site of infection without affecting beneficial 
    gut microbes (gut flora) or causing undue toxicity to the host. Ideal antibiotics should 
    be toxic to microbes, and not to humans, bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic, 
    effective against broad range of bacteria; active in placenta, and other body fluids; 
    cost effective; and should not cause allergic and hypersensitive reactions, should 
    not give drugs resistance, long shelf life
    ; and desired levels should be reached 

    rapidly and maintained for adequate period of time. 

    The antibiotics exert their effects through different mechanisms that alter or damage 
    the bacterial cell. This disruption of the bacterial cell function ends up in the death 
    of the bacteria, which is an expected outcome of the treatment with antibiotics. This 
    is made possible by the fact that bacterial prokaryotic cells have some differences 
    with the human cells, and the former become the target of antibiotic drug action.

    Several different classes of antibacterials use a mechanism of “Inhibition of bacterial 
    cell wall synthesis” by blocking steps in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan, making 
    cells more susceptible to osmotic lysis. Therefore, antibacterials that target cell 

    wall biosynthesis are bactericidal in their action. Because human cells do not make

    peptidoglycaa) Write the names of antibiotic drugs observed in the image above.
    b) Put the drugs you identified in their respective classes.
    c) What are the common side effects of antibiotics?n, this mode of action is                                                                                               an excellent example of selective toxicity.

    A small group of antibacterials alter the bacterial cell membranes in their mode of 
    action. They interact with lipopolysaccharide in the outer membrane of gram-negative 
    bacteria, killing the cell through the eventual disruption of the outer membrane and 
    cytoplasmic membrane. For gram-positive bacteria, these antibacterials insert into 
    the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacteria, disrupting the membrane and killing the 


    Other antibacterials inhibit bacterial protein synthesis. The cytoplasmic ribosomes
    found in animal cells (80S) are structurally distinct from those found in bacterial 
    cells (70S), making protein biosynthesis a good selective target for antibacterial 


    Some synthetic drugs control bacterial infections by functioning as antimetabolites, 
    competitive inhibitors for bacterial metabolic enzymes. In their mechanism of action, 
    these antibiotics may inhibit the enzyme involved in production of dihydrofolic acid, 
    they may inhibit the enzyme involved in the production of tetrahydrofolic acid or 

    interfere with the synthesis of mycolic acid.

    Finally, some antibacterial drugs work by inhibiting bacterial nucleic acid synthesis. 
    In this case, these antibiotics inhibit bacterial RNA polymerase activity and blocks 
    transcription, killing the cell. Alternatively, they inhibit the activity of DNA gyrase and 

    blocks DNA replication, killing the cell.

                 Self-assessment 1.2

                 Read the scenario below:
    A 25-year-old female patient comes to the health post where you work. She 
    comes 3 days after starting treatment with antibiotics, complaining of additional 
    symptoms after starting the treatment. She reports severe diarrhea, nausea, 
    vomiting, many skin rashes, and difficult swallowing. The nurse receiving the 
    patient decided to change the antibiotic for the patient, and managed the 
    additional complaints.

    The patient recovered after a short period of time. 

    1) In your understanding, was it necessary for the patient to come back to 
    the health post?
    2) Was the first drug ideal antibiotic to the patient?
    3) All of the following are the mechanisms of action of antibiotics, EXCEPT:
    a) Inhibiting bacterial nucleic acid synthesis
    b) Alter the bacterial cell membranes
    c) Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis
    d) Acting as bacterial metabolites
    4) As human cells make peptidoglycan, this prevents the antibiotics from 

    exerting their selective toxicity effect. TRUE or FALSE

            1.3. Drug resistance and prevention of antibiotic drug resistance

                   Learning Activity 1.3

                  1.  Read carefully the scenario below:

    A 17-year-old female adolescent was involved in unprotected sexual intercourse 
    and got infected with sexually transmitted bacteria. She consulted the nearest 
    health post and doxycycline has been prescribed as antibiotics to be taken 
    BID for 14 days. After taking first dose, she complained that the drug tasted 
    badly and refused to continue taking the drug. After 4 days, she felt severe 
    pain in lower abdomen with painful urination. She then took other 3 doses, the 
    symptoms reduced, and she stopped again. After the period of 1 month, she felt 
    again similar severe pain and consulted another health post and she was given 
    the same drug (doxycycline). She decided to take completely and correctly the 
    prescribed drug but after the completion of prescribed doses, the symptoms 
    persisted. She decided to consult the hospital to give sample for culture and 
    sensitivity. The laboratory results showed that doxycycline could not cure the 
    disease because microbes had developed the resistance against doxycycline.

    a) According to you, what mistakes did the adolescent commit in taking the 
         initially prescribed drug?
    b) Referring to the scenario above, how can antimicrobial drug resistance 
    develop? Explain your answer?
    c) What type of resistance did this adolescent develop?

    Guidance: Read the book on topic of antibiotic resistance provided by the 

    teacher, and answer the questions above.

                   CONTENT SUMMARY 

    Antimicrobial resistance may develop anytime, when necessary, measures while 
    using antimicrobials are not taken. In nature, microbes are constantly evolving in 
    order to overcome the antimicrobial compounds produced by other microorganisms. 
    Human development of antimicrobial drugs and their widespread clinical use has 
    simply provided another selective pressure that promotes further evolution. Several 
    important factors can accelerate the evolution of drug resistance. These include 
    the overuse and misuse of antimicrobials, inappropriate use of antimicrobials,
    sub therapeutic dosing, and patient noncompliance with the recommended course of 

    treatment. Resistance can be natural or acquired. 

    Anti-infectives act on specific enzyme systems or biological processes. 
    On one hand, many microorganisms that do not use that system or process                                                                                                  are not affected
    by a particular anti-infective drug. They are said to have a natural or intrinsic 
    resistance. On the other hand, microorganisms that were once very sensitive to the 
    effects of particular drugs have begun to develop acquired resistance to the agents. 

    This is known as acquired resistance.

    With the current use of antibiotics in humans and animals, emergence of resistant 
    strains of microbes is becoming a serious public health problem. Health care 
    providers must work together to prevent this issue, given that exposure to an 
    antimicrobial agent can lead to the development of resistance. It is therefore 
    important to limit the use of antimicrobial agents to the treatment of specific 
    pathogens known to be sensitive to the drug being used. Drug dosing is important 
    in preventing the development of resistance, and doses should be high enough 
    and the duration of drug therapy should be long enough to eradicate even slightly 

    resistant microorganisms. 

    Around-the-clock dosing eliminates the peaks and valleys in drug concentration 
    and helps to maintain a constant therapeutic level to prevent the emergence of 
    resistant microbes during times of low concentration. The duration of drug use is 
    critical to ensure that the microbes are completely, not partially, eliminated and are 

    not given the chance to grow and develop resistant strains.

    It was identified that it is difficult to convince people who are taking anti-infective 
    drugs that the timing of doses and the length of time they continue to take the 
    drug are important. There is a need to be cautious about the indiscriminate use 
    of anti-infectives, and insist that antibiotics are not effective in the treatment of 
    viral infections or illnesses such as the common cold. However, many patients 
    demand prescriptions for these drugs when they visit practitioners because they 

    are convinced that they need to take something to feel better.

    With many serious illnesses, including pneumonias for which the causative organism 
    is suspected, antibiotic therapy may be started as soon as a sample of the bacteria, 
    or culture, is taken and before the results are known. In many cases, it is necessary 
    to perform sensitivity testing on the cultured microbes to evaluate bacteria and 
    determine which drugs are most effective. Health care providers also tend to try 
    newly introduced, more powerful drugs when a more established drug may be just 
    as effective. Use of a powerful drug in this way leads to the rapid emergence of 
    resistant strains to that drug, perhaps limiting its potential usefulness when it might 

    be truly necessary.

                    Self-assessment 1.3

    1) Differentiate acquired resistance from natural resistance.

    2) List 2 factors that can accelerate the occurrence of antibiotic resistance.

    3) Around-the-clock dosing exposes people to the occurrence of antibiotic 

    resistance. TRUE or FALSE

        1.4. Classification of antibiotics with focus on antibiotics 

          available in healthcare settings in Rwanda

              1.4.1 Introduction to antibiotics

                  Learning Activity 1.4.1

                1) Observe attentively the image below:


    a) Write the names of antibiotic drugs observed in the image above. 

    b) Put the drugs you identified in their respective classes.

    c) What are the common side effects of antibiotics?     

             CONTENT SUMMARY
     Bacteria can invade the human body through many routes. The goal of antibiotic 
    therapy is to decrease the population of invading bacteria to a point at which the 
    human immune system can effectively deal with the invader. To determine which 
    antibiotic will effectively interfere with the specific proteins or enzyme systems for 
    treatment of a specific infection, the causative organism must be identified through 
    a culture. Sensitivity testing is also done to determine the antibiotic to which that 
    particular organism is most sensitive (e.g., which antibiotic best kills or controls 

    the bacteria). Drugs with broad spectrum activity are often given at the beginning

     of treatment until the exact organism and sensitivity can be established. Because 
    these antibiotics have such a wide range of effects, they are frequently associated 
    with adverse effects. Human cells have many of the same properties as bacterial 
    cells and can be affected in much the same way, so damage may occur to the 
    human cells, as well as to the bacterial cells. There is no perfect antibiotic that is 

    without effect on the human host.

    Certain antibiotics may be contraindicated in some patients because of known 
    adverse effects. Some patients for which antibiotics are contraindicated due to 
    known adverse reactions include: Immunocompromised patients; Patients with 

    severe GI disease, and Patients who are debilitated.

    The antibiotic of choice is one that affects the causative organism and leads to the 
    fewest adverse effects for the patient involved. In some cases, antibiotics are given 
    in combination because they are synergistic. Use of synergistic antibiotics also 
    allows the patient to take a lower dose of each antibiotic to achieve the desired 
    effect. This helps to reduce the adverse effects that a particular drug may have. In 
    some situations, antibiotics are used as a means of prophylaxis, or prevention of 

    potential infection.

    The most common side effects of antibiotics are: Ocular damage, Superinfections 
    (GI and Genito-urinary tract), Allergic reactions, Bone marrow depression, GI 

    effects, Dermatological reactions, Auditory damage and Renal damage.

    There are some pieces of advice, any patient taking antibiotics should follow:
    (1) Do 
    not demand an antibiotic when you come to see your doctor.
    (2) Take your antibiotics 

    as prescribed and use all pills even if you are feeling better. When you stop taking 
    the pills before you have used them all, there’s a likely chance that all of the bacteria 
    have not been killed and the remaining bacteria will become stronger and replicate 
    new bacteria that will be more resistant to the antibiotic next time around.
    (3) There 
    should not be leftovers, and if for some reason there are, do not save                                                                                   them to take at another time.
    (4) Never share your antibiotics with someone else.
    (5) Always take 

    antibiotics with food to prevent stomach upset, except otherwise indicated.
    (6) If the 
    antibiotic is making you feel worse, talk to your doctor about your symptoms.                                                                            You may need a different antibiotic or something that will help with the side effects.
    Diarrhea is a common side effect of antibiotics. As a preventive measure, you can 

    take an over-the-counter probiotic to help reduce diarrhea symptoms.


    Antibiotics are classified into the following classes: Aminoglycosides, carbapenems, 
    cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, penicillins (and penicillinase-resistant drugs), 
    sulfonamides, tetracyclines, disease-specific antimycobacterials (antitubercular and 
    leprostatic drugs), ketolides (E.g.: telithromycin), lincosamides, lipoglycopeptides 

    (E.g.: televancin), macrolides, and monobactams (E.g.: aztreonam) 

                 Self-assessment 1.4.1   

    1) What is the advantage of using synergistic drugs? 

    2) Use of synergistic antibiotics allows the patient to increase the dose                                                                                                                   of each antibiotic to get the desired effect. TRUE or FALSE.

         1.4.2. Class of penicillins and penicillinase resistant antibiotics

                     Learning Activity 1.4.2  

                     1) Read the case study below and answer the questions related to it: 

    A 40-year-old female patient consults the health post where you are appointed in 
    the clinical placement. She reports that she had unprotected sex, and developed 
    a painless sore that disappeared after some period. You suspect that the patient 
    suffers from syphilis, and you want to prescribe a drug in the class of penicillins.

    a) Is it relevant to treat syphilis with drugs in the class of penicillins?
    b) Give at least 5 drugs in the class of penicillins
    c) Is is advisable to combine penicillins and parenteral aminoglycosides? 

    Explain your answer


    Penicillin was the first antibiotic introduced for clinical use. Penicillins include 
    penicillin G benzathine, penicillin G potassium, penicillin G procaine, penicillin V, 

    amoxicillin, and ampicillin.

    With the prolonged use of penicillin, more and more bacterial species have 
    synthesized the enzyme penicillinase to counteract the effects of penicillin. A group 
    of drugs with a resistance to penicillinase was developed, and this allows them to 

    remain effective against bacteria that are now resistant to the penicillins.                                                                                             Penicillin resistant antibiotics include nafcillin and oxacillin.

     These antibiotics produce bactericidal effects by interfering with the ability of 
    susceptible bacteria to build their cell walls when they are dividing. Because human 
    cells do not use the biochemical process that the bacteria use to form the cell 
    wall, this effect is a selective toxicity. The penicillins are indicated for the treatment 
    of streptococcal infections, including pharyngitis, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, and 
    endocarditis; pneumococcal infections; staphylococcal infections; fusospirochetal 
    infections; rat-bite fever; diphtheria; anthrax; syphilis; and uncomplicatedgonococcal 
    infections. At high doses, these drugs are also used to treat meningococcal 

    meningitis. Most of the penicillins are rapidly absorbed from the GI tract, reaching peak                                                               levels in 1 hour.

    Should be taken on an empty stomach to ensure adequate absorption. 
    Penicillins are excreted unchanged in the urine, and enter breast milk which can 

    cause adverse reactions.

    Penicillins are contraindicated in patients with allergies to penicillin or cephalosporins 
    or other allergens. Penicillin sensitivity tests are available if the patient’s history 
    of allergy is unclear and a penicillin is the drug of choice. Use with caution in 
    patients with renal disease, in pregnant and lactating patients because diarrhea 
    and superinfections may occur in the infant. Perform culture and sensitivity before 
    therapy to select the right drug to the causal agent. With the emergence of many 

    resistant strains of bacteria, this has become increasingly important.

    GI adverse effects are common and include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, 
    abdominal pain, glossitis, stomatitis, gastritis, sore of the mouth, and furry tongue. 
    Superinfections, including yeast may also develop. Pain and inflammation at the 
    injection site can occur with injectable forms. Hypersensitivity reactions may include 
    rash, fever, wheezing, and, with repeated exposure, anaphylaxis that can progress 

    to anaphylactic shock and death.

    Different drugs may interact with penicillins, and necessary precautions should be 
    taken. If penicillins and penicillinase-resistant antibiotics are taken concurrently 
    with tetracyclines, a decrease in the effectiveness of the penicillins results. This 
    combination should be avoided if at all possible, or the penicillin doses should be 
    raised, which could increase the occurrence of adverse effects. When the parenteral 
    forms of penicillins and penicillinase-resistant drugs are administered in combination 
    with any of the parenteral aminoglycosides, inactivation of the aminoglycosides 

    occurs. These combinations should also be avoided whenever possible.

    There is a variety of nursing considerations that need to be taken into account 
    while administering the penicillins: Assess for possible contraindications or 
    cautions; Perform a physical assessment to establish baseline data for evaluating 
    the effectiveness of the drug and the occurrence of any adverse effects associated 
    with drug therapy; Examine skin and mucous membranes for any rashes or lesions 
    and injection sites for abscess formation to provide a baseline for possible adverse 
    effects; Perform culture and sensitivity tests at the site of infection to ensure that this 
    is the drug of choice for this patient; Note respiratory status to provide a baseline 
    for the occurrence of hypersensitivity reactions; Examine the abdomen to monitor 

    for adverse effects.

                      Tables Summary of the prototype penicillins






                                    Self-assessment 1.4.2
    1) Which of the following statements describes the mechanism of action of 
    a) Interference with the 50S subunit of bacterial ribosomes
    b) Inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis
    c) Interference with the 30S subunit of bacterial ribosomes
    d) Suppression of folate synthesis
    2) One of the following penicillin drugs is effective on infections caused by 
    beta-lactamase producing organisms:
    a) Cloxacillin
    b) Amoxicillin
    c) Ampicillin
    d) Penicillin V
    3) One of the following penicillin antibiotics can be used in the prophylaxis of 
    rheumatic fever and syphilis:
    a) Amoxicillin
    b) Ampicillin
    c) Penicillin V
    d) Penicillin G benzathine
    4) The healthcare professionals need to take necessary caution when 

    administering penicillins to people allergic to cephalosporins.                                                                                                                           TRUE or FALSE

         1.4.3 Class of aminoglycosides

                    Learning Activity 1.4.3       

    1) Read the case study below and answer the questions related to it:
    A 50-year-old male patient consults the health post where you are carrying out 
    the clinical placement. He has a serious bacterial infectious disease that requires 
    treatment with an aminoglycoside. You then refer the patient to the nearest district 
    hospital to receive an aminoglycoside through the parenteral route. Answer the 
    following questions related to the scenario above:
    a) Give at least 3 drugs in the class of aminoglycosides
    b) Which mechanism of action do aminoglycosides use to exert their 
    Guidance: Read the textbook provided by the teacher, on the topic of 

    aminoglycosides, and answer the questions above.         


    Aminoglycosides are powerful antibiotics used to treat serious infections caused 
    by gram-negative aerobic bacilli. Because most of these drugs have potentially 
    serious adverse effects, newer, less-toxic drugs have replaced aminoglycosides in 
    the treatment of less serious infections. They include amikacin (Amikin), gentamicin 
    (Garamycin), Kanamycin (Kantrex), neomycin (Mycifradin), streptomycin, and 
    tobramycin (TOBI, Tobrex),promomycin and plazomycin.

    The aminoglycosides are bactericidal and inhibit protein synthesis in susceptible 
    strains of gram-negative bacteria. These antibiotics are used to treat serious 
    infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, Proteus species, the 
    Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia group, Citrobacter species, and Staphylococcus 
    species such as Staphylococcus aureus. 

    Aminoglycosides are indicated for the treatment of serious infections that are 
    susceptible to penicillin when penicillin is contraindicated. They can be used in 
    severe infections before culture and sensitivity tests have been completed. The 
    aminoglycosides are poorly absorbed from the GI tract but rapidly absorbed after 
    intramuscular injection, reaching peak levels within 1 hour. They have an average 
    half-life of 2 to 3 hours. They are widely distributed throughout the body, cross the 
    placenta and enter breast milk, and are excreted unchanged in the urine.

    Aminoglycosides are contraindicated in case of known allergy to any of the 
    aminoglycosides. They are also contraindicated in renal or hepatic disease that 
    could be exacerbated by toxic aminoglycoside effects and that could interfere 

    with drug metabolism and excretion, leading to higher toxicity. Preexisting hearing 

    loss, which could be intensified by toxic drug effects on the auditory nerve is a 
    contraindication to the use of antibiotics. Ideally, aminoglycosides should be 

    avoided in case of lactation.

    Cautions should be taken while using during pregnancy (the benefits of the drug 

    must be carefully weighed against potential adverse effects on the fetus).

    Test urine function frequently when these drugs are used because they depend on 
    the kidney for excretion and are toxic to the kidney. The potential for nephrotoxicity 
    and ototoxicity with amikacin is very high with the use of aminoglycosides, and 
    special caution for kanamycin is to ensure it is not used for longer than 7 to 10 days. 
    Streptomycin, once a commonly used drug, is reserved for use in special situations 
    because it is very toxic to the eighth cranial nerve and kidney.

    Their main severe side effects may include ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and 
    neuromuscular blockade. The interaction of aminoglycoside antibiotics and 
    calcium channel blockers is of clinical significance because when these agents 
    are given concurrently during the perioperative period they may lead to respiratory 
    depression or prolonged apnoea. 

    There are some nursing considerations that need to be taken into account while 
    administering aminoglycosides. Assess for possible contraindications or cautions. 
    Perform a physical assessment to establish baseline data for assessing the 
    effectiveness of the drug and the occurrence of any adverse effects associated with 
    drug therapy. Perform culture and sensitivity tests at the site of infection to ensure 
    appropriate use of the drug. Conduct auditory testing to evaluate any CNS effects 

    of the drug, perform renal and hepatic function tests, and assess vital signs.

                 Tables Summary of the prototype aminoglycosides









                            Self-assessment 1.4.3

     1) Aminoglycosides are primarily used for infections by what type of 
    a) Gram negative aerobic bacilli
    b) Both Gram negative and Gram-positive bacteria
    c) Yeast and fungi
    d) Gram positive bacteria only
    2) Which of the following is an example of an aminoglycoside antibiotic?
    a) Azithromycin
    b) Erythromycin
    c) Streptomycin
    d) Clindamycin
    3) The associate nurse considers administration of gentamicin. Which of the 
    following is NOT a side effect of this medication?
    a) Diaphoresis
    b) Ototoxicity
    c) Anorexia

    d) Nephrotoxicit

               1.4.4 Class of cephalosporins          

                 Learning Activity 1.4.4

                 1) Read the scenario below:

    A 18-year-old male patient comes to the health facility with compalins of chronic 
    wound drainage, pain, and exposed bone. On the observation, the patient is 
    suspected to have a chronic osteomyelitis, and he is sheduled for surgery. 
    Postoperatively, the patient is written a third generation cephalosporin for 14 
    days. Answer the following questions related to the case study above
    a) Give at least 2 drugs in the class of third generation cephalosporins

    b) Which mechanism of action do cephalosporins use to exert their effects?


    The cephalosporins are drugs similar to the penicillins in structure and in activity. This 
    means that their mechanism of action is through inhibition of bacterial cell wall 

    peptidoglycan synthesis. 

    Over time, different generations of cephalosporins have been introduced, each 
    group with its own spectrum of activity. In this book, only 3 generations will be 


    First-generation cephalosporins are largely effective against the same gram positive                                                                  bacteria that are affected by penicillin G, as well as the gram-negative 
    bacteria P. mirabilis, E. coli, and K. pneumoniae. First-generation drugs include 
    cefadroxil (generic), cefazolin (Zolicef), and cephalex.

    Second-generation cephalosporins are effective against the previously mentioned 
    strains, as well as H. influenzae, Enterobacter aerogenes, and Neisseria species. 
    Second-generation drugs are less effective against gram-positive bacteria. These 
    include cefaclor (Ceclor), cefoxitin (generic), cefprozil (generic), and cefuroxime 


    Third-generation cephalosporins, which are effective against all of the previously 
    mentioned strains, are weak against gram-positive bacteria but are more potent 
    against the gram-negative bacilli. Third-generation drugs include cefdinir (Omnicef), 
    cefotaxime (Claforan), cefpodoxime (Vantin), ceftazidime (Ceptaz, Tazicef), 

    ceftibuten (Cedax), ceftizoxime (Cefi zox), and ceftriaxone (Rocephin).

    The cephalosporins are both bactericidal and bacteriostatic, depending on the dose 
    used and the specific drug involved. In susceptible species, these agents basically 
    interfere with the cell wall–building ability of bacteria when they divide; that is, they 

    prevent the bacteria from biosynthesizing the framework of their cell walls.

    Avoid the use of cephalosporins in patients with known allergies to cephalosporins 
    or penicillins because cross-sensitivity is common. Use with caution in patients with 
    hepatic or renal impairment because these drugs are toxic to the kidneys and could 
    interfere with the metabolism and excretion of the drug. In addition, use with caution 
    in pregnant or lactating patients because potential effects on the fetus and infant 
    are not known; use only if the benefits clearly outweigh the potential risk of toxicity 

    to the fetus or infant.

    The most common adverse effects of the cephalosporins involve the GI tract and 
    include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain, and flatulence. CNS 
    symptoms include headache, dizziness, lethargy, and paresthesias. Nephrotoxicity 
    is also associated with the use of cephalosporins, most particularly in patients who 

    have a predisposing renal insufficiency

    Patients who receive oral anticoagulants in addition to cephalosporins may 

    experience increased bleeding. Instruct the patient receiving cephalosporins 
    to avoid alcohol for up to 72 hours after discontinuation of the drug to prevent a 
    disulfiram-like reaction, which results in unpleasant symptoms such as flushing, 
    throbbing headache, nausea and vomiting, chest pain, palpitations, dyspnea, 
    syncope, vertigo, blurred vision, and, in extreme reactions, cardiovascular collapse, 
    convulsions, or even death. Concurrent administration of cephalosporins with 
    aminoglycosides increases the risk for nephrotoxicity. Frequently monitor patients 
    receiving this combination, and evaluate serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and 
    creatinine levels.

    There is a variety of nursing considerations that need to be taken into account: 
    Assess for possible contraindications or cautions. Monitor the patient for any signs 
    of superinfection to arrange for treatment if superinfection occurs. Instruct the patient 
    about the appropriate dosage schedule and about possible side effects to enhance 
    patient knowledge about drug therapy and to promote compliance. Take safety 
    precautions, including changing position slowly and avoiding driving and hazardous 
    tasks, if CNS effects occur. Try to drink a lot of fluids and to maintain nutrition (very 
    important) even though nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. Report difficulty 
    breathing, severe headache, severe diarrhea, dizziness, or weakness. Avoid 
    consuming alcoholic beverages while receiving cephalosporins and for at least 72 

    hours after completing the drug course because serious side effects could occur.

            Tables. Summary the prototype cephalosporins




                                     CEPHALOSPORINS OF SECOND GENERATION





                                             Self-assessment 1.4.4

     1) Which of the following antibiotics belongs to the class of cephalosporins? 
          a) Amoxicillin 
          b) Gentamicin 
          c) Cefotaxime 
          d) Bactrim 
    2) Which of the following IS NOT a caution for the use of cephalosporins? 
        a) Allergy to penicillin
        b) Allergy to aspirin
       c) Renal failure

       d) Concurrent treatment with aminoglycosides

                              1.4.5. Class of fluoroquinolones

                             Learning Activity 1.4.5

     1) Read the scenario below:

    A 30-year-old female patient consults the health post where you allocated 
    during the clinical practice, complaining of recurrent urinary tract infections on a 
    pregnancy of 3 months. The patient reports that he was treated with amoxicillin 
    without success. You then decide to prescribe a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, 
    bearing in mind its effectiveness in urinary tract infections.
    a) List at least 4 fluoroquinolone drugs
    b) Bearing in mind that this patient is pregnant, is it advisable to prescribe 
    Guidance: Read the textbook provided by the teacher, on the topic of 

    fluoroquinolones, and answer the questions above


    The fluoroquinolones are a relatively new synthetic class of antibiotics with a broad 
    spectrum of activity. Fluoroquinolones include ciprofloxacin (Cipro), which is the 
    most widely used fluoroquinolone; gemifloxacin (Factive), levofloxacin (Levaquin), 

    moxifloxacin (Avelox), norfloxacin (Noroxin), and ofloxacin.

    The fluoroquinolones enter the bacterial cell by passive diffusion through channels 
    in the cell membrane. Once inside, they interfere with the action of DNA enzymes 
    necessary for the growth and reproduction of the bacteria. This leads to cell death 
    because the bacterial DNA is damaged and the cell cannot be maintained. However, 
    misuse of these drugs in the short time the class has been available has led to the 

    existence of resistant strains of bacteria.

    The fluoroquinolones are indicated for treating infections caused by susceptible 
    strains of gram-negative bacteria, S. aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, some 
    Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and group D streptococci. These infections frequently 
    include urinary tract, respiratory tract, and skin infections. Ciprofloxacin is effective 

    against a wide spectrum of gram-negative bacteria.

    Fluoroquinolones are contraindicated in patients with known allergy to any 
    fluoroquinolone and in pregnant or lactating patients because potential effects 
    on the fetus and infant are not known. Use with caution in the presence of renal 
    dysfunction, which could interfere with the metabolism and excretion of the drug, 
    and seizures, which could be exacerbated by the drugs’ effects on cell membrane 
    channels. The use of antacids has been recognized to impair the action of 

    fluoroquinolones, therefore, such concomitant use is not recommended.

    These drugs are generally associated with relatively mild adverse reactions. 
    The most common are headache, dizziness, insomnia, and depression related 
    to possible effects on the CNS membranes. GI effects include nausea, vomiting, 
    diarrhea, and dry mouth, related to direct drug effect on the GI tract and possibly to 

    stimulation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the CNS.

    There are nursing considerations that the nurses ought to bear in mind: Assess for 
    possible contraindications or cautions. Perform physical assessment to establish 
    baseline data for assessing the effectiveness of the drug and the occurrence of 
    any adverse effects associated with drug therapy. Examine the skin for any rash 
    or lesions to provide a baseline for possible adverse effects. Perform culture and 
    sensitivity tests at the site of infection to ensure appropriate use of the drug. Perform 
    renal function tests, including blood urea nitrogen and creatinine clearance, to 
    evaluate the status of renal functioning and to assess necessary changes in dose. 
    Conduct assessment of orientation, affect, and reflexes to establish a baseline for 

    any central nervous system (CNS) effects of the drug.

                        Table Summary of the prototype fluoroquinolones




         Self-assessment 1.4.5

     1) Read the scenario below:

    A 32-year-old female patient consults the health post where you are appointed, 
    complaining of recurrent urinary tract infections. The patient reports that he 
    was treated with amoxicillin without success. You then decide to prescribe a 
    fluoroquinolone antibiotic, bearing in mind its effectiveness in urinary tract 
    a) What are the nursing considerations you would consider before 

    prescribing a fluoroquinolone to any patient?

      1.4.6. Class of macrolides

      Learning Activity 1.4.6

    1) Read the scenario below:

    You receive a 60-year-old male patient who consults the health post where you 
    work with complaints of respiratory tract infection. The patient reports that he 
    took amoxicillin in the past, and developed an allergic reaction. He was then 
    warned not to take any penicillin drug again in the past, because of allergy to 
    penicillins. You then decide to prescribe a macrolide antibiotic, as it may replace 
    a penicillin in such infections.
    a) List at least 2 antibiotics that belong to the class of macrolides

    b) What is the mechanism of action of a macrolide?


    The macrolides are antibiotics that interfere with protein synthesis in susceptible 
    bacteria. Macrolides include erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, and 


    The macrolides may be bactericidal or bacteriostatic, exerting their effect by binding 
    to the bacterial cell membrane and changing protein function. This action can 
    prevent the cell from dividing or cause cell death, depending on the sensitivity of 

    the bacteria and the concentration of the drug. 

    Macrolides are indicated for treatment of the following conditions: acute infections 
    caused by susceptible strains of S. pneumoniae, M. pneumoniae, Listeria 
    monocytogenes, and Legionella pneumophila; infections caused by group A beta                                                                                hemolytic streptococci; pelvic inflammatory disease caused by N. gonorrhoeae; 
    upper respiratory tract infections caused by H. influenzae (with sulfonamides); 
    infections caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Corynebacterium 
    minutissimum (with antitoxin); intestinal amebiasis; and infections caused by C. 


    In addition, macrolides may be used as prophylaxis for endocarditis before dental 
    procedures in high-risk patients with valvular heart disease who are allergic to 
    penicillin. Topical macrolides are indicated for the treatment of ocular infections 
    caused by susceptible organisms and for acne vulgaris, and they may also be used 
    prophylactically against infection in minor skin abrasions and for the treatment of 

    skin infections caused by sensitive organisms.

    The macrolides are widely distributed throughout the body; they cross the placenta 

    and enter the breast milk. These drugs are absorbed in the GI tract.

    Erythromycin is metabolized in the liver, with excretion mainly in the bile to feces. 

    The half-life of erythromycin is 1.6 hours. 

    Azithromycin and clarithromycin are mainly excreted unchanged in the urine, 
    making it necessary to monitor renal function when patients are taking these drugs. 
    The half-life of azithromycin is 68 hours, making it useful for patients who have 
    trouble remembering to take pills because it can be given once a day.                                                                                                              The half life of clarithromycin is 3 to 7 hours. Dirithromycin is converted from the prodrug 
    dirithromycin to erythromycylamine in the intestinal wall. Most of the drug is excreted 
    through the feces. It has a half-life of 2 to 36 hours. It also has the advantage of 

    once-a-day dosing, which increases compliance in many cases.

    Macrolides are contraindicated in patients with a known allergy to any macrolide 
    because cross-sensitivity occurs. Use with caution in patients with hepatic 
    dysfunction, which could alter the metabolism of the drug, and in those with renal 
    disease, which could interfere with the excretion of some of the drug. 
    Also use with caution in lactating women because macrolides secreted in breast milk can 
    cause diarrhea and superinfections in the infant and in pregnant women because 
    of potential adverse effects on the developing fetus; use only if the benefit clearly 

    outweighs the risk to the fetus.

    Relatively few adverse effects are associated with the macrolides. The most 
    frequent ones, which involve the direct effects of the drug on the GI tract, are 
    often uncomfortable enough to limit the use of the drug. These include abdominal 
    cramping, anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting, and pseudomembranous colitis. Other 
    effects include neurological symptoms such as confusion, abnormal thinking, 
    and uncontrollable emotions, which could be related to drug effects on the CNS 
    membranes; hypersensitivity reactions ranging from rash to anaphylaxis; and 

    superinfections related to the loss of normal flora.

    During macrolide administration, there are nursing considerations that nurses need 
    to consider: GI upset is common and patients can be advised to take medication 
    with food. Patients should also be advised to avoid excessive sunlight and to 
    wear protective clothing and use sunscreen when outside, as well as to report any 
    adverse reactions immediately. Advise patients to report symptoms of chest pain, 
    palpitations, or yellowing of eyes or skin. Additionally, patients should be advised 

    that these medications can cause drowsiness.

    Assess for possible contraindications or precautions to macrolides. Perform a 
    physical assessment to establish baseline data for assessing the effectiveness of 
    the drug and the occurrence of any adverse effects associated with drug therapy. 
    Examine the skin for any rash or lesions to provide a baseline for possible adverse 
    effects. Obtain specimens for culture and sensitivity testing from the site of infection 
    to ensure appropriate use of the drug. Monitor temperature to detect infection. 
    Conduct assessment of orientation, affect, and reflexes to establish a baseline for 
    any CNS effects of the drug. Assess liver and renal function test values to determine 
    the status of renal and liver functioning and to determine any needed alteration in 


                     Tables Summarizing of the prototype macrolides




                           Self-assessment 1.4.6

    1) Which of the following antibiotic would be given to a patient with gastritis 
    associated with Helicobacter pylori?
    a) Erythromycin
    b) Clarithromycin
    c) Gentamicin
    d) Doxycycline
    1) All of the following antibiotics are macrolides, EXCEPT:
    a) Erythromycin
    b) Clarithromycin
    c) Azithromycin

    d) Streptomycin

         1.4.7. Class of tetracyclines

           Learning Activity 1.4.7

         1) Read the scenario below:

    You receive a 45-year-old female patient who consults the health post 
    where you are doing your clinical placement, with complaints of urinary 
    tract infection. This infection can be treated by a tetracycline antibiotic that 
    is effective against some bacteria that cause urinary tract infection. As a 
    student nurse, you wish to prescribe a tetracycline antibiotic that will help 
    to clear the infection. 
    a) List at least 2 antibiotics that belong to the class of tetracyclines

    b) What is the mechanism of action of tetracyclines?


    The class of tetracyclines has been developed as semisynthetic antibiotics basing 
    on the structure of a common soil mold. They are composed of four rings, which 
    defines how they got their name. Researchers have developed newer tetracyclines 
    to increase absorption and tissue penetration. Their use has been limited in 
    recent years due to their noted widespread resistance. Existing Tetracyclines 
    include tetracycline (Sumycin), demeclocycline (Declomycin), doxycycline (Doryx, 

    Periostat), and minocycline (Minocin).

    The tetracyclines work by inhibiting protein synthesis in a wide range of bacteria, 
    leading to the inability of the bacteria to multiply. Because the affected protein is 
    similar to a protein found in human cells, these drugs can be toxic to humans at 

    high concentrations. 

    Tetracyclines are indicated for treatment of infections caused by susceptible agents; 
    when penicillin is contraindicated in susceptible infections; and for treatment of 
    acne and uncomplicated GU infections caused by C. trachomatis. Some of the 
    tetracyclines are also used as adjuncts in the treatment of certain protozoal 

    infections such as malaria.

    Tetracyclines are absorbed adequately, but not completely, from the GI tract. Their 
    absorption is affected by food, iron, calcium, and other drugs in the stomach. 
    Tetracyclines are concentrated in the liver and excreted unchanged in the urine, 
    with half-lives ranging from 12 to 25 hours. These drugs cross the placenta and 
    pass into breast milk. Tetracycline is available in oral and topical forms, in addition 
    to being available as an ophthalmic agent. Demeclocycline is available in oral form. 

    Doxycycline and minocycline are available in IV and oral forms.

    Tetracyclines are contraindicated in patients with known allergy to tetracyclines or 
    to tartrazine (e.g., in specifi c oral preparations that contain tartrazine) and during 

    pregnancy and lactation because of effects on developing bones and teeth. 

    The ophthalmic preparation is contraindicated in patients who have fungal, 
    mycobacterial, or viral ocular infections because the drug kills not only the 
    undesired bacteria but also bacteria of the normal flora, which increases the risk 
    for exacerbation of the ocular infection that is being treated. Tetracyclines should 
    be used with caution in children younger than 8 years of age because they can 
    potentially damage developing bones and teeth and in patients with hepatic or renal 

    dysfunction because they are concentrated in the bile and excreted in the urine.

    The major adverse effects of tetracycline therapy involve direct irritation of the 
    GI tract and include nausea vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, glossitis, and 
    dysphagia. Fatal hepatotoxicity related to the drug’s irritating effect on the liver 

    has also been reported. Skeletal effects involve damage to the teeth and bones. 

    Because tetracyclines have an affinity for teeth and bones, they accumulate there, 
    weakening the structure and causing staining and pitting of teeth and bones. 
    Dermatological effects include photosensitivity and rash. Superinfections, including 
    yeast infections, occur when bacteria of the normal flora are destroyed. Local effects, 
    such as pain and stinging with topical or ocular application, are fairly common. 
    Hematological effects are less frequent, such as hemolytic anemia and bone 
    marrow depression secondary to the effects on bone marrow cells that turn over 
    rapidly. Hypersensitivity reactions reportedly range from urticaria to anaphylaxis 

    and also include intracranial hypertension

    When penicillin G and tetracyclines are taken concurrently, the effectiveness of 
    penicillin G decreases. If this combination is used, the dose of the penicillin should be 
    increased. When oral contraceptives are taken with tetracyclines, the effectiveness 
    of the contraceptives decreases, and patients who take oral contraceptives should 

    be advised to use an additional form of birth control while receiving the tetracycline.

    Because oral tetracyclines are not absorbed effectively if taken with food or dairy 
    products, they should be administered on an empty stomach 1 hour before or 2 to 

    3 hours after any meal or other medication.

    The following nursing considerations should be taken into account as the 
    nurses are providing care to patients receiving tetracyclines: Assess for possible 
    contraindications or cautions. Perform a physical examination to establish baseline 
    data for assessing the effectiveness of the drug and the occurrence of any adverse 
    effects associated with drug therapy. Examine the skin for any rash or lesions to 
    provide a baseline for possible adverse effects. Perform culture and sensitivity tests 
    at the site of infection to ensure that this is the appropriate drug for this patient. 
    Note respiratory status to provide a baseline for the occurrence of hypersensitivity 
    reactions. Evaluate renal and liver function test reports, including blood urea nitrogen 
    and creatinine clearance, to assess the status of renal and liver functioning, which 

    helps to determine any needed changes in dose. 

                Tables summarizing the prototype tetracyclines



        Self-assessment 1.4.

    1) Which of the following antibiotics belongs to the class of tetracyclines?
    a) Doxycycline
    b) Erythromycin
    c) Amoxicillin
    d) Azithromycin

    2) Why are tetracyclines contraindicated in children aged less than 8 years?

           1.4.8. Class of sulphonamides (sulfonamides)

              Learning Activity 1.4.8         

               1) Read the scenario below:

     You receive a 52-year-old male patient who consults the health post where you 
    are assigned in the clinical placement, with history of HIV infection. The patient 
    says that he takes an antibiotic drug in addition to the antiretroviral drugs. He 
    specifies that he was told that the antibiotic intends is to prevent the pneumonia 
    caused by pneumocystis carinii. As a student nurse, you anticipate that the 
    antibiotic may belong to the class of sulfonamides.
    a) List at least 2 antibiotics that belong to the class of sulfonamides

    b) What is the mechanism of action of sulfonamides?


    The sulfonamides, or sulfa drugs, are drugs that inhibit folic acid synthesis. 

    Sulfonamides include sulfadiazine, sulfasalazine, and cotrimoxazole (Bactrim).

    Folic acid is necessary for the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines, which are 
    precursors of RNA and DNA. For cells to grow and reproduce, they require folic acid. 
    Humans cannot synthesize folic acid and depend on the folate in their diet to obtain 
    this essential substance. Bacteria are impermeable to folic acid and must synthesize 
    it inside the cell. The sulfonamides competitively block paraaminobenzoic acid to 
    prevent the synthesis of folic acid in susceptible bacteria that synthesize their own 
    folates for the production of RNA and DNA. This includes gram-negative and gram                                                                                positive bacteria such as Chlamydia trachomatis and Nocardia and some strains of 

    H. influenzae, E. coli, and P. mirabilis.

    Because of the emergence of resistant bacterial strains and the development                                                                                           of newer antibiotics, the sulfa drugs are no longer used much. 

    However, they remain an inexpensive and effective treatment for UTIs and trachoma, 
    especially in developing countries and when cost is an issue. These drugs are 
    used to treat trachoma (a leading cause of blindness), nocardiosis (which causes 
    pneumonias, as well as brain abscesses and inflammation), UTIs, and sexually 
    transmitted diseases. Sulfasalazine is used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and 

    rheumatoid arthritis.

    The sulfonamides are teratogenic; they are distributed into breast milk. These 
    drugs, given orally, are absorbed from the GI tract, metabolized in the liver, and 
    excreted in the urine. The time to peak level and the half-life of the individual drug 
    vary. Sulfadiazine is an oral agent slowly absorbed from the GI tract, reaching
    peak levels in 3 to 6 hours. Sulfasalazine is a sulfapyridine that is carried by 
    aminosalicylic acids (aspirin), which release the aminosalicylic acid in the colon 
    where is provides direct antiinflammatory effects. In a delayed-release form, this 
    sulfa drug is also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis that does not respond to other 
    treatments. It is rapidly absorbed from the GI tract, reaching peak levels in 2 to 6 
    hours. After being metabolized in the liver, it is excreted in the urine with a half-life of 
    5 to 10 hours. Cotrimoxazole is a combination drug that contains sulfamethoxazole 
    and trimethoprim, another antibacterial drug. It is rapidly absorbed from the GI tract, 
    reaching peak levels in 2 hours. After being metabolized in the liver, it is excreted in 

    the urine with a half-life of 7 to 12 hours.

    The sulfonamides are contraindicated with any known allergy to any sulfonamide, 
    to sulfonylureas, or to thiazide diuretics because cross-sensitivities occur; during 
    pregnancy because the drugs can cause birth defects, as well as kernicterus; and 
    during lactation because of a risk of kernicterus, diarrhea, and rash in the infant. 
    They should be used with caution in patients with renal disease or a history of 

    kidney stones because of the possibility of increased toxic effects of the drugs.

    Adverse effects associated with sulfonamides include GI effects such as nausea, 
    vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia, stomatitis, and hepatic injury, which 
    are all related to direct irritation of the GI tract and the death of normal bacteria. 
    Renal effects are related to the filtration of the drug in the glomerulus and include 
    crystalluria, hematuria, and proteinuria, which can progress to a nephrotic 
    syndrome and possible toxic nephrosis. CNS effects include headache, dizziness, 
    vertigo, ataxia, convulsions, and depression (possibly related to drug effects on 
    the nerves). Bone marrow depression may occur and is related to drug effects on 
    the cells that turn over rapidly in the bone marrow. Dermatological effects include 
    photosensitivity and rash related to direct effects on the dermal cells. A wide range 

    of hypersensitivity reactions may also occur.

    Nursing considerations: Assess for possible contraindications or cautions. 
    Perform a physical assessment to establish baseline data for assessing the 
    effectiveness of the drug and the occurrence of any adverse effects associated 
    with drug therapy. Examine skin and mucous membranes for any rash or lesions to 
    provide a baseline for possible adverse effects. Obtain specimens for culture and 
    sensitivity tests at the site of infection to ensure that this is the appropriate drug 
    for this patient. Note respiratory status to provide a baseline for the occurrence of 
    hypersensitivity reactions. Conduct assessment of orientation, affect, and reflexes 
    to monitor for adverse drug effects and examination of the abdomen to monitor 
    for adverse effects. Monitor renal function test findings, including blood urea 
    nitrogen and creatinine clearance, to evaluate the status of renal functioning and to 
    determine any needed alteration in dosage. Also perform a complete blood count 

    (CBC) to establish a baseline to monitor for adverse effects.

                   Table1.4.8.1 Summarizing the prototype sulfonamide


                       Self-assessment 1.4.8

    1) Which of the following antibiotics belongs to the class of sulphonamides? 
    a) Tetracycline 
    b) Ciprofloxacin
     c) Streptomycin 
    d) Cotrimoxazole 

    2) It is advisable to administer sulphonamides to pregnant women when                                                                                                             indicated because they are safe during pregnancy. TRUE or FALSE

          1.5. Medications used in treatment of bacterial sexually 

                transmitted diseases and tuberculosis

         1.5.1. Medications used in treatment of bacterial sexually transmitted 


                 Learning Activity 1.5.1

    Read carefully the scenario below and answer the questions related to it:
    1) A 35-year-old-female patient finds you in the consultation room at the 
    health post where you are placed in the clinical practice. She complains 
    of lower abdominal pain and unusual whitish vaginal discharge that 
    occurred two weeks after unprotected sexual intercourse. The patient 
    is not pregnant and the physical assessment revealed that the patient 
    has a tenderness of lower abdomen and the features of the urinary tract 
    infection (UTI) have been excluded.
    a) In which category of syndromic management of STIs would you classify 
         the symptoms of the client in the above scenario?
    b) Name the antibiotics that can be used in the syndromic management of 

    this client?


    Sexually transmitted infections are infections caused by bacteria, viruses and 
    parasites that are transferred mainly via sexual contact, be it vaginal, anal, and 
    oral or in some instances via non-sexual means, i.e. by means of blood or blood 
    products. Mother-to-child transmission of for example chlamydia, gonorrhea, and 
    syphilis occurs during pregnancy and childbirth. The most common causal agents 
    are Chlamydia, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, treponema pallidum and trichomonas 


    Treatment of STIs relies on the syndromic approaches by taking note of observable 
    clinical signs and symptoms patients complain of, and by making use of clinical 
    algorithms or flow charts. Examples of observed syndromes include genital ulcers, 

    abdominal pain, vaginal discharge and urethral discharge.

    Vaginal discharge syndrome (VDS)

    Vaginal discharge can be due to trichomoniasis, vaginosis (bacterial) and candidiasis 

    but may also arise from N. gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis infections. 

    Lower abdominal pain (LAP)

    Pain in the lower abdominal region may be the result of pelvic inflammatory disease 

    caused by N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis infections.

    Genital ulcer syndrome (GUS) 

    The presence of genital ulcers may be due to H. simplex,                                                                                                                                        T. pallidum and H. ducreyi or a combination of these pathogens. 

    Male urethritis syndrome (MUS) and scrotal swelling (SSW)
    N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis or a combination of both                                                                                                                                    may cause urethral discharge and scrotal swelling.

    NOTICE: All the time, the treatment guidelines and protocols are established by 

    Rwanda Biomedical Canter and changed periodically

            Self-assessment 1.5.1   

    Read carefully the scenario below and answer the questions related to it:

    1) Your colleague calls you for advice. He tells you that he receives a client 
    in the consultation room presenting non painful ulcer on the opening of 
    his penis, post unprotected sexual intercourse in the last 2 months. The 
    physical examination reveals that the patient has no inguinal bubo. He 
    also adds that it is the first time he meets with such case and he asks you 
    the following questions:
    a) What is the diagnosis for this client based on the syndromic management 
        of STIs?
    b) What antibiotic that can be used in this case based on the syndromic 

    management of STIs?

                    1.5.2. Medications used in treatment of tuberculosis

                                Learning Activity 1.5.2

    Read the case study below:

    A 45-year-old female patient, weighing 65 kilos, is admitted to the health facility 
    with cough, nocturnal hyperthermia, anorexia, asthenia, weight loss, and night 
    sweating. She reports that these signs and symptoms have been there for the 

    last 4 weeks. 

    She also reports having taken the full course of treatment with amoxicillin for 7 
    days that didn’t help. The healthcare provider took a decision to take the sputum 
    smear which became positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The client is 
    informed that she contracted pulmonary tuberculosis, and she is counselled that 
    she will need to take all the antituberculosis drugs as prescribed. It is the first 
    time for the patient to suffer from tuberculosis, and there is a need to immediately 

    institute antituberculosis treatment.

    a) What are the names of antituberculosis drugs that must be used in the 
    treatment of this patient?

    b) What are the treatment phases of tuberculosis? 

                CONTENT SUMMARY

    Tuberculosis treatment refers to the medical treatment of tuberculosis (TB) which 
    is an infectious disease that usually affects the lungs, but can affect other parts of 
    the body. The standard “short” course treatment for TB is isoniazid, rifampicin (also 
    known as rifampin in the United States), pyrazinamide, and ethambutol for two 
    months, then isoniazid and rifampicin alone for a further four-month period. The 
    patient is considered cured at six months (although there are still some cases of 
    relapse rate of about 2 to 3%). For latent tuberculosis, the standard treatment is six 
    to nine months of isoniazid alone. If the organism is known to be fully sensitive, then 
    treatment is with isoniazid, rifampicin, and pyrazinamide for two months, followed by 
    isoniazid and rifampicin for four months. Ethambutol needs not be used. However, 
    ethambutol is always part of the initial treatment of tuberculosis in Rwanda. Using 
    the drugs in combination helps to decrease the emergence of resistant strains and 

    to affect the bacteria at various phases during their long and slow life cycle.

    First line anti-tuberculous drug names have a standard three-letter and a single                                                                                         letter abbreviation: Ethambutol is EMB or E; Isoniazid is INH or H; Pyrazinamide is 
    PZA or Z and Rifampicin is RMP or R. Drug regimens are similarly abbreviated in 
    a standardized manner. The drugs are listed using their single letter abbreviations 
    (in the order given above, which is roughly the order of introduction into clinical 
    A prefix denotes the number of months the treatment should be given for; a subscript 
    denotes intermittent dosing (so 3 means three times a week) and no subscript 

    means daily dosing.

    Most regimens have an initial high-intensity phase, followed by a continuation 
    phase (also called a consolidation phase or eradication phase): the high-intensity 
    phase is given first, then the continuation phase, the two phases divided by a slash. 
    So, 2HREZ/4HR3 means isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide daily for 
    two months, followed by four months of isoniazid and rifampicin given three times 

    a week. 

    There are six classes of second-line drugs (SLDs) used for the treatment of TB. A 
    drug may be classed as second-line instead of first-line for one of three possible 
    reasons: it may be less effective than the first-line drugs (e.g.: p-aminosalicylic acid); 
    or, it may have toxic side-effects (e.g.: cycloserine); or it may be unavailable in many 
    developing countries (e.g., fluoroquinolones): Aminoglycosides: e.g., amikacin 
    (AMK), kanamycin (KM); Polypeptides: e.g., capreomycin, viomycin, enviomycin; 
    Fluoroquinolones: e.g., ciprofloxacin (CIP), levofloxacin, moxifloxacin (MXF); 
    Thioamides: e.g. ethionamide, prothionamide; Cycloserine (the only antibiotic in its 

    class); and P-aminosalicylic acid (PAS or P).

    In Rwanda, the following are the therapeutic diagrams of tuberculosis treatment:
    Primotreatment: 2HREZ7/4HR7 (for a person who suffers from pulmonary 

    tuberculosis for the first time).

    Retreatment: 2S7RHZE7/1RHZE7/5RHE7: A person who received TB treatment 
    for some time in the past, and has a positive sputum smear or needs to take/resume 
    antituberculosis drugs again. In this case, injectable streptomycin is added to the 

    therapeutic diagram (protocol) for the first 2 months, administered intramuscularly.

                    Self-assessment 1.5.2

     1) After 5 months of tuberculosis treatment in the learning activity 1.6.2, the 

    patient still has positive sputum smear that reveals tuberculosis bacteria.

    The healthcare personnel decide that such patient requires antituberculosis 

    retreatment, and the treatment is immediately started.

    As the relative, you need to give clear details on the drugs to receive, with focus 
    on the additional drugs, their mode of administration, and for how long these 

    drugs will be taken.

    Referring to the data above, answer the following questions:

    a) Which drug will be added on the usual tuberculosis primo-treatment 
    b) What is the route of administration for the added drug?

    c) For how long will the added drug be given to the patient?

    1.6. End unit assessment

    End of unit assessment

    After going through the unit of antibiotics, attempt the following 


    1) Which of the following terms refers to the ability of an antimicrobial drug 
    to harm the target microbe without harming the host?
    a) Mode of action
    b) Therapeutic level
    c) Spectrum of activity
    d) Selective toxicity
    2) Selective toxicity antimicrobials are easier to develop against bacteria 
    because they are ________ cells, whereas human cells are eukaryotic
    3) The spectrum of activity of an anti-infective indicates:
    a) The anti-infective’s effectiveness against different invading organisms.
    b) The acidity of the environment in which they are most effective.
    c) The cell membrane type that the anti-infective affects.
    d) The resistance factor that bacteria have developed to this anti-infective. 
    4) A bacteriostatic substance is one that:
    a) Directly kills any bacteria it comes in contact with.
    b) Directly kills any bacteria that are sensitive to the substance.
    c) Drevents the growth of any bacteria.
    d) Prevents the growth of specific bacteria that are sensitive to the 
    5) Ciprofloxacin, a widely used antibiotic, is an example of:
    a) A penicillin
    b) A fluoroquinolone. 
    c) An aminoglycoside.
    d) A macrolide antibiotic
    6) Which of the following is ototoxic and nephrotoxic?
    a) Erythromycin
    b) Doxycycline
    c) Ampicillin
    d) Gentamicin
    7) Which of the following antibiotics is contraindicated in pregnant women 
    and small children due to its tendency to irreversibly stain developing 
    a) Aminoglycosides
    b) Tetracyclines
    c) Penicillins
    d) Fluoroquinolones
    8) Which of the following is an example of an aminoglycoside antibiotic?
    a) Azithromycin
    b) Erythromycin
    c) Streptomycin
    d) Clindamycin
    9) Differentiate a bacteriostatic antibiotic from bactericidal antibiotic.
    10) Classify antibiotics into 5 categories according to their                                                                                                                    mechanism of action.